TBE PACIFIC COAST DISASTEi. Tbioogh the bulletins of tlu two local telegraph companies tke public waa apprised earls yeeterdajr afternoon of tbc awful disasters op the pacific coast That Saa Francisco and five 01 ** citka within a radius of sixty ■siles of it have suffered tearful hr ia certain—how fearfnlly li caaoot now be determined, bui each socceefiog bulletin onl] •dda to the terrible intelligence which has preceded It. 8ao Francisco ia a city « wore than 390.000 Inhabitants It occupies a peninsular betweet the hay and the ocean, asu covers the northern point of thi peoinsnlar. It is the caslcn sideof the city, froetiag oa tbs bay. that collapsed wbec the earthquake cansiag so atany fires to start. As we go to press s bulletin how Chicago, dated 3 r. u., •«r» there is practically no bops •I saving any part of If* city. after block of residences have bees destroyed by dyo* wite to no purpose. The flames h»p across the gap and seem entirely beyond control. Many people imprisoned ia the doomed hafldisgs where the rnesen aaald aot reach them are boded sHve. Those who have been Terrible Earthquake Followed by Fire, Wednesday Mornings Awful Catastrophe On Ike Pacific Cnast Other Cities Wrecked nt Barnia*-$2M.0M,0M Destroyed tad Thousands ol People Uv» pot pearly half of San Francisco la mins. At least MO persons have been killed, a thousand injured, and the prop wty iOBWl exceed one hun dred million dollars. Thou •*5* are homeless and destitute, •ad all day long streams of peo ple have been fitting from the stricken districts to places of safety. It was $:13thN morn *?* 5 terrific can..quake •hock shook the whole city sad surrounding country. One shock •PPweaUy lasted tiro minutes, ***« tb*re TJf alwost immediate collapse of flimsy structures all over the city. The water supply **■ Cttt of and when flies brake o«t hi venous sections there was notblag to do but let the build ***» bora. Telegraph and tele phone commnnicatioo was shat ofl lor a time. The Westers Union was put completely not of bamneaa and the Postal Com paay was the only company that ■aaaged to gat a wire out of the City. About 10 o'clock even the Festal waa forced to suspend. Electric power was stopped and street can did not run. Rail raada and ferry boats ceased operations. Fires have been raging all day and the fire de partascot has bean powerless to do anything except dynamite buildings threatened. All cay long explosives have shaken the ®i*T «»d added to the terror of the inhabitants. KOT COK FIXED TO CITY. Following the first shock there was another within five minutes, hut not nearly so severe. Tbr& **‘tr there was another slight quake. Reports from districts outside of San Francisco indicate widespread damage. San Jose. SO miles south, lost many buildings and from IS to 20 persona were killed. The annex of the Vendomc Hotel collapsed and fire broke out. 1 Stanford University and Palo Alto suffered greatly. At Stan i ford many handsome buildings were demolished and two per* 1 sons were killed. The court house at Redwood City, and * other buildings collapsed. Menton Park, Bur lingame and other fashionable places suffered greatly. WOEST IX FILLED-IN PAkTS. The greatest destruction oc curred in that pnit of the city which was reclaimed from Soil Francisco bay. Much of the de viated district was at one time low, marshy ground covered by water at high tit*. As the city jerew it became necessary to fill in many acres of this low ground in order to reach deep water. MtLUOXAlEB HILLS ESCAPE. The damage by the earth quake to the residence portion of the ettr. the finest of which is on Nob Hill and Pacific Heights, seems to have been slight. On Nob Hill are the teaUeaeeeoi many of the mil liotiaires who in the early seven ties became wealthy through mining investments or the con struction of the Central Pacific Railroad. Tltey include the Stanfords, Huntingtons, Hop Wj». Crockers. Floods sad others. 1®** W» sustained by nearly *wy family is tbe dty. SKYSCBAPEBS BKRAVK WJtlX tall steel-frame stroc *"!