awe la sol id. dear, sad bristling with sharp petals. Matter aad medium an and huuilr wedded. Aad who bet A. John matcb? The lay-reader who has gene thee for, ought to be toM that the asm* of this unique aad flawing face la Caaloa Old Ro> awn. originally daaigaed by t be famona Caaloa foundry to Beg and la days gone by. It •fo made by a Chicago foundry ggyl 1- r nrraalia , .% n._ •i* ■ wwiiccuy ocKTiDca oy its makers as -just beany enough to be legible and pleas* lag to the eye." aad as having "a quaint though indescribable something about it unlike any other face.” Clear-cut, pointed, eM fashioned, solid, strong, the lope and Maas of thb fine home .paper. Charity and Children, are alike. Map they know —T happy days together. 8tatasviDe is having the tune of her Hi* ia a row with the Bell talaphoae people, to whom the local exchange recently sold oat. The Landmark devotee nearly a cobnut to the situation, end than la no doubt about the fast that the 8tetesvme people an net pleased with the Idea of mri lining the Bell with ehraw an going right I fw iwn ma «tbe Bel even If eland free. "They [the Befl] weald raiee the «t*a tight pCgj * week as Superintendent succeed tng Mr. C. J. Hus>, who rc atgsed. Mr. Dobbin, has a fine reputation as a practical ■lit ana sod a first class man *ff» *Mtl» getting along all "«h*. being kind and consid erate to the help. There was a birthday anal versary and family reunion last Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. {- Kay at tba Loray. it being Mr»TKay*a fifth birthday. There were one sob, seven daughters, thirty-taro grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren present. These .came some from Spartan bug, some (rota King** Moun tain, and others irota Gastonia. Rev. H. H. Mitchell and (sally ware preaait also. There were SI in all who enjoyed a sumptu ous dinner. Mr. Mitchell con ducted services in the evening, making a fine talk suited to tbc occasion after which the gnesta departed to their homes feeling better alter their Tension and having nude their mother happy by their presence. It would be well for more ol ns to have these re onions to gladden the hearts of the old folks in their declin ing yean. A baseball team baa been or ganised here with Mr. C. D. Welsh as captain and coach. Mr. H. L. Moore is assistant manager. Work will be begun this week on the ground, level ing it and enclosing the same. Thera will ■ be a grand-stand rrecwa aiso toe ail the con veniences win be made to make spectators comfortable. The ground is situated On the south side of I be Loray property near the Wesleyan church and a very fine place for ball playing, and much interest's being taken by our people. The people of Gas tonia at large have manifested mncb interest which it is hoped will contisue. Our boys propose to make lively times here this season, and no doubt will make their opponents jump lively too. While the team- is composed of amateurs, still they ara all fine young men and fond of athletic sports. „Tha protracted meeting at Union drove this week la well attended. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Swift is ably assisted by Rev. Mr. Braswell, of Concord. Rev. J. M. Downutn is in Statesville this week with his family. Mrs. Downutn is very sick. Mr. Downam will begin a protracted meeting at West Bud Sunday morning. Misses Brnma and Lois Philips of Lancaster, S. C.. came over on a visit to tbeir sister, Mrs. C. H. Harley last Saturday, return ing home Mofiday. The Loray is well blessed with Sunday'schools. Thera is a union Sunday school at the school boose every Sunday evening and the Baptists have organised a Sunday school at the same place which meets at tea O’clock Sunday morning. Them is also a Sunday school at each of the following churches -. The Wesleyan, West Bod and Union drove. All these schools ate cosily accessible to our peo ple, besides the preaching services which they can attend every Sunday and the Wednes day night prayermeetings. With all these surroundings oar peo Shristi *^7’ Uve “ * Mr. Lloyd Dana, assistant overseer of weaving here, is ia I Diacovery I I POD DTOMACH. BOWBL*. LIVED. AND KIDNEYS. ■ *1.00 P«r bottt®. thro® tor DD.OO. tin lor M.OO. Payne's Quick Relief OH, 25 cents. Payaa’a MctlcaM 8®ay. 10c. All aold by | FROST TORRENCE & CO. | BEAVT rumott SALES. CbwmUN Dultn • Bit >WblH-W« Redaction of Anwjin-Br. floaser Batlds Em loeidence-Nr. String* Bold Beldlnla Mestind-Otber flame ef latere it._ Cherryville, April 3 —Lovely spring weather, cool nights and pleasant days. The most thriving business done here this spring is that in which the farmers seem to be moat interested—the fertilizer business. There are five con. ccrna dealing in the odorous commodity at this place. The two leading dealers have, since the market fairly opened, (and that was nnosually early this spring) sold an average of twen ty-five to thirty tons per day j leaving off the very rainy days. Having enquired of quite a ■umber of farmers, I find that there will not