The m—hull· Friday at ^ Ctattll |«AJ q| I _ —* A Ψ - *t ttl- iktil·. ■MSI ΛΜΟΠβαΟΟ, WlUl υιιπτ· five meabers. is e forward move wril vB loiblkM accomplish mochia the way (( 1i—llfjtiit the intetiora of the several city MM htt'fatatd th* tow·'· ifiiBrttl··! work. 1·· Mkatmi miimmsSfy tor the pmr iwoi Ι·ρ·>1>| rant school -w _ m « Λ- * — « » - - r lake. Texas, Nov. aaaoal haatiag ol the Collier Hi jh^tntgf KoTwnbai^ at All· tr. TW loQowiag game was baaed: Oatfaer. three backs, 8Γaqalnela, six roan·, two 25S5S The blc boat waa partie K., aad T. L. Collier, J. P. Par ris, J. M. Chsvilaad, J. F. Neal, J. B. Meal, Da Clark. A. M. Clark, L.B. Clark, W.H. Heath, A. M. Callaway, w. B. Hadsoa, J. D. Campbell, I. R. Neat, J. M. fUà, Τ. Α. Νivena, J oba Winkler, O.P. Heath, W. II. Chamber», Bd Delaaey. Clahd Pa* torn, Baxter Johnston, A. L. Johnston, A J. Johnston, W. B. Boaa, G. N. Branch, Charlie WQUaaw, R. D. Tompkins. The wettber was grand and all enjoyed the faa imawoady. . | YaCa. ■ .·«· «wwmij m ««wuim· ·ν mu ctadidfttte os commfarioa m'. ticket received the mum vote. Mr. loba C. Paett re ceived, the Unrest vote, heading the ticket with 1734. The «than received the following vote: IL Κ. Davenport. 1716; A. R. Anders 1709; J. W. Kea drick. 1707; Ο. G. Pall·, 1083; John P. Lee per, 1β33. On the Repablicaa ticket, Mr. Jack Parror lead with 700 votes, fol lowed U order by J. A. Tor· reace 704, O. P. Rhode· 700. J. Math Amittoai and William M. Robioton each 085, ud W. S. Carpe· ter 6BL Oaatoa county Saperior Court eoaveass ncftt Monday with Jadge Jmt L. Webb, of Shelby, aa the bench. Jadge R. B. Peoples, of Newbera, «μ to have presided bat exchanged with Judge Webb. There are a number of criniaal cases oa the docket. After the·· ara dis posed of (be coart will take up the civil cases. Among the aMat important caaes oa the criminal docket Is the one agaiaat McDonald, Weaver, iwaak fad lamaa, who «ta charged with · deadly usaalt aa lar. I. R- Payaaoux at the Loray several months ago. CauweMearl·. An important event in Dallas ■adal lue will take place* to night in the Latberan cbnrch •sea Mr. Snmmey C. CoraweH will wed Mias Bagcma Lewis. The bride is · daughter of Mr. 7. R. Lewis aad is a yooag lady of easy ebarau of peraoa and character. 8b· b deservedly œlar both ia Dallas aodOss « The groom is a aoa of Clerfc af the Court C. C. Corn wall aad las young civil aa· «lacet ai ability. Mr. sad Mrs. Cora well arfll take a bridal trip to Maw York sad other Northern cities aad, aa their retnra, will (aside hi Dallas. Qekk Vark. _ Within thirty ariaates alter the reports begma coming in oa ejection eight Chairman Aral itroag bad the complete conn I - f — LtCAL ATFAlKS. -Hutj frost sod a good deal of ice thU wndat. The big fir* feel* Rood. —The "June-bag" train went ofi tbc C, & N..W. Monday. Itniiimt cwvndnet and tbc pablk bopca that it «01 he pat beck. —At Delias to-morrow sight Mr. George Wert, a well-to-do yoong former, will wed Mies Edith Withers, a daughter of the late Mr. Mile· Wither». —The ftre depart—at was called oat this manda* at 10.15, the fire being Λ the Old Mill school hoase. The roof of the school boilding caught Are probably boa the store Sew, and was considerably da—gad