Thn CtrtSiCkiutlc. " *-*r *r • r ■' - —- — * « N. C, O Um W«n4 >«• m ■ The claim that tbe original Bm, *1** Confederate s burg. X. C-. ia mm that ia likely to attract attestioa at home and abroad. It ia a historic incident oi no orauury importance ana carries with it aa honor of which any town or State la the Sooth sight null bo proud. | —— The atapeadoas asauaMcy of SOM* Republicans is still »tn pcncoua. lusa . ttaiemcnt, lot instance, wo made in the Hotter hx a apeO of jubilation the other I. ■■ D AtstoMnlntr.,— T.f at1l. .. , , QS]r Dy KfpiCKniauvc ncpDQfQ gsKSSeSHE public** jurty.’ Everything great or i ood that has been . * suggested” even! Why shouldn't everybody else, ■©hr, lost get ofl of the earth? That fa a very solemn dispatch which comes from Winston, aa Bouncing that after a &ac shower of ram there was aoch an abaad ant sediment of aulpbar on the streets that people took it up hi spoons. Quaky folks oataraliy the eruption of Vesuvius, hat others, with am reposeful phil osophy end alder beads, per. baps, recalled that the appear ance of a solpnar like powder after rain is not nnosnsl ia this season of the year, wbea the trees and flowers arc in bloom, Maid-villa la McAdenvOle lost two gaaKs baseball to Gastonia Saturday. The bmy team went to Me A den yi lie and returned with a score of S to 3 in their favor. Morrow, Gastonia’s twirler. pitched a bcautifn! came, allow • tag McAdenviUe only 3 bits wilk 17 st rack on Is to bis credit. The gams throughout |3.^rwjnri-css inning with several good hits. The Osarfc team defeated the of McAdenviUe on diamond Saturday of 13 to 2. This I; Tffbis Hast Gaston, May 7.—Ml—ca BtU and Eunice Farror have Sr'fu’psrtl?* js?”1 d#y* *» Hoont Holly visiting relatives and friends. _Tfce Graded School at Mount; 5*1*7 closed on hot Friday With much credit to the teacher* and pupils. FroltC. F. Owen*, ha* proven Uwcll a principal worthy of his calling, and his aansUots no leas In tbeira. Mr. tteo. W. Wilson, of Gastooia, taade a eery abla and n much admired address to school and Victors at 11 o’clock. That •tgbt a number of the acbolars gave an exhibition in Rhyne’s Hall, assisted by the Mt. Holly Baud, all of which was a com plete success and waa enjoyed by all. We have repeated it time aud again that in Mount Holly they do things, and in thin school and its closing exer riscs they bate kept pace with their splendid record. We are triad to note that Gas tonia is preparing to cekbrate the 4th of Jnly in great style. from Bast Gaston will be lota of people to attend the great occa sion. We note too that the managing committees at Gas tonia have two men horn this section on committees lor the occasion, Mr. K. K. Davenport *od Mr. R. 3U. Abcmcthy, which t *» a t their respective plnecs snU be taken care of all right. We want this occasion to surpass all others of the kind that have been in thin county for a long time. The only thiim me sec wrong in the matter S that they have too macb for on ly one day, as it ought to last at least three days so as to give us time to come ovst and ramble about over the city some, in stead of staying in one place all the time, and near the speakers speak and a band play. But let It be as It will, we are going to be there. The candidates for sheriff are keeping the trails warm io Bast Gaston now. The one that seems to be bustling most in Col. Stanford. He, like Charley Armstrong, knows how to get •boat. He Mys it iia certainty that there is going to be three boys left, but made ns promise not to mention names yet. COURT POSTPONED TO 24TB. fertw Caart was to M««t May list, hat iafaatoaaad by Jndfe Bryan ta ThanOay 24th. C1«rlmObNm(.ai. Judge Henry R. Bryan will postpone Dallas court three days In order to give the good people of Gaston county an opportunity to attend the 20th of May cele bration. In anawer to certain petitions from Gaston citizens he wrote the following letter to Sheriff C. B. Armstrong: "Having received petitions from leading citisens and tax payers of Gaston county, and attorneys representing litigants in the criminal and civil cases in the So peri or Court of Gaston county, asking me not to ooeo Superior Coart until Thursday, the 24th of May, instead of Mol • day. the 21st of May cowing. The petition asking for court to be opened on Mar 24th instead of May 21at is for the purpose of sllowing the good people of Gas ton county, who desire to at tend the patriotic celebration of the 20th of May Declaration of Independence. Please give notice through yoar papers and to all jurors and persons com pelled by law to attend the May tens of coart not to attend until the winning of May 94th. ..._.. ^Respaetfelly, (Signed) Hinsy R. Bkyan, Judge Presiding 12th Judicial district.