WJUL^ilT0” lk#* °Cdil**ry I i* given elsewhere MB_ the pester, ***• ^ *• . j «ho elan extends a cordial invitation to the public to attead tha ex*r p «*«*■ Especially interesting to bid friends sad ambers will be tha Sabbath services. Dr. W. T. Ball of Colombia, who . joined New Hopg Churcb while U was under his father's pas total car. will .peak oa -Old Time Presbyterianism," a sketch of the church’s history lor 100 years will be read, and a com ■w»s service will be coa dacted by tha ckereh’s oldest surviving pastor, the seiatly and greatly beloved Rev. J. J. Ken aady. The old time basket dinner, spread oa oaa table for an, mcaas overflowing New Hope hospitality; and If April's fickle and uncertain weather prt seats so hindrance, pastor Cochran’s announcement is of itself saflefeat to iasare good a ' and a happy and ' DM yon ever hear of a road omsarr being praised? Sach a thing is so rare, that a case of the kind in tha Yorkville Bn «riaar the othar day attractad The item waa dipped from the Enquirer and to copied in as other column of to-day's paper. Mot tha toast Interesting point la tha aatida to tha fact that the ' cMetoat overaeer, Mr. John M. Craig, Is a valaad saboeriber to Tam OAsrrr*. MatamUy we M*a Me scighbcm ia feeling md«fhto and are do •• u‘. "< ”• S par r the pahle a d for date—Kerch SKt^graag MMOe. confusion aad ptepars fpS^S «prcmloo atole over the facta 01. fc*1* P«PH» Md teachers; sls sm? .to h°« ,U» school banding was PKttQy decorated ia the society colors-ereep and white. Otar the vostraat hung her motto. "Tentare cat Vaiere." Tbe my shadows of twilight SgiiMKSHg r Graded School were thrown open to admit those who bad come tern far and near to wit EW5. StoSS? * Semtd oa the raatmm was the 4* occasion. Mr. writer S. Rodgers, on hia tight wt the atnng band of Lucia and Stanley whose music furnished a pretty interlude ia the an mm. Iaa few words of appropriate putthe audience ateaee. Their interest wdscaptivated at oocehy •tot* lor a doll Mil. For three •hort boon an attentive nodi *y. Hotened tp; a program which was both intereating and Every eye was fastened on the stage watching each produc tion and marvelling at the sod* fcs »■*■* Forgetful of self and mindful °l w”,®1 ***._ *pckt* ud of the school, each represents tive, with his best foot forward performed his allotted task with honor to hbnaeif and credit to bis teachers. The cHm» of the program was reached la a broom drill at the close. The appearance of twelve bur daugh ters of Lacia la bright array on w scene attracted every eye, iWh.*fh !£!?"?! Vrwiv “ovemeat which was executed with skill mod grace. In this *ha* acquitted themselves most creditably and won for them selves and their teacher honors which tbev wore becomingly. At the bottom the first steps of say success are. planted: at Jh® ****2® every nation began ber perilous ascent. At the fonadjttioa Celeste begins and imd time alone can bring to light the In tare saaketriug of ggVj Gaston's new graded scnooio With ber infant!Is arms around her supporter*, she implores thsir help and benediction. 'TW past session has been a session of great attempts sad fiteat realisations. She has not despiwd the day of small things. "Not taOurs hot low aim is crime." ' Celesta has taken her place in the tanks of societies of her Water schools and colleges sad her celebration is numbered among the pest. With her eyes **•*«• her motto—"Tentare «* Vakre" she steps forward sad bravely, but firmly, plants her banaer writes her history aad decides her destiny. An admission fee of tea cents was charged and the neat sum of thirteen dollars aad seventy cents was realised. LCTTCt PtONCOLOKABO *» torts. iF< tall. «| ■ Vkmitektu -■•-l-WKBr* uf tM Johnstown. Col.. Match 1.