before the fire was pat oat. —There arere several cases before the mayor yesterday. Five drunks were disposed of sad Jim Starling, a dusky gent who charged oith aa aaaaalt on his wifa aad also with carxyiag a concealed weapon, was bound to eoait aader a $50 hood. —The receipts oa the local cotton market jesterday were50 hales, the highest price paid for the stapla being 10.50 cents. The receipts Friday were 50 bales and Saturday 54 bales, the price ranging from 9.50 to 10 50. —The pnbHc welcomes the aMIMiildiWn··!» Kmt Ika C^wl^asM that ι ww local passenger train wilt be pat on between Char lotte and Toccoa, Ga., Nov. 28th. The train wilt · leave Toccoa at β a. tn., arriving at Charlotte at 18:35 p. ta., ana re· tnrninff will leave Charlotte at 3:25 p. « , arriving at Toccoa at 9:43 p. ai. Thia train will paaa Gaatonia about noon going east and about 4 p. bd., going aoutfa. Thia acbednle will make it a mat convenience and it will doubtless have a large patronage from the very start. —Proa all over the county, in fact from everywhere, cornea the cry for laborer·. The farmers say they arc unable to get cotton pickers in snficient numbers to gather Uk crop. Those that can be gotten ate, as a rule, inferior and unreli able. The tanners ara having to do all the work themselves and then aie greatly behind with their work. In town the same thing holds good. There is a dearth of carpenters and other claasea employed in the con struction ol baildings. —Every once in awhile some one entera the complaint that Gaatonia receive· very few at tractions of any kind worth going to and that sources of a id use me tit are meager. These complaints are justified to a large extent. The Gazette is glad to be able to announce that at least one high class attraction is booked for Gaatonia. « lecture by Dr. Henry N. Snyder, presi dent of Woflurd College, in the opera hcuae Friday night. The maker's reputation is such that The Gazette doea not hesitate to recommend this attraction to who desire to hear something really worth while. The fact that the proceeds are for the benefit of the graded achoola is k consideration that should not be overlooked. fhiowal Mgimow. —Dr. J. M. Hunter, of Rock Hill, is in town to-day on pro Feasioual business, —Mr. and Mrs. B. W. C. Moore, of the Begonia neighbor hood, ara shopping in town to lay. —Mrs. M. A. Rankin and ion, Mr. Cleveland Rankin, of Ht. Holly spent last night in tbedty. —Miss Ozelle Cheshire, of Fall Booda at the Big Stores WtSÊÊÊBBBSBBÊtÊBBSSEBaBSSSSSSSSÊBESSSmSSSSSSSSÊBBSSi' · ιfcgstacsai ι m ■Never before in tbe history ol Southern Merchandising has· there bee· assembled inch a Mock of (uhiouble Co«i| ®Snits. Wrap·, Jackets, Pan, Dress Goods. Dry Goods,· ■Notion, Ciothlog, Shoes, Gents Furnishings, etc. Λ t Per eoutm ara literally tremiag with Imrmsm stock· ol tbe terj Βι?^.^.^ι£Τιι^·ΤΤγ_^*.?