__ WP——a—w—— Srs^iri BOWflLS. UVHt. AMO KIONSVA. »r«* tar SAW, alx tar SAOO. :k Relief Oil, 25 cents. MtH Saar, ISO, All sold by 3RRENCE & CO, A. 4 M. DClATt. lumber at Isa Qnetliso D.b.led hw Three View hied— !Ul»«4tiM(iPti«l l*f tkv (lABAtta. Raleigh, May 5—The most impo.tent society event of the year took place last night in the college auditorium, Pullen Hall. A triangular debate was held between the three literary so cieties of the college, the Tena rian Leaxar and Pollen. The speakers were for the Tenarian society: P. Henry Tillioar Wades bo to. N. C.: C. P. Niven, Wadesboro, N jC. Leaser society: Geo. P. Anbury, Morgan ton; S. W. Poster, Nance, N. C. Pollen society: Jeaae C. Myrick, Littleton; Alberts E. Bscott, Charlotte. The query was argued from three standpoints. The Query: Wbat shall we do for Labor? Tenerian: Resolved. Tbst we use oor own labor, increase slow «y in wcaua ana seep m our State a homogeneous Anglo Saxon people. Leaaar: Resolved, That we admit and enconrage those im migrants who arc thrifty and in telligent and thus increase more rapidly in wealth. Pullen: Resolved, That we admit and enconrage all clasact of immigrants, educate and as similate them by our schools aud public institutions and thus increase more rapidly in wealth and material prosperity. The debate was won by tbe Pullun society and Mr. A. E. Escott of tbe Pullen society was awarded the handsome debater's medal for tbe best arguments in debate and the best deliv ered speech. Justice P. D. Walker pre sented the medal to Mr. Escott in behalf of tbe societies and in bis speech be declared that tbe debate bad been a credit to tbe State much less to any literary college of tbe State. Tbe literary societies have made more rapid advance ment tbit rear than in any one year during the histofy of the college. Tbe societies have been better attended and done better work than ever before. The final examinations will begin next week and end the Mtb. Commencement will begin the 27tb and close the 30th. Governor Glenn will deliver tbe frradnating address to tbe grad uating class on the 30th. There will be 53 young men to graduate, many of who have already secured responsible posi tions in different states and will leave to begiu work as soon as commencement is over. HOIE BUILDINO AT CLOVEK. New Binary la k« B ■ i 11— Shelves Collsps* aad Start a Fire. York*iU« BaaaUcT. 40. Clover, May 4.—The Clover Manufacturing Company h a a placed contract* for practically all the new material to be need in erecting the proposed new mill bnilding, which ta to be lo cated at the north end of the old and is to be one story high, 100 feet wide sod 200 feet long. Messrs. W. P. Stipap. and Brother have about decided def initely tbet they will enlarge the building now occupied by them as a store. It will be made s two story aad possibly three. The Masons aad Woodmen of ibe World, have made proposi tions to them to add a third story to bn nsed as lodge rooms, and they are receiving consider ation. PKATttOf CAFT. J, A ROBERTS. A VRmu it (ha Mexican and ChrU Van Bui la ms la* ward. I.hicoln laatnal Capt. John Anderson Robetis died at hia home near Kecpsville yesterday morning, the 3rd inat. His death was not unexpected as be had been ia declining health during the past five months. He will be buried to-day at Cedar Grove, and the (nncral services will be conducted by Dr. R. A. Yoder. Capt. Roberts was ap proaching hia eighty-second birthday, being eighty-one on the 13tb of last July. He wax a veteran of both the Mexican and civil wars, and was a prominent and well known citizen of Lin coln county. ■raar loll. Attendance honor roll for 8th month. A list of pupils of Central Graded