*• «to®d the attain better than bndc buildings, few of them ba in* badly damaged. The big 11-story Monadoock office bnikf . COUT¥€ ®f construction, adjoining the Palace Hotel, waa “a„ejM:«Plio.". however, iu rear wall collapsing and many cracks being made across the front. Some of the docks and freight sheds along the water trout slid iotothe bay. Deep fissures opened in tht fiUed*io ground near the shore and the union fcny depot was injured. Iu high tower still stands, bnt will hsve to be torn down. A Portion of the new city hall, watch cost seven million dollars, collapsed, the roof sliding into tbe cemt yard and imailer towers tumbling down. The great dome was moved, but did not fall. The new postoffice, one of the finest in tbe United SUtea was badly shattered. Tb* Valencia Hotel, four-story wooden building, sank into the basement, a pile of splintered timbers, under which were pinned many dead and dying occupants of the house. The basement was full of water and some of tbe helpless victims were drowned. POWERLESS TO STAY VLAMES. Scarcely had tbe earth ceased to shake when files broke out simultaneously in many places Tbe fire department promptly responded to the first calls for laid, but it was found that the neater mains had been rendered useleaa by the underground movement. The flames, fanned by the ris ing breeze, swept down the main streets until within n few hun dred feet of the ferry depot, the high tower of which stood at a dangerous angle. Tbe big wholesale grocery establishment of Weelman Feck & Co. was on nre from cellar to roof, and the heat was to oppressive that pas sengers from the ferry boats were obliged to keep close to th; wa ter’s edge in order to get past the burning structures. REGULAR TROOPS TO SCF.NK. At 9 o’clock this morning a thousand men from the Presidio arrived down town to patrol the city streets. The Thirteenth In fastry, 1,000strong, arrived from Angel Island a little later, and went on patrol duty. The sol diers have been ordered to shoot down thieves cangbt in tbe set of robbing the dead and to guard with their lives the millions of dollars worth of property which has been placed in the streets that it may escape the ravages of tbe flames. The Firm California Artillery. 2.000 strong, two companies, has been detested to petrol duty on Ellis street. Two more compa nies are petroling Broadway in tbe Italian section. WILL CARE FOR HOMELESS. Mayor Schmitz sent out word to the bakeries and milk stations throughout tbe city that their food supplies must ba harbored for the homeless. Tents have been pieced fa every park In tbe city, and those who have lost their homes will ba given food flail aliflliflfl The prisoners confined in tbe city prison on tbe fifth floor of the ball of justice van trans ferred to tbe iron and steel base ment of the structure: later they were removed to tbe Broadway jaU. and If necessity arises, they will be taken to a branch county jsil on the Mission road, tsunuvet compaxius um at. Commissioner B. Myron Wolfe announced at noon that tbe 80 odd fire iaetrraoee corn panics in tereated had decided to pay dol lar for dollar to every one insured »**h litom. The companies.will Mt discriminate between fire and sarttMuakeand every mw insured will be mud to tbe extent of tbe lorn. Only two of tbe companies affected era Pacific coast coo* lorn whboat dnMHtof failure. &JA utfassLr,nm Bgl«HES SMn reduced to ashes. Prom te opera boose tbe Ira leaped from boOdtear te build I aw. level iaaFvsafasa and mechanical departments were totally destroyed in e few urinates, and the flames leaped Mtou Stevenson street toward the fifteen-story stone and lion Claoa Sprcckela building which, with ita lofty dome, is the most notable edifice in San Francisco. Taro small wooden atrnctares furnished fuel to ignite tbe splendid pile. Thonsands of people watched the flames lick ing the stone wells. At first no impression was made, but sud denly there was a cracking of glass end an entrance was effected. The inver furnishings of the fourth floor were the first to go.- Then, as if by magic, smoke issued from the top of the dome. This was followed bv * most spectacular illumina tion. The round windows of the dome shown like so tnsny full moons; then long, waving streamers of flames burst forth. Women wrung their htndt, and wept, saying: "It is so terrible." hikk pamack worsu hy far. To-day’s experience has been a testimonial to tbe modern steel building. A score of these structures were in course of con struction, and not one suffered from the earthquake shock. Tbe completed modern buildings also irnmnne from bins 5?m. acismic movement. Tfc* that collapsed were all flimsy wooden and old brick structures. The damage by earthquake does not begin to compare with the loss by fire. The heart of the business quar ter of San Francisco has been destroyed by fire. Fire has done tbe great dam age. An area of thickly covered ground of eight square miles has been burned over and there is no telling when the fire will be under control. * rw Vik/ » siruciurt coat In* $7,000,000. was first wrecked by tbe earthquake, and then de stroyed by fire. The Palace Ho fei. value estimated at $3,000. 