■* ‘ - -1———- —— -——I irJ—i ^ 1.—I. -—1_|——I —LI—--jI — u — ~ i ~ ~l ~ _ u ~ _ . I i_ -| _n _i a a - - i 4 » .. 4 * \ %tmmm»4 mb It >k... I TM 4mr m tiau t* pm* IiMMinumtiiim imt _ W. F. MARSHALL, Editor and Proprietor. Devi VOL XXVII. 4.44 4 44 4 4-44444^ "I'MlBBr'a wlir*ltsrk»b«4 lix hiul- JL li wc but knew il Wbo always puts with all bln »lin. -T" nl» NbrfUldcr to it.*- JL And the main impetua oi making the wheel of a Fortune roll the way you want ft is flavin*. ^ But there are ways and way* of aavin*. i : 4 4 DtpohKta letefvt Every CwiMkritui 4 t CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ± 4. X 44444444444.4 < M t I M|.|. ~ * a ■ - ■ -- - - CHARLOTTE WANTS LOWER PHONE RATES. Will Neka Request tf Stale Car peretlea Cammlsstsn — Prss ent Ratos S4 lor Rsslasai Bsassa. and from HJO l< 13.90 for Residences—A State nenl by Nr. M. B. Spier. Charlotte Chronicle. Mar 79th. Petitions reading ns follow* ere being circulated in the city and are being generally signed by telephone subscribers: "To the North Carolina Cor poration Commission: We the undersigned citizens of Char lottte and Mecklenburg county, believing that the rates for tele phones in Charlotte and Meck lenburg county are unreasonably high and unjust, petition your honorable body to make the rates reasonable and junt." The petitions are being car ried by well-known citizens. One gentlemen presented his petition to 25 subscribers this morning, every one ot whom DIVI1CU IV. The first dissatisfaction at the alleged excessive ’phone rates, charged Charlotte people by the Southern Bell.Telephone & Telegraph Company, sprang up several weeks ago and bss grown gradually every since. The movement to attempt to reduce the ratea took definite shape a few days ago when several of the dissatisfied citi zens got together and prepared the petition. Tint PRESENT RATES. The rates charged by the Bell people for ’phones in Charlotte are $4 a month for business honses and offices and from $2.50 to $3.50 a month for residences. One of those assisting in the movement to reduce the rates stated this afternoon that a member of the former Queen City Telephone Company was ready to swear that his company could have made money charg ing $1.50 a month for residences nod $25 a year for businesi ’phones if it bad bad $5,000 ad ditional capital to initall needed equipment. One young lawyer asked a rc t porter to state that his office cost trim $5 a month and his telephone $4. The Corporation Commission has absolute power to fix rater on telephones. MR. U. B. SHIRR’S STATEMENT. Mr. M. B. Spier, superintend' ent of the North Carolina divis< ion of the Southern Bell Tele phone & Telegraph Company, when seen by a Chronicle re Krter this afternoon, stated tbal was very much surprised tbal anyone in Charlotte should havi undertaken so extraordinary s measure, in view of the uiagnifi cent plant, splendid service and reasonable rates which his com pane has hr this city. Mil I. _ J S .« . . ■ a •• V«*«l I DC (CIV phone plant and service in Char lotte ia aecond to none in thi country," said Mr. Spier. "Then ■re over 1,700 anbacriben non connected with the Charlotte ex change and tha ratea art at lot aa ate quoted in any city of tb< ■is* of Charlotte and with iti anbacription Hat, in tba aevei state* in wbicb tbit compati] operates. It would appear tha there ia littte ground for com plaint of tha uoreaaonablenea of the preaeot ratea when bo $4 per month ia charted for i special Hoe beaineaa atatlon aw but $3.90 par month for a tela ptope upon e circuit with twi atationa, end where mtaeag rate service (a limited nnwbe of meaaagea a month) can b had at from $3 to $3 per month dependent opoo tha character o the circuit opoo which Ike tela phoaa ia connactad, whethe special, duplex nr party line nod with letidewce ratea of bo $2.50 per month for special line stations and $2 per month for telephones upon circuits with two stations npou them. RATKS AKK Lini'kAL. "The failure and financial em barrassment of to many compa nies in North Carolina charging rates but very little lower than those last mentioned, and furn ishing a service and having an investment in no way compara ble with that of the Southern Bell Company, would appear to furnish conclusive evidence that these rates are not only entirely reasonable but liberal.” Mr. Spier said that he re gretted extTcmely that the mat ter was broached at this particu lar time, as he was using his utmost energies to induce his company to extend its opera tions, not only in North Caro lina, but in and around Char lotte in particnlar. To this end he has just completed the pur chase of a lot with a 35-foot frontage on Third street, imme diately adjoining the lot upon which the present telephone