school who have been neither absent nor tardy for the month. Miss Stuart’s room—Earl Del linger, Richard Faysfoux, Cald well Ragan, Franklin Yeager. Harold rode. RpiWna Cimn Vista Lindsay, Ruth Robinson, Msry LaFar, Annie Clifford, John Floyd, Rufus Jobnstou, Leonard Thomas. Bertie Lee Whitesides, Wilmot Whitesides, Blanche Costner. John Nixon. Dale Clark. Mattie Lee Horne, Rrste Ratchford. Miss Parsley’s room—Walter Crsi^, Earle Craig, Theodore Morns. Lemuel Nolen, Law* rence Rankin, Theodore Rankin, Ralph Shannon, Thcran Or* tnand. Mack Dilling, Prescott Williams, Raleigh Armstrong, Blanche Carton, Madge Craig, Ethel Craig, Madge Hanna, Helen Jackson, Sue Ramsey Johnston, Lena Lineberger. Ruth Morris. Maggie Parham, Made Parham, Aline Reid. Miss Sparrow’s room—Felix Carson, Krskine Boyce, Joyce Clark, Guy Coon, Jeanette Pays sonx, Richard Gattis, Walter Gtigg, Earl Groves, Margaret Louise LaFar, Janette Manncy, Wilson McArvcr. Panline Mc Padden, Robert Millen, Mamie Pearson. Chester Rankin, Ern est Warren. Made Whitesides, Gray Rankin. Miss Sand.ifer’s room—Moore Morrow, Bryan Walters, Clyde McLean, Joe Holland. Alex Mc Lean. Tom Nixon, Mary Cost ner, Lois Smith, Marguerite Spencer, Lois Todd, Mary Wil son, Locy CnriVi Gcorgie Hop per. Bessie Parham. Mias Stokes’ r o o m—Louise lloyd, Natalie Delvsnx, Mary Dickson, Will Paulkner, Maud Gray. Leonard Henry. Julius Lineberger, Carl Loughridgc, Ellen McClain. John Page, El ma Rankin, Claud Terrell. Mtsa Horton’s room—Charlie Costner. Plavy Davis, Walter Fogle, Craig Groves. Luther Kidd, Robert McLean, Clyde McLean, Steve Morris, Kendall jraivicT, vjncr n oue, ivennein Todd, Jtimea Campbell, Everett Jenkins, Kay Stewart Lncy Boyce, Janie Fayssoux, An nie Glenn, Mary Jackson, Lcrle Long, Loia Torrence, Itara Wilson, Lois McArver.. MU* Bgerton’s room—Max Abernethy, Connie Beard, Foo ter Clintoo, Jilea Curry, Cora Dickaon, Jessie Greene, La vinia Hunter, Mollle Hinson, Myles Linebergcr, Ntllic Manner. Ella May McPadden, Hand Rankin, Susie Rawlins, Kirkpatrick Reid, Annie Tor rence, Stafford Whitfield, Eunice Spencer, Clara Armstrong. MUa Bradley’s room—Stella Boyd, Pearl Panlkoer, Ollie Jeskiot, Winifred McLean, Mildred Rankin, Alice Wallace, Stevenson Fayseoux, Bari Jsdk son, Henry Groves. John Hun ter, Otis Linebergcr, Grover Ja^eJCbarlca Robinson, James MUa Martin’s room—Lena Hanna, Jennie Pegram, Mary Sbekon, Ernest Fogle, PotTest Groves, George Kidd, Johnnie Rankin, MUa Hnaney’a room—Mary Query, Hate! Robinson, Ken neth Babingtou, Grady Rankin, Fred Wet tel, iotinste Adame, 0«trnS« Fogle. Mary Lineber «vr. K1U Rankin, Laura Spen ce. Thad Clinton, Roland Clin Shoford. _Jon 3. Wnav. Sop*. m -men l \ "• .• * ;. . I 1 i i i i - i i AN ECHO, Dew la Itann lha Mataaaa VMi Wfclah II la ■oflwlie. TImn* In itanvlj anythin:; Iu oulura that exert* the (.; actuation o.c-r a vary one alike (liau doo* uu echo, amt com man n« It may Itucouio tlurrv n ulwaya a fed lug of aiyutery about It Hint hold*! w aa with a rhanii. Of cuarn tve all know that It la merely the mHncHon Of a found from aunt* object, aa ttio •Ido of a bouw or a rock or a hill, but oftcu w» cannot toll l«ow fur away tbo object la that cauaea It Here la a way to tell every titue: Holding a watch la yoar band, about a ebatlo ayhabte. aa “Uor or “lla!" and count tbu i-.mnber of aecouita from the Hum yon about till tile aonud Cornea back to you. Now. aouud travel* at the rut* of l.Uli (cot a aecoud. ao tha number of ■vcoada that olnpaa mnltl pltial by' will give flic dlataucc iu foct traveled by the voli-e In jpolug to (he object and luck to yoa umtio. aa.1 oue-hnlf of that number will l« the utmibir of fort a.rny tl’ut o';jo A i». Of c.otr'c the object mcy be ouly a few huu.-v.l loct away. In which c.iao too Kudo, ».