The following k the opening •eattace of a congratulatory ad dress on behalf of the State press delivered by Mr. Josephus Dan Ms at Bins College Tuesday «Pon the inauguration of Preri f I*. BfoCitt: SUN beat editor • shoot in 7 editorial* ..... nssmittiB* Ms Mass to] Now, what is the world? Satlieg type with a shooting atfck in band! Wonder if the State pans k going to sUnd for • tiring lift that? Tba boys on r should ,» i . mt orator “* 7°“ i oi* *^o• BB W* town of Cfjtdboora, tad ■peaks of i mQHoo •dollar crop lor tki ■rooms of Us section. When North Carolina berries are enjoyed at.this rate in Wash ington. Philadelphia. Pittsbnrg, N«w York and Boston, and whea her tracking products for shipment are hjr oo means lim ited to strawberries, it becomes •s trwe Ss kb beaoUfnl and poetic to speak of the Old North Statoas the garden spot of the 7bm is • lot of things that arc mote interesting than im portant. One of them hap pened the other day—the reaig aatioo of State Senator C. F. Toms, who Uvea over a boat Hendersonville. He had been elected aa a Democrat and •erved as sneh in the last Legis lature. While nominally he was State Senator, virtaallv his term of ofice was at an end, for the Governor is not Hkely to call the Legislator* together in special session before another body is elected. Bat anyhow Mr. Toms saw that in writing a letter of resignation to tbe Governor, he wonid have a big opportunity to •dvertiaa his passing, and so with a solemn dignity that could iH restrain itself from barsting with Joy he lovingly laid his arms around tbe waiting waist ot the skittish opportunity. And then be said: wn1 r Pi m JUemocntk petty to llvt. Tbm yon uel Wanting better public school*, better equipped asylums, and various other better things, end at the »a»e time whooping for lower taxes. Grim as the humor seems when a man like this calls for "better equipped asylums" U is to be hoped that there is nothing portentous in the strange assort ■orot of masons he assigns (or bis change of party affiliation. Some )astitable complaint has recently been made to this office by subscribers who are dis satisfied with the irregular de livery of their papers by the mails. Here is a case in point: A subscriber living at Bessemer City brought to The Gazette office last Tuesday afternoon a copy of the paper dated Friday, April 27. "I received this from the Bessemer office,” he said, "about ten or eleven o'clock this morning." He mid the postmaster told him that the paper did not reach bis office naril the morning of its delivery aod that it came in then on No. 96 from tbe South. Frankly, we do not believe the fault lies in tbe Bessemer City office; the poetraester there we have al ways found careful and oblig ing. Nor is the fault in the Gaatooia post office. Tbe pa pers for April 27 were printed early on tbe night of the 26th and wan sent to the station in time to bo taken op by fast mail Mo. 99. If this train did re ceive them papers, then U ap pears that it took them 106 hoars to reach Bessemer Cite sin mflea jr.irfua--czvw . ; 'ihh u ranoa • o* meetings at the Wesleyan church ana are getting their congregations warmed. They draw large and attentive crowds. There have been a npmber oi conversions already and still others are "seeking." kr. and Ifts. William Wants, ol Concord, were hers Sunday visiting Mr. Wentx’s father, Mr. k. S. Went*, and his sister, Mrs. William Lybrand. The Bpworth League of West End meet for devotiooal ser vices every Sunday. The mall for the Loray people la brought every day by the earner and is given out by Mr. Bd McFjidden who also keeps poMage stamps and stationery. This is s great convenience to to the people as their mall is handled by only one man after it gets here. Mr. McPadden sees after getting mail regis tered also. The Loray ball team will cross bats with the McAdenville team Saturday evening. This