Mracfioas sad necessary blanks., Correspondents win kindly be patient. It would be almost in, possible for ns to tnawer each oae separately wit boat dropping ■*&.- everything else. In good time the requisite information will be ***** in circular or other form. Meanwhile, keep op the stream «f applications and fill tip the re quired number as BOO* as pos •dMe. Remember that we pay ymt for your work. We wish to *fge public spirited chiseos *ve*T where to take enough in terest is this public enterprise Ur oid as ia getting good, re liable numerators and in prop erly dividing the district* so that cocb one can be worked ia ' n day. Below we have indi cated, an acrmstely as possible, the number of enumerators a*d districts which appear to be accessary. The people in every neighborhood will donna great law by reading these lists aad making ■aggcrtkms. Pos l-f dWy we have, in some cases, districts, in others not enough. Let as know quickly, glean*; the tiaw iAbort. MUM TOWNSHIP 18. 3 HH Jx. ■ • BS vg £HH JO Totrt far DalUs Township_20 CHxunrvmjt township—18. ^•nyvflle tow*_ 5 CWrrrrilk Prrcioct outside flftSSS - 0 , C*i oeliter's Precinct._3 Kiser's Precinct_4 Tettl CkerryTille Towasbip .18 CMOWXMU'M MOUNTAIN TOWN «np—1J. Bessemer City town__0 Bessemer Precisct oot side of sSpJSSfcrEEj Tel*! far Crowder's Mtn ._Is OASTONU TOWNSHIP-40. *y—30 Wo. 1 out* Gieen’a Prsciset„l \ J^ton? bat the event has gloriously justified tbe faith sod “HP#** promoters. The attendance was one to tax the capacity but not the hospi tality of the splendid city to which «U its neighbors delight to trek upon very slight provo cation, mad the crowds were not disappointed in the attractions. If grace coold be fouad in criticism of any point of a pro gram so rceplendentiy empari toned and so felicitously ful filled, we could only find it in oar heart to wish that the great bamao dag. with the voice of singing children bursting from every mesh of its glory-gilded folds into a colorful cataract of hfrical patriotism, coold have been made n feature of each diy to tin back tbe morning's (m^Pf mnlUhf mfeL ft._u - vw—- - «u w • tudinous rippling*. The human w a unique animate en sign—an emblem incarnated in 'the thing emblematized. 'Fbe parades, the military dis plays. the music, allthe features, in abort, were worthy of un stinted laudation. Whan it came to knowing the people who were there to ace the sights, no one person knew many people in a single section of the moving multitudes, hot from flrst to last the average man met enough of bis Inends to be convinced that they were “ell there" from far •■i aaar. Sometimes we strike for a good thing and bit a better. It was so with scores who went to Charlotte Jut for a good time. And it seemed to be so arith one aiaa who, in giving Us opinion of the proceedings of Tuesday, appeared to be teaching into his sluggish vocabulary for the word "occasion," The day was over at the perk, and the beams oi lading gold lay slanting from the west over the rent-money acres of Dilworth. The music and the maneuvers of the soldiers were memories, and the wondcriul doings of bones that lay down and of the riders who rode them were recollections that wouldn’t •top galloping around in the brain. The man had emerged into lie Ir-.rfnn. -I_ gate. The Gatling gun gaUled in the distance behind the follca wboae feces were sow turned city-ward. A few yean ago be vaa, perhaps, a society leader ia hi* neighborhood and sat out ride in a'buggy with hi* beat girl during preaching hour in the old country church! That was a few years ago. Now he bands up the baby to Sallie at the la dies^ entrance and walks around to tha men’s door and proudly takes bis seat among the younger pillars of the laith. Tuesday's Proceedings had given him. that glory-enough-for-all feeling, and )oy radiated from every lin eament of the countenance that beamed happily above bis long red moustache aa be declared to his companions ia a clear tenor toica: "Thiahyere’* the biggest circumstance that ever was ia North Carolina!" Oar Charlotte friends may rest “V- Their celebration of tha Xkb this year was more than a grand occasion—it was a great circnmatanee, CttttfTOAIO, *22. Ch*?t*T o< the Ottked Daaufaters of the Con hderaqr wish to tender their dncerrfthauks to every one who mfctod theas ia any way toward mlabratiag the tenth of May. -ZXZZ-■ W Discovery 9 roe STOMACH. HOWBtS. LIVI*. ako kumbys. •1.00 Mor I»IU«. ihrM tor —MO, *ta lor M.OO. ■ Payne** Quick Relief Oil, 25 cent*. I rmrmm'm MiOiHri S«i, Ms. All sold by FROST TORRENCE A CO, 1 Km was suoiew. Mb* Matte Moatgamsry. Papular Ta«i< Society Verna* o! Star Interf, Faaai Uocaaacloas hbilNi sad Dias la Faw taCh»ikxKOUCTT«T Spartaubnrg, S. C.. Hay 23. Miss Mane Montgomery, oldest daughter of V. 11. Montgomery, president of the Pacolet and Gainesville Cotton Mills, died suddenly at her home on Main street this morning. Shortly be fore the breakfast boor the young lady was called and, upon re ceiving no response, a member of the family went to her room and was shocked' to find her in an unconscious condition. A physician was summoned and did everything possible to revive the patient, but bis efforts were of no avail, sod at 11 o’clock Miss Montgomery quietly passed away. Deceased was a prominent member of the young social act and was exceedingly pop ular. She was a graduate of Limestone College, having com pleted her course of studies about a year ago. Only a few months ago the grief-stricken home was saddened by the death of Mrs. Montgomery, who also died sud denly. About a year ago Mr. Montgomery's second daughter, Mrs. Horace L. Botnar, died, making three deaths in the im mediate family within the past year. _‘V Mr. E41mii la Llocalafag. CteMH Ofetiricr. Winston-Salem, May 23.—Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J., spent last night in this city en route to Lincoln conoty, there the world's greatest in* ventive genius has several pros pectors at work, they having diacoved several veins of the rare metal, cobalt, with which be will be able to reduce the weight of bis new battery 50 per cent. Take Time To Eat. Barry at Meals Will Saad Tea ta J. B. Keaaeiv < Co., lor M>*o na Slam acIt Tablata. "Eat in haste and repent at leisure” is an old saying brought up to date. Hurry at breakfast means a bad start for the day, and if you burry also at the other meals, yon will soon suffer with loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nervous* nets, farted tongue, specks be fore the eyes, headaches, back aches, weakness and debility, iadigestion, or other ills that are caused by an abased stomach. 1 Here in Gastonia, as in thous ands of other places over the country, harry at meals increas es the druggist's boaiaesa. Hot a day passes that J. H. Kenuedy fit Co., do not sell several pack ages of Mi-o-na stomach tablets to these who have rained their digestion by not taking time to cat. v* imiigcsuun nil many otbercauses.bat whatever the caoae,. the remedy ia the aaine, Mi-o-na. It cores any acidity there way be, lucreasea tlie flow of the gastric juices, anil actual ly I"M a&augtlt and tone to the whole digestive system, so that you can soon est anything st any time without tear of indignation. J. II. Kennedy * Co. have eeen so away cam aiadc by Mi-r> na that they eeil |f ander an afcnoiuto guarnntee that it will be successful in every ease where it h used is act-ordeal with directions. Mist is, one lablr* before each meal, and will refund the ggSiS&aRSg If it fails. ^ ~MU-15 Items From Chsrrrrills CSrinrHlV 70*1*. 23rd. Dr. Houaer’a Sne new dwell ing is uow nearing completion. It b one ol the most attractive *° *°wn and is quite an addition to Cherryville. A kiln of brick belonging t« th« Cbe,tr££,k Brick Company collapsed Thursday uigbt, do ing considerable damage, de stroying several thousand brick. Ml. Audie Beam, fonneily of tbb place, who has been sta tioned in Gastonia working in surance, has been transferred by his company to Hickory aud Newton. The Commercial Hotel has just been repainted, which adds much to its appearance. Mr. T. B. Leonbardt b the popular proprietor, and always keeps it up-to-date. Mr. Harris Hardin, a practi car printer 01 aneJDjr, baa ac cepted a position on The Eagle. Mr. Hardin is a bright young man, and tre were fortunate in securing bis services. Mr. J. P, Dellinger, of this place, is the promoter of a bagging factory to be erected at Lattimore this summer. This, it is said, ia the fourth institu tion of its kind in the Sooth. Mr. Juo. S. Neill recently purchased the Armstrong dwell ing on Main street. It has just been repainted and adds much to the appearance of the south end of Cherryville. Mr. Chester A. Black, a clever younjr citizen living near Cherryville, is in the race for county surveyor. He has bad considerable experience along this line the past winter aud spring, and we commend