ay ' i Friday S Saturday I JNO. F. LOVE i of Autumn Millinery | Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4, 5 atid 6th. S —————■■ 1 ■ .. «* "te * t'vs^.r ',"y'«: ΐ ·.» ->' ^..·ν· ' ν ·%>; .·/· «... ;- '·· \ ··' announce dur formal opening of Autumn and Winter Millinery for the dates above named* Κδϊ3ίΛ.Λΐ7,· j'ic" v'ùi ; - · * y. _ ■'. $ '■.>·!? J Beginning at Nine O'clock Thursday Morning The largest and Most varied stock off millinery and millinery material we have ever gotten together maintains our well recognised leadership I· MUllnery Fashions. We expect you to lodge ns by this display and have prepared accord ingly. In all other departments also eur stock Is equally perfect In Its power to appesl to early buyers of the choicest thing. We are ready, and cordially Invite yen to attend our opening t : ι . ι χ * 1 s fl Τ OU AND YOKBVILLE. Vkit iMuAimil our Nslih hmM Amu At Um. Mr. J alius A, Hope, who «old his farm at Snynt lut «priai; with Um privilege ol gathering this year1· crop, nas'bought the John Harvey Hardin place six miles west of Cheater and will move there with bis family dories the early pert of Decem ber. Messrs. J. L. Strain and W. J. Vanghan of Cherokee county, came ever to Yockvillc yester day on a visit to Mr; W. M. Kennedy and other friends. Mam. Strain, Vsnghaa and Kennedy were tent mates d or itur the war between the states. All belonged to company C. Seventh Sonth Carolina cavalry. The surveying corps of the Sonth and Western railroad pitched Ha camp at Bethany last Wednesday ana is working the country between Shelby and YorkvHle. This seems to be along U>« Hue of the most ex pert opinion obtainable here; that If the road is built at all it will come down to York ville by way of Kings Mountain. ▲ ιΠιρτηττ constable he· bee· located m Yoikville lot some days past and with the u iiiUnce of the local police has writ « number of small seizure*. He has been watching the ex· PCeflS office care!ally, and got one jt| that came in a fictitious name. In another case he noted the arrival of a jug for a negro who is under suspicion of beinjr encaged in tigering. Ka asked the negro whether or net ha had ordered any whisky. The negro said no, and the constable, af coarse, seised the stufl as derelict. Mr. W. T. Smarr. of Bollock's Creak No. 1, was in Yorkville ytsUidsy and in conversation with the reporter mentioned a is Mettable sorghum crop that waa saade hjr hie neighbors. Mr. A. T. Hefner this year. Mr. H steer had in one-fourth of an •ere end from it be made seven ty gallons of motaaaes, 370 wafiâs of fodder and ten bnabels of seed. The molasses sella zesdi!/ for 50 cents a gallon, nuking $35, the need are worth $1.00 a bushel or $10 hp the lot, sod the fodder is worth $1 s hundred or S3.70, making the groasjrieJd of the q uttUf of an Summon Sailing lick. .Willmiuta· Vrnmnr, 32. The scupperooug grape In dustry it Mttiag to be one of considerable importance in this coonty. There have been between 2,000 and 3,000 bushels sold on the Whiteville market this sea sob, and the price will easily average $1.25. Last week they brought as high as $1.75 on this market, aod we understand the price is ranging from $1.00 to $1.25 this week, according to the quality. There are grape baver» at Chad bourn ana several other points in the county, but we haven't learned what they ue bringing at any of these places. —Whiteville News Reporter. The above shows that the scuppernong industry, though iu its infancy, already occupies an important place in truck and fruit growing iu Columbus county- It Is only recently that buyers have begun going into the country and competing with each other for the grapes. ▲ few years ago you could buy •cupoernongs at prices far below those above quoted; now the price is away np and the de mand is so great that buyers bid against each other just as do cotton buyers, and the demand is acinar to Inmuc end