promises to be a very interesting game. Both sides have fine players sad are confident of victory. A large crowd of our people will attcod the game, which will be played on the McAdenville diamond. The Loray grounds is not yet ready but work is progressing on it and it will soon be ready for nse. Visiting in Iradsll. SUteTUl* LaaSaurk. in. llr. W. I. Wnrren, formerly j an Iredell citizen, for tbe put | ten yean n resident of Gaston county, arrived here Sunday to join Mrs. Warren who bad been visiting relatives for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Warren went to their old home In Shiloh township yesterday to visit rel atives and will leave today for their home in Guton. If Wat 6h4 Water. CWloU* Obtrrvtr. There is a good story going the rounds to this effect: A cer tain intemperate man went home after a long and sour spree. His dear wife had lost patience and turned against him. As he stag gered into the boose he wu greeted with a scowl, a quick turn and a flirt of the tail of a disappearing skirt. The poor follow, filled with remorse and bad tastes, fell upon a lounge and suffered tbe pangs of the damned. He was so miserable tfiat be contemplated suicide. He bad no one to pet or love him. But there came s turn in tbe ride of domestic affairs. Tbe sweet, merciful woman re pented and went in to see her darling. As she entered the door she said: "Dearie, is there any thing I can do for yon?" This was said in such n gentle, amia ble voice. "Honey, yon are so sweet. Yea, yon can give me a drink of ice water." Tbe water was brought and the thirsty man enjoyed it. "Dearie, what else can I do for yon?” asked tbe forgiving wife. *Honey, give nil the children some of die water; it la so flood." BESSEHE1 SCHOOLS CLOSE. PnL Avent Will Rat Hatum Straa* CtaaiacMni Set maa—bthar Hama at laterssi. 'MlrwMSiaot •( tU—ll« Bessemer City, May 1—The commencement sermon of the Bessemer Graded school was preached in the Methodist church last Sunday morning by tha Rev. Mr, McWhorter. Hi* text eras taken from the 8tb Psalm, the subject of bia discourse being, "What is man?4 Mr. Mc Whorter is a good speaker, handling the subject well, and gave ns some exemplary counsel. Prof. A vest, has taught a good school this vear and we are very •orry to ace him leave ns. The children marched to the church, the largest in front. When they arrived at the chnrcb, the ranks were opened and this order was reversed allowing the smaller cbildreu to enter the church first. Owing to sickness among the pupils no concert was given. Prof, and Mrs. J, K. Avent have been very successful in their work and all of the teachers are exceptionally wood. The n« tron* of tbe school regret that Ur. A vest has decided not to re turn. Miss Lee Nicholson, of Char lotte, who has been stenog-; rapber for the Bessemer City! Cotton Mills, has given up her position here and baa returned to her home. Rev. J. M. Forbes preached at tbe Presbyterian church Sunday, making au excellent talk on the 12th chapter of Romans, Mr. J. H. Wilkins was instslled ss Elder, snd Mr. R. C. Ormsnd, Descon, at this service. Revival servicea began at the Baptist church Sunday, but we don't know how long they will continue. We are also looking forward to the coming of the famous dog and pony show, which will be here in the inidat of the revival services. A SUNSHINE SOCIETY. Tbc annul meeting of (b* 237 branches lo toe southern Kaw York itntc division of the Intoraatlouxl Sun shine society will ha bald at the Suu ■bine Hast tn Beutonhorat. Now York, oa Wednesday. March 2). Between aaaaloaa there wtll bo opperteulty to Inspect too now building, which will be uaad aa a headquarter*, nut homo aanltartam and the ant ttalloa of the Buotolue IIfo urlng work. Tbla atata mooting will mark the formal opnulng of the not and will bo the bonaewarm ing Arrangement* for the day’* oo tartalament are hi charge of Mrs. John n. Tore*. Mr*. Byrou B. Mead. Mias Anna Lou lac ilacFarlaud. wlw la co operation with the president tutend to malt* the housewarming a notable oc casion in Bnuhlna gathering*. Ill* aonthcru New York state divi sion has cxtended an invitation to the Long Island Council of Women'* Club* to bold It* anunal meeting la Hay at the Sunshine neat home A committee fntn the council's executive board re cutty visited BoMsooharat tn mast representative state worker* and to anuounoe the counclfi sceryuno*. 