— As yocr paper has found Its way ojrt here and it b to me like an old friend I take tbe liberty to wnte yoo a few lines. This let ter may be of interest to some of «y old friends in Gaston, al though it htt btn a long time •Inca I have lived in North Car oHaa. The Gazette comes to my niece. Him Lanra Arrowood. She regards the paper the same eetbe old farmers did tbe Salem Almanac. When I was a boy they used to swear by it and al so made soap by it. To-day is the first day we have had that tbe sun hasn't (honenacethe 2Wi day of last October. The weather has been fine here all winter; no snow an $ 801 U seems as if March has started In to makes Ringtr." We farmers are gled to see the snow, as tbe snow is our dependence to make a good crop. If we get plenty of aaois tnre at this time of year, we feel acre of a good crop. Palmers have jnat started to Prefer this crop The first that wUi be planted is spring •hte*. then oats end barley, then sugar beets end then Irish potatoes. Everything will be planted by the 15th of May. All ! the small grain will be harvested 1 is August. Beets ead potatoes *r*duejn October ead Novem ber. The sugar beet is oar main money mop here now; if tbe fanners don't make the money, 1 tbe eager trust does. S®B*J beets are five dollars a ton delivered oa the can, and they will produce from tea to '"ulr »«»»■ per acre. I oe cost to raise them and ret them loaded oa tbe car* i* about thir ty dollars per acre. We ship la all the help to do tbe thinning, boeiag. and topping ol the bectfc. The help cornea from nearly all Quarters of the globe, but most ly Russians, Mexicans and Japs. The Russians are tbe beat 8°®? bere toe any fand of labor. Farm bands are thirty dollars per month, with board but there are not many wet days. Your humble servant would like to have a couple of bosky North Carolina boys with the tar still oa their heels, to jump "Nurdlei" here oa tbe farm at the above price. If this is fortunate enough to miss the waste basket I will write thereat wet day. I will be like the old darky said when be dictated tbe letter to tbe lawyer: "Please excuse bad writing," and will dose by giving three hearty cheers for the old North State. Respectfully yours, ._Jim Davis. Supplying Pretext to Spaniards. Chttwrlaattm. A little more barbarism In tbe Philippines, and tbe Spaniards will bare the same pretext for declaring war against ns aa we bad when we went to war to avenge Cuba’s wrongs. Col. Oliver H. Dockery died in Baltimore Wednesday After noon. aged 78 years. Death fob ] towed an operation performed at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He sraa kn able and prominent Re publican whose campaigns are still remembered in North Caro- < Una. a man of strong mind, good heart, and fine character. ! He trill be buried to-day at hia home at Mangum In Richmond .1 county. The Strenuous Hie. __ OUR sOv IS YES! 0«r Price U Right Intelligent man know wythtag U higher ia prica than formerly; bat oa the other hand, hate you get better etnft. Our clothing is higher In quality and better at every point. Urt at mm Spittf taken Safe leak at art far Bats Uak atav Pareiskhd laak ia he Mirror Swan-Slater Co. He«4-t<h(Mt Outfitter* fna Maajand Boya ■ ■■ - ■ ———— Special Lew Biin. _The C. & N.-W. Railway ompany bee issued the follow ng notice me joint circular No. 1: To All Ageate: Upon application end snffi* neat notice to this office, Spec* si Round Trip Rates will be juoted parties of Twenty-five to rifty people on one ticket, on rejpilar trains, between any two aoiota. on these lines. Effective on and after April Lst, 1906. B. B. Rod, n#n#T«l Pi—aaii Anew* ilia estimated that tbe cold wave of this week has damaged the peach crop la Georgia 40 per cent, which means a loss ot about $2,000.900._ Week End lator-Scanon 19M. The Carolina and North western railway has issued the following notice as Joint-Circular No. 2: To All Agents: Thia will be your authority to •ell Round Trip