FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1013. GASTOXIA IS A BUST TOWN. THE GA8TOXIA GAZETTE. PACK WTVM, Penny Column. ONE CENT A WORD.. Try 'Em They Bring Results. WANTED. WANTED: Good second-hand re frigerator, 100 pounds capacity. Apply Gazette office. Ilp2. WANTED: To contract with party to move dredge boat from Cro--ders Creek to Creek. Gas'.on County Drainage Commission, K. L,. Wilson, secretary, Gastonia, N. C. tf WANTED: Boys and girls to earn handsome gold-plated watch or bracelet by selling 2 4 packages blu ing. We trust you. Send name to day. Star Novelty Co., Lowell, N. C. HPS FOR RENT. FOR RENT: The John P. Rani in house on South York street. U modern conveniences. Immedla"! possession. Apply to Rev. M. Ashby. tt FOR RALE Oil JENT: Fix-room house on Harvey avenue, at $7 per month. See W. H. Smith or call at Gazette office. tr. FOR RENT: Desirable modern res idence, Highland street. O. M. Boyd. 8-1 r,c FOR RENT: Seven room house on South street. A. C. Stroup. tr. FOR SALE. FOR SALE: Manilla Second-sheets at Gazette office. Attractive prices In large lots. FOR SALE: O. 1. C. Pi?s. Pedi gree with each pig or registered free,. Oscar Rhyne, Route 4, Gas tonla, N. C. 25p5 FOR SALE: Genuine Nancy Hall Potato plants, $ 1 . 0 per thousand. T. S. Ramsev, Lincolnton, N. C., Route 5. 20p FRESH VEGETABLES, Fruits, eggs, butter and chickens at YV. H. Dellinger's. Phone 179. tf. NICE Hand-packed Tomatoes, full 3-m cans, 1 0c per can at W. IT. Dellinger's, Phone 179. tf FELL LINE of Staple and Fancy Groceries. W. H. Dellinger. Phone 179. tf MEAT MARKET Outfit, good as new new. Apply to C. .1. liumgardner, 613 East Franklin Avenue, Gastonla, N. C. lSp4. FOR SALE ; Good riding and driv ing horse. Apply to A. R. Martin, Dallas. Ilp2. AUCTION SALE: On Friday, April ISth, at 3 p. m. we will sell at auction all the furniture and fix tures of the City Cafe in the basr ment of the Lebovltz building. Any or all of this can bo bought at pri vate sale prior to the above date. D. & L. LEDOVITZ, S. S. Morris, Agent. lac 3 FOR SALE: Pheasant eggs, Eng lish Ring Necl. I will have a limited number to sell; $1.50 per setting. D. M. Jones, Gastonla, X. C. It FOR SALE: Roller-top desk. In good condition. Apply to Dr. II. F. Glenn. tf LOST. LOST: Between Southern depot and Todd's bakery open-face watch, 7 jewels, No. 10 Rockfora works. Return to L. G. Ramsey and get reward. 1 1 p MISCELLANEOUS DELLINGER Notary Public, Real ty Building. tf. EARLY Cabbage Plants for sale. Jas. L. Hanna. tf BOOKKEEPING, SHORT HAND: Special rates. Satisfaction guar anteed. Gastonla Business Collepe, Gastonla. 29 RUBBER DATE STAMPS, the large 75 cent kind for 50 cents each at The Gazette office. tf Some Day You Will Surely Own a Victrola Why Not Now? $15 to $200. Victor Records and Needles Always in Stock H. M. VAN SLEEN t Jeweler & Optician Wedding Gifts IN SELECTING A WEDDING GIFT, YOUR FIRST THOUGHT IS NATURALLY, QUALITY. NO MATTER HOW TRIVIAL THE ARTICLE MAY BE, ' IF QUALITY IS APPARENT, THE SPIRIT OF THE GIVER IS MORE VIVIDLY IMPRESSED, AND THE REMEMBRANCE IS SURE TO PROVE LASTING"' AND WILL BE MORE AP PRECIATED. This Store STANDS for QUALITY WE INVITE YOU TO PEE THE DAINTY SILVER SET., TABLE CUTLERY AND SINGLE PIECES, BOUGHT EX PRESSLY TO SUPPLY YOUR REQUIREMENTS AS WED DING PRESENTS; AND OFFERED AT PRICES LESS THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY PROCURE SIMILAR GOODS EVEN OF INFERIOR QUALITY -FOR ELSEWHERE. Torrence-Morris Co. JEWELERS ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Town and County. f As':. 