With the nesting season of the birds it band, it is well to remember the lew against de stroying the Bests of soag or game birds. It is s good lew ■ad should be eaforeed. Why •boold • partridge'neat or a red-bird’s aest, or a mocking bird’s aest be btokca op? It ie wMteaHy cruel to destroy the yonog birds, H is also crad to break the eggs and end the ■toting of the mother-bird. When ohcditace to aaworthy *ad cruel instincts leads toward eatiaetioa instead of increase of oar game ead tong birds, it is Ugh time the law should step fo sad say as it does say: It is • misdemeanor to take or aced itosfr destroy the seat or eggs of any of these birds. The penalty la ana dollar tor each ■tot or egg destroyed or takes. Or the ofeader may be impris oned from five to tea days tor to*h odense. We hope oar fads— ptaersUy win take so* •h* of this law aad do what Oh* can to add to lasted! of detcaet horn the charms of Mid H/e in the sections where they ' ; ' 'tfwk : . Cberryville, April a-xae mmm of thu section are about •re not afraid of losiog money «*■ «wno. ;Son»* of them are aaing 300 pound* to the acre for Ubujiih^ °*tkca mui,1( Tbc fruit crop bids fair to be flood la this vicinity astoqnanity, bot tbc quality, as a rale, is not «*Pd«ed to be so good. Our fattier* have yet to learn the im portance of growing the best variety of mrita. iff motheT earth could bat apeak forth her long felt wants, needs and does: those portions that an ptanted to orchards woold cry out against their owners for their cruel treat wont in that they are yearly tak ing her strength from her and willfully neglecting to snooty her with food necessary to her sustenance. Ten trees properly planted and attended to, would be worth far more to the owners, than one hundred trees planted by digging a small bole, barely |a*«e enough to receive the roots and cover same with the mixture of poor soil and red clay, as is the custom with most peo ple. Were a man to judge by wbat be can see aud bear on the streets be, no doubt, woold ar riue at the conclusion that the Sheriff's office is tbe only one that is to be filled. Look out boys, tbc old boy horse that now wears tbc harness has the Wood of a good racer and should he be led on tbe track SOt&e body is liable to vet ran over. Tbe Cherryville Graded acbodl commencement exercises closed last night. Admittance feet wan 10 cents lor children and 15 for adults. The receipt of the two evenings amounted to nearly 980.00. Friday tbe 27th, at 11 a. m., the Rev. Charles Weaver, D. D., President of Davenport College, Lenoir, N. C., preached the sermon. 1 hough the auditorium was crowded, he held the audience spell-bound for 45 minutes. At 2:50 p. m., Dr. B. F. Dmoa of Raleigh, (State Audi tor) was introduced by Prof. Wilson in a brief but eloquent speech. Dr. Dixon arose amid cheers from the audience and said, (when tbe cheering had ceased) Ladies and gentlemen, "I am glad to be with you," and ere he had ceased speaking, 1 can assart the doctor that the audience was as glad to have him present as he was to be with us. For tbe tbe space of three-quarters of an hoar be was gradually lifting his bear ers to higher aspirations in edu cation and morals. Tm Smart. President Roosevelt’s strenu oosness leads him to do some very qnwise, not to my foolish, thing -some-times. His action in the San Francisco disaster is the latest exhibition of smartness. The first instance was to refuse all offers of foreign aid, tailing tbe people abroad that we didn’t need their help. It is true that we are abundantly able to take careoftbe San Fraocisco-people, bat some of the foreigners asked tbe privilege of contributing anyway and were rather hurt when they were tamed dowa. Alter being told we did not need their help, if they insisted on contributing tbe contribution should have been received as a matter of courtesy. There is never a disaster of consequence abroad that Americans do not contribute and we would prob ably feel offended if oar kind offers were curtly tamed down. Tbe second exhibition of smartness was to Issue a proc lamation directing that the col lection and distribution of tbe feuds apd supplies for tbe tmUftn be tamed over to the president of the National Red CroM Society, time conotetdlv neew^w wwiwiy g ass is. vWarVwsniy aha mayor and citizens raacbco. whose man agi.nin of aflaua had been entirely commendable, la feet ffBitiibk «vier tbe circuit!