-ΓΜ p*T*ooaUy -*«** bT wjiri froas the maaraat wpulntiti. ........... Wa »it of tbe opiate· that we bar· this Fall the best vari ■ety and tbe greatest bargain* (a the Rendy-tofWear departmeatM ■ that haa eras been offered in Charlotte. This is saying · erral· Jfdeal because ami stocka in tbe past bare set by any means been Cotber than up-to-date. ■ ι■ η ■ =a Millinery Department a— ■—— WbO· oct departments ban been Iliad with everything that is strictly seasonable, bere baa been no pains or expense spared thia de partment that U ao eatremsly popalar with all the ladles. U it is a hat that roe want, we caa supply yon. Everything that ia artistic, and salespeople that know to oOar suggestions and see that yon only buy that wbicb U absolutely becoming and anits tbe pur chaser. provided yon wiab their advice. We Make a Specialty of Wedding Troeswws Transportation is paid te all parties coming to Charlotte within a radina of SO miles oi Cbartotts, upon purchasing from stores, mem bers of the Retailer's Merchant's Association, goods to tbe amount <49*0.0·. Tbe Little-Long Department Stores Charlotte* North Carolina. Un-IS-«a_ TAX NOTICE % Third and Last Call My office expires December the 3rd. My successor takes charge on that date. I am forced to call on you for set· tlement of your taxes at'once. If oot paid by December the 3rd I will sot be able to collect as Sheriff. So please m<ret ne or my deputy at the following places ; : : ; b—^aaaaa Lowell, Friday, Nov. 16th Gastoala, Saturday, " 17th Belmont, Thursday, " 22 ad G. L. McKee's Store, Friday morning " 23rd Union, Friday evening " 23rd Qsstonia, Saturday " 24th Glenn's, Monday morning, " 26tb Pleasant Ridge, Monday evening. " 26th McAdetfWle, Tuesday, " 27th Bessemer City, Wednesday " 28th Dilling's Mill, Friday Morning " 30th Baker's Mill, Friday evening. " 30th C. B. Armstrong, Sheriff GREAT AUTO SPEEDVX1 Sixty Mile Road Proposed F« Long Ialand. TILL· HAVE 10 8AAD2 OBOeSHOi Bdmr to M a* at kr TutoMi >h« »>»«..f. W«1 Be Far AS AatonoblBata at New Tork ud Hi rlctnlty are to tan a speed way at M> own to Loaf Uni ta tl* aaai fatwe, tor* tba Kew Taak Tlmea. Thi •tâft CMTM to rat been d#4crmki Μ «ν, bat It la aattlad that It «U be afccty mliae haf aad will prababtj atart fiai aaaiaarhaia aaar tke aaatan aed or the BtaekwalTa Island br1d*« aad rtm alaac tbaiaua ih aide of tfc* la land. Κ to to ba a real highway. roUawia« the aatarai aiadaa aad taraa wt thi aarfaae a* a racatar road doea, tat 11 la ta ba kapt entirety Crw (raaa aO M aatoaaaMla tretoe. It wfll tw alaac * private rl*M at way aad win ba ae «voir ««Mad a*. Baoaa will ba poe aMa wttbaat tba daacar to Ufa aM Mb» which decided tba VaadarhUt nq atow awl>| Mb wtUbe aaoaalstaat AHtoait tba aaiadaaj to ta bateai to a private aarpaaetlto. M wtu be wa ^ito to η Itnaak taMaatoa ibaatji * lient of the Automobile Ctab of Anor- s ta. A iDMtiui wu held a few day· urj ■t tbe Lawyer·' club, la New Tort, te broncfc the acton·. Tboaa pr*«*nt I ware Alignât Belmont. W. Κ TiMf MM, Jr., Balpb Peters. U C. Watr, pree , Ment et the Adaaa Expreaa company: OeeuBodera T. G.· Boon·, Calfata I Hoyt, /ifmoa Da Hoot Tbompena. ' R. K. Borna. Anton O. Hodenyl. 1 B. PlrtlwtM and David Hansen H» rl». Tfc» following wat* «a ba I preaent battent to ezpreaa tbe!