There U aometbin* shoot a bird's nest which baa sn indefi mbte overpowering fascination ter the average boy. But we be lieve that the boy who overcomes this faarinafloa and gives the •other-bird and bar tittle ones a •OMR deal and a fair show at Sic will be abetter and strongei boy fork. It has been a loo* Ham since we printed anythin* •ore intereatin* in Uaelf than the fi article oo pnkrrtia* the bird's ■eat written Mr. T. Gilbert Beano*, President of the North Catalina Andnbon Society. ‘^ibtfTIk 55HSSS Mai amoaat la much h! Ihij SST2,:is^;5‘^: Sk.^.^k^n^, *h *•“ Irnmm >mk»frf^ui Jlfcljr *flt !«. I* htt hMteaec SKr*Wh every lessen iog breath how bard the game is going Npriut them, and supremely occupied with the business of ■feeding off the diaaolatkm of Mol ami body to tbg last pom •ihlo moment of tana, should B«>t have additional burdens im posed upon them. census rtsmut TO JOfftU By reaaoo of tha facts that on ■rat Friday the boaiaeaa men hi the town will be busy with their hooka aad collections sad the WJowing dty is the date for the Democratic county convention, HUfe been suggested to us that are postpone the census day. This will be entirely agreeable to us. since our principal desire is to complete it in good time before the Fourth of July. As the farmers wish the Census taken to come around before harvest opens, we have decided upon June Utb as census day. Let everybody get reedy, now, and let's work to* gather for s complete and trust worthy census of Qastoo coun ty’* population. Later on are hope to pablish « list of the enumerators and indicate the few simple questions to be answered. Meanwhile, wa want several more applications from Cher ryvflle and River Bend town •hip*. Remember we give good pay for the work. We cannot leave any township out. Be low is a list of— Caaaaa Taksrs Required. DALLAS TOWHSaiP -16. Dallas town_ 3 Harden.. . 1 Highshoals___1 Dallas Township outside of above districts__10 Total for Dallas Township_16 CHXUWILLR township—18. CberryvOle town_ 5 Cbetiyvifle Precinct outside of town_ a Caipenter'a Precinct_I 3 Riser’s Precinct_ 4 Total Cherryville Township—18 ckownsa’s mountain town ship—15. Bessemer City town_6 Bessemer Precinct outside of town.-..._ 4 Baker’s Precinct___2 Dil ling's Precinct_3 Total for Crowder's Mtn_15 GASTONIA TOWNSHIP—40. Gastonia town__30 Gastonia Precinct No. 1 out side_4 Spencer Mountain Mills_2 Gastonia Precinct No. 2 out side _2 Glenn's Precinct_2 Total for Gastonia Township .40 river Mien TOWNSHIP— 2L Mt. Holly town__4 Ml Hotly Precinct outside_4 Mountain Island town_3 Candor’s Predoct outside_ 2 Stanley town_3 Stanley Precinct outside_5 Total River Bend Township_21 som Knar township—28. Lowell town___ 3 McAdeuviOe town_3 Lowell Precinct outside_6 Belmont town___2 Belmont Precinct outside._6 Sooth Point Precinct_2 Union Precinct. _ ___4 Total South Point Township, a iiiunig riM nscOlUE. Seldom fa every day life doti •*** nm acraae a am back life-story than that of the geotie Kentucky lad who died the other day at High Point, a road coo vlct with a hole throogh Mr body to mark the path of a vengeful bullet from the guard's Winchester. Hal. though clearly lacking la high ••wl perpoee, haaeeau to have ZfT*rTr.*"r^fT, T* - He *** Md. paafea.lo Nflerfag. andalltte recorded attcraaeca of the dying her stamp him aa f innln ameeaf the dear hmUaeta of hi. MO who have been lucky enough today eflefthe abalo ****** aatnmthm hawaa Wad laa gautla Keutuahy home, auewaalam what lathe aearet of Wedewe-fell. Waa It heredity? Wm k laafc of a mathm*a discipline. Endue haiduess as • good soldier, was the Apostle’s injunction. Hardness is good when endued for the good it brings, and some hard ness must be endued hr - every roomers son ot us wno would be more than a piece of drift-wood on a sea of sin. There is training in it. And training always looks to the future, is always directed to an hour of trial, of peril, of tri umph or defeat. The fair faced little boy with merry eyes and loving ways and ever-cheering laughter overflowing with good fellowship, tempts fond parents and admiring neighbors to gratify bia every want. Better not do that. Be good to him and deny him some things. The lad the guard*! rifle killed had everything he wanted when he was growing np. And wheu the choice was presented to him of denying his pride or forging a check he was weak on self denial and strong in the oppo site direction. He bad not been trained for the test and the whisperings of evil won the con flict. Temptations, trials, 'many perilous hours will come; woe to him who goes to meet them in bis crude untrained strength, more woe to him who goes with his powers already dominated «__!l _-7* s swat v. . * uc ncuicw lad in the courts of Babylon was disciplined before the hour—he had thought of it, he had “ pur posed in his heart that be would