4 I 4 • < » I - ► 4 » 4 • . • W. P. MARSHALL, Editor and Proprietor. Devoted to the P VQL XXVII. _ GASTONIA, N. THE KEY TO THE DOOR OF SUCCESS is in the hand of the mao that forms the savins' habit. "A penny saved is a penny got." Samuel Jobusou says: "The first years of man must make provision for the last," and the only way to do this is to save from your weekly earn ing. aud the only safe place to put it is in a reliable bank like-— — — — The CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK A CLUB FOR 'HOBOES” Plus of Organisation, With Headquarter* at St Louis. TOKBOU1BWOU FOB UTEUPLOTED IrmSm •< Ikt taaeltattea iin»< ta BtMlailaalM t»Wa Merit at Ttiaialial OmM«4 Stataa, War Hit,* War Bar, Art M IVaaft, hat Warkaas — WIU Rat AOUleae Wttk altktr Oraat PallUaal Pertr. Tba Conunantty club la the aaai* of a saw ovfmulsatkm formed la St Loots which prom He*. if cm mad oat to a successful aad. Is revolutionise tba la bor market not oaly la St. Louis, bat throughout tba whole of tha United States, says tba St Laois Globa-Oemo erst Its principal abject la to ocean Is* tba "hobota," or own who do coa st roctloa aod each other work of a Ilka natvrr. Into an Inanaans* national dab, with headquarter* la St Loel*. The bagtnolog has Already bean made at that dty, aad aa aooa as evarytUng connected with the local crganlaaUoo baa boon pa; facted aad all la moving smoothly branches will be started In other large' dtle*. The nest object la -to secure employ ment for the members of the club, At precent the “Uoboca" moat go to tba labor agasdea and pay a foe of *3 er fg for a Job. Coder tba club system tb<* tea will lie eliminated, aad all Its members will aacure employment free of charge, except for thalr dub dnea. The beads of the organisation figure that laaa than one-third of what tba aw* pay tba labor agencies will ha mar* than cnoogh to keep op the ex panses ot the dub. The dob hopes also through thorough organisation aad by an actrancs Into pollttca If mraa—ry, to have tba itate adept laaa strlngaet vagrant laws Now, It la claimed that whenever one of a railroad gang go** la to St Louis bo has UtO* abase* of kaaptag out of the police station. Owing to th* fact that ha daaa not wear good cloths* h* la aoapaetad bp the detective* or th* ■initiamad tdIrara aalaad ami lacked op. If ba ii not aaat to tba polls* court charged with ragrancy ba U bald twenty boon la tba boMorar a* a roe poet* Hobart M. WUaoa la piaaddaot of to* new organ!* tioe. Tb* Idoa of a “ho boo*’" ortaaUoUoo originated with Mr. WUaoo. who has boon nonlat It for Ira years, bat only raoeotly aaw tb* ttm* to bo propittoaa to carry It Into offset. lb* ward •■bobcaa" la fragnaotly ml* takoa by tba people at large to ba ayaaoyawa* af ’“toa" ar “tramp." meaning an wba wtN not work, bat will weaOer fraca place to placey bag Ring or atoatteg what tbsy aaad to bra upon. Aceardlag to Ur. WUapn. a ••babar |* an* wbo do** tba raally bard lab** af tba country. Ba la foand mostly la coastroetlaa camps. though ba will alas dig aa ware, wrack bond ing*, chop down fur sate, weak aa tb* farm aad do any other ken eat walk that may com* bln way. Mr. WUaoa baa bean a ''hobo" taimarlf* aad bai •pant toe last fifteen or tweaty yaan Of bb4 Ufa Id atmlyloR tlm ways af Rf« of the "bubo." Ha tnalata that tb* "bob*" la tararlaWy banaat. wall raad and woakl maka a Rood altuaa if ba could ba laOocad to ran*!