/ ap- ' pradatloa at tbe plan aad protnlaad t» a· m aa incorporator* and director·: narry Payne Whitney, OlanoM IL I Mackay, U. Btuaell Tbomaa, W. J. ' ltetheena aad Jobn Fetaon. At a aabaeqeeat tneetia* of tba aoep· aad plan committee Mr. Van I dertmt reported that ba bad already 1 tecelfd promleee of MOOuOOO ont «Τ tbe tmoqooo required. Mr. Pardtar . tea atatrd that two mannfaotarere bad I oalwtiWiad IMM aplaoe aad that one 1 01 tba·· woold Increaee fill· If net·· , a*ry. Wort will bo b*fm opoo tbe apeedway at tte eertleet p»adh1> m* I ment, bat It win not be ready fer m ' A neretty la tba vanity Its· la aa eieo trloal hairbraah. which differ· from tbe ordinary electrical balrtroab attached by carde to a battery la that u baa a unail atora(« battery attached to tbe back at tba broah. dotas away wltb tbe wtree aad eeparata battery aod tbae ngnlrtai bot oae baad to manipulate, eaya tbe Pbfiadalpkta BalteOa. Tba battery la ddtaatebla aad may be wed tlem, aeuralda aad tb· otter Ilia which etortrldty te bah» red by eoate ta allay. U alao tea a τ nage attach meat for eaaweatrattas tte ma ι eat oa aay part ef (te tedy. Tte atenea battery la. ta • Man alctel tab·, eaetly bandied, aad tea la te recharged every three ■aatte It caaaea la a leather boor wltb Mi teirtnah aad apaace attach meate aad apcpMte a alee Cbrlvtmaa (tft ter tte wiau wte Mtea to axperl maat wt% all tte mm aida ta perpafaal FIREMAN'· HEROIC RESCUE. r,r,r,r'r«r«r'r«rf,r*j**'t,«i»++«I· ν l. U fflgKIWfi gwfc ». Ν. BOYCB. Citlikr The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen year· successful banking experience, capital, aurplna and profita of over one hnudred and tweniyfive thonaand dollar* and depoaita o! Over Half a Million ^ we are in a better position to serve oar customer* than ever before Id onr history. : : j ; We Invite you (o open an account with as. DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins G. A. Gray T. L. Craig A. A. McLean R. R. Ray Andrew E. Moore J. Lee Robinson U. M. McAden J. O. White Is it Furniture You Want? Nothlngadds to the attractiveness of β home like Inviting furniture—that's the kind we sell. Our stock Is complete and up-to-date. You will find here anything you «ant in the furniture line and at prices which suit your bank book. Csr Load of Bed Room Suits Just In The nicest we've htd yet. Prom $25.00to $123.00 We cmn show yon the nobbiest things in willow chairs, settees and rockers, leather rocken upholstered, book cases and combination cases. Our line o( bsll racks, dining table· and sideboards is very select and the prices are right. See us (or art squares, rugs, mattings and organs Cook Stoves at Prices that will Surprise you. ΊΜΜ E. L. Little Furniture Co. CASTONIA, - ..... N. C. Λ ΑΑί , ■ VT f ■ H Λ ! It's the Best of them All J The John H. ) Sparks' Shows S AND GREAT TRAINED I ANIMAL EXPOSITION \ 3 4 Κmtrnu Evvrywlitrt m the Hlgheit CI km Uxpoaltloa ol the Kind ■ i· A.3»Knto Twto· ka Ponacr Si*·. Travails* ia ■ it* On Special Trale of Palatial Railway Car·. · ' WILL EXHIBIT AT * Gasonla Thursday, Nov. 15th ) AFTERNOON and NIGHT ( of ltaal Amie Catofcrittoa to a Mammoth Pro- a ton at Amp, Navatty aad SorpHotoc Bccatlaaca. ! ψ Strictly ttoiere Or*a*iaatk>·, Coadoetad on Cku a*4 Re- £ aetoMa rrtwtptoe «m tfca KaterUi»««t>t <* IMaUI*aal A atari· « ■ CWmm. ι I ι j ι ι j t , ι ψ β— the Oamaaaa lUto Panée at Nom, awl Ua M* Praa EaM- d I Mttooa at tka «War cm—da tara»«tototjr a*»r tba parada, t ι ■ w mrm m

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