MUSIC BY ELECTRICITY . ■ CJl i w^Ojdhhi taelty^ perfecting wfiat la remarkable Uertcee “Wsraar W t«a electrical tnarihlie called hy tta taraaier the tnttira^nhm. which oom Maae la uaott the nteaical power «f an kam laetroaMaU aad bcaJdee Mila can awed tta meelc over telephune WlNB (hr hwsdrede of ratio. In aU dlrcctlooa Aar tnlepbeae <-3 • tTiber within Ua mUw can be epiil.rj with Mtfe ia great er mail aaooan, aa hie tMInga dictate. Tutor® Fadecawakte," aoya tta Pwtrloel World, "attttug In Kew Tort taay be heard la 10400 plaeba aOee apart aad la each place the original effect U beard." »a ml wewdar and novelty of Dr. OahilTe tarnation Bow la the fart that tta tefcemxrahaa done net like the tpatlr aekee It aad la aa entirely saw war- What tta operator plays oo are a Banker of Bitie epectellr arranged dy C.tofelcfe la arrenged Ilka that that tba depression of a ■A. for instance—eaaata a to (ha trnimmlttlnj alia* whl* pradeeea a ri bra l lea tn the tat* phona receiver at (ba other and ar the torn Joat Uke (feat following tha plif toff of Ansa plana. Tba person with tba Tscstvar at bU •ar bagee hears tfeo A as If K war* Ptoyad'upoa a piano. In other worda. tba hath la not actually made until tba awrtnt reaebaa (bo raoatrar at (bo ami af tfeo arm, so that (Me little two Inch contrivance la the actual mualc praPartr of tba tslharaneolas. It It wnudarfal enough that any aort af a tana can ba playod on aaen a aira pto WUa (torlee, bat whac Dr. Cahill •totoo that any note of nay qaaQty and tlmbra— rloila, late, plana organ, ctartoati ate.—caa be aeenrataty repro duced by toe teUiartuunlum and, fnr (brr. that the combined harmonies of tbaaa rartona Instruments, as they aa- 1 c« to banda and orchestra*, can also be accurately produced by a single performer at the keyboard, oca's woo ds' bananas perilously near to skep ticism. Tbaaa etolma, bowers, aaaca to ba «mi aatbenttcated. Rod it la oanounead (tort to about three mantfet ooa of tba aow machines to to bo set op In Sew York city. If this Is tba ease tha public wtl aeon ba able to test Dr. CakilTa etabna. The taOmnaonlam tans obviously ba a vary complicated and beoce expeo aAre machine. Tba one at prearot m Dr. Cabltra Hotyoka laboratory Is aabl to bars coat about <200000. This ex eaaatra coot la aeon ta ba af no great bnportanco wfeoa It to wimbariJ that ana maablao will probably bo aids to supply treat 7X00 to 10X00 In reeriring tba etoetrksl music tba aedtoary telepbooa receiver to servered tore tba and af • born. Uke (bat naoJ m tba pbnaogrepb. Tba mualc IsaaJd to bo toad and clear, ooa raaalrs Pit togs wad ahead room and entirely free toas «ba dtoagwenbia reaping and to tba gbtuigrepbra reproductions. Lord Katvic during bta recant rtatt to tha fritted btataa to sold to hnvo ax * ._j as baaotlfuBy dear and* plansnt to tba as. Ait to tba amialmaaaa aad rrrotaUonary ammo tor af tba discovery, tbarefsre. tbara aaaare up doubt. Tba curreat toaua of 1 ClmrCdBad. The many friends of Miu Msiths Laoey, who was opera ted on for cancer tn Baltimore abont taro week* ago will be pleased to know that tbe present indications arc that her recovery will bo spasdy and complete. . Mr. Will McCarter, an iodita trioca and socceaaful young farmer living abont foor miles •oath of bera, lost his pocket book containing eighty odd dol lars while coming to Clover to deposit the money in the bank on Wednesday. It is probable that 5,000 spin dles will be added daring the present year to the equipment of the Clover Cotton Mill. Tbe directors have already considered the matter somewhat, and have milled for a special meeting of tbe stockholders to be beta on April 17. A regular cocking main was pulled ofi abont two and a half miles north-east of here, and about a half mile south of tbe railroad trestle across Beaver dam creek Thursday. It is said that from 250 to 300 men and boys were on hand as witnesses and participants, and that not leas than $2,000 was wagered. Thelmain, h seems, was an in terstate a&airbetwcen North and South Carolina, and that tbe main consisted of seven fights, aod it is said that Sonth Car olina birds won five ot them, and in addition won both of tbe two odd fights fought. So much for tbe record, ana now a few words by way of comment in behalf of me citizens of this place who do not approve of this depraved character of "sport,” mod any and all kinds of gambling. Nothing was known of tbe in tention of the promoters of the main to pnll it off in this section by the people here generally, until Wednesday when three or fonr white men and oae or more negroes arrived in towo with twelve or fifteen cocks, who af ter arranging for the care of the birds proceeded to lonnge around town. Their pretence excited cariosity and investigation de veloped what their mission was. Others came in Tbnrsday morn ing by train and private convey ance until quite a crowd of about as tough appearing humanity as one could imagiae, was in evi dence. After learning the ob ject of the gathering some of tbe 'law abiding citizens began to investigate as to tbe probability if stopping proceedings by pow ers of law and were advised that the law on the subject was so inadequate that there was little hope from that source. and theo it was that the indignation of the people boiled at tbe thought of having what they considered such a disgraceful, disreputable, cruel affair to take place right under their notes, as it were, and they be unable to raise a hand to prevent it. While it is said that several men were pres ent who are peace officers in tbeir respective communities, none were witnesses of the fights in tbeir "official capacities,*' bm only as citizens! It is said that in many states the laws prohibit the fighting of cocks under any circumstances, whether money is wagered or not, where gaffs or other simitar devices are used, and it seems that Soutn Carolina should have a'similar law passed without delay. If the gaff is outlawed, cock fighting will lose Its ioterest to the sports. HOT A fATEHT HEUCtHE. Hyow*l a gctoittftc Trootwoat for i Catarrh by BraatMag MstlutH i Akr Ever since Hyomei has been known, its formula has been giv en, to physicians, druggists, and, I_ f_a a _ _*a . S*f_. a •« IV *11 |A;upir who coaid appreciate the tree merit ol the combination of heal ing gums, oils, nod balaama, of which it ta composed. Many leading physicians en dorse Hyomei and prescribe it for catarrhal troubles. In fact, toils a few of them nse it them selves to break up a cold and prevent pneumonia. They re gard it as a natnrml, yet scientific way of caring catarrh. Breathed through, the pocket Inhaler that comes with every outfit, Hyomei destroys aft catarrhal germs hi the air postages of the throat and nose, tootbee and heals the irritated mucous membrane and effectu ally drives from the system all Far lUfi Ws willsmf Tn Oaonm MW. * *"tU My t m —— CROTON DAM A WONDER Oiffnntlc Work, BuUt In Four. tr«n Yun, Coot $7,790,000. BO il EUBOfFB BIBQECTTHSEB Attar toertsen year* of steady wort oai at an aspens of •7.TMXOOO tbe uaw Oaten dam near Maw York baa bean completed. Watar la AUlng tbe wnM«a basin U makes of tbo ouo braudful raJJey and UUIatdaa of tbo Croton river and early In Apefl Is ex pected to teach tba lord of tba lop of tba spillway, says tba Saw Tort Har old. .\Y>um It doM so tbare wtU be •4.000,COU.UU) gallons of watar add ed to U>a supply for New Tock city. Whan tbo dlmlnlabad tores of wort mao which once numbered thousands •■dad their labors on the owning of batarday. March 10. tbo dam was fin kfaod, On tba Sunday following Jamas a. Coleman, chief at the firm of con tractor* which baa built tba dam. ac companied by cngUsera on tbe wort knd the Rev. CL Ca»ecnett1, rector of tbo two Calbottc ctupoU built fur the wortmoa. made a final trip over tbe construction railroad. Prom below tbe dam they passed over the highway which will *»n Its crest op to the qaarrlaa, aaran miles away, and than returned to tba dam. Tbo rails were thro torn up cud tba dam was dona. Adding a now wander to tbe groat engineering feats of tbo world, tbe orw Croton dam stands saalty foremost of works of that kind. In Ita colossal masonry. b» height, length, thickness and rotarne of water confined It baa BB HmIr If la lee fa than *kn IkoA greet d»nu of Europe combtuad. Tboy uo U>a Vyrny dam la ItogtamL the force* la franco and the UDappa to Belgium, fa Ebtypt tha Aaannao data, built to control tha Irrigating floods of the Nila, la lodger than the Crotoo dam. bat It to morn of a dike than a dam an* to only 10 taat la bright against 30i feet of tha Croton's wait Soon tha one* narrow Croton river win be a groat lake S.-M0 taat across at tbo dam breast Ailing the valla? be hind ir for nearly twenty ml lea and ^rending at Hunter's brook ta an ex trema width of two mlisa Three mile* from tbo new dam la tha old Croton dam. once regarded as a wonderful rtrurturc. When the waters hare ris en to tha top of tha new dam the top of tbo old Crotoo duin will be thirty throe feet below the surface Below tho now dam tha great stretch of land la the valley belongs to New York city. It has boaa graded aud wtU be made Into a public pork. Already (he shop* of the contractors there ore be ing tom down.. Tho eotv dam la la three sections, the main dam extend log MOO feet from tha south aids of the Croioo valley to a point where the spillway and lbs bridge spun begin. The apillway curves away to tha eastward and to WOO feet long, following the straight Una of the main dam U a steel arch bridge 230 feet long. Over this and the top of tho main dim la a highway twenty-oov roet wide. Under - tho bridge will Mow the water after pass ing over the apillway. Whed Now York city acquired the tract oovored by tho dam and toko It was nocoatary to wipo out many roods and bridges. To replace tbem ilia city baa constructed thirty nix rnUee of marodamlaad roods along Uia (bores of the lake. Whan the present (Its was Anally de rided upon for tho dam It waa acces sory to penetrate to tha solid rock for a foundation. Rotingi through tho sur face earth found a disintegrated rock below, and It waa not until a depth of eighty-ire feat waa raaebad that tha solid rock we* found. On this bos been reared tha dam. tho most anerrooes mass of masonry lu the world. It to *♦00 fast km« from the south and of Bte mate dam to tha north and of tha sptttwsy. At Its base it la 210 fort thick, and this tapara toward tha top. where It la ten foot across tha top of tha aptnway and twenty-ana fast wtda At the top at tbo main dam. The steps sf the toner wall la vary slight. *bue the etaps of stare below tho spillway top are rough aad 111mm tha work chore la, n anything, more earefnlty dona than to the mate dam Tha merit —*— am mu - IlHow many smart men really have time to devote to the fads and fancies of fashion? HHow many am art men wonld wish to ignore jSrthe fashions? 1 The smart men in this toarn come hfcre for their clothe*, know ing they will be care folly dressed without fuss or bother. IIOot spriug clothes will Interest every - "smart dresser.” Swan-Slater Co. H«sS-U4Mt Outfit** ra f*r Meo inf Boy* A Bethel lady Whs Could Tall Tn to* Bailor of tfe* aosttMi In yuur last issue you spcsl of a lady in Gastonia who esi out-talk three Bdisnn aiackimi or phonographs, or- whatevc vdii rail thpm PalioXl > is uo accomplishment at all ii comparison with a young lad; that lived near Bethel in year gone by. It was commonly rc marked that she could, witl case and comfort to herself,' out talk six men and sing alto a the same time. Now, Mr. Editor, will yoi please !>c good? __Bethblitb. Week End Bales—Season 19*6. The Carolina and North western railway has issued thi following notice as Joint-Circula No. 2: To All Agents: This will be yonr authority t< sell Round Trip Tickets be tween all Stations on these line at a rate of One First-Class Fare pins twenty-5vc cents (25) fo the Round Trip. Tickets to bi sold on Saturday of each week good, returning on Monday fol lowing date of sale. The above rates will go iuti effect on Saturday, April 7th 1906, and are effective until am including Saturday, Oclobe 27tb, 1906. Use regular Local Tickets marking across face of same "Week End." Acknowledge receipt of thi Circular, below. Approved: L. T. Nichols. General Manager E. P. Rtn>. General Passeuger Agent. POB SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself ■ candi date for the ofBffret Sheriff of Uni ton, coonty subject to the action c LU« UCUVURIH pi IIUBI ITS HllUbUUIII Convention. John O. Rankin. ru sheriff. I respectfully announce myself candidate for the Democratic ootnl nation fur the office of Sheriff of On« too county, and will abide by tli will of the primaries and county con vention. If nominated I will use m beat endeavors to be sleeted, and i elected will try to make a faith fu officer. M aktdt L. Rtoisn.i.. rot sbebiff. . 1 hereby announce myaell a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Gas too county subject to the action o the Democratic primary and Count; Convention. I cordially solicit th< rapport of the voters of Uastot county end if elected will preforn the dntiea of the office to the bes of my ability. Thomas B. Shoposd. FOB SHERIFF. 1 hereby an sou nee myself a candi date for the office of sheriff of Gas too County and will make my can didaey subject to the action of th< Democratic primaries and conven tion. 1 solicit the support of ai; friends In all parts of the county am will appreciate any favor they ma; be able to show me. J*0. D. B. McLua*. j<0T1Cf livtte^yaSPUblfeoaoi III I Anticipating a | record-breaking ^ season, we have | gathered togeth- | er a stock of vast | proportions, and I remarkable In Its | details. Follow- ^ P Ing our usual practice, we have made I I efforts to bring out many specialties ^ P of marked excellence and unusual * I value. We take pleasure In saying ^ that we are now ready to show our W ft many novelties and specialties, I | Consisting of 4 f Wash Chiffons, | | Brocade Mulls, t ' | Organdies, J ; | India and Persian I !f I Lawns, I Embroidered Batiste, \ and many other Spring ( g . and Summer Fabrics J g Beautiful end enormous line of | | Dress Trimmings 1 r { 4 y We court all competition for your 1 .4 business. d !1 M. F. LOVE { • f J . AERIAL FLIGHTS OF WRIGHT BROTHERS 1 _ Ifejrton (O.) Inventors Tell of Successful Aeroplane Trials. PIHST ATTEMPTS WERE SHORT ImnMi C»ml Twtatr tomr KOm la One Tost aa4 But Caniang AImmjki Oh Hph4h1 am4 | Slaty MIIm la Ala YuhteaKtyMM f BlHHaaaH Mae* Sea alt e4 la ■1ea4y lHpr»im«al of Maahlnea. The Wright lirofliwr* gf Dayton. 0.i wtiooe partially eaccmufal cxptrlinanla t *10* scroplnuaa lmr« both chronicled from time in time, bare made i stntc ‘ uieit to the Aero club of Now York ‘ dtjr which (com* to indicate that the problem of "flrlnir" haa boon at laat [ aolre.l. aaya the New York World. | The public hat known that Orrlll* ami Wlibnr Wrlgbl toM llie right* of trhat opi>cJrcd to bo a practicable air ahlp to th« Kreocb gorornuteut, bat tbo practice flight* bare bona bcM to prt rote and no full atatooieat of tbe aoc eaa* of the machine baa been mud* un . til aow. Tbe rommunlcallon lay* that In IKK tbe Wright aeroplane, propelled by a auvjllnc engine nod currying a man. made half a docru aucconafnl light*, vary lug In icuglh from tun to twenty Are mile*. Tbe board of dim-tor* of tit* Aero chib at a recent mart log pnaaad a rea salt*# If .a* MtiMWtiiUtto.* *1.. Tit tbetr statement lb* Inmnlore »»y: "Dio ugh Amor Ice. through die labors of Profraaor Jotngtey, Ur. Clutnate and others, had acquired net lees titan taa years ago the recognised budencblp In ■ (hat brnoHi of arruuaatka which par ' loins to binfllka flight. It has not berth , tutor* bean possible for American I worker* to priMOt it seminary of aacb , year's afpertnupca to a society of tkair own country darotrtl ozctaalrcly to tbo pmmotloo of abrnaamlcal studies sad •pacta. It It wltb groat plauenra. tbaro^ fare, that wo now Sod oar eel roe abio to moot a rt|«»i of each a society "Precletw to tb* year IMS WO Mid esi*rlmstitod at KittybmrW. 5. C, wltb toon carrying gilding waetdasg ta 1 the yearn 1000. 10O1. 1003 and ISOS ul with a man carrying motor Bier which, on 17th any *f naramner. loot, i runtatoed Itself In tb* air fur flftystoe aneoMfls. flaring uhk> tlm# It sdnuwufl against s tweutymUo wind a dial esc* [ of KB font. “Pll ibtn to tho tiamhar of taora Baa 100 bad alas Won mod* at Dayton, 0„ 1 la MMt with a amend motor flier. Of tbooo flight* a cemptoto rlrcto mad* for tba tret (lew oo the SOU of September and two flights of throe totlm such ■wide eo Aw 0th of gar ember sad Ifai let of Ibeailie respectively ware the "^nwohjeut of the BOO ir»irtareato wo* to determine the mtao Sad Ale surer imaicioo far erroral —«aio aafl employ Cljr.'i fir J.r.ieueul parpo*vs. Tlie oxpcrluwut* vent fctslls lu o •warnpy meadow about eight inllo-i east of Dayton, O.. «uj continued from Jane until tbo early days of October, wbeu tbo InipoMslblllty of longer main taining privacy necessitated their dlt coutlmiance. “Owing to frmjaent experimental changes in tbo machloo and tbo re sulting differences In Its management tl» earlier flights were ehort, but to ward the middle of September means of correcting tbo obscure troaldes were roand. nud tbo (tier wee at last brought under satisfactory control. From this time forward almost every flight tt tsbllsiisd a new record. In the follow ing scbsdnls the duration, distance sod cause of stopping aro given for some of tbs inter flights: Distance, Tims, miles, min. sen. Cause of Stoop log. Sept. II—n% .l*4» Exhaustion of (ssL flapl.!»....U 1»:S& Exhaustion of fast. tS*PL 30....— 1735 not bearing 25- *.* *» Hot bexHog. 2«•*.** »ai Hotbeariai. °«‘- *.**14 ft US tlxtvuMtlon of fasL "It will bo aocu Uut an arsrags speed of s lltilo more (ban thirty-eight mites sn boor was maintained In the lest flight. Ail of Um flights were mads over a circular course of about three-fonrlba of a mils to the kip, which reduced tbs speed somewhat Tbo machine Increased Its velocity os the straight, parts ef tbo coarse nnd •towed down on tbo curves. It Is be lieved that Is straight Bight tbo aortas] 4Med Is mors tlrnu forty miles au boor. In the earlier of tbs (lights named stove less than six pounds of gasoline WW vwnvu. «■ UM wur OtMM | tuuk •*» largo enough to hold fuel for on hour, bat by oversight It vu oot cempiototy Ailed bofuro tbo flight •f Oet 3. “ta tbo poet throe yoars s total of 1(» flights bare been mads with our taotar driven fllora nod a total dlatanoo of a la oot exactly 100 miles covered. »• average of a alio to ooeh flight, but aatu the maefaloo hod taoalvod Its float Improvements tbs flights wars mostly dwrt, as Is evidenced by tbs tact that •be flight of Oct • was longer thoo the 10S flights of tbo year loot together. "The loogdio of the flights wars tneatured by a Richard aaaaeaator. wMch waa attached to the machine. The records were Bound to agree close Ur with the dletaaeeo aiaixi it over Um groaod whaa the flights were mads la mtaa air over a straight enema, bat •ban the flighta wan Bade to etrelee • clear fomparlsDo area laapoaalMe be oaoao K wag hot practicable to aceo rataly trace too coarse ovtr too groaod, la toa flight of Oct. I a total of W circuits of toa Md was aoflo. Tbo times won M hog with step watches." leaevoUeo Bo BH>wteo4*s NiBumM. Aa Ionova tlon Is so hi tabors rragtiula toe Rogtbb hnoee of oomaou recently •bee ba«d dapping; familiar too world ever. bat foHrtddoa to tbo mother of esrs ~.£ svgjr ?P •* tbo bt/joo tob far, “naorl Bagrf as too oapraetom af aw i •r*r*1. t«o« tmlaol nioart xevocdiag to toarwod aotoorlMee. •odgni toortoniog of *Tlaor htal Mar (be rogwtar parthnoeotary of Bpwrerat dews to tbo aorff to tbe toot veotwry. to oead oat statements of racb subscription accounts as need attention, have anticipated as by dropping in and making pay. ***t. We ate greatly obliged tothem lor tbeir thoughtfulness •ome cases 2--TV - a _ ML——r—wnwr.. --n wt* We wish in this public way to thank them every one. Frit-ads and patrons like these do a great deal toward making the newspaper maa glad that fat U living. New MIMS BeUg Balit In North Carolina is boBding milis than any other ffi State," remarked a well-known cotton mill m« e binary agent to an Observer re potter yesterday. "In addition to those already under wav, •mrmnlm* in coptempktkm i wye rnnmbcr are in k<- equipment Wbat *• ot North Carolina may adsoheaaid of Sooth Carolina. Georgia and Alabama. Itse-ius that North Carolina is bnilding - ®*or? **** mills but the others motoermsing their capacity lo • '“■*r entent. The machinery .'■.rfi*11 •** • tick harvest. Tke demands ore unprecedented, hr large and it is all that can be aam to keep pace with the lct tersof ingniry that ere coming to every day. "For instance, the Catawba Mill*, ot Newton, are adding *»•** “mfJWwy^vo also are the Monroe Milla. The Ieemorelee t Monroe, is coder con will be finished « Tam n«