- ■ Mo loyd citizen ran fail to fed jest pride in the growth of ■I the county's town*. Among rapid or wore sabetantfal prog* Rwtluahn Bessemer City la the put lew yean. Aa eel* deuce of the acSdhy of it* rapid nil ipoc *wi nl fa found in the fact that te hep outgrown ita race at 3-room graded school building and is now preparing to erect • separate foorcnowi building far school purposes. The town’s spirit, growth, and ^enterprise impress, thewsehre* even npon the pawing observer. iae Wt cor it ia to leave the wwwtil a Mi item^A the location ai bullet which hod bam shot into a man’s body. The aaa was taken to the hospital end the bnOct was located, bet the ‘Correspondent didst any where it was band. Now ben coeses the Elizabeth City Tex Bed and tells about a mother wing the life of her ch&d. who had eaten cat poison, bf «H«t him an effective an tidote which worked ioataotace eaaly. Sot It didst tell what the antidote was that the lady •Md. And time was a very im portant part left out of the news and xoedyed back in loaaaa $ll.o 922,806. Whereupon it teaaotM that if hoard cewpsdaa had been dung tnoagh in all these years to tarry baH efthawibka. the mmmmmtmmmrnmm i «» •omeawt to tki £sSa*&S after noon Mr. Keener Joy wa. returning from Mountain bland iSaSlt.iP tftsas !"£h«?,£iR nttol wtcdubt left the Island that be ibook the o® the atone. A* Mr. Jor ialigbted to pick op the lid, "J. B. began to indulge hla fleet desire of breaking the record non the Island to town. He came with web leaps and bounds that be attracted the at tention of all be passed by and long before ha reached town be bad~gieat crowds running to Uw road sad rubbering jut to see him pass by. He was going like No. f7, tbe fast mail. As he neared Main street every man PtMblr was out in tbe 'highway trying to lag Mas down, bat aft to an avail, until he came by Mr. Dunn’s Kvery stable. There Mr. Tom Damn did a dating act and caught blm by tbe reins. It Is said ha mada tbe ran of three antes in eight minuter. Mr. Dunn was asked to-day what the pika of "J. B.» was? He said bo was not tor sale. In the entire race there was not s thing broken and not a life lost. The Masons held their usual UMttfag tost night in their ball. »«*; present with them Mr.T. M. Fsyseoox of Gastonia, •nd Mr. Jesse Oldham of Char lotte. No new members were admitted bat tbe lodge is to a ins State o< growth. It is a young lodge and it is said it will soon be one of tbe best in tbe state. Miss Mayme Dana entertained tbe LePlaisir Club at bet home FtMw sight. Thom present aay that it u one of tbe most en joyable meetings tbe ctob has held in tbe past year. Coo teste, refreshments and other things «ne indulged to, making Ha most enjoyable evening. During tbe meeting, officers were elected tot the ensuing year and H is proposed to make the meetings more pleasant in tbe next year and in different nv, Baikal at (be Oath. AibnilteMMcU Asheville, April 18.—Satur day afternoon a young man named Holt, front Gaston conn tv. appeared at the register of deeds' office and applied for license foe himself and Miss Mary Dnnn. In reply to the usual quest km be said the lady in question mas 18 years of age. When asked to take oath to this effect be balked. He aald, bow ever, that be would swear aim bad told him she was 18. This was not satisfactory. He hesi tated at the oath proposition end inquired wbat would be done to him did be swear the lady was 18 if sbe was not. He waa told that the lew would be a plenty. He then inquired the distance to Waynesvifle and Henderson ville sod receiving this infor mation kit. Sunday Mr. Holt end Mias Dunn eloped and it is presumed Oat they went to either Hendersonville or Waynesvilk or to 8outh Caro lina and wars married. Mr. Dana said yesterday that that he did not know wbei e Urn ooeple bad gone. LABI SLAIN BY LIGHTNING MIT. ■fteraoM, UfihUJnc~ attack the chimney of one of the Uny cottage* between the Park and the mill which was occupied by Mr. Daniel Lowe, causing the death of lln. Lowe who waa is