'Vine, in the city Air. I. L. Jvnl.ins. wa.s a, ss tsitor Yesterday. Miss Jennie IV i: ram is spending several (lavs in ( liurlotte as tne guest of Miss Lillian Reid. Remember the big auction sate oi residence jois, property 01 .nr. I. F. .Tonkins, tomorrow afternoon beginning at 1:30 o'clock. - There will bo services at ft. Michael's Catholic church on ?un- day. April L'.th, at 1 o : :: o a. in., by the pastor. Rev. F. Meb hior, O. S. B. Rev. .1. H. 1 lenderlite, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, has l'en confined to his home this week suffering from an attack of roseola. Mrs. J. D. Post returned Wed nesday to her home in Newton af ter spending a few days hero with her daughter, Mrs. Chas Ford. Mr. 1'. H. Van Dyke, or Cherry vllle, route two, was in the city yes terday enrcute to Rock Hill. S. C, where he poes to enter a hospital for treatment. Rev. Neill C. Williams will nil his regular appointments next Sun day morning at Ozark Methodist church and Sunday night at Frank lin Avenue Methodist church. The Gazette learns on good au thority that Mr. S. N. Boyce, at present city school commissioner from the Fifth Ward, does not In tend to stand for re-election to that office. Mrs. C. P. Mathewes, of Spar tanburg, S. C, arrived Tuesday ar ternoon to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jones. Mrs. Mathewes is a sister of Messrs. A. C, 1). M. and L. G. Jones. Miss May Parlier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parlier, under went an operation at the City Hos pital this morning for appendicitis and Is reported as getting along nicely. No action has as yet been taken by the city council with reference to the bids for constructing 3S,00o square yards of concrete sidewalks oi'cixd last Friday night. Correspondence of The Gazette. Raleigh News and Observer, fith: The Monarch Cotton Mills Company, of Gastonla, alters lis charier bv making i 1 iin.iHif) of its stock common stock and $25,onn cumulative 7 per cent preferred Stocks. --Mrs:. 1:. F. Orniand had as her guest Tuesday and Wednesday, her sister, Mrs. .1. B. Simpson, of Dur ham Mrs. Simpson has been tne guest for 'lie past ten days of her parent;- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burke, at Bii-s.-nicr City. "From the Manger to the Cross," a reverent moving-picture life story of "Jesus of Nazareth" Is being shown at Lumina Theatre to day and to-morrow. It consists of five reels, 5,000 feet in all, and 18 said to be a very fine film. The Gazette is requested to state that, in the absence of the pas tor, Rev. J. A. Satterfield, w ho is de tained at Charlotte on account or illness in his family, the pulpit or the Loray Presbyterian church will be filled Sunday by Rev. T. B. An derson, of Charlotte. Mr. W. S. Loughrldge returned Wednesday night from ilot Springs, Ark., where he spent some time tak ing the baths for rheumatism. He was greatly benefitted by the treat ment and his friends are glad to see him so much Improved. Reports from the bedside of Mr. Lee L. Brison, who has been confined to the City Hospital for a week suffering from Injuries sus tained in a motorcycle accident, are very reassuring today and his hosts of friends are rejoiced to learn that he is improving rapidly. As announced in an advertise ment on another page, an auction sale of lots will be conducted here to-morrow afternoon at 1:30 by Thomas Bros. Realty & Auction Company, of Greensboro. The lots are the property of Mr. J. F. Jenkins of Gaffney, S. C, and are located in the southeastern part of town, some of the lots lying near the Union road opposite the Clara Mill. GASTONIA 'S LEADING CLOTHIERS Particularly Choice Spring Suits! IF YOU THINK WE'RE TOO ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT OUR GAR MENTS COME IN AND SEE OUR CLOTHES FOR YOURSELF. A MAN IS ALWAYS