the price continue high without any tear that the atipply will be come too great to keep the market steady. Had yon told the people of Whiteville a few years ago that the time won Id sood come when three thousand bushels of scappernongs would be sold ia their town io one season at prices ranging from $1.00 to 11.75 per bushel they would either set yon down as an idiot or say yon were trying to make fnn of them. We have been reliably in· formed tbat at one point in Co· Iambus some purchaser some week or ten days ago paid as high.as two dollar· · bushel for senpperuong grapes. We would like to know how much per bushel the. cultivating aod Marketing cost these men who sold their graoes at from $1.25 to $2.00 per bushel. We are firmly convinced the coat wa> so small that a far greater profit was made than on any other farm product sold by those per sons this year. The Messrs. Bear, of this city, who operate a large winery here and who expect to greatly en large ita capacity in the near future, have representatives in the scuppernong districts who buy all the grape· they cas secure and still the proprietors cannot jjet as many as they w«m*« « mm »· IW CUB·· to tkc dernaad *1 the aiik prien that arc brief paid. Wbea tbe pmtflt wlaerias in talmtd, ot ben tfUbllibcd and dietUlerlee tncUd W produce brandy fro« tbe akioa tbe d«· * for tb« grape· will be atill farther la exceaa of the supply aaleae atreat many more of our faer of ha being exceeded iy the •apply. The lefd of I—»fag tore U deetiaed to beeoa broad tbet Ike prod actio· aot be Tbe C. ft. N.-W. Railway Caipaay kae laaaid tbe I , iaa notice ae)oiatcncalar No. It To AH Aeêata: Upoa ... tb oém. 8mc* SLIT · "~: f "λ" mof . < M ooe ticket, oa traîna, tljl·!· OPT Γ M lu»' JLL »4- -· f a e . M^IJa bk IVra-a* ijbtf· SPEED SWIMMING. Whm DMmOI IM· Mnk« mmΛ ■·* Il la >ι·ι·>ΙΜ»1 Whether a au bo a ewtmiarr or uni. la taklag ap a aow stroke be «bonU begin with the lot movement oui/, lu the rid· stroke tt U oallod th· eclaftor* kick. To «c; tbay ahoold be eaavpta together wben the apper arm Is in tb· middle «f Its stroke If properly timed thosklc stroke *1τβ· e clean, rrea proç ress, without a br«ak or a Check.— L 4e B. Haadtey la Oattag Hut ■tea. tv· tsn»in ihi i»m. ■arty la the reign of Loots IVI. th· aathor at a book entitled "Le ParOht Oeoaripbl^oe at Historique" saggnl. *d that ttMW garden· aheeld ba laid oat to reproMot tbe pcovtneee of Pruc* Oo Bert 4, 1TBS, a depatatioa fill» to the nation·] convention, and :r spefceemsn, Anaxagorss Chao ..lotts. said that "tb· eyae of rrpab llona· woakl. rest with ι ere pleaeare m that form» damala of tb· crawn wtas It peadwead eb)ecta of prime aa IHilfy. WoaM It aat ba tetter to «Mer planta width were uisded for th· ks^ltsle than la hm there stat W Hsaia Λβ ba, bo· trees sad Mb«r ibjsrts which abbbwl to ths las· ary aaé pstta et ktagsr-Kotaa aad HITCHCOCKS EXPLOIT Secretary Credited With H top ping Spoliation or Oklahoma. R«X ef latartor DtyartMII M KU tf Hat· Cuikl "Joltr" la !!>«*■ head Mil u< M Have PmnM IfmlMon rm MMlM IM Mat· at Ttlaakl· MImmI Ui<» Credit U glren Secretary mtchroot to the Interior department for taring to Ofclaboua tboucanda of acre· οt land rtek In minérale, oil and otter wealth, pflstfVRloD of which, according to a atatMDonb laud recently, waa tomtit by a bead of land «peculator·, aaya a Waablngtoo correspondent of the K«w Tork n«r*ld. It la attirai tad there bar· been tared to Oklahoma hnldtagt οt a ratoa befaau IUOOQ.OU) and <2.000,000. "K*rtj In Uardt," aaya tba state ment. ••Secretary Hitchcock learned that an ajieadment bad beeo allpped into the atatehood bill In tba eeoata, known aa the Warren amendment, by which alleged minerai location· tuuM tba federal mining la we oa Oklahoma ecbooi laoda would be ralidatad and the new etatc woald bare to pick out other landa la t» place of tiioee thxta I oat. Tba aecretary reached the