the closet by the chimney. The Lowe family had Jaat moved into the boaac yesterday mom* Jog bws Bessemer City. The bolt did not cause any damage to the chimney or dwelling. Mr*. Low* was her husband’s second wife. She leaves a large family of children. This sadden and extremely sad death la oae to elicit very general sympathy. EMflT MBS UTlHt. Mrs. Soui Lewis whe had Three Sew la Amy, hes Eight new Living in 15 Milan of Each Mrs. Susan Lewis, who was mentioned in last issue as hav ing had two sons in the Confed erate army, is living with her daughter, Mr. Miles Rhvne. She is 81 years old. bat la in feeble health since the was attacked by paralysis some time ago. She docs not have good use of her body, but manages to move abouttbe bouse. She bad three sons in the army, instead of two. They were Frank. Bmanucl. and John. Frank was killed in some of tbe fights in Virginia. His thigh was broken in battle and he waa never heard of again by bis family: it is naturally sup posed he died of the wound. All of the Sons of Mrs. Lewis, except Frank, who was the old est, are still living. There are eight of them, in the order of their ages.** follows: Kmannel, John, Sam, Robert, Perry.Ru fns, George and Tom. These eight brothers of this well-known South Point family art all good and nsefnt citizens and. live within about fifteen miles of each other. ABackfag. Monday was a cold soap day, bat that didn’t prevent the boys at one of the Gastonia mills from ducking a stranger in the reservoir. Ha was there, they said, from a distance endeavor ing to entice the help away. The Bearing SchaeL "Yon may say that the danc ing school is a fixed fact-” was the reply of Prof. W. H. Allmon. when asked for the news shout bis work. "It's a fixed fact; sew pnpils are constantly join ing; nad they will all be taught properly in this desirable branch of elegant education." Prof. All moo also said that he would teach Dclsarte and physical culture without the dancing, when desired. Parentsof pupils are invited to visit the school on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day afternoons at 4 o’clock. laafaltfag Haw lager Mill. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Chambers arrived Saturday night to spend a few weeks in Gastonia. Mr. Chambers is a machinist travel ing for tbe J. M. Case Mill Manx factoring Company, of Louisville, and will install a new roller mill for Messrs. B. H. Parker & Co., as soon as the machinery arrives. Tbe Louis ville company has shipped to tbe Gastonia firm a fall fitty bsrrel mill, consisting of 8 stands, four sifters, and neces sary appurtenances. Tbe ship ment is now due and expected every day. Mr. Chambers says be will, with proper help, bays tbe mill nssnf in two weeks after the maduoery arrives. ——ii. ■■■!■■ i • nwanBrnoBHonM BARK AMD HOTEL FOB BESSEMEB. Tka New Mill Will be Bull! West •I WkeMiei Niwtih, S««tk •I Ball rend—Hr. J. A. Salih VUlBnM Finish lag Ftaal SlgXaX Beetle Wtrkaha*. Btmntt City, April 25.— When I sent yon some item* a few weeks ago I thought then that I was at tbe end of my writing for a while. But 1 read in your paper last week a piece with Bob Peak’s name to it and was ao badly fooled when I noticed that it wms copied from another paper that I resolved to try again and see if I could not stir up Mr. Bob to write for our paper, Tn Gasbtt*. At the Pan-handle and Bessemer City are soon to be connected by a macadam road, we shall feel increased interest iu what be may write, especially since Bessemer City down between two mountains will be tbe Pan with three thousand in habitants to receive alt the good things the Handle can spare. And Bessemer is stUl spread ing out. We are now preparing to go over oa the west side oi Whetstone moantain to build a cotton factory sooth of tbe rail road near the Devil’s workshop. By the way, Mr. Editor, if you have never seen that freak ol nature it will be worth your while or anybody rise’s to come sod take s look X it. Mr. J. A. Pinch back or Mr. J. A. Smith can show or tell