* •toucan. Along with tbb NAUUtt IN EAST GASTON Nr. Charley Fbtfer Wed. Miss Inf. Canal sr—Fannsrs flut> iNrtnDlt Cstfon CM that Waals ta Writ*. Kaat Gaston, Anvil SO—On last Tuesday the 24th. Mr. Charley Finger, of Catawba county, came down and led to the altar MIm Essie Cantler, one oi the hand somest and moat intelligent young ladies ever reared in our Country. Miss Essie was the last of the single denghters of node Sboog Cansler and her many friends wish for her a happy time. This is two of Bast Gaston's brightest Cansler girls that the Fingers of Catawba have come down end taken away. Now we think it is time for some of onr boys to go to Catawba and do former what she bss done for ns. Mr, and Mrs. B. L. Finger, of Catawba, came down and spent a few days with Mrs. Finger’s parents,‘Mr. rad Mrs. Cansler. We are sorry to note that Mrs. E. O. Davis is right sick. We hope she may soon recover. Key. Mr. Taber preached a very interesting sermon at River Bend last Sunday at eleven o'clock to a large congregation. Our farmers are most through planting cotton. From what we can gather some of them have planted as latgely as ever. If the farmers everywhere have done as they have, and prices Kdown next foil, they will be t under the collar and holler for Abcrnetby and the other officers of the Cotton Association to go it and they will follow like a swarm oi beet on the march for a new gum. In Mr. R. I*. Abernethy’s of fice is a common short-tail cat, that sits on the table and has watched its master write hun dreds of letters on the type writer and then take his pen from a bottle to sign his name. This procedure has been watched so often that when the master writes a letter the cat takes the pen from the bottle and tries to do the signing. The cat has kept this up so long until she bss got the pen stock nearly eaten up with her teeth. Mr. j. H. Bowen, with three mends from Gastonia spent a pert of last Sunday at Open View. They drove over behind a pair of J. F. Davis & Son’s fiae horses._ JUST BIBATHE IT. “»*■« Cure* Catarrh la Natural and Rational Way. No dangerous drugs or alco holic concoctions arc taken into toe system when Hyomei is used io the treatment of catarrh. Breathed through the neat pock et inhaler that comes with every outfit, the balsamic healing of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose, throat and tangs, killing all catanhal germs, healing the irritated mn coos membrane and effecting a complete and permanent care. In • natural and rational way, by medicating the air you breathe _ with Hyomei, every breath will be healing and anti septic, like the air found on tbe mountains where the pine for ests give off their fragrant and healing balsams. No medicine taken into tbe stomach can possibly reach the remote ceils of the air passages, or give the immediate relief thatfol lows the use of Hyomei. A (aw day's treatment U aaually all that if nec essary to show how quickly thia ram wy will cw catarrh. So taccessful haa Hyomei been In the erne of catarrh among their cus tomer* that J. II. Kennedy A Co., •all R under a positive guarantee •hat it coats nothing aatess it gives satisfaction. The complete outfit sells for one dollar, while extra bot tles can be obtained for 90 cents. AI7-H1. Qnake City SkihwAMa. Ckartatta Otanv. San Francisco, April 25.