•' • c—_ w« W and to direct the aMMjkm of oar Chad bourn shortage ia cars; the trouble thbyoorii said to have b«B the ©rerprodaction of strawber risto That is, then were cars toemnr all the berries te fbe Uk cities Bke Hew York, and bat the aappiy of ber> rise was ao txesMadoaa that the cloyed. We wm® i mmm tha i are net the only people *!• • hal a# strawberries and are desied the time or op. prwtaofti to grow then. There aee 35.000 or 40,000 people ia I0- ^toitktte la thcaklpgood *». J.W. Hit gT . . Mm ^ltoiJ-9assfcr‘i2 Wednesday ip Gastonia. Mr. SK&aS-L&fcSS at home after four yean w? j- Jfr.Wot mv aroch 22* i£ was detailed iM^lbe engineer’, department of that ship. Mr. West has decided iMtjic has {g1** yj^hritfct train rather than a 7.000,000 steam yacht. HAT MALI. •Mm* mi KeAAaavflla will A^iit T^Btfrowi . TtaJ* treat rivalry In bam ball circles between the Mona* tain bland and McAdanvilk y"»<M Locar team of Gssto nia lof base ball booon. Gas tonu hu won one nas fan McAdeaville. McAdeuville ha* J2* mm taaie from Mountain »M. mi the McAdeuville pounds. The game is attract r«g much interest, as the wia oing team will be placed lathe tad. Gastonia bow maintain* tat place, but should to-aor row's camsi belost the first place will go to McAdeuville. A uuge «*wd at interested spectators and rooters will attend the game IlOSl CvdfitftHIA. The ioUosriag is the line up: Hcimsmu. »»»--1 h-Aberaetfcy I Payee's Qalck Relief Oil, 2ft ceaU. ■ Pmgm’m MeMeHii *««h Me. AM aoM by FROST TORRENCE & CO. ■ SHOOTS ASSAILANT. Widow Living Near Eutnu. 0»-. ItWr (or Nogro for—I Time Alter Palling Victim FM-VmM Kaa Stn—g u»by Mob. Eastman, Ga., May 14.—Mrs. a widow, who lives alone about six miles north of East man. was amaolted by a negro named Will Woaimock last Pri day night. Wommuck went to tke home of Mrs. Pope and calling her oot told her a neigh borw—rick aad they had sent fa* her- When she came drawing hu knife, told her if she made aa outcry he wonld cut her throat. He told her if she made the assault known he would kill J1**^?**1?? ko*w he would “Nw himself, but be would kill her before he was killed, and that he wonld be back the next night, Mrs. Pope cut s hole in the front door sad covered it with a piece of cloth. When she beard 5®®*®** atep up on the porch Saturday night she asked if it was the same person who hsd been there the night before, snd when he replied Diet it wss, she snatched the cloth from over the bote and began firing, one bal let striking Worn mock in the stomach and passing through the body. Wommock then tamed and ran. Mrs. Pope con tinned to shoot at him until she bad exhausted the contents of her pistol. Neighbors, attracted by the shooting, visited Mrs. Pope’s house snd learned of the occur rence. They went to Wom mock’s house and fbnnd him in bed. wounded. At first, he de nied hiijprflt, bat later cob ferned. He was then taken out —d1 strung up and bis body rid dled with bnHets, eftcr which the mob quietly dispersed. An inquest was held this morn ing and tha coromer’a jury re tamed a verdict that the de ceased came to bis death at the hands of unknown parties. MKS. I. L. TBONASSON MAD. Altar Ua| Ilinsa., Sha Paaaad Away Yesterday Aftanwaa. Mis. J. L* Thomasson died yesterday aiteroooo at three o'clock, after a severe illness ol two months which began with 5i PocnmonU. She will be buried in tbe city ceme tery this afternoon, after funeral mivices conducted by Rev. E.L. Bow* ber pastor, at an hour not announced when we went to press last night. ,Mrs. Thotnasson was 29 years old the and of February. She Sy«£ri!d,to Mr. Tbomssson the 29tfa of last December, ber *“*£ea being Miss Ins Cobb. Her mother and ber half atater, Mrs. Reinhart, of tbe ^"7* vnammt when she died. She has s brother Henry at Denoirand Avery at McCoil, ***■ of whom were no tWmiofhet death and are ex P««ted at the funeral. There is deep and general <yapstb)r for the bereaved young huabaad and the other sot rowing members of the stricken family. The pretest at Raleigh against t carrier for oae of tbe . K. F. D. routes was so strong i that the acting carrier, a white will be continued. VICE ADM (tAAASSASSDIATKD. Attempted (« Slav May Day Cal ky Werkmea—Mar* w aJSt- P^rmba^ M*—Vlea Admiral Kuzmich, commander of UV »»poihi Itr with the workmen, was tsus* si Dated here to-day by wockatn whoae May Day celabration he bad attempted to stop. Tbe admiral was killed at the new admiralty work*, a govern 1?e,!,tiE?trtBUo" wb«™ moat of the2.0W men employed there re ported for duty at S o’clock this morning. The men wanted im mediately to march oat in a body ud celebrate the Russian May 2»yVb,‘,t ,finfU7 to work tin 2 o’clock in tbe afternoon. Tbe admiral, however, made a speech to the men. saying that he could not agree lo their leav ing work at 2 o'clock, and the mntter waa left open. About 9:30 A. jc. the admiral was emerging from a small shop in the works when a workman, who bad been concealed around the corner of the building, leaped