* Ip on* place, lint tbay usually ar* af a wan d art or dlapaattMo aad aaMoin stay osar a yaar at a tlm* la oao locality. A larp* earn bar bar* tbelr kamed or haadqoarfan la aaaao tatrp* city etui after tbay bar* dnlahart oaa Jab will return to that city aad after a abart tlm* pay tbelr fee to a he bar ipiity aad ba seat sat opalo a* aaotoer. Tbb go** oa fraca year to yaar. aad aa a nfiuaarUTt af bkr drifting abeet tbr -babe" ariduee aettloe Into any p'aet for a pwtaaaeel betae aad ww l*n much ty far tb# "relay day." Tb* Ocatmaatty dab win endear* V dewn would uoou make tba wM«tu«m Uoom aa a garden. Many otters bar* tretfsa and prefcaaloni sucb aa would be needed la starting n taws. Tba Idea of tbe organisers of tba club la that through organisation tba umuI bers ran sacura many benefits which they eocld not secure Individually. If tt Is found necessary to enter Into poli tic* the easy method will eat be adopt ed. but that of the moot astute politi cian*. Mr. Wllaoa Mmaetf la oo teen politician, and vrhanhe waa a resident of Spoken* Waah.. a campaign was put through which resulted in tbe city erecting a water pleat of Its own aftar a tremendous fight. Tbe dab will bare no afiUlatloaa with ettber greet party, oot will work IndepeodeoUy or with tlmt party or caadldate which promises the greatest good'to tho metabera of th* organi latiou. If It la found ■moos es 17 to colonise tbe retan la seme par ticular ward er district to alert a m*« ferorable tt tbe Intercuts of the dub this will bo dona Another feature of tbe dab will be the eetAtlttmant of a large hold where tbe "hoboes’* will be sheltered. Cheap beds, from (1 to 13 casts a night, will bo provided, and those who wlab a ram loot end will be accommodated for IB cent* Those irbo arc unfortu nate and are "broke’’ will be given a place to sleep free and In the morning wilt be provided with a cup of colTra with roUa. None of the members of tbe dub In good standing will be tnrncd away simply because they have bo mouc7 If they are wising to work, and every effort will be made by tho offl erts^f tho club to provide aP with em ployment A tentative agreement baa already been made with one railroad to furnish laborers so soon el tbe dab la b> running shape, and officers of other railroads dad cenatrnctlom companies harr Intimated that If the dab can far nlab good men the organisation will be patronised. This alone, without tt* hotel feature. It la believed, will be a greet Inducement for tbe "hoboce” to Join, and It Is estimated by Ur. WDm that before tbe end of tbe year tba or ganisation will here a membership of eras S.OOO. With each an organisation h* Insists that a great deal of leglala Uon In the Interests of th* working classes oouid be accomplished. While the deb I* la tbe nature of a union, it win not be Odin* ted mlth any Of th* AtW fintfkn Isa ftmm ■ 1 1 slsssi 1 ■ 1. It win not antagouiae, bat rather Work ta sympathy, though Independently. When dub* bora been eetahlbbed In otlior cities any member of ooe dab wtM ba extended a fraternal hand when ba drifti late a town or etty whore another coaunonlty dab la to bo roond. A "bobo” being a member of ooe club can then fee! that ha aleraye baa a borne where other* of hia fel low* bare eatabtlabed a dub, and ha rmed of laadttg around a law aaloea while be la oat workltig ba caa ipeaal Me time la kla owe dub. where aB the comforta of a clob wIB ba found, sot tba leant of wMeh U to bo a wail IItied library of hooks. papain and manatees Ths greatest blemlag which the -he hoee” era oxpeeted to get from toe dob Is thriogt toe tabor depertmoot features. Trader toe preerat system the raaa pay enormously for toa prlrt lage of worWap. Tba