«— Lr.laita.rrn. C.K. Etedi. V-rrM. A.O.My«n.QiU>r Citizens National Bank OUers to its patrons every courtesy and accommodation con* sistent with sound banking, ft > > I "|Your business is solicited g- ^ CATTLE ROPING MATCH Lariat Wield era to Compete For World Champlcmahlp. FROB ABIT LAST EVEHT OP FIS KDTB Tkoimii WIB *sen Uttar a* Ok lab«ta Cltr «• Itt H>«r an ■ ah tatr •• !!•••» TUat May kmr Oa Disputed—CUt MaCoaaaU aa4 tUlna Car rail Crwok Caaartttm. Tbe championship or tb* world, with a imraa of $000 on tha aide, with do probability of lit balpg disputed In tb* future, la tbe stake to be bottled fur la what will doubtless bo tit* loot cuttle roping contact soya aa Oklahoma catjr (Oklo.) correspondent of Lbe 8L Louts Poet-Dispatch. It artU toko place at Oklahoma City on Thnraday ood Fri day afternoon*. March 10 and 10. tlio c toe log days of tha annual convention of tl>c Oklahoma Livt Stock and tb* Midland Live Stock and Sal* associa tion*. Tb* contest will draw thooaiiatla of visitors. It la a big event through not tbe aouthwret, where prowess with tb* lariat means lasting fame. Tha laws of all other states uow prohibit tbea* roping content*, and It la likely tint Oklahoma sell) fo'lew this course during tb* next legislator*. Elliaoo Carroll of Magana*. sow the vrorkl'a champion, coo cel-red the Idea of giving o roping contest as one of tb* restores or the convention. He ha* arranged the following rules and regu lations to govern tb* contest: The Brat pries wtU be the championship of tb* World end IBS to muni). second prlaa W; third prise. 000; lourth prlaa ys rulMt L limited to slaty rn trice—thirty for Thursday, thirty for Friday. L Steers srtn be numbered: contestants wtU draw: *t**T* Will bo raped os they g Contestants srtn ba allowed to have a rope In hand, but must not start until tha star tar* a flag drape. 4. The rep* odist go over head or boras: no feet raping ullewed, unless head or herns are caught Brat. ■u Cattle must ba eaenrety tied by at and remain securely «M t>r three feet for flee mlnutea d> Koch contestant ts rttulnd to rope when hie number ia called. Vo man to allowed to rope more than ene steer at thia contest. 7. Time wlU he take* by three Urn ere from the aeoond the Stoner's nag fa Us to tbe time tbe marshal s flay fane, which Win fan whan tbe steer Is properly tied. Contestant will Indicate to the marshal when tba steer la Ued by throwing ap Me hands t Committee ot three competent Judge! will he appointM to deetdr any eootxo vtray. and their doeUien shall be flnoL 1 Tbe roper shall aland at ourth and ef wing, and after the eloer eroaeoa tbe fifty foot lino the flay will fall, and If the oots ceeteot starts before the falling of tho martens flag he nrtll he oeunted out. It If eatnee era made by letter. «U mould accompany tbe letter. AH entries moat be made before 11 oclooh. noon. March 14 UH Entrance fee, roping eoo teet. M TWe are aloe e a trice ao far fur Use contest—K. P. Epperson of Port Bcott, Kan.; Clay UcConagU of Torn*, Lather Williams of Prague, Ohio.; W. K. Hah of Wllbartoa. I T.; L. C. Olios of Nor man. Oltln.iClutrloo M. Williams of Vor !* nhttft abovn ground it sixty-el'riri fr.t In hoight, but its bare it bun. t in the mud of tho IfUo, and year nfirr yoar the Inanda tlsa of the r>*r deposits its film of •Oil arrirr.fl IV foot au Raleigb Bve ning Times scordd a fine scoop over all its contemporaries. We congratulate Mr^ Crater, tbe publisher, upon |t h e brilliant readiness with wpich be put to opportune use tbe splendid train ing be received under that most erudite and accomplished Frenchman, tbe editor of tbe Charlotte Observer. Chickau Cksiara Ktrendy. Pact* Jo. fa rmnaiw Farma*. Cholera exists at ail seasons, T.T 1.. .11 J!_ _ « a. indigestion, are termed cholera, but more frequently roup fa the disease at fault. To distinguish cholera from roup is the difficul ty with the beginner. Roup may last for months; cholera pets in aud goes out of a flock in a burry. When cholera gets into a flock there is no sure cure. It is a matter of the "survival of the fittest." A large flock can not be bandied with the object of administering medicines, and the birds will not eat; In fact, they care for no kind of food, but they will drink, and drink enormously. The remedy must then be given in the water, and of course, some birds will drink more than others. The best remedy known is to add a teaspoonful of liquid car bolic ' acid to each quart of drinking water. It is a poison ous dose, but desperate cases re* quire desperate remedies. The bodies of all dead birds should be burned, nod every square inch of the ground and buildings saturated with a solution of a pound of copperas and a pouod of blue stone in fix gallons of hot water, with plenty of air slacked lime freely applied after the ground is dry. .Cholera kills quickly. If the bird lingers for three or four days, the