on Kurmich from behind and “ ,0°g dagger into his back. The admiral fell forward on hu face, which waa badly cut by stones, and died immediately. The asoassio fled into a large forge, where be was lost among the men employed there. The works were promptly surrounded by troop* and police, but tbe search for the murderer was an availing, his comrades profess ing ignorance of his identity. The police say it is evident that tbe assassination of the ad miral had been planned in ad vance. The dagger which was found on the spot was concealed in a round stick, like a sword caue. Among the workmen are many funner sailors and revolutionists. Kuzmich had a bad reputation among tbe workmen, being re garded as hard and despotic. — A Naval Introdactitn. The Dr. Howard. Company have entered into an arrange ment with Adams Drug Com pany, by which a special intro ductory offer will be made of 25 cents on tbe 50 cents size of their celebrated specific for the cnre ol constipation and dyspepsia. This medicine is a new dis covery for tbe cnre of all dis eases of tbe stomach and bowela. It not only gives quick relief; it makes permanent cures. So remarkably successful bas Dr. Howard’s specific been in curing constipation, dyspepsia, and all forma of liver trouble, tbat tbe Adams Drag Company will retnrn the price paid in retuT Wh<** “ doe* "ot *iT* The old-fashioned idea of dosing arith mineral waters, cathartic pills * k*wk pa rjmti Ycswill soon be > Aing of the pest. The best physl d*s» prescribing J>r. Howard's ipertfic. both because it is so re surkable amedicine and on account * small doae that is seeded. Headache, coated tongue,dixxineaa, ras on the stomach, specks before the syes, constipation, and all forms of aalajia mad liner trouble am soon Mlgjg*1* scientific medkiae. MOHET TO LOAM. , I have FIFTY THOUSAND DOL LARS to Iona on real estate; both own property and farms. No loans ess than $1,000. Apply toClaadtaa D. Holland. Opposite the Post Office, Gastonia, N. C. ■ r. v. vi.•- ■ ■ • \ . TfllfiTA ■■ IflM j Boat Set Tear Pleats la Ground Where Potatoes ar Tomatoes 8rew the Pnrlnus Tear. r» Ur Utter of me Oeaette: Gaatonia. May 17—In about a month, or six weeks, many pirdenera and tomato-lovers will be perplexed to know why their tomatoes wilt sod die. The plants begin to wilt at the top and gradually die to the root, and often when full of fruit and most vigorous. Tbit blight is caused not by a worm or an insect but fw • or >» the soil in which the plants an set. It is earned by or originates from plant»ng tomatoes year after year in the same spot, or iu groond in which Irish potatoes have been npeatedly grown. Irish potatoes and tomatoes an closely kin. The remedy is to remove yonr tomato bed to ground in which ueitheT tomatoes nor Irish po tatoes have ever been grown. New ground is best. Q. TOWN TAXES 1 Property and poU> Usable Is Gu tonla. N. C.. wnet be lilted wHh ooatb of June. ISO*. I will attend: ££“fk -J«»« S-Fore noon Modem Mill-lane S_ Afternoon -Ju*« Forenoon Old Mill.-..-Ten* 8L Afternoon TVentoe Mill .-June 7_ Afternoon ^1“ '-fene ft. Afternoon City Hall-June 9. 12. 13. U. 1Separate return* mint be elide to tbe undersigned, in sdditios to tbe return tbat u nude to tbe lister for Connty and State tasea. Jno. P, Bradusy. Uit-Taker for Town of Oaetonis. M Final Perseverance.” nosnrllli dartre and Childrea. Mr. Clyde Bivens has begun the publication of a newspaper in Wadeaboro. It takes a lot of final perseverance for a man to win in tbe race. Bro. Bivens, bat are hope yon wilt duly arrive. J.B.LUTZ&SON LIVERYMEN LowblLjJNjC. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Recycles, The Best Bicycles that are Made at Trices that are wkbia Reach of All. Also Fan Lise ef Bicycle Supplies end Base Ball Goods. RerpeetfaHy, Torrenc* Bros, PlaaUaf, Heads*. Bicycles. Sporting Oaads, sad Rahhcr BagBf Tires. 4» <f NEW I White Goods t 4* <4 4* — 1 ••— 4 4* As pretty and Inviting as aaaw- *4 of banks In summer are our stacks of af * new white goods. Everything to *1* please, to charm, to meet the opening V of spring and summer with In the way of f * white dress goods and trimmings la • v here In profusion. We Invite you to ft see them. af of a£n t Persian Lawns > Linen Lawns * ^ India Linons We are also showings vast variety "j* and big lots of f Brown Linens 4 Embroideries j* ^ Val Laces j* Torchon Laces J T "I* Our third shipment* Enormous «ls stocks. You will be pleased to see JL • them. Come. * T + + -' - «j» $ JNO. F. LOVE t «L If- - I You Can't Afford to be With-1 out Protection Against Fire We represent "THE ORIGINAL POUK*' F1IE Of. SUtANCE COMPANIES OP OBEENSBOIO. Also four New York and Pennsyl vania Companies having am ple capital to protect . their risks. BGN*T WAIT UNTIL TOUB PBOPER. TT GOES UP IN SMOKE before deciding to secure protec tion. The coat is too small an item for yon to afford this. Gastonia Insurance a a a Add and Realty Company iu.- -J

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