labar depart ment of tba dab wtM aacnro tbeao moo lobe free of toarge, and. aa a saoso geaaee. airaagaraanta will ha Mads with toa ml treads and too eenetratUon Tba labar department win also go a Iso* way toward selling tbe noemploy ed problem. Beery men who applto* wtt bo gteeo a {ha no* ta work. If hr completes of being dowa oa hla tuck be wM ba proeided the at toe axpaaea ef toa dob satM a jab Is eeeared for Mm. and toaa If he la not wffitdg to ac cept II ba wttl ho d tar ha read from the ergaatutton. a I. bellered. too, that It win ba a earing ta the dtp Is (hat where aa many of thmn era now cared f-w at imMie espeaeo they nan Bad 'woddoartern win tbe comsraaHy d»V 'Inisnoti Iwim Kn» Afrleaw Deaert. John M. rr.lbiml. i!ir arrateat seerta iteti In AlMtr-.-tl*. recently left Baste Bum. C*l„ for Met'onrne with the ex dwrjre right Mi fu nllt- end dlatrlbate lb# then-tern i-.rttt*. wtileb wa* cre ated by Lotto* Ktit'o-ih. ta Aostralla and toa east am ixr-tioe of the world, tedsdiug Afdr.i. an ye tbs Baa rranate ea Ena'.irr. t-.i niMIUon Rutland am eared a sow grape and aarasal ape das ef now ptame. Burton* eraadona. Tba thorn ta— <*etas will haaflto ■asae beoaAt hs an casatrie* tewtlab fingTt secure. Mttalenartas Is AM OS and ilnwhim hsre oast tortoak tetters asking far a few saada or pteste WOMEN AND MATHEMATICS. Haw the HaasewUe Strikes i Balance Between Waste a ad Nandi* Chinan Intel Ocean. Dr. William Fclter, principal of the Brooklyn Girls’ High School, is of the opinion that the present method of training the feminine mind is harmful rather than beneficial. In order to have hia conten tion that women are not mathematicians naturally, and to establish some other points, be goes into matters that need not be discussed here. The main point is whether or not be is right is declaring that women are not good at figures. No husband worthy of the name has ever questioned his wife’s ability to keep house keeping accounts. Indeed, it should be said to the credit of the male sex as a whole that the average husband would just as soon question the law of gravi tation as to criticisa the state ment of expenses for the ensu ing week which his wife bands him on Monday morning. Where is the man who has not seen and admired, and accepted with _ __si.:_ I will need this week: Pot the table, not counting every thing, jit.*. Call it_$30.00 Suit for Tommy, will do the best I can. $6.75. Cnll It_10.00 Must have for laundry, I think ».IS. Call it_J_4.00 Other thing* lor table, excepting meat. $4>). Call it_6.00 Dreas far Kate, sew bargain ad vertised, $$.». Cell It_6 SO number has been here twice_7.80 Yon forgot the paper hill_300 Miss Jones, two daps’ sewing, at $1.14. Call it_!7._ ,_ (.30 Ilsvmg Edward’s bicycle re paired: it isn't worth it___4.00 Other things for table; I am fort getting some things_3.30 My hat you said I could have„ 10.00 The coal man was ia again. .25.00 Club dues (yon promised them a month ego)___7.00 Meet for table; will need $5.68. Call it___Z__.. 7.oo Girls’ wages; $1 back from last week______8 00 I can t remember everything. Call it_ 4.oo I didn't think it would be so much-$112.10 SCan’t you let me have $40? I'll pot some of these things ofi. ■Dr. William Felter and other eminent mathematicians [may not see in the accounting methods of lovely women any thing to commend, but the foun dations of society would be dis turbed if the avenge husband should be mean enough to cast the slightest reflection upon them. Women may not be the very best mathematicians,' but they are pretty