you all shoot it, as they have done a great deal of work there raising ore and shipping it. Yon will fin I rocks, iron ore, sod different metals that look like they have been melted In time. Some pieces are, say, about an inch thick and anywhere from three to right inches long, it was re ported that they found an old woolen pump in there that na one in this settlement knows anything about, and l am also told that there is a tunnel in the bill. Mr. J. A. Smith is going to make brick and build a finishing plant. A three story hotel also u to be bnilt, in which one room will be provided for a bank. South Fork Institute. May 3d and 4th are the com mencement days of this school. A very pretty invitation an nounces that Dr. W. E. Sikes will deliver an address Thursday and that Dr. B. Cade, will •peak Friday. Thnrsday and Friday nights will be devoted tc exercises by the school. Sale. A letter just received by Mr, D. W. Padgett brings the good news that Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Furr are safe. They were al Los Angeles during the earth quake, but the shock there was not severe. They are now on their way to Salt Lake, Kan sas city, and other points, with the intention of returning to Asheville. Seat Fluent Kemerks. Although Mr. Felix McLcaa enjoys a good shower-bath as well as any one, it would be well for those people who handle the Oil Mill hose to take ad vantage of the good rates of fered by bis Life Insurance Com pany of Virginia before they at tempt to give another exhibition similar to the one enacted Mon day. .When the residence of Mr. John Grocer caught fire Mr. Mc Lean was among the first on band. Alter aiding in tb« re moval o! the furniture, he took up a position on the high em bankment next to the Oil Mill fence. A ad he was meaning of no barm and hoping of no hard feelings against anybody: be bad •imply perched upon that vantage fraud to get out of barm's way sod to see such sights as might exhibit themselves daring the set-to between the fiery elements and tbe water supply of the town of QoatonLs. Now tbe Oil mill just across tbe street had with its own hose bean tbe first to deliver a strum neon tbe lames. When the city fighters came into ploy, tbs Oil mill hose was withdrawn in order that It might net inter fere. Bat in withdrawing the base, the Oil mill Mbs doubled tbe nassle beck any old way, with tbe result that Mr. Me Lws got n delightful wetting, am a iSW minute* afterward* kfcLrttn ifldrtfKd tbe bote* men in question witfr « few very profit IN iBlpfffMlTf reworks, bet as the words he used «r« neflnewr dllMi—y. we dmsl kilt fittiiT m was Anns lev life, ire or oeushy in NfNNr I-1' Just IVien’s Clothes Quality ia the keynote of draaaing wall. Without quality there can aot be style, lor style depends upon a duxen details ol making that we sum up ia one word-— quality The test of a suit —be yond tha trying on, the touch aud feeling ol cloth and the approval of the reflection in the minor —ia Use real wear aud satisfaction of the gar ments day after day. We would like to nhow yon our elegant assortment for Spring and Summer. Swan-Slater Company Haad-to-foet Outfitters for Man aaf Boys. ■tiersraoMussEMEB. - Hm Mn and Pertaoali la Short Paragraphs. CutimulMo o4 \hm Quttta. Bessemer April 26—T b e Graded school closes Friday afternoon. Prof. Jat. Avent and wife will leave for Maxton in a few days ior the vacation. Hon. and Mrs. S. J. Durham returned to-day from Rocking ham, where they attended the Dnrham-Cole wedding. The town election this year teems to be uncommonly quiet. Mr. John Lindsay, who has been sick for some time with pnenmonis, is recovering. Miss Vick Elmore, who has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. James, at Henrietta, returned home Mon day reporting a fine time. Rev. J C. Gillespie will be gin a series of meetings at tbe Baptist ehnrcb Sunday night. He will be assisted by Rev. Mr. Edmiaon, State Evangelist from Raleigh. Mr. T. R. Simpson is now director of the Bessemer Band. The boys