building is located and on which will soon be erected an addition to the present bnildiug, and he ia nsing hit utmost en deavors, not only to have the tvstem in the city extended, bnt that more and more lines shall be constructed throughout the county, making the city service more valuable to Charlotte sub scribers. For this reason, be said, he thought it unfortunate that this agitation, which is wholly uncalled for and which can accomplish no good, sbonld occur at this time, as it will very greatly interfere with the plans which the company has on foot for the development of the busi ness in this section. HEALTH IN GASTONIA. i. H. Kannsdy 4 Co. Say Coro of Digestion Solves Problem of Loig Life. No one in Gastonia bas a bet ter chance than the druggist to know the condition of the city's health, and what diseases are the moot common. J. H. Kennedy He Co., be lieve the problem of long life is solved by proper care of the di gestive organa. Let the stomach get ont of condition and soon there will be nervousness, irrita tion. furred tongue, apeeka be fore the eyes, weakness, debility, indigestion, and other physical and mental troubles that direct ly result from a weakened StOlMcll* Of ell the vital organs, the stomach la the most frequently abused, and hence, the one which moat frequently fails, and so with the discovery of a rem edy like Mi-o-na stomach tab* lets, which is sold on an abso lute guarantee to strengthen the , «gesMv# avetetn. aid in aaiimiln Uoe ot food, sud cure all trouble* cmwed by Indication, aa Important step ha* Wo takes towards aolviny th# question el good health and long Take one oI the little ifl-o-x* • tablet* before each meal, with th* i (Had determination that you are eo tug to get well, and it will not be many day* before you can eat **y , this* without fear of indigestion, Ht Kennedy A Co., MU Mlw ■ as oe an absolute guarantee to re i lead the mooey it h doe* not cere. i A large box of th* tablets coats bnt , «“ hefpsrm; ■othgjlf it The UesHeat Nu •! All. > UetsetTts IWtaM, The man who knows bet let r howto do anothet man's work ! than he does bis own b not safe « tot any hind of work. • Wanted I r Census Takers all over Gaston > Good pay. Apply to t Tub OAsrrrn qnick. Lime NEMO PISTOL FIENO. .... -M— » Ycrk Officer! Hava a Lively Ckaaa, kal Little lap .Es capee, Yorkvtll* Uunnti. May 20th. A little uegto boy. aged about fifteen, and named Prank Wil son hai been a source of more or less uneasiness to the people of the Chapel neighborhood of Kings Mountain township for some time past on account of vicious use he has I teen making of a pistol that is in his posses sion, aud Sheriff Brown is anxions to get him in custody. The boy has been making him self a menace to the community for some months and there has been s warrant out for bis arrest since last fall. The complaint is that the boy is in the habit of holding peo ple up on the road, abusing them and without provocation firing at them. He has fired bis pistol at no less than three dif ferent negroes at different times and has drawn the weapon on several more. When some of bis victims complsiued to the authorities and swore out a warrant be went into biding and the officers have been finding it difficult to get within light of him. Learning yesterday afternoon that the boy was on a plantation in the Chapel neighborhood. Sheriff Brown took Depnty Sheriff Qninn and proceeded to the place indicated, gathering up ou the way Messrs. S. C. Smith, J. B. Parrott aud J. Q. Hall, all eager to asaist in the capture of the little imp. iu iuc iici^ouuraooa, the ilierili and hia poise held a conference and decided to gt tempt to surround the negro. Messrs. Parrott, Hall and Smith started on the necessary detours, leaving the sheriff to hold his position at the starting point: but before the plan was carried out fully the little negro got on to something doing, and broke to run. Hia course was in the direction of Messrs. Hal! and Parrott; but they had not come quite into position, and they were nnable to get closer than fifty or sixty yards. Mr. Parrott fired at the boy twice with a shot gun and sprinkled him with No. 8 shot, knocking hia bat out of hia band. The others fired with pistols but it was to intimidate rather than to bit. The boy kept running and the posse followed him about three miles, catching occasional glimpses as be passed from thicket to thicket until he was finally lost. Before the officers went on the boy they bad been reliably in formed that be bad boasted of having two good pistols and that he intended to die before he would be arrested. He also threatened that if he should be killed somebody would go along with him. The members of the posse do not think that the