not," and he didn’t! Our people are accumulating at a rate they have never before known the material things of life. Parents are better able than ever before to gratify every want of their children. But it ia a good idea not to do it. Teach them to work. Occupied with their work, they forget many foolish wants, and that brain which when idle is the devil's workshop becomes at once a trysting place for all of life’s good angels. Teach the boy thrift, that is all right; thrift ia a good word and the word represents • thing that is filled with self-discipline, self denial. Teach hfm thrift, with honor to balance it, and one of these days somebody is going to be proud of the boy. Mothers, don't (ear to see your darling boys get their garbs mussed up at work. Don’t be afraid to have them come home at night hungry and may-be Bred, tooj fin honest day’s work has never ret kart a boy, and if it takes moagk of the soap out of kim l® keep him off the street at rifffct and send kim to bed tarfy. yon ought not to say, “Poor little fellow I” The rather yon ought to say, “Hurrah for the day’s work!" rbe snap will all be back tbs sent morning Bat if yea pet ind pamper and indulge aad beeaimsjrw have the aank enough yourself to prefer the eaaa of gratifying them to tnMac W the rtrtoc of who hoW. tkn m boot only to go hr eaoogta «M» it is ordor to W 0 heart acb« that aotWog hot hooooo ooa help. Loot iota four lktlo bo/a fair, bright hoc Md U«cs to the moh of leogbtor h hh twmi who, aadlfyoocaodoaorthhg h the way of tfoialsg—bord tahkf, U ootoooary to hoop hhi (no ffhi lo o otraaga hoi. h ah—o otriped tmx meats, among strange people, bia thirst growing greater ns his wounds bleed more, his dry lips wet with cool drafts from the hands of pity>smittcn aliens, sud from crying at the last. "The way of the transgressor is hnrd, hard, bard!’1—if you can keep your darling little hoy from a late like that by discipline, by training howsoever hard and stem, hadn’t you better do it? TUB CHOP COMMIT US BAB. Pmllsnl C. C. Haora Baclares TUI Um Cation Ontlaak Is the Vortf In Year*—Slate tadoo Um la Across* Sana Par Cast. Charlotte Uhaenrer. Tbs condition of the cotton crop to dale in North Carolina is the worst in viars," declared President C. C. Moore to an I Observer reporter yesterday. "I have just returned from Raleigh, and the reports that have been received from 28 cotton pro ducing counties the crop is estimated to be SO per cent of the average, la others, 75 per cent. The estimates vary be tween these two figures. These reports come from the secreta ries of the county organisations and are as accurate as cjn be had. There are 48 cotton pro ducing counties in the State. With few exceptions those pro during the major portion of the crop have been beard from. The other reports will be re ceived later. "I have been all over the State and have taken much trouble to find out the exact status of affairs. I believe that the condition of the present crop, up to May 20, the date of most of these reports, and of my own investigations, is the worst that I have ever known." Mr. Moore was asked about tbe decrease iu acreage over last year. He could not answer pos itively, not having received all of tbe reports, but estimated that the redaction would be ap proximately seven per cent. ACREAGE REPORT JUNE PIBST. Pint Official Bap art ot U» South ern Cotton Association lo bo I—nod Than—President C. C. Moan Leaves. Cbulott* Ot«mr. President Charles C. Moore, of tbe North Carolina division of the Southern Cotton Associ ation, will leave this morning for Jackson, Miss., to attend the conference of State division pres idents, which is to be held in that city Thursday, May 31. A meeting of tbe executive com mittee of. tbe association will also be held at the same time and place. Cotton men all over tbe South are interested in the outcome of this meeting, far the first official report on the acreage of the crop of 1906 will be issued. Tbs report will be issued Fri day June 1, thereby preceding tbe government report. Rela tive to the issuance of the South ern Cotton Association’s report in advance of the government, President Moore stated that it was tbe purpose of the officials of that body to demonstrate to tbe world tbe fact that the proper source for information about tbe cotton crop was with the producers, rather than with tbe government, or any other agency. The future alone will determine,” said he, “the ques tion as to which of the two is the most accurate.” President Moore will hardly return to Charlotte, before June 10. It ia yery probable that he, in company with President Har »ie Jordan, Secretary Richard Cheatham, Mr. E. D. Smith, of South Carolina, and five or six <*hew. will make a 10-day* tour of Texas, perfecting tbe organ isation in a number of tbe large cotton producing counties of that State. Fat