8 pedal eouimlttnos are preparing to make the I-oug Island eouscil meeting a vary auuuy gathering and to grant the TOO guests with genuine Sunshine hospitality. Th* aaseton* of too coun cil will be bald In tha solarium, which. It la expected, will be completed by May 10, when Ik* council Burnt*, and toe dalegatss and friends will grid am ple accommodations for luncheon in •packs** dining room* In tha !>*** aaant Itw council will £e the gueat of Bus ablne ou tb* third day of to* interuA ttonal coovootton to be bekl at tha Pooch mansion. Brooklyn. May 17 and IB Ur. and Jin. E. L. Perkin* at Terry ▼TO*. Casa, bar* to mad ortr tbalr bcaodfal winter ban st Arou Park, FE, to tba Interna Ilona I 8an»blu# eo otety for a rayt boat* for tbme dmlrin* In so nanllL They offend M for tb* aonalnal tun of 8000. Tbroagb tba taatramentaHty at Ooorga a Crater. Jr, abalrawn at lb* edrleery board, a frlaad araa fooad wbo paid (be 8000 at «am. A roe Park la iltatted toatb at th* center lowntbtp b florid* and e*o talar fir rot y-Ore birr wltb wa bl» clear ne errata! On tba larpaat •f tbeee. L*b» LaMb E tba cottier to UmUm Tbara am aim E Omnia pin*, wttb and trek»e htrwaan Open Brvptocea E tba Br im and add E Ike rkter af tba b Tha park E a foraat at Eta pfeaa E aide* the mi Epta i beat tba tbecea af tba leba* and a faroatta naft at trarat bf from am to tba other E bp at tba wtU I a j| r ' ■ ’ John A. P. 81 stars, aa U-rttr oM itutiaot of Bingham School, wag drowned • frw days ago while bathing in • pond Bear Mnrphy Junction. His hone wna not L—off, ». C. j m - — -- i ,i WORLD'S HIGHEST DAM. VMk at OwiwnW tnlntlM (Uww la Mi—haw dans. No bettor exmnplu of tho tboroofb oeee which characterises tlw work of the United 8tatee redamatlou service •ngiuocra In tho weet can be offered than the com of (electing a dam alto la Bbosiione canyon to northavu Wyo ming. says a Washington corrsspoud eut of the New Terk Tribune. Tbf Shoaliom* liver at the point se lected le to a deep canyon with prodpl toua walla 2,000 feet high. Ajiparcutly the stream newt Is nelld granite, it U not the policy of the government, how ever. to take chances, no before the alia wag decided Ob the diamond drill outfit vrua lowered Into the canyon. and borings were made la tho channel. Much to the surprise of every one, tho drill penetrated clghty-clgbt tot of the bowlders, sand and grarci before Sod tug a perfoct bane. Today work la be ing poshed rapidly ou a dim which will lock tho coupon walls and back np flood so tors to the amount of 300,000 acre foot. Thin stracturo will be the bltchuat d ;nj In the world, 810 feat Its length at the base U only ehddy-flvs feet and on top 200 feet. It was acces sary literally to carve a road for six tern mil— oat of grnalts to got Into tho canyon before actual cun*traction could bo undertaken. This pcojoct coutmnpInteN Iba diver sion of a portion of the walura of Sho al tune river and the coo struct km of an Impounding dam at tbo bead of tbe canyon through which tbe riser flown When tbe project In cuuipletod It will be poaaihle to reclaim about 173,000 acres of lrrlxablc public lands. A por tion of this area, 122,000 ncree In ex tent la mi llw left or north aide of the river and 38.000 ncrc* ou tho right or south aide, tbe wbolo being alnal sev enty-live miles co»t of Yellowstone Na tional (wrk, Wyoming. Tbe soil la