be any reduction of acreage in the cotton cron in the north-west corner of Gaston, and adjoining sections of other counties. Among other improvements in the way of building, Dr. W. H. Houser is rearing for himself a modern commodious two story residence. Spinners are in demand at the cotton nulls here. About four weeks ago a Cher ry ville lady found an egg in. one of her hen-nests that measured in circumference 6x8 inches. Three weeks ago she pnt it un der a hen and to-day the shell is broken and from it has emerged an enormously large, fat squab of * chicken. Should it contioae proportionately large till prown, it bids fair to be as large as a turkey. Rev. C. W. Payseor, pastor of the Baptist church. Is keeping himself close about home these days, in consequence of n severe pounding be received last Sat urday night. Between 8 and 9 o’clock, when be had about finished tbe aormisings of his preparatory work for the mor row, a gentle tap was heard at the door. Upon opening the door, he was confronted with a crowd who did not wait to be invited, but seized the oppor tunity to enter as soon as the door was opened, rushed into the ball and there upon tbe floor of the parsonage gave him a pounding be is not likely to re cover from for several weeks. The ponndieg was of about 46 varieties, ranging in severity from a package of toothpicks to a full tack of flour Rev.'O. L. Stringfield came to our town last eyeuing. He preached at night ana again this morning. He will preach to ns this week and probably next. Every body is invited to attend these services. _Amicus. PATTEUON-PLOlfK. Mina Anal a Plank to bn Married lm Tuesday Evening to Mr. AT. Paftoracn. At a quiet bose wedding, of ik. _____L. :_ formed by tbe bride’s pastor. Rev. R. C. Anderson, Mias Annie Love Plonk, of Gastonia, will be married next Tuesday svening to Mr. George V. Patterson, of Kings Mountain. Tbe boar is 7 o'clock and only relatives of tbe two families win be present. Tbe bride is tbe daughter of Mr. M. L. Plonk, of King’s Manntala, and a niece of Hon. W. T. Love. Since tbe death of bar mother sbe baa made her boaae la Gastonia, with Bsqolre B. O. Bradley and other rela tives. Tbe marriage will take place at tbe borne of Dr. and Mas. F. O. Wilson, with whom Mias Monk anw makaa her home. Sbe wae educated at tbe State Normal, it om of Oaetoala’s fairest and moat pooalar daughters, and bfCt the SmiSffwlSrdtck*^" adm?" ■kw’Madter/ " 1 iL * «*■•■ *• jrjw her of tbe Vim near of «•*.»«• He Is a eon of Mr. B. A. Patlrratei. (Mediately rtAti it n n imi § Minim , | Gents’ | i| Low Shoes II < • < < i Be good to your feet tod they'll make | the walking easier. Wear jj THE VEE DEE, !l « I j A Gentleman's Shoe. ! It Is the embod'ment ; j of foot comfort at a II j moderate price. :; Patett Leathers $3.51 ta S3, j j ;! Vlcl and Gun Metal . $3.50 :: —AT— • i i; Swan-Slater Co. jj OitfUlirt tmr Mm Mi {toys i < WANT TO BEACH EESSEMEB. laterataAia Gaad Kaad tram Chsrry villa—Why Don't tha Caadidataa tad Olhara Writ# l«r tha Papers?—Baasamar Ex pactad to Warm np. Bessemer Citv, March 30.— Why don’t more people who can write write for The Ga zette? If I could, 1 would write and tell what baa become ■of those who used to write. Have they all got fat iobs? If to, we would like to hear from them anyhow. The county is pretty well represented with candidates for sheriff. Surely they gather up lota of news as they circulate oyer the connty. and I am sure the people would be interested to bear from them Mr. Lee per and the surveyor came np last Tuesday to lay off the road from Bessemer to Cher ryville, but it rained so much that they went home. It is reported that we at Bes semer don’t want good roads. Well you just ask the people along that road and all through the upper part of the county, if they don’t need a good roAd to Bessemer City, and they will •ay, "Yea, it it the best market in the connty; no exceptions.” Again,evary family shoold take their county paper, and those who live on R. P. D. routes take a dally. Whether yon keep your daily route all depends on how much mail yon get. It will all Kh fiAntitarl raiw IsAss A -— -1 f 1 and if yon do not'have over*2,000 pieces a month yonr route may be cot down to twice or three times ^ week or discontinued altogether. Let every man do bis duty and there will be no dis continuing in old Gaston. While lam on the road ques tion I will say that the bad mod hole which remained so long near Esquire Darneron’s between* Cberryvitlc and Gastonia sug gests that we ought to have more overseers or else divide np the roads into shorter sections I don't want any road overseer'* job myself, but 1 know • man wbo wooM take a part of it and look after it well. We are having whooping cough and measles, bat not many candidates. However, it will not be long bow I reckon aatll Bessemer City will warm wp as she usually does. Mr. Editor, I will now dote, hoping tbia will iwdooe some to write wbo eaa write mors in terestingly. R. OUU KILLED RT PITCHFORK. A Ffro Tsar