PLEASED WITH HIMSELF W II EN HE MAKES GOOD! AND WE'VE GOOD CAUSE TO BE ENTHUSIASTIC OVER THE WAY WE'VE MADE GOOD WITH THESE SPRING SUITS OF OURS. M Belk Coo The store that carries the largest and most complete stock of dry goods, notions, millinery, ladies' ready-to-wear, men's and boys' clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps and shoes for the whole family to be found in Gaston Coun ty. Our prices are less, if you consider the quality. We Mention Here Only A Very Few Of The Good Things We Are Offering These Days. Brown Linens 12 l-2c 27-Inch Brown Linens - 10c 25c 36 Inch Brown Linen - - 18c 35c 36-Inch heavy Linen Suiting 25c Beautiful quality medium weight Brown Linen, extra good value, at 25c They're Certainly Fine! WE'RE PROUD OF EVERY ONE OF THEM. EXTRA PROUD BECAUSE WE ARE ABLE TO GiyE YOU SUCH SPLENDID CLOTHES VALUES FOR MODERATE PRICES IN THE FACE OF THE VERY HIGH PRICE OF WOOLENS. AND WE'RE JUST ACHING TO SHOW THEM TO YOU. Suit at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50 to $27.50 Swan-Slater Company The Home of Good Clothes White Linens 90-Inch Heavy Union Linen, the kind that is used so much for skirts for 50c yd. Better quality 90-inch all Linen - 98c yd. 36-Inch Art Linen, beautiful quality 25c yd. Also better grades at 50c yd. 36-Inch Linen Lawns at - 25 and 50c Table Linens 35c 58-Inch Mercerized Table Damask for - 25c yd. 64-Inch Table Damask, slightly seconds, for ... 29c yd. $1.25 72-Inch all Linen Damask in a half dozen different patterns, for 98c yd. Napkins to match all of above goods from 75c Doz. to $4.50 Ratines, Voiles, Etc. 27-Inch Ratine in Tans, Blues and Greys for - - - 25c yd. 27-Inch Japanese Crepe at 25c 27-Inch Satin Stripe Voiles, at 38c 27-Inch Stripe Voiles, all colors - 15c 40-Inch Egyptian Voils, all shades 25c yd. New Poplins 35c Ratine Stripe Poplins for - 25c lain Mercerized Poplins, All Colors, 25c Silks 36-Inch Seco Crepe Silks, all colors, 50c yd. 36-Inch Wash Silks for - 48c $1.00 36-Inch Messaline Silks, all the new shade's for - - 85c yd. $1.25 36-Inch Waterproof Foulard Silks for - - 89c 27-Inch Black, Oriental Japanese silks 50c 36 Inch Black Silk for - - 98c $1 Brocaded Satin Silks at - 75c 25c Seco Silks for - 18c yd. 36-Inch Black Taffeta Silk for - 48c Trimmings We are showing the largest and most complete line of all kinds of Dress Trim ming. Shadow Laces and Bands. Ratine Trimming. Bugle and Crystal Trimming and All-over Lace Trimmings. Greatest line ever shown in the city. Prices 5c yd. to $3.50 yd. Bulgarian Voiles $1.25 45-inch Bulgarian Voils - 85c 75c 45-inch White Voils at . 50c yd. 75c 45-Inch Embroidery Flouncing for - 50c yd. Big line of 45-inch Flouncing for 98c, $1.25 & $1.50 Our Big 5c Counter This counter grows mare popular every day. You will see goods here that you can't buy any where in the city for 5c a yard. All Standard Calicoes for -5c 7 l-2c Apron Ginghams for - - 5c Yard-Wide Bleaching for - 5c Yard-wide Brown Sheeting for 5c Good Apron Ginghams for - - 3 l-2c J M. fiffi Co, UKI'CKT OF TIIK CONDITION OF NIK 1AKMEISS .V MKISCIIWTS ll.WK, at Stanley in the State of North Carolina, at the (lose of business April 4th, 1913. ISKSOl'KCES. Ixians and discounts . 4 1 ,2 1 1 s Overdrafts secured Banking Houses, Furni ture and Fixtures Demand loans Due from Hanks and Bankers Gold coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency.., National hank notes and other 1'. S. notes ;',:;o.f, i r. . 1 1 o . t o i , l r, 2 . .". s , 0 S 1 . 