productive, and hay. wheat outs, bortoy and the ha niter vscvtublse can be produced nlnjndnut hr with an auuile srmdv of wsisr Tlu* hind* ik tributary to lluea of rail way. At tho proper tliuo wboo tho cotintnirtteu ot the project Is approach la? completion tb«y will he thrown open to Iiouieituid outry by boas Ode •attlor* under the botneolmwl law* and term* of the rwelamatton act. It la » 0 mated that water may be dolirerctt by the *pring of 1008. Contracts for cotmtnictkiii have been nwnrded, and work to well under way on outlet tun oat. temporary dlreralon work* at the dam and the Corbett tuunrl. CARNEGIE KI8S DELIGHTS. ft Them* M Well as aaelhea. Ur* llkau Wm*a Wha CM On*. “The Carnegie kJa* Idnvee nothing to ha dmlmr to the vanikt of Ura. J. U. Etebberg of Atlanta, whom lip* not Mr. Carnegie's at the roeeptlnu give* to bla when be waa rseuaUy In At kuxa. a*ye a special dtopateh to the Kew York World. "Mr. Carnegie as a tlaser to unex celled." oonttooed Mm Ktobbaig. “The p restore o< bie llpe oa one’* tips to satisfying to every respect. Bla ktoo thrill* ind at tbs nu da aaotbaa. Ha to sot booty In ktostng. wbkb ae cownta to o oteasore fir the dallgbt foOwwn the pteaaare of Ma Hpo. Mia lark of boat* la roawvtog bis Upa eoabtoa tbs redvtoot at bio Mas to ax tract an that to poaslbla far oocatotiom. Ta my dying day I aball ocror forget tbs joyful see as Him 1 erp primmed whilo Mr. Cerwagte’i Bps warn am aatoa. Mr. Camagia may be old In yaara, bat bo to Still yattog ta kto aMnty to kJao." “Haw does lb# Canagte klaa com pare with the Hebe an article. Mra. Kkfibsrgr "The Caraogla kto* to gogtolac to tbo Baboon him hi rrery way,” said Mra Stebbarg. *1 was kissed hy Captala ptaM K am tmtlM Wa wfll wW Tmt C**rttk Hrfoc • wwk froa mom aatil taw isyij - . , ! • ■ SPECIAL SHOWING WASH GOODS Including every popular weave In all prices of Wash Goods. We believe that we have the best selected stock of wash and white goods ever shown In Gastonia. Shopping In the wash goods department Is a real pleasure, for every fabric can be closely exam Incd and the colors studied carefully. NEW “CHIFFON ** DRESS FABRICS The vogue for these soft, light weight, clinging stuffs Is reflected In the Im mense and beautiful display here now. Nothing that Is desired Is missing from this collection. The fabrics are high quality. And because of our very large purchase we are able to make the prices very low. Here Is a hint—for the spring gowns, r: ** :» Wash Chiffon Embroidered Batiste Eollennes Persian Lawss India Llnon French Lawns JNO. F. LOVE Li — —: " ' | Geeesoegeeeoeeeseeeee&eeeo | i If yon are wanting lo make 5 || Paying Investments |! 7 call to see ns and let ns show the property lifted below: 1 1 % I Three lota on Franklin Avs. Extension 62)4x225, each- $200,00 4 i 4 I One 4-room house ou Franklin Ave. Extension, new and 4 I O Clean-$750.00 2 , 4 | One 5-room bouse on Highland Ave., water on porch.. ,.$ASO.OO 2 | 4 | One lot on Long St., 30x87, per front loot_J 15.1)0 2 4 , One 5-room house on Laundry St. near Airline St.,_4750.00 < , 4 | Nine lots 50x200 on West side Highland Ave. These 4 I 4 I lots are high and are very desirable for homes. Each $125.00 5 !200 feet front on Marietta 9L, 300 feet from Franklin Ave, \ per front foot_____$ g oo 1 One lot on Airline St., within 13 feet ol Falls House, S 1 30x110. Very desirable location for a business Iocs- 1 1 lion, per front loot ___j 37150 4 1 One 3-room house near Loray Mills___$300.00 V I Two lute 03)^x200 in Arlington Heights, remainder of 4 1 ten lots opened np. an ideal location for people de- § I siring homes near tbc Arlington Mills, only_$100.00 4 , Ten lots on Franklin Ave. and Second St., opposite 4 Avon Mills—prices ou application. 5 Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. I; W. T. CANKIN, PreaMeat. I I

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