Rid Baa af Mr. Tn* fmi MM loots* DaMb While Maytag la Bom. . A moat distressing accident occurred at Lowell Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock whta Lucius, the frve-year-old eon of Mr. aad Mrs. Pred Ford, wbo was playing in the barn left with several other children, (ell on an ap inroad pitchfork. Oat ptong of tba fork pierced the right eye aad caterod the brain ceas ing almost laateat death. The III mns Nii —daeted yesterday afternoon at Lowed by Rev. R. A. MUkf. Rehaerfha for Tn OaaroniA 0*nrm. 4'4'++4,+)? MILLINERY * OPENING t Our Millinery Opening Is now on and in spite of Its magnificence it T is entirely practical. We haven’t anything that is Just merely for show; everything was bought to be worn* As far as the prices are concerned, most of them range froni$2 to $25. Of course you have to pay something for style, but we have taken very good care to see that prices on the hats we sell are In every case Justified by the value of the mate- 4* rials of which they are composed. . T JNO. F. LOVE | (INCORPORATED) i The Peoples’ Store . + ++++++>{ BEAD CIUSBED BY ELEVATOB. Ouy Carrar. 15 Years Old, Meats Sudden Death at tbs Loray— • Tahaa to AohorlUa lar Boris'. A fifteen year-old boy named Gny Carver was killed instantly by an elevator at the Loray last Tuesday. 'He was tbe son of Mr. J. M. Carver, wbo came to the Loray about a month ago from Spartanburg. The par ticulars as we have -learned them are aa follows: A company of half a dozen or so of tbe spinning room help took tbe elevator on tbe first floor. They had just come in after the noon hour and were on their way np to tbe spinning room on tbe fifth story. As the elrvator reached tbe first floor a littlelgirl screamed. Tbe elevator was stopped and returned to tbe first floor. One of tbe boys was down on tbe platform with his bead crashed. It was Goy •Carver. He was lying down on tbe platform calliag to some companions, below when bis bead was caught and crushed under tbe second floor. An other account says that he leaned ont of the elevator to The management of the mill ; summoned Dr. J. M. Slot o’, but - he found the patient dead, life having become extinct almost instantly. i The body was taken to Ashe* ' ville for burial Wednesday morn* i tag, accompanied bv tbe boy’s i parents, by bis older brother Oscar and bis three sisters; also by bis nock and aunt Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carver snd their 1 daughter, Miss Neely Carver. Aahevilk was formerly tbe home of tbe Career family. I The following account of tbe sad occarre»ce written by our , I.orsy correspondent came te bend after the above was in j 'T5; all rearret the sad aeci- * dent wbkk resalted in the death 1 of young Oar Carver Tuesday afternoon. Just after the wheel i started op, he was on one of the f elevators going «P to the aptn- , ntag room end in a playful way . lay down to MV something to some of the boys on the lower | floor sod Ms head was caught t between the elevator and a beam , usdet the ascend floor. meshing , It pretty badly. He Uved only a tow minutes. The boy eras about It years oid sod wus the < worn of Mr. J. M. Osrver. The I family had bees Hviug bet* only 2 ******** ** * 4 III « * I t > It I I t » i - * * » ■ • t ■.I > I I I I I I I i t i I Farmers’ I ft. —■i I. X ; Telephones ; L l L i k We want 100 more farmers io Gaston 1 k county to take telephones in their real- * 5 k dences. In order to do this we are ofler- I iug you telephone service at FIFTY ' 1 k CENTS PER MONTH. ? t See Your Friend* and Neighbor* and Get up l [ 9 Mutual Neighborhood Line ’ | [ We mean business. This price is good f C for three years and we know that every 1 P enterprising farmer will take a telephone. t f Keep in tonch with the world, your J k market, and your neighbor. Call, or t P • write to us for particulars. J I PIEDMONT TELEPHONE AND ! [ TELEGRAPH COMPANY i \ GASTONIA, N. C. I sken to Asheville for bnriaJ. rbe family have the sympathy >f the management of the mill md of the entire community. TO CASTOH VETEtABS. ft Creeses el Hener Oat Ap< plica!loa Blanks at Once. All veterans of Gaston conn y. who desire crosses of honor, rill please call at once for ap jlication blanks. These can be obtained from Art. T. L. Crate, President Jsjtonia Chapter U. D. C., ot it. Miles Hoffman, Commander Vm. Gamble Camp U, C. V. . Remember veterans. tbet hese Crowes of Honor are gifts torn the United Daughters of hr Confederacy, with no ex* rense to yon whatever attached o them. But as ail blanks must m Hied out, and banded in be* ore tbe fifteenth of April you sill please kindly give this mat er your prompt attention. lepveseion brought on by itfawo. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, The Brat Biryclea that are Marfa at Price* that are within Reach of All. Alao Pall Una of Bicycle Supplies tod Base Ball Goods. Rnpactfully, Torrence Bros, Plntnbing, Heating. Bicycle*. Sporting Ooorfa, anrf . Robber Bony Tina

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