Children. Grady Harvey, who lives near Saffney. S. C„ weighed 285 pounds when he was 11 years aid and the other day when they celebrated bis twelfth birthday lie tipped the scales at 900. Hit aldest sister weighs 900 pounds iad he has two other sisters whose ages range front 14 to 90 rears and these three sisters combined weigh nearly 900 pounds. Steady Improve asent is re ported in the condition of Mr*. Jefferson Devin, who has been M dangerously ill in New York. I • • The Big Sale •t WMtBoM’a will continue for too deya. ffco toode are moyfng out at the low net price. Be aura to ooo am Hne of htfiTTi iwyiB| ilmjim Whitfield Dry GccJsCo. Have You Noticed The air ol refinement whkh properly built clothe* kn I*«rt to the man who wears them? Stylish cut—excellent fit— reliable materials—superior cons tructlou—th st's the se cret. All these essential* are embraced in SCtlLOSS BROS. A *. S J—d.laad dlttoa. tb* price* last right. It will pay you to get ac quainted with these clothes. Come in and we'll introduce you. Krfcq Ringe frca S$ to SM Swan-Slater C.° ■tad I* raai OuUttart he Mm sad lay*. NOTICE. Slate of North Carolina. \ Deportment of State. f CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Ta all wiom tktu Praitutt may coma— GRKE 7 /JVG: Whrhxab, It appears to ray satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my ufllra, that the Lurt Trust Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situa ted in the town of Gastonia, county of Gaston, State of North Carotins <Rol>N A* Love being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process maybe served,) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Rcvtsal of 1905. entitled "Corporations." preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution : Now. THxaaroan, I. J. DRYAN GRIMES, Secretary oi State of the State oi N'-rth Caro linn, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 22nd day of 51 ay, 1906. file in roy office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing lo the dis solution of said corporation, executed by all thcstockholdcrs thereof, (kbich said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are novron file in,raT ,a'o office as provided by law. In Tkstixowy Wim* non, f have “Sfrto set my hand and affixed uiy official seal, at Ualeigb, this 22nd day of May, A. D. 10M. J. Bryan Grucxs, _ Secretary of Stale. North Carolina, 1 Gaston County. / Filed and recorded in Record of Iwiiporstions Hook No. 1, page 313, „ , C. C. Cornwell. Clerk of the Superior Court. —T18co. TOWN TAXES! Property and polls taxable In Gas tonia, N. C.. must be listed with toe undersigned during the month of June, 1906. I will attend; Osark Mill -_Junc 5 _.Forenoon Mndena Mill-June A. Afternoon nuunV- —June 6 ..Forenoon Old Mill -fune 6.. Afternoon Trenton Mitt-June 7_ Afternoon LorayMill-Jane A. Afternoon City Hall--June 8,12, 14,14. Separate retains must be made to the undersigned, in addition to the return that is made to the lister for County and Stale taxes. . Jwo. F. Ukadlkv, List-Taker for Towa of Gastonia. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, rhe Beat Bicycles that are Made at Prices that are within Beech of All. Alao Poll Line of Bicycle Supplies and Base Ball Goods. Respectfully, Torrence Bros, Plumbing, Heeling, Bicycles, Sporting Goods, end Rubber Buggy Tires 1 ■ , ii jimm., _.i sc 4* •§• 4’ *1* •§• •§• *§• *t* 4* *1* 4* j? *S» «|» 4* NEW X * White Goods X t * T ---=- «L y A* pretty and Inviting as snow V T banks In summer are our stacks of «2» sL ncw white goods. Everything to T Please, to charm, to meet the opening V sfs spring and summer with In the way of gfc «L r",tc dre88 Hoods and trimmings Is T hcr« In profusion. We Invite you to 4* a£» see them. i Persian Lawns J j* Linen Lawns 4* ‘ India Llnons J* *$» 4* We ere also ahowlnga vast variety “ and big lots of i 4* ^ Brown Linens Embroideries ^ Val Laces J Torchon Laces T •* Our third shipment* Enormous 4» stocks. Yon will be pleased to see Js them. Come. T 4s 4» —~,r"— 4. t JNOi F. LOVE t * X * X You Can’t Afford to be With out Protection Against Fire We represent 'THE ORIGINAL rOUR” FIRE IN* SURANCE COMPANIES OF GREENSBORO. Also four New York and Pennsyl vania Companies having am ple capital to protect their risks. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOUR PROPER* TY GOES UP IN SMOKE before deciding to secure protec tion. The cost is too small an item for you to afford this. Gastonia Insurance a a a a _ aaa and Realty Company I ji n©©©G©©©©©©©C©©©© i Iron Works 8 DUNPRY AT MT. HOLLY. 8 the increaainr demand* mad* upon A Mies. we have opened a branch of A fount Holly, where we aball be A our usual prompt and efficient aer- A >ld cnatomera aa well aa new ones. O teemed patrons will 8ud the Mount 0 i convenient than to coma to tha

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