con· clnaloa tbat the claim* of the partie· who would baoeAt by the amendment wen entirely without merit aad tbat the whole acbetne bore looe realm· bianco to a raid npoo tbo treaanry." When the bill, with the Warraa amendment, waa In conference com mittee, according to tbo statement. Sec retary Hitchcock Kent ro the committee α brief declaring the aDe;ed mineral claim· of tbe partie» were rold; tbat tbe partlee knew tbay «-ere void: that tbetr tnralldlty wu not duo to %nj mere technical defect, 'but to tbe fact tbat tbo clalma wore eet np In rlolatloa of tbe expreaa enactment of coniraea, and the only raaeon fur making tbe clàlma waa tSet tbe partie» bad laid plana for allpplng Into tbe etatabood b(U a meaanre like tba Warren amend moh.t. nv^raHQUUTCI ΟΙ ID* |VIH1UBVD( totd tbe comnttteo the btMlduUt of tba BMonn war· u grgulMd band wUo bad ban trjln* for several years, rvor (trio· tbe tnt dtacovery of OU ta the CWvcUsm] region, to gat tba min eral laada without making adequate payment. They had filed alleged elatm» all over tba territory, m that If tbe maaatm paseed an tba mineral wealth of the territory would be acqnlred by them without compensation. After detailing the enweaeful aabatl totioci of η leasing Haaeo drawn by Secretary Hitchcock for tba Warrea amendment tbe statement eoododee: "When the people of Oklahoma were celebrating the paaaege of tba itata hood bill It la probable they did aat kaow the mw comnioawealth came •ear (oalnc aoine of Ita naet raloabla poaaaaakns. beeldee berlug η blot oa lta eecntebeo· from ha ring been made the victim of ι··ιιι i^ahim speculators OA lta first aotrance Into tba Uatom. "The moat rmkaabie mineral laada ' belonging ta the twiMmj at* probably Ibaaa aear the totfn of Cleveland, I» Pawnee roonty. Ome arhool section alooe. roatalalng «I and gaa, la aed matad to be warth MOtVOOO, and there ara ethers ta the Immediate Ttetadty. It la alao reported that aa *0 aad gaa Held ta being developed la Kle*** eeua tr. near ecboet laada. aad there ara alao ramera of dleoeverioa In Ornai aad Ceaaaoebe eoantlaa. "There ara alee deposits of ihim. g/|>a aai aad salt la rariaaa parts ef tba territory, aad It baa been rtitaiad by praapaulan tbat Bearer aaiihriMe HnnaMa ef load, iiippsc aad aH ver. All laada kaewa to itaiafc ad or other ptatmle wtl probably ha lean I aooo after the sroetlo· of be Mw atat»" PAY YOUR Town Taxes The tax book· for the year 1906 are now In my hand· for collection. Please call promptly at tax collect· or*· office City Hall and pay your taxes. I. N. ALEXANDER, Tax Collector Dr. J. M. Hunter, Specialist OP ROC( HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA MAKBS ■ specialty Cancer·. Tumors, Chronic Ulcer·, Scrofula and «I Rheumatism, Diseases of the Geotto-Uriaary Organs. Treat· without the koife, loss of blood, and little pain to patient. Twenty-nee years of practical experience. Conanltatloa free. RBPBRENCB TO A FBW CASES TREATEO-CUBEO. Lucas Company · It will pay you to come and see our line of wool Dress Good·, Silk· and numerous other things, that take to make up · first class store. Οητ sales people will take great pleas are in showing yon though oar line. Linen Hack Towel· at - Se each A good quality and big else Hen· atttched Linen Hock Towel at 10c 54-loch grey wool Suiting, nice . for sklrta and coat aults, a reg ular 98c value « 79c per yd. Lucas Company SELLS IT FOR LESS ———————— Tax Notice! • » ' I or waj deputy will acct jroo at the following piece· lot the parpoae of coHectiag four tex: Dalle*, Monday. Oct. 1. etealey, Tattday, Oct. 2. Mt. Holly, Tbwada;, Oct. 4. Mta< Ialeod, Friday morning, Octobe* 3. . Lad·, Friday eveaiag, Oct. S. Cberryvflle, Wed., Oct. 10. C. B. AKMSTR0N0, nnirr. MILL HELP WANTED! Plfteen or tweaty fern Hie· of cotton mill help. Highest price· peld la • •II department·. Heal thy location and beet of treataieat. T. W. Coleman» Sept., WMITMIRE, β, C.