000, also burned. Tbe beautiful Claus Sprockets building, * at Third and Market street, was gutted. The Rialto building and dose ns of other costly bulkf >»gs were also destroyed. The ball of iustice ia threatened and will undoubtedly go. The Ex aminer and Call buildings are gone and tbe Crocker building across the street from the Palace Hotel is on fire. No afternoon papers were is sued and it is doubtful if tbe morning papers will appear. Tbe Southern Pacific tracks are in such condition that only a crippled train service has been possible. The Chronicle building and its new annex are still standing. FOUR LOOTERS SHOT. General Punstou realised that stern measures were necessary and gave orders that looters were t» be shot at tight. Four men were summarily executed before 3 o’clock this afternoon. OUTSIDE AID KBCESSARV. It is probable that, even with tbe people of San Francisco, outside aid will be necessary. A message from President Roosevelt w a a received this morning and it had a cheering effect. George Gould also tele graphed offering assistance. SOCTTIKRN CALIFORNIA SAFE. No shocks were felt below Sahta Barbara. Los Angeles was not affected. *ix cmssauiKKi). Every batineu building in Sen Jose, 30 mile* South of Sen **r^K?*co* was damaged or de molished. Santa Cru, Monte rey, Gilroy, and Hollister are fatally wrecked. Santa Road, 60 miles north, ia in flames and the damage is over $1,000,000, aod 10.000 people are homeless. People fled to fields and hills to watch tbe destruction of Santa Rota by fire. PA3LSOB $200,000,000. Sen Franciaco, April 18.—At 10 o’clock to-night the fire was naabakd and thousand# of peo ple are fleeing to tbe bills and clamoring for place# on tbe ferry boats to croaa tbe bay. The damage ia aow believed to have reached $200,000,000 and 50,000 people are thought to be homeless. It look# now aa if tbe entire city would be burned. ATTMTMff, KfMClATS t Csuoty Kxecmthre Committee te Meet la MIm May 7tk Tbe Democratic Executive Committee of Oaatpn County ia hereby called to meet at tbe Court House ia Dulles at two o'clock ». M.t 00 Monday, May 7th, 1908. foe tbe transaction of such businesa aa may come before it. AH members arc urged to attend tbio meeting aa matters of imooruoce will come before tbe Committee at that time. Tbia April 18tb, 1908. O. F. Mason, Cbalmsn. 1 • ."I'. t, . • • dependable store like ours to supply your Clothing need*. Year after year we go to the asm* manufacturer* and they know that the cloth** we buy must be right, or back they gn. Schlos* Bros. & Co. and 8. hi. & 9. are reliable. You are anK-gusrded when you buy thalr garment*, for they protect us and we pro tect you. Soring atyles are now ready for your ioapection. Swan-Slater Co. Haad-te-foot Outfitters far Mud and Buys. LOCALS FROM THE LORAY. AbxIom A boat Relatives In S«a Frud>co—Water System Will Sapply Artesian Water to MUl Boases-Taking Notice of the Fourth-The Ossetia le Farad Newsy end latereatlag. .. of Um QlRKU I.oray, April 19.—Things are lively in baseball circles at prricnt. The ground is being fixed up and the boys are prac ticing with enthusiasm. Yonr correspondent was ne McAdenvHle Sunday. He wa* glad to see so many of his old friends, who gave him such a cordial handshake. Although Mary's, still tbe Sunday schools and church were well attended. The protracted meetings at Union Grove and West End have close d. We feel sure that much good has been done. A protracted meeting will start at the Loray Wesleyan church next Sunday. Our people have been shocked at the uews of the disasters in San Francisco. Mrs. J. H. McDowell of this place just re turned from there a few months ago. where she had been visit ing her mother and family, and of course she is anxious to hear some reassuring uews from them. Up to the preseut time all efforts to hear from them by wire have failed. We sympa thise