disease will not be cholera. Col. Oliver H. Dockery, one of the best known men in the state and Republican candidate for governor la 1888, is In Rex Hospital at Raleigh for treat ment. He went there Wednes day morning, accompanied by his son, Mr. Claudius Dockery. Col. Dockery i. 77 years old. He stood the trip well and at last accounts was resting easily. Buckwheat Cakes made with Royal Bating Powder . Are delicious and wholesome—a perfect cold weather breakfast food. Madeio the morning; no yeast, no "set ting ” over night; never sour, never cause in digestion. To make a perfect buckwheat cake, and a thousand other dainty dishes, see the "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook.” Mailed free to any address. Tff STOP HFTI »T NATIONAL BANIS. Switi CmWM Tam HO. maa Im»Mm Oyar ta tab a CwwHtM. Washington. March 13.—The •cnatc committee on privilege! and election* to-day instructed a sub-comittee consisting of sen ators Poraker, Knox and Bailey to examine the several bills before the senate to prohibit national banks from contributing money for cam paign purposes eng report whether. In their opinion, any of these measures, if enacted into law wonld prevent such evils is the future. The com mittee was instructed to draft a bill if the pending measures are not satisfactory. The action taken is the result of a bearing gives to Senator Tillman to-day iu*inpport of his resolution directing an inquiry whether, since March 4, 13B3, any payments have boon made by national banka to carry on any political campaign. Mr. Tillman stated to the committee that be had positive evidence that certain *»1 banks had made pay menu bat he declined to disclose Mr evi dence. It was the opinion of the omA* mittee that such contributions should be effectually prohibited and that there should be a law making it a felony for any officer of a bank to contribute foods of the bank to aid any campaign. Several members of the com mittee declared that there had been an understanding that banks have bees contributing to campaign foods, but that it would be unwise to enter upon a general InvestigatioB. The best policy, it was argued, would be to prevent each contribution in the future and with that end in view the sub committee was appointed. Tillman’s Popularity. SpMtaabucs Jmraal. Senator Tillman has taken a new lease on public attention since his selection to lead the fight in the Senate for the rail road rate bill. The newspapers sll over the country have again taken him up and are printing all the information they can get about him, bis characteristics, habits, manners and mannerism*, home life and in general are giving the public a clear and in many cases n vivid description oi the man. AJ1 that is said about bias is complimentary and shows that the South Carolinian b at the senitb of Ms strength sod popularity in national politics. He occupies a unique position as the Democratic lead er of the Republican Adminis tration's pet measure in the upper house of Congress. And it he is successful in putting it through, and be will be, he win become a greater man still and "iii uuqe more ioi me | Democratic party tbao any man in a generation. Re Farina Far llabsp.^ lUWUfc Cor. Chariot I* Obaexvet. 14th. In tbe matter of pardona granted and refuted Governor Glenn to-day made public theae statement*: State v*. Arthur I,. Hiibop, who killed Tbomas Wilson, while at Charlotte aa a traveling man aad visitor from Petersburg, Va. Defendant was convicted February term, 1903. of manslaughter aod sentenced to five yearn in tbe penitentiary. Tbe evidence disclosed that tbe prisoner represented himself as a single men and went to tbe borne of Tbomas Wilson in com pany with a woman, and was there driaking and talking to tbe daughter of Wilson aod bis companion, when the prisoner waa ordered by Wilson to leave. A difficulty took place aad tbe prisoner killed WDaon, alleging he did so in self-defence. WB» son had great provocation In assaulting tbe prisoner (even if be did) sad in any judgement the prisoner ought to have tub rnitted to almost anything be fore he took the life of his assail ant. The |ury convicted him ol Manslaughter, tod, in my jodg Meat, five yean U tbe peas teatiary waa a very mild sentence ao4 the prisoner may be ren thankful that be waa sentenced by a very merciful judge. 1 ate no merit in bit case, for, whili feeling very deeply for hia poet wifa and mother, and bis little Child tbe prisoner himself dfe did not consider them wbta passing himself at aa a single man, aad, under the circum itlttCfl. I CAODQt AH lay WA1 clear to grant tbe petition. Th< application la therefore refused Subscribe for Tu GAfTOau Gangm. The Love Trust Co. —:— 1 1"" n'TT* * And Banking, too.? With the welfare of our town and county ever in atiad, we strive to wteiri and help others to inrraia Your business solicited. __ The Love Trust Co. 1