—An earthquake this afternoon toppled over several tottering walls and cracked chimneys, left by the severe shock of last Wednesday and the fire that fol lowed, and hilled one woman hi bar home. The anock was not severe, bat the pertly wrecked condition of walls and chimneys resulted in the opsetting of some masonry. The shock was bare ly perceptible in Oakland and vicinity sod waa not felt far from San Francisco, according to re ports received to-night. * KILLED own WOMAK. Tim earthquake to-day ceased the death of Mrs. Annie White jgi » years. Mrs. Whitaker waa at wbrk la tba kitchen of her borne on Shot well afreet in the Mission district when the shack com. The chimney, which had boas left la a cr.lb^d ,h,o.rt U» woman and fmetored her shall. Her body was tfbts * — * SSSSH1 -J- ■ I BBBKZSSS-,-B-i t£V. PLATO DURHAM NAKRItD. tt* Bride ia NJm Lacy C*l« ol BechUghawi. N. C. MrtUSmlliO Mlfc. An event of much interest »o the marriage of Mias Lucy Cole laat night to Rev. Plato T. Durham, pastor of the Trin ity Methodist church of this city, which took place at the Rockingham Methodist church at 8 o’clock. Mias Mary Cole, lister of the bride was maid pi bopor, and W. T. Dixon, of Raleigh, brother of the groom was beat man. The wedding was very pretty the church decorations added much to the beauty of the eveot. Fern and dogwood blossoms were here and there, a bank of which nearly concealed the choirwhicb sang Lo hen grins bridal chores prior to the en trance of tbe bridal party. The uftltprs, Messrs. S. J. Duibam, J. C. McNeill, John Everett and T. C. Lee, Jr., led the bridal procession and they were followed by Misses Alice Cole, Minnie Little. Susie Rus sell, Lilly Dockery, Annie Leak Ledbetter and Emma Gray Led better, who were the flower girls. They carried baskets of of fragrant flowers which were strewn along the aisle way iu tbe path of the bride. Miss Lncy Cobb, preceded the bride who entered on the arm of her father Rev. J. N. Cole. The couple left for the North soon after the marriage. A Switch Tawar Installed at Barker. StlUbnr, Special to ChattoU* Ohaetcr. At Barber the Southern Rail way, nnder the direction oi J. E. Gregory, of New York, is in stalling an interlocking switch tower, the only one in this sec tion of tbe State. Barbct is in an important switch yard, where two roads juncture and 16 twitches are connected by the tower. The watchman sits at bis noat and manipulates the whole yard. Tbe structure is not finished but will be ready for use in a few days. Mr. Gregory has put a number of these in Virginia but this is bis first work in Carolina. —WW.I-W U ■ 1_MJM I Since there was dew in the ' morning nod hawthorn in May, mca have aspired to look their best in the Springtime. Cant expect to »utt. I Prank M. Tuxbury, Claud* A. Bury, I Armtkrrm jMmaMfw. Lent AtfrMmh ftmi. tOAKOMM. VA. OAMTWffA, H. C. I W "III u LA LI 1, III .Ml, SPECIAL SHOWING WASH°GOODS Including every popular weave In all prices of Wash doods. We believe that we have the best selected stock ®f wash and white goods ever shown 1° Gastonia. Shopping In the wash goods department Is a real pleasure^ for every fabric can be closely exam ined and the colors studied carefully. NEW “CHIFFON” DRESS FABRICS ^ 1 t . :, — ■ . The vogue for these soft, light weight, clinging stuffs Is reflected In the lm* mense and beautiful display here now. Nothing that Is desired Is missing from this collection. The fabrics are high quality. And because of our very large purchase we are able to make the prices very low. Here Is a hint—for the spring gowns. :: :: ;j Wash Chiffon Embroidered Batiste Eoliennes Persian Lawss India Linon French Lawns JNO. F. LOVE If you are wanting to make 5| Paying Investments | call to see as and let ns show the property lifted below; Jj Three lots on Franklin Ave. Extension 62X*225. each.. $200.00 One 4-room house on Franklin Ave. Extension, new and (1 clean-...-$750.00 / One 5-room house on Highland Ave., water on porch_4850.00 J One lot on Long St., 30x87, per front foot___$ 15.00 J I gone .6 room bouse on laundry St. near Airline St.,_4750.00 fi 0*200 on West aide Highland Ave. These 5l high and arc very desirable for homes. Boch.4125.00 J| it oa Marietta St., 300 feet from Franklin Ave, 5| it loot-„„---| 8.00 > Airline St., within 13 feet of Falls House, J Very desirable location for a business loca- \ r front foot__;_437.50 . C house near Lomy Milts___4300.00 C 3^x200 la Arlington Heights, remainder of C opened up, an ideal location for people de- 1 lomes near the Arlington Mills, only_$100.00 1 1 Franklin Ave. and Second St., oppositu 1 :ills—prices on application. , ila Insurance & Realty Co. I W. T. RANKIN. President. I * * . .'•» n • r km • . •. ■ ■' - ■ ' • { . .