|H nunc buck iu lore than a aecoud, but you tuny determine the dlMunca. noret-ILulcxa, by e.tlllui H •Ingle lyllablc—-lla:"—and c.ill.u< II agalu aa you bear tae echo, uot bofoiv or after it intt jaat with It With a little practice yon can do thin. Hapoat the cull tea or twelve timoa. counting the accouda between the drat eall aad tha laid ocko. Bupuoae, (or ezamplo, that the time la aevoo neo onda and that you callod tluj syllable ten tluica. Thou cacti echo took eoveo tenth* of a aecoud. and tho diatnuoa, . found In the ann.e way n* before. I* about SOI feet— Uxclumy*. WATCHING THE BUILDERS. Mm luuftnot Folk* Keen os Ere •a Cesstrsettes MeituSi. A (milder ipeakim; of the watchful non or flro lusuruucc comiinnlee In Kerr York city In the erection of build in;-* in that city nays: "ln*iruu«j eompuules In placing poli cies upon ao caltral fireproof boil dinge do not accept the word of the builder* and contractors nor rest content with (be evldouc? submitted by the city building department. Their own ex perts make au examination. Such an •xumlunlioD b made not at the bebast of politiclana or In tho Interest of a group of men. but by tadmleal expert* whoso reports moat be exact, detailed •lid exhaustive lu the Interests of Shrewd boalnaai tncu. Tbs tnxuranco umlsnrrltara bare their own oorpa of expert engineers and fireproof agents lu the field all of the time. When a largo building la la course of con struction in New York tbeoo expert* of tho underwriters watch every stag* of the develojkueat. Tliey have no power to stop work on the building as dty building Inspectors have wtieu this building laws are not complied with, but they possess another sort of check which la fatly as effectual. Tho bond ers, contractors ar owners, or all tbeoo, I are notified that farther taiursnco poli cies will not bs usd* on tho building until euetalu rsesodian are mads’— nttshurg Press - 1 ■ ■ Aurtaga bar* alwaya bta among tba moat farorltr oraamaata of nearly ad tba natlaaa of tbo world, cartalnly ' wKh thorn which ara eadad dtllliod. tndaad among tbo Pwretaao. Babylon! ana and Carthaglnlann thay worn worn by man aa wad aa women. Thar war* alwaya worn by Graak woman tno Horn la tba “lHad" down to tba Vaaa* do Madid, wboaa aara wora planad far tba recaption of carriage, rilny tad# u that tbara waa aa part ad draaa apon wbMb graatar rap ran waa taTMmd among tba Btaiiaa Maay Mgyptia* onrrlagi of racy bwadfal doalga bare beam prim icd, and ibaae antirjoo da* dgaa bar* been Imltatod In aridacn SPECIAL SHOWING I WASHGOODS Including every popular weave In all prices of Wash £oods. We believe .that we have the best selected stock of wash and white goods ever shown In Gastonia. Shopping In the wash goods department Is a real pleasure, for every fabric can be closely exam ined and the colors studied carefully. NEW “CHIFFON” DRESS~FABRICS The vogue for these soft, light weight, clinging stpffs Is reflected In the lm< mense and beaotlful display here now. Nothing that Is desired Is missing from this collection. The fabrics are high quality. Aad because of our very large purchase we are able to make the prices very low. Here Is a hint—for the spring gowns, tt :: tx Wash Chiffon Embroidered Batiste Eoiiennes Persian Lawss India Linon French Lawns JNO. F. LOVE ^ if you are wanting to make j Paying Investments £ call to see us and let ns show the property ll.tcd below: € * I ) Three lots on Franklin Ave. Extension 62^x225, each $200 Oo f 1 One 4-room house on Franklin Ave. Extension, new and 2 i Q One 5-room house on Highland Ave., water on porch ,.485o!oo 7 0 One lot on Long 3t., 30x117, per front foot_ | [S 00 J 1 0 One 5-room house on Laundry 9t. near Airline St. j7W M J 1 0 Nine lota 30x200 on West side Highland Ave. These } 1 0 lots are high and arc very desirable for homes . Each-J125.00 } (| 200 feet front on Marietta St., 300 feet from Franklin Am 1 1 0 per front foot-—-„-$ A00 !' A One lot on Airline St., within 13 feet of Falla House 1 1 JJ 30x110. Very desirable location for a bnsineaa loca- |l \ > tion, per front foot 4 37 50 ( i 1 > One 3 room house near Loray Mills_|300 00 % ) 1 Two lots 63^x200 in Arlington Heights, remainder of I I I I I ten lots opened up. an ideal location for people de- 2 | I siring homes near the Arlington Mills, only_ -4100.00 2 I ( Ten lots on Franklin Ave. and Second 3t., opposite 2 , | Avon Mills—prices on application. J ' i I Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. j; I J W. T. RANKIN. PraaMent. 5 | Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaal _A_k A .A A A A A_.A. A A A A a a a a | I | 4

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