are improving very fast. We have been looking for them to come ont in their new uniforms, which we learn they have just received We are very much pleased with the progress the Southern Railway is making in filling up tbe excavation near the depot. Rev. J. C. Gillespie and fam ily are visiting Mr. Gillespie’s parents at Caroleen this week, but they will return Saturday. Mr. W. R. Odell, of Concord, president of the Southern Cot ton Mills, was in town to-day looking after the interests of the mill. He was accompanied by his son, Mr. Ralph Odell. Miss Lillian Kiser haa had a severe attack of measles. She is still confined to her room. We hope to see her ont soon. We Thank Ysalll We take this method of returning oar thank* to the citfsens of Gas tonia and surrounding country for the libernl patronage given ua in building upt the beat lively in West ern North Carolina. Wa none to be able to merit your continued confi dence and future patronage. M9co _Davis fit Son. Tkaaa Maka 32. Add to tbe list of living par ents who bad tons in tbe Con federate Army Col. L. A. Ma son. of Dallas, and Mrs. Sallie Smith, aged 83, of Gastonia. These ran tbe list up to 22. Are there any others? Ickaialaa an Another Una. Mr. Geo. A. Jenkins, tha popular conductor of the Lin wood Monday special, was off duty several days this week with out leave of absence. Whan the special came in Monday with a new man in charge, all inquiry as to Mi. Jenkins whereabouts failed to gain the desired infor mation. It later transpired that he wanted a longer ran than usual and had driven the two bronchos to Statesville, falling to retarn In time to make the Unwood trip. It la understood thnt regular runs will be made between Gastonia and States ville In the near future, and It would be wall for all prospective travellers in that direction to see Mr. Jenkins and get on to the eohedalee. The round trip ean be made in sixteen hours, hut the longer roe stop over is Statesville, the batter you will plaaaa tha conductor. _’ IPa^s|L_l . Pace's Qalck Rella# Oil, St emits. I PR05T TORRENCE "aCO. | SPECIAL SH0f INC WASH GOODS Including every popular weave In all prices of Wash Joods. We believe that we have the beat selected stock of wash and white gsods ever shown In Gastonia. Shopping In the wash goods department Is a real pleasure, for every fabric can be closely exam* ined and the colors studied carefully. NEW “CHIFFON” DRESS FABRICS —| | i —,_j—TC---T— The vogue for these soft, light weight, clinging stuffs Is reflected In the lm* mense and beautiful display here now. Nothing that la desired Is missing from this collection. The fabrics are high quality. And because of our very large purchase we are able to make the prices very low. Here Is a hint—for the spring gowns. :: xx xx Wash Chiffon Embroidered Batiste Eoliennes Persian Lawss India Llnon French Lawns JNO. F. LOVE OVERFLOWING PROFUSION Our stock of the pretty things which go to make ap the sea son’s styles and meet the season’s wants is complete and overflow ing in all lines. We just mention a few. Dress Goods Silks Wssb Goods Walking sod Dress Skirts Underskirts Muslin Underwear Shirt Waists Corsets and Waists Hosiery, silk, gauze, and lace stripe Laces, Embroideries Appliques Persian and Plain Bands All Overs, Dress Nets Lace Curtains Portieres and Rugs Buttons Neckwear Belts Handbags Infants' Caps Ladles', boys’ and mines’ caps Handkerchiefs Ribbons Millinery Table Linens Napkins Marseilles Qailu Sheets and Pillow Cases Sheetings Linen Sheetings, 90-inch Dress Linens, white and colors Unines Complete line of newest nov elty goods We invite the public to inspect onr stocks, and are always glad to abow you through. Come to see us. Yon are always welcome. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, The Beet Bicycle* that are Made at Price* that are within Reach of All. Also PM Line of Bicycle Suppllet and Baae Ball Gooda. Respect hilly, Torrence Bros, PlowWof, Heatisf. Bicycle*. Bpectlng Goods, and Rnhhat Baggy Tires. /• ' V -. ... /