2 . i 35. no R19.2n 1 .1 nr.. no Total $5C LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.... $10. Surplus fund 2 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Notes and bills redis- counted Bills payable Time Certificates of De posit 17 Deposits subject to check 1 Savings Deposits 9 Cashier's Checks outstanding us.:,:, '.00.00 70S. 88 nnn.nn ooo.oo f.7f.3 2 098. co 217.63 47.12 Total $5 ..24S..5 State of Xorh Carolini, Co.:rty or Gaston, ss: I. J. M. Reinhardt, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the l-fst of my knowledge ar.ri belief. J. M. Y.2- HARDT, Cashle- . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this H'tL day of April. 1913. D. F. Hovls. Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: O. CARPENTER, JACOB JENKINS. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OP BELMONT, at Belmont In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business April 1th, isixn i: i. Loans and discounts . . . . $ 7 .". 2 . v Furniture and Fixtures.. 1,075.00 Duo from Banks and Bankers 27.0o3.S4 Silver coin, including all minor oin currency... 7 I 7 ' National bank notes and other 1'. S. notes .... 1 ..".30.4! Total $1is,21u.10 LIABILITIES. Capital stoc k paid in . . . . f r o.on o.nn Surplus fund 7,.".imm"j Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid l,3:,n.8 Ti ii 1 1- ert i ficates of de posit 4 : , 2 .'. v 2 :; Deposits subject to check 3'.,M'fc.2!l Cashier's Checks outstand ing 2.VJ.70 Total $10K, 210.10 State of North Carolina, County of Gaston, ss: I, W. B. Puett, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that thf above statement is true to the best of n,y knowledge and belief. W. n. PIETT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this fth day of April, 1013. A. .1. Rankin, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: R. L. 3TOWE. A. C. LINERERGER, W. B. PL'ETT, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL RANK. at Gastonla in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, April 4th. 1913. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts . . 1 657.676.S9 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 393.64 TJ. S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000.000 Bonds. Securities, etc... 5.000.00 Banking house. Furni ture, and Fixtures... 20,000.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 32,474.63 Due from State and Pri vate Banks and Bank ers, Trust Companies, !'.-.t;'s 13, 326. 76 1 1,106.86 15,244.95 4.S00.OO Dm- 'I. 'hi ajiioed Ke-M-ni' Aci i.Ih Checks and oilier Cash Items Notes of other National Banks Fractional Paper Curren cy, Nickels, and Cents 369.33 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, i. : Specl,, .... 1 6,557.70 Lenal-tender notes ...13.207.00.. 29,824.70 Redemption fund with IT. S. Treasurer (5 per cen' of circulation).. 5,000.00 Total $895,217.76 LIABILITIES. Capi'al stoc k paid in ..$ 1 00,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 I'ndividcd Profits, less Expense and Taxes paid 45,155.3" National Bank Notes out standing 100,000.00 Due to other National Banks . 17,628.37 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers. . 30,394.86 Due to approved Reserve Agents 6,367.73 Individual deposits sub ject to check 204,234.20 Time certificates of de posit 208,365.61 Cashier's checks out standing 5,562.56 , Notes and bills redis- counted 57,509.13 Bills payable, incIudinK certificates of deposit for money borrowed. . 85,000.00 Reserved for interest... 10,000.00 Total 895,217.7 State of North Carolina, County ef Gaston, ss: I, S. N. Boyce, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly! swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. i ' S. N. BOYCE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of April, 1913. D. M. Robinson, Notary JPubllc. J CORRECT Attest: THOS. L. CRAIO, L. b . GROVES, J. LEE ROBINSON, .ri. V Directors, j