Tickets be tween »'l Stations on these lines st a rate of One First-Class Pare, plna twenty-five cents (25) for the Round Trip. Tickets to be ■old on Saturday of each week, good, returning on Monday fol lowing date of sale. Tbe above rates will go into efiect on Saturday, April 7lb. 1906, and are effective until and including Saturday, October 27th, 1906. Use regular Local Tickets, marking across face of same, "Week End.” Acknowledge receipt of this Circular, below. Approved: L. T. Nichols, General Manager. E. P. Reid, General Passenger Agent. Tot sbekiff. . X hereby announce myself a candi late for the oBee of Sheriff of Gat Oa. county subject to the action of :h« Democratic primaries and county : oar cation. John O. Rakcim. rt SBtiir?. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the Democratic aotnl ■atioa for tbe office of Sheriff of Gas oil county, and will abide by tbe nil of tbe primaries and county con reotkm. If nominated I will use my Mat endeavors to be elected, and if Reeled will try to malm aafaithful Maitis L. Rcdisill. m mw. \_Muslin j { Underwear Sale ( t Ever Held in Gastonia I \ 18 NOW GOING ONI ( ^ Watch for It. We have been fortuuate to secure from a large manufacturer 1200 ■ A garments, comDrising Gowns. Skirts, Corset Covers, Chemises and Drawers, which we ^ P close ont (the entire lot) at 50 cents on the dollar. We are going to-give onr patrons the I d benefit of this great purchase. These garments are made under sanitary regulations, and ■ m endorsed by the National Consumers’ League. They are cut full, not ikimped. Those ^ P who attended our previous sales know what value we have given them. fl | Notice a Few of Our Marvelous Prices Below: ! f 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 75c EBf./Tktt’fSi ( Lota I 15c J ! s s s s \ \ \ s 4 J j JNO. F. LOVE, Inc. * ( The People's Store J i REMEMBER, THIS SALE IS NOW GOING ON S WASHINGTON GOSSIP. How Saaator Kaos Was Takas For a Promising Young Man.. • . KmranrAn tur or the tokkjb Malty Uatk Katm4 Sr a* hus Tk~»e» Ma Hi. ImallM tk* lad Ask sap ot Wuainstoo bas tmn a sals daw March 4. loss, na west to hwahaan irtrt Senator Risen at Wrrada a taw daps ago. sap* «ha CtoTkUad Plata Daniel's Washing Tba mit* an bon: from I to aocua toraed decorum tba otfaor day loaf ano««fa to anjoy a baarty loagh. aaya tba Konaaa City T1—> Wootrington tayraaaototlro. Hoaotor Ho moo way, wboVary roeoatly mum to tha uppor body from tba boaao. «u advocating aa amandmant.to tha pore foad bll) a galoot opposition aa tba part of *an ator Hoy bora of Idaho. Bopaatadly In feteMiM af hla nnuU ho addroaaed hooator Hoy bora In tba taajraoyo of tba hawoa aa -tba geoOetaoa from Ida ho," tba tsoato etiquette eaUtag for tba pbraoo "tba aoaator." Aftar bar lag made thta atip of tba tonga* a auni bar of flat at hooator Homan tray hath— eaoartona af hit arrar. Toro tog to bio eoUaagae. bo am Nag* Mid. "I bap# thaj—atar^fr— Idaho win Aad thria waa laaghtar la (ha aaaata far tba apaea af a half mtaata. Wham tho aabata da— out of aaatat aaartaa tba other night several'son at— worn aaaa smoking. Tho ro am atrtat apalaot lodslglag In rt—« aa — hoar, aad tho eight wai an ao naaal ana. aaya tha Woohhmtoa am ' •Ulkad la to the cloakroom. Aa admirer of (Uuator BalJay of *■“L®”* « W® •* tta marbta f— «taatlw Bay, aaya tba Waahln?. too eor^ymKUmt «r th« York ™***- W«| btm wii a brlrbt her "Aad thla M jour aarX*!7il» Twua aa ha Urnad after teaklua vZgt-ZS.-0**" p®2a %***&? *V“ fl'v KlWaka a^LTl! JT *“**""• 2-riE VES* “• - ««*: - bar. Ha win* ££* £ • *°*t •■■ recently dlaeaao UB^bta prapuBB nett *a Bran to ah 5? ^*.cfry*q «|wJ d5£"*& SHTtSHwirz ta hh to final aa board J!i £■** *•*•• *»»*•* Orfraatoe SEX*?-" -«■"*" fcf— _ - «, M •UtoHr eakod tor. r'^ ?. I** *f Ctbaaa, O, hara •bat lliey aatl a •tMM,

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