little negro could have been very badly hurt by the birdshot with which he was hit; but at the same time they think be may find it neces sary to get somebody to help him pick the shot out of bis skin, and the sheriff will be very glad to receive further informa tion as to his whereabouts. £*“ 8*1 Water. Last night Jerry Keaton and tome of his colored neighbors, residents of north Statesville, were looking anxiously for a white man who they claimed had done them a job, and the aid of the police was invoked to help find him. The victims of the pale face tell it thus: Jerry and another Colored man, named Long, were on their way borne after an honest day’s toil when they met, just across the branch on north Canter street, a whits man who said he had five gallons of sow paw that be would sell cheap. He asked only $1.50 per gallon, $7.50 for the package. Jerry and his companion bnstled around among their friends and raised the $150, which they surrender ed for what they supposed was liguor. But lo and beholdt When they opened the package to divide the contents, then faces shining and their mouths watering in anticipation of the good time coming, instead of while lightning they found jnst water. Then it was that the victims of ths pale fact were wroth and they called ou the law to avenge the wrong. Rut the white man was gone and as he had sold no liquor be hadn't violated Um law in that respect at least. Bat his victims will nurse their griev ance and if they ever get at that white mao what they will do for him will be ample. They would forgive aluoft earthing bat this: to sell a poor cullud man water for liquor is unpardonable. - % — |_W—— YEABIY HONOR BOLLS. These Yearly HaoTr Belle Takt Ike Place ef Ike Beguler Be* ar BeU fee Ike Rialk Meatk. ATTENDANCE HONOR ROLL. These heve bed neither u absent nor a tardy recorded against them. Madge Craig, Pauline Mo Hadden, Lois Smith, Charlie Rhyue, Marguerite Spencer, Carl Ijoughridge, Itara Wilson, Fred Pearson, Avriell McLean, Laara Spencer. RCHOLASSHIP HONOR ROLL. These have averaged ns orach as 95%. John Floyd,Richard Fayasonx, Kulh Robtnson, Re be k ah Me* Lean. James Hunter. Vernon Upton, Madge Craig, Madge Hanna, Helen Jackson, Sue Rimsev Johnson, Katherine Mc Lean, Celeste Plykr, Aline Reid, Mamie Smith. Eunice Beans, Rather Bain, Rrskinc Boyce, Nannie Dickson, Jeanette Fays soux, Irwin Gallant, Walter Grieg, Bari Groves, Margaret Louise LaPar, Haseline 1 jOve, Janette Mauney. Wilson Me Arver, Pauline McFaddcn, Dur wsrd Morrow, Lillie Morrow, Louisa Reid, Jennie Wallace, Ernest Warren, Stella Wbit Held, Henry Rankin, Malcolm Rhyne, Marguerite - Spencer, Grace Strickland, Dana Cald well, Cornelia Floyd. Ellen Mc Clain, Kenneth Todd, Lucy Boyce, Nellie Rose Sloan, Ao nie Gleon. Eliza Saunders, Jiles Curry, Jessie Greene, George Hicks, Cora Dickson Alwyn Glenn, Ella May McFaddcn, Annie McLean, Violet Rankin, Kirkpatrick Reid, Stafford Whitfield. Geaue Robinson. Clara Armstrong, Bva Penny, Mildred Rankin, Win ifred McLean, Jennie Pegrsm, Clara Smith, Hart sell Shelton, Gertrude Fogle, Gertrude Glenn, Kathleen Boyce, Slcanore Reid. CLASS LEADERS IN HIGH SCHOOL -r A l+Lt 1 MM* Seventh Grade—Mildred Ran kin, George Smith. Eighth Grade—Clara Smith, Bruce Baird. Ninth Grade—Hartaeli Shel ton. Tenth Grade—Kathleen Boyce. SPRING TERM. Seventh Grade—Mildred Ran kin. Henry Groves. Eighth Grade—Clara Smith, Jennie Pegram. Ninth Grade—Hartaeli Shel ton, Gertrude Fogle. Each one of the daaa leaders won aa a prize from the superin tendent a well chosen book. Winner of superintendent’s prise for leader of Tenth Grade —Mias Kathleen Boyce. This price was offered for highest scholarshin in class and best deportment. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED. I take this opportunity to thank the editors and their helpers for what they have done for the schools this year. Their courtesy, accuracy, and liberali ty with their space are much appreciated by the administra tion. It waa not until the honor rolls had been published several months that 1 learned that proper names are a great bug bear to printers. This discov ery makes me appreciate all the more the consideration shown aa during the year. The schools are under lasting obliga tions to all who have had to do with publishing the notices, an nouncements, reports, and honor roils. Why It Daes II. "It isn't often that we have faith enoncb in the medicines put up by other people to be willing to offer to refund the money if it does not care," Mid Adams Drug Co. to one of tbeii many customers, "but we an glad to sell Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of constipation end dyspepsia on that plan. "The Howard Co., la order to get a quick introductory Mle, authorised us to sell the regnlai fifty cent bottle of their specific for half-price, 25 cents, and, al though we have sold a lot of it, and guaranteed evkiy package, not one has been brought back as nnsatUfsetory. "One great advantage of thii specific," be continued, "la iti tt form, vial thal --—--. pocket oi *R$VinaI psww’tkaa*a M** p/iTo! -.Met or a tawMer,of mlmnet Water "We are still setting the tpecUk at half price. eHHourkwa csoaet teT kow long we AaU be able t* do so Any Person who is mbteet to eoa itipatioB, sick headache, fastens livr-r trouble, indlgSStloa, or a eta aral pUyed-out condition, o*aht U p.