PAGE THB&fc FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1913. WESTMIXSTEH SCHOOL. NOTICE. GASTONIA IS A BUST TOWX. The Beautiful Chimney Rock Gap Reached Via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY CHDIXEY ROCK GAP HAS BEEN FOR YEARS FAMED FOR ITS BEAUTY IX BOTH SONG AND STORY. WHY NOT SPEXD YOUR VACATION AT ONE OF THE COM FORTABLE HOTELS BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED IX THIS LOVELY VALLEY. Hotel Rates REMARKABLY CHEAP '.00 TO $10.00 PER WEEK. HOMELIKE SERVICE. FIXE LIVERY GOOD FISHING. THE SEABOARD'S NEW SCHEDULES MAKE IT EASY TO GET TO CHIMNEY ROCK. llUTHEHFORDTOXf AND SUR ROUNDING MOUNTAINS. WRITE TODAY FOR BOOKLET. JAMES KER, JR., T. P. A. H. S. LEARD, I). P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. HARRY-BABER PHONES XO 4H-II0. Wrightsville Beach Via Seaboard Air Line Railway Queen of South Atlantic Cost Resorts ELEGANT HOTELS REASONABLE RATES. FINEST SURF BATHING ON ATLANTIC COAST. FINE FISHING, DANