3 Int took charge of Gaatoala then 1,000 population* it «m within the corporate *•*» an approadinete popula tion ofB.000.wlUi suburban com muni tie* of 2.000 to 4,000 addi tioMl- Oeatoo county then bad 17J0QQ people. It aow baa by ««nenralive ■ intimate. at twice that number. The tax in .Pip^p.000.000. noweqoal, if tbeydo not exceed, three Umei that tom. The bet that ThkGazkttx ha* had • Part, however ham hie it may have been, la this building of a great county, affords one of the moat pleasing reflections of this anniversary day, the fourth page of to-day’s paper la an eminently readable sketch of John D. Rockefeller, ttie max who long ago staked hiawita against his fellow-men, corporations, courts and govara meats. and has won bis banks by accumulating one of the greatest fortunes this earth eyer knew. He has Just beaten the coarta and officers again by sue ccssiuuy qooging nibpociui. He is troly owe of the world’* re-’ nmksUe men, and the sketch we print of him is owe of com* pelfiaii interest. We have *1 toady printed sketches of Cbasl M. Schwab, who was a multi millionaire at 44. of Senator TOmaa, now onarof the nation’s most able and conspicuous men, and Of the great Alexa nder-Tor rey revival meetings hi Philadel phia. If yon hare ariaaed read ing any of these sketches, yon hare missed .some of the most engaging topics of carrent in* GET BEADY FOB THE FBOKTH. Attracting more attention now than at Any time in her history, Gaston connty mast not fail at any point in making this year’s Fourth of July celebration the greatest yet'attempted. To her Anna aa a manufacturing com munity, she has added prestige by her progress la temperance. religious work, schools, com ■***• wi internal improve menta. Her people have cause to be proud of the county’s "cord, and the citizenship of the county should be ready to a man to fall iu Hue this year and fittingly celebrate Independence D«r It is time for preparations to begin. It is desired by many to Make the first week in July the "Old Home W*ek".far the scat* tered sons and daughters of Gaston eoonty. They are to be located, notified, and invited. The progress of the county is to be typified and presented in striking form—in moral, intel lectual, and material things. To make this celebration what it should be will require the com bined thought, effort, end en thusiastic co operation of all the progressive citizens of the coun ty. And to this end they are urged to attend the general mass-meeting iu Gastonia next Thursday night. Let not a town or townahlp fail to send representatives. _1_m A S0OTBE1M NAM PM TIE PtESIDENCY. The declaration of Judge Alton B. Parker in hit Charlotte address in favor of nominating a Southern man for the Presi dency has attracted the atten tion of newspapers and public men the country over. The position of leadership given to him with the Democratic nomi nation for the Presidency, the •elf-vindicating sanity of his nnbrilliant bnt constantly wise utterances in bis unsuccessful campaign for tha office, sad the locality in which be spoke caused his declaration to be re ceived with far more interest than if it had been made by an ordinary citizen. Whether considered as a mat ter of practical politics or as a mere phantom of compliment, the suggestion is naturally pleas ing to the Southern mind. If one should shake his head in a negative way at the mention of foch a thing, there la Judge Parker’s well-made contention that a Southern man could hardly be worm beaten than he hitnsell eras. As a matter of practical politics, then, why shouldn’t a Southern man be selected for the sacrifice or for the triumph? There Is a feeling in the South as well as in the North that it ia yet too soon to expect a South* era man to be elected to the Presidency. That feeling is likely to remain until Demo crats North sod South get used to voting for s Southern man for President. A start must be made some lime; there must be an outside row in every field. If the next campaign should be unsuccessful, it could hardly be less so tbpn the last, and it would at least serve the purpose of disarming groundless antip athy toward Southern men—it would be an ontside row. Bat bow about the measure as a matter of good politics? If the Democratic party ever wins another national victory, it must win it over a disintegrated Re* puuiicHn parry 10 me normern state*. Men like Bailey, Wil liams, Tillmau, Simmons, Oyer mao, Aycock, Polk and a long line of other strong, honest and safe public men in the South' would win the confidence of Northern voters and disintegrate the solid Republican North about as successfully as the Northern Democrats have been disintegrat ing it. It is not unlikely that Northern voters would the soon er support these Southern lead ers tbhn those whom they so continuously distrust at home. Again, what wonld be thought of the sanity of the Republican party, if it should leave its victorious ranks in the Northern states to choose a Presidential candidate from Texas I Yet the Democratic party, face to face with the qnestion whether it shall choose a leader from ita beaten battalions or from its seasoned and victorioua hosts, i hm ..-naw—. is asked to hesitate in its choke. Finally, tbe opening of the Panama canal and lira com pletion of railway tinea from the coal, grata sod provision centres to tbe tea, will shortly build np great seaport* on the Southern coasts, and tliesc with the new wealth in higher priced cotton, in tbe South’s wonderful track ing resources, and in her evir increasing manufacturing in dustries, will give to tbe South ern states and Southern leaders a prestige in material attain ments which canuot long be ignored in public affaire. TO OASTON VETERANS. Par Crosaaa at Honor Oat Ap plication Blanks at One*. All veterans of Gaston county, who desire crosses of honor, will please call at once for applies- ' lion blanks. These can be obtained from Mrs. T. L. Craig, President Gastonia Chapter U. D. C., or Mr. L. Miles Hoff min, Com mander Wo. Gamble Camp U. C V. Remember veterans,, that these Crosses of Honor are gifts from the United Daughters of tbe Confederacy, with no expense tolyou whatever attached to them filled out, and handed in before the fifteenth of April you will pleaae kindly give this matter your prompt attention. roi CROSSES OF HONOR. Capl. Holland and Col. Wiloon Appoint ad In Paps an Applies Kona. Dallas, N. C., March 28, 1906 —At the suggestion of Mrs. T. L. Craig, President of the Gas tonia Chapter of the U. D. C., I hereby appoint Capt. J. O. Holland and R. N. Wilson as members of Wm. Gamble Camp of United Confederate Veterans to endorse applications to said Chapter for crosses of honor, and to fnrnish to said Chapter such information concerning such applications as may be needed. L. M. Hoffman, Commander Wm. Gamble Camp U. C. Veterans. For Treasurer. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the ofice of County Treasurer of Gaston County, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primaries end Convention. I. H. Shufurd. Wood's Evergreen Lawk Crass. Jawn Qnw,ft* ft* ssssi tit* year round. boa to TWgff*adwu?to? lam. Bailed 600 oa Nqawt WoshT. (trlt. T.W.WmOSw, Miw, ^»IS5i5«B‘r lj ■]Jne„ West Presbyterian says bat all the libraries at .Krsktne lave been consolidated and after ibis year wilt be in one group. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, rhe Heat Bicycles that are Made at Prices that are within Reach ot All. Also Full Line of Bicycle Supplies and Base Ball Goods. Respectfully, Torrence Bros, Plumbing, Heating, Bicycles, Sporting Goods, and Rubber Buggy Tires WBBBMIlil JSUii-UU r fi OUR j PATRONS ALWAYS t WEAR A SATISFIED LOOK SPRING UITS ABU.MOW OK THU BILL and we've a Lara* variety o( Handsome Styles for your choosing. Are you a follower of PMhion • fads and fancies? Or are you included la the tfredie UlC?roor* c,,Mfrr*‘ In cither case, you 11 And your peelsrentee hilly antic ipated in our splendid stock OK NEW SPRING SUITS, Hi to S2S. Will you allow us to show you wkut we have to oflet? fbe pleasure will be ours. Swan-Slater Co. HwHulwt Outfit tar* foe Moo a ad Buys Special Sale This Week 5c AND 10c COUNTER U FOR IO CENTS: 2fc Shirt Walat Sata 2Sc Ladies’ Baaa 25c Sabpaodara 25c Aprons FOR S CENTS: lie Bandkerchtela lie Laea 4 Embroidery lie Baaa lie Shirt Walat Sata Other bargains too numerous to mention Whitfield Dry Goods Co. | MILLINERY OPENING of The People’s Store Begins Wednesday Morning, April the 4th THIS GRAND SPUING MILLINERY DISPLAY will appeal to you with Ita many Fine Imported Models of Exclusive Design# each a work of art worthy your closest Inspection. The prestige of the People's Store for smart Head-wear will be found well sustained In this Handsome Exhibit, which will continue through the week. LOOK TO YOUR SHOE WANTS NOW I Look ahead even and anticipate your needs, for with the cry everywhere In the country of higher prices or cheaper leather, you will do well to huy Shoes now while the opportunity Is offered. Shoes you must , from as at Sacrifice Prices. The following Sensational Offerings put the matter of Price clean out of consideration and tell thelrown trade-compelling story: 11" r 1 ..i 1 .■-.■■■■■. — . 2000 yards Sheeting, 40 inches wide. Special, 5>4c. 7S pair Ladies’ Shoes. *L50 and $2 values, 89c. 1000 yards Bleaching, special, 8c. Oar New ShlrU. “Faultless*—Nose fit better, sod so better material found la shirts—88c. Oar New AOe Shirt*. Spring stock ]aat fs oi tbe bent mad* and newest Patterns & B°Jr*’ Negligee SWrtawe have ever shown be* 3000 yards 7c. Ginghams, Past Color, 5c. per yard. 500 yards Calico, 3yic. 30 Boys' Saits, one-ball price. Youth's Pants. $1 and $1 -50 values, 75c. CUthet for Boys That will stand polling and haul ing. Clays, Serges, Worsteds, Homespunt and Cheviots. Dress and Walking Skirts Made of fine Broad-. I cloths, Voiles, Tam ise, Scotch Tweeds, fid mannish checks and Meltons in all colors. B Perfectly tailored in correct spring styles. Consider yosr . corset with your new spring dress. The new shops (s e seccesslty If yoo wish to he well dressed. .I!!!!,?"11 ,ttiyilwi. Doat fafl to mc mu Roody ■fait Wafata fat awatiMM afarfatt aka Haatf'Saga nd Btttawidli . CMU aad Pmiu tflact, £ MatMM’a Talcaai Piaiar lOe. y* Ba«. Mm's Clsthl**. ■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■ 1.1. ■■■