“'sar£?sSKla aa.a CENSUS OP COUNTY JUNE 15. By reason of tbs facts that or ’ uext Friday tbs business men ii the towns will be bosy with tbeii books and collection* and the following day ia the date for tb< Dsnocratic county convention, It has been suggested to ns thai we postpone the census day, This will be entirely agreeable to us, since our principal deaire is to complete it in good dm* before the Fourth of July. As the farmers wish the census takers to come around befon harvest opens, are havs decided upon June 15th as census day. Let everybody get ready, now, and let’s work to gether (or a complete and trust worthy census of Gaston coun ty’s population. Later on we hope to pobliab a list of the enumerators and indicate the few simple questions to be answered. Meanwhile, are want several more applications from Cbcr ryville and River Bend town ships. Remember am give good pay for the work. We cannot leave any township oat. Be low is s list of— Cmms Taken 1 squired. DALLAS TOWNSHIP—16. Dallas town_ 3 Alexis. 1 Harden J Higliahoals.. 1 Dallas Toamsbip outside of above districts_10 Total for Dallas Township_18 CnnRYVJLLK township—18. Cherry villa town. , „_j C harry villa Precinct outside of town_ 8 Carpenter's Precinct_3 Kiser's Precinct_4 Total Ckerryville Town«bip_18 CROWbtUt’S MOUNTAIN TOWN SHIP—15. Bessemer City town_8 Bessemer Precinct outside of town_4 Baker's Precinct_2 DiUing's Precinct_3 Total for Crowder's Mta_IS CASTOXIA TOWNSHIP—40. Gastonia town_30 Gastonia Precinct No. 1 out side___ 4 Spencer Mono tain Mills _____ 2 Gastonia Precinct No. 2 out side _ 2 Glenn's Precinct_ 2 Total lor Gastonia Townahip .40 RIVER 1SKD TOWNSHIP—21. 1ft. Holly town_4 lft. Holly Precinct outside_4 Mountain Island town___3 Caasler’s Precinct outside_2 Stanley town_3 Stanley Precinct outside_5 Total River Bead Township_21 SOUTH POINT TOWNSHIP—28. Lowell town_ 3 McAdenville town_5 Lowell Precinct outside- 8 Belmont town_ 2 Belmont Precinct outside._8 South Point Precinct_2 Union Precinct.. 4 Total South Point Township. 28 The liwtnrt Crap. CtuWi OStuwf. Southern Pine*, Mey 29.—The thorough reins of the lest three days have saved the dewberry crop, which will now he reedy for picking as eooa as the weather settles. Lest week it was feared that thr crop would be rained by the drootfa, which was drying the berries on the bushes. The change is remark* able and the indications oOW an that good returns will come from an excellent crap. In common with the rest of the state, Moore county Is facing a scarcity of labor. As the frnu harvest approaches, it becomaa a problem where to get picker*. Although the wages to be earned during the fruit-picking season ore .higher than have ever pee vailed here, the demand for r Mg force at abort notice is ■ troublesome situation. Some oi the planter* need from ICO tc *00 hand*, sad they are hard tc •r*Mf difficulty is tendias to limit thg acreage of orchard products in this section. • - ■ --- Tha Warm Tamed. lea* UKlanWt A village doctor whose trouble ; soma patient was an elderly wo •an practically on the freelist received a sound be rating ft on her one day for not coming what summoned the night before. " Von can go to sea your othei patients at night,” said the i "why can’t you come whea 1 send for n>u? Ain’t my money si ; good ns other people’s?” I 1 don’t know madam,"wm th< reply, "I never saw any elk.1 old customers and grips new ones! to their own pleasure and profit I 1 •I Norfolk has a resident whoso fowl corf* ki* only $1.55 a month, and he la increasing ia fatness. Ha la H. B. Wr&fct. Hors la kia owa testimony: "During the last month I have lived on $1.55 and fared aamjrtn* oaalyt had all I dashed to eat, gained two pounds ia weight sad never felt better ia nay life. The only food I have eaten during the month has beea ll pounds of nuts (brails Md pecans), IS cents’ worth of Ma (roasted) rad 1 pc and as. Some of this I have i shared with friends. 1 bad always bara rather skeptical about vegetarianism, and have been a hearty eater of meets of all kinds, bat my experboeats I have convinced aw that wt eat i s££J>“s*r*5?