him to the voter* of Gaston county. Some coward had the "sneak ing audacity B about hitn to cut the driving belt of the Cherryville Manufacturing Company. We do uot know who the party is, nor are we alleging any one, but it appears to us that the party ought to be severely punished. M. D. Gates had a mess of Irish potatoes yesterday, gath ered from hia garden. This ia the first new potatoes we have heard of this year, and it goes to show that Mr. Gates''is a good gardener as well as accommoda ting salesman. Mr. J. W. Spargo, who lived about two miles from Crouse, died Sunday afternoon. His death wms a shock to the com munity. having been tick only a few hours. He was about 38 years of age and ia survived by a loving wife and five children— three sons and two daughters. The deceased was a faithful aud devout Christian and a member of the Waco Baptist chnrch. He was one of the moat highly es teemed citizens and was loved by all who knew him. His re mains were laid to rest Monday at 3 o’clock at Landers’ Cbspel, with Masonic honors. The death angel visited the home of Mr. Sidney Reynolds, who lives about two miles of this place, and took from It his mother-in law, Mrs. Catherine Heavener, on last Suudav, the 20th inat. She was one of the oldest land marks of Gaston county, having reached the ripe old age of 78. The deceased was the mother of 9 children, 5 living and 4 dead, and bad 39 grandchildren, 33 living, 8 dead. She was a con sistent member of the Methodist church, and was held in high es teem by all who knew her. Her fnneral was conducted by Rev. B. H. Kobn, in his osna) im pressive manner, at the Luth eran eborch here at 10 o’clock Monday, after which ber remains were laid to teat is the cemetery. Tantfh «i tbs Ondsale. Charily tad Chitdrem. Did you ever beat of a college dead-beat? Mot loog ago a graduate of Princeton was Boaating in our presence that tbe curriculum at that great institution was ao high that a man holding a diploma from any of our North Carolina cn) leres could not enter junior claas. And Jbe was a graduate of Princeton. And be couldn’t make a living for a jay-bird! The Big Sale at-WhUSakTo wiU ooatlaao farta* Amy*. Tba good* mm merit mi at tkalow «* PriM. Boom* taar* a» Bar of MOOAm bofor* b*yia« tlaefebofo. Whitfield Dry Goods Co. . —" .. .. a .in rmmmm .. I t | I Make No Mistake hot if you do, it in well to ace it and correct it at coca. The writinjt in con* atantly risible in the .* .* FRANKLIN Typewriter Rapid Reliable Reasonable Frank H.Tuxbury Sautkerm RrfrtirHltil/vt. ROA.\OK£. VA. Claude A. Eury I*OC*t R*PT4tnt4ti*t% - GASTOAFA. A. C. TOWN TAXES! Property and polls taxable in Gas tonia, N. C., mast be listed with the undersigned during the laoclh of June. 1908. I will attend; Ozark MUI...June 1—Forenoon Modena Mill-.June 5_ Afternoon Avon Mill__June 0_Forenoon Old Mill—. June 6_ Afternoon Trenton Mill-Tune 7. Afternoon T^ray Mill-Jnnc 8.. Afternoon City llall _ Jnne 9, 12, 13, 14. Separate returns must be made to the undersigned, in addition to the return that is made to the lister (or County and State taxes. iKO. F. RrADLCV. List-Taker for Town of Gastonia, X. C. | J. B. LUTZ & SON TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, The Brat Bicycle* that are Made at Price* that are Mitbfa Reach of All. Pan Uae of Supplies sod *■' ■ ■ —=nLJ__ «$* -S. 4> NEW * + White Goods t 4* 4* 4* '-—— . 4* 4» As pretty and Inviting as anew- 4* «|» banks In summer are our stacks of «2» * new white goods. Everything to * please, to charm, to meet the opening T «f spring and summer with In the way of «l» white dress goods and trimmings is * here In profusion. We Invite you to *1* e^o see them. ^ ^ Persian Lawns J ^ Linen Lawns • ▼ India Linons We are al*° ahowlnga vast variety “ and big lots of 4 ^ Brown Linens * ^ Embroideries ? ^ Val Laces •* ^ Torchon Laces ^ 4* Our third shipment. Enormous 4* 4» **<><*•• You will he pleased to see JU • them. Come. V 4* «2» f —— 4 4 JNO. F. LOVE t t * x x I I_ You Can’t Alford to be With out Protection Against Fire We represent “THE ORIGINAL FOUR” FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANIES OF GREENSRORO. Also four New York and Pennsyl vania Companies having am ple capital to protect their risks. DON'T WAIT UNTIL TOUR PROPER. TY GOES UP IN SMOKE before deciding to secnre protec tion. The cost is too small an item for you to afford this. Gastonia Insurance * a a A A A and Realty Company ~e^«»r