with Mrs. McDowell in her anxiety and hope she will soou hear that her relatives are all safe. Our people are interested in the arrangements that aTe being made for the celelnation of the Fourth of July. A number of them are expecting their people from a distance to visit Gasto nia on that occasion; others are inviting ibeir friends aud if others are doing the same we will have a very large crowd at tbe celebration of oar gTest national holiday. Many improvements are being made here. Water works are being built to supply water from the artesion wells to tbe dwell ings. This water is being need in the mill and is really better than most of the well wster. The nineniffalinn nf the Wesleyan chorea her* went over to the Avon church Sunday morning to bear Mrs. Ann C. Boardman lecture on Missions. Mrs. Board man is a returned missionary from China and is on her way back again. Thk Gazkttk is always brim* full of news and other interest ing matter but we think the last issue was especially interesting. We wish all oar people could have seen it for their own good and for the good of Thu Ga zette itself. HERE All Tim MOtE. These Parents el Old Seldiers Live on Hr. V. If. Eh rue's lento—let os lour tram Other Carriers. To the BOU< at tsa Qaaataat Dallas. N, C.. April 18—1 notice that yon nave been in quiring through Ton Gazkttk for the names of the parents of old soldiers. I send you the to' lowing who live on my mail rente: Mr. Moses Thornburg, father ol L. A. Thornburg. Mrs. Annie Hnfstiekler, moth er of Jacob Hoff stickier. Mrs. Susan C. Rhyne, mother of J. H. and P. J. Rhyne. Let us hear from other car riers how many parents of old soldiers live on their routes, whether they can muster three or net And we would suggest, Mr. Editor, that yon will And those parents more readily by in quiring ol the mail carriers then M any ether way. They oover the county and ere in position to know. W. M. Rbtwk, Rami Letter Cartier. "tv:—".. 1 i=»»H*aas | Our Clothing j I Department j ;» Demonstrates with convincible r ;; force the features of quality, X !! having, and convenience. : s :: * ; ' i! i; i; 1 i: ;! Without boasting st all, we be lieve the suits that we are now ; ;; offering at :::::::::; ;; $10.00, $12.50, and $15.00 ji are the beat values shown in this city. Ilf you have the problem ! of spring clothing on your mind ' > come here. :::::::::: Love’s . . « ► i ' _ ^ < * «l. A. LILES* Graduate Optician. Kycs tested free of charge. Coin- 1 worT>nt *'* “»y plicated cases fit- t0 ** Perfect ted where others * fuTn^h G1“»e* fait. New lenses at prtcea put In your old bte for Cr,t c,‘** frame.. Work’ J. A. LI7.E3,.Gastonia, N. C. Residence, Near West End Church. Phone 136. p Veteran Policeman Dead. Assistant Chief J. L. Orr died Monday night in Charlotte. He had been on the police force of that city for 40 years. He lost an arm at Chancellorsville al most at the same boor Stone wall Jackson was wounded. In Gastonia he had a number of warm friends who sorrow that this good and faithful officer is gone. HOW JAPS KEEPJSTRONG Oiulli Kasdan Cm La am Sa math lad al Value tram Thle. Such a thing as a weakling ia hardly known in Japan. The wonderful endurance of the Japanese soldier* and sailors in the recent war has been the marvel ol all nations. Both men and women are well, happy and strong. The n asoa for this, so careful investigator* tell us, la that the Japanese irons childhood up know bow to keep wall through care of the digestive system. If they have trouble with indiges tion, heartburn, wind on the stomach, loss ol appetite, sleep lessness. headaches, rheumatic pains, backaches, or any of the other troubles caused by a weak stomach, they treat them selves with some ,of the principal remedies that compose Ifi-o-na, a stomach remedy that has al ready a large sale in Gastonia at J. H. Kennedy & Co's, So uniformly successful has the sate with the simple direction* cun, •«. "v?1 They take a* have any £tm TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers* Racycles* The Best Bicycles that are Made at Prices that are with in Ketch of All. t ~ . Also Full Line of Bicycle Supplies and Base Bali Goods. Respectfully, Torrence Brost Plumbing Heating, Bleydes, 8porting Goods, and _ Rubber Buggy Tires. MAIM MBS WAHTtt. T" C#S2£- ** Rnr ■rtefc tbs new Union Presbyterian) ebureh S3£a»'& -Ad gfegsgy OJLnrnK*. hm