nearly everything else that is desirable, and why quar rel with them simply because they do not, as a rale, know or care very much about figures. It is stated that the fire which destroyed the camp of the W. J. Oliver Company, railroad con tractors, tt Bushneli, Swain county, a few days ago, destroy ed $800 to $1,000 in cash on baud to pay off. Much of the money was in silver and when the ashes had cooled a dish pan full of the melted money was raked oot of the ashes. Another knitting mill is to be added to Statesville's manu facturing industries, says the Landmark. The promoters of the new mill am Messrs, i. A. Bradford, of Sniloh township, *?.? KaKcn« Morrison, of States ville. Practically gll the stock has been subscribed and the en terprise ia aeaared. The capi tal stock win he $25,000, with the privilege to increase to $100,000. A charter will be ap plied for at once. THE CHINESE BOYCOTT Mast Remarkably Otiulnd, flays Bn. fl. N. Uaahar. n EB HOT ATl-AinntTnaw OUT **u tba Chinese beyoett at Aasku fraaaata were called off today Ua ef beta aa aw commerce weald aat die for yean.’ This la fee Jodfmaat ef the Bar. SyU aey N. Uaahar, formerly raster ef AS Baieta* Bptanapal dhareh ia ThBadd pUa. who riiisBy retoroed from a ferae taut toar araaad the world, aaya the haw York Tinea. So left hU pariah la USB, anaed hlaiealf with crodaatlala aad started eat te see far the saw what sort at work tba was pished eat Bar the boyeett, ha said tba U1 treatment traeattag C* la are rw eateedtajha UaKed Mateo ae titaan aa ’eaw mark"—a ooaatry which wM set resort to warlike retallatlna “TUI* taodtag af troops to to* Phtlfe datormhmd aa by Praaldaat Beaaaralt aad tba aaerotory of war.** said Dr. Uatoar tba echar day. -A show of Core* la what Irrprrseaa tba CM— •bora everything atsa. “Th* waU (saadsd —M— that tba roeapOee aeaardsd to Cblaaaa rtaft ora to Aasartca I* aot caartaaaa far aa* a diplomatic protect, aat tba iwU reason of th* boyaott. Tba Cbtnaaa dU Hk* tba faratcasts far ssoilag ta aad apMtdac ap to* eoaatry. aad lb* bar cott la tba raiaf waapoa af rotaagv tkay plekod oat to* Catted States IhU urns kacaasi they kaaw wa would aat aaed aa array srw aad debt tbao, a* Francs *r Rnssta might Bat th* sd mus of tba boycott ta agalast faralga trader* la. general aad la totoadad to ba a sort of sears as tba Baropaaa os t1~Bl “Tba way to* boycott ta orgaalaed ta waodarfoL Tba gollda that exist la aoeh numbers as* tba manna through which It to kept up. Thao* guilds are an powerful. If they one* daCda aa Sroaed-oot be dea^bat^toa^SlS also. “la a Shanghai street If 1 try to gat a Chins man to cany me la his rickshaw to* conrermatlon raoa Iks this: “ 'How much do yoa ehargo to catty at* to too edge of to* Aaahn aoo “ *Too 'MdUeanr -Tea* "•Mo calty ’M*Bca».‘ "M* matter tf ( after him doubt* to* Brtaa aad tbraatoa to thrato him. It* to* same answer, 'Mo oaRy KaBga’ Thao I go to anathsr Chlaanma, aad If b* asks mo If 1 aa aa dmarteaa X aay: •Doa,| you bear m* apeak Bagttabf Boat yoa kaow that to* asaa who apeak* English ta aa —MsmouF naa to* Cbtaamaa am Has aad aarrtaa m* wbatwrar I want to ga. Ila ta map tally afraid to brsak top boyoatt de by bis guild aa American patron age. Mo pecuniary coaatdacattan. aa tear of bodily barm, can outweigh bis fear of toagraclag Mamidf md hta taas tooaa gollda bar* spread to* bay* cott throughout th* aatlro esnptr* la *> •art* af oat of th* way placas.” A topraaoatatlr* af aa Atoartaaa watch emapaay rirowad Dr. Datoar lab tara canceling —400 worth af orders anises to* wards ■Mad* la America' war* left adf to* era trims. “TVs man was in a bad pradlea* stamp. •Mad* to imsrlar .* la iaqalMd by to* aulaa* I* America. If toay "OVERFED OR HUMOR" Ctartni mteTaftaal'atT fttewl tat A* Aaurtyaa pmU inwMM wtte taaw aad laa*k at ■M. Bat tea ateoa taote teat tea# ta4 ftfcaa aMM aad Amrtaa Iteta «dm !■ afttti tea “Toa ten yrawa nraa aad aata naaa teta 4a attealata yaw aaaa ttta, aad I>a dtaaaawad tea aaaaaatft ta^t te tea mala aapvtawaat of tet n te aateaatta'teat'tea aatyat « ItM ta Kaaaa «UI raate abaat Ttad, Q(»yaa.aajrite* Kama Mawa. Owlai 4a Jba^i war tea teat tna yaara wtm Butwcrib* for tin CUum. YW An YttEYlLLE.. mm Relffk* the Um. A Washington dispatch of X^awsK'nESS “ I»Ma»aster at Filbert, vice Mr/g. L. Brown, resigned. jfct Superintendent of Education Carroll has a letter from State Superintendent Ifartln sUting that there will soon be a distxi batioo of sboot $114,000 of dis pensary fends, of whtcb York county will get about $3,500. Up to this tine The Enquirer bus beard of ao less than seven candidates for tha appointment to fill oat the unexpired term leaeitsrjtsz!*. 8. B. Latban, John 8. Sandiftr, J. C. Wifborn. Mr. Carroll’s resignation was wotdod to taka effect on April 1. Little Daisy, the tbree-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. • Lcmmoods of the York Cotton Mills, died last night from the effects of buna sus tained oa the 20th last. It seems that while Mrs. Lem moods bad gone after water, the child being left aloae la the house, go* too aear tha fire aad iU skirts were ignited. When fhff mMkar r a na r kassk aka ' found that the child had bees horribly horned. Prof. R J. Hern Son has ordered the instruments for the brass band which Sheriff Brown, Messrs. John B. Carroll, Don Whiteocr and others have been prMDodagfor some time past, and It is now a settled fact that the undertaking is to be a go. The instruments are to cont something over $300 and are to be first class in every particular. Two men giving their names as Lewis sod Foe. and accom panied by a woman, were before Magistrate Comer yesterday on the charge of hawking and ped dling without license. The arrest of the men was the result of the working of n well-known game of deception at Sharon yesterday. They offerred corn salve at 10 cents and after a number of packages bad been sold gave the money back. Then they added other articles and charged a quarter. The quarters were all returned and when they sold additional pack ages at a dollar, they whipped up their horses- and made far Hickory Grove where they were arrested on the strength of a telephone message. There was some trouble hi getting np a charge that would bold, ana it was noallv decided to make the fakirs pay license. HOME FOR INVENTORS. J. W. RukM save nvu WM H re re v«o>rVk,in sniiuii. 'Belterlag that tfcore to need sC a J. W. lie aays there are anr ssnaas la the Called mates who bare J hahaot •f (MtktbMlH MMH MMM who hoot Mill hr Mo j» roctlm. Bo< It lo for that root ■ajar tty of brraatan who ho*o hoemo daw Otwto Mat I ha o« atortod nt to MUM this ham. Ihoro oro haadfodo of thaw M IMo eouatry. If wet 1 etataant to go aboil tho aaaia tmac Mr. tho foortoon roars for his lamp. and 0 mflMII on thla Bwo to ooako dm tho oxgirotlan of fowrtooa rows m > tttooa woo itoeUiwd to ho Mo root Mi wawtorjMt tho two we a go**** mb noly tlirao yotfO Mft. •As asoa 001 rotors fma ttoood* l •Mol look for a oNo «m wfcuh k , MUM thii ham. Wo ha ro Uwlj h« pKATna MQJOTOAOK kLAKJB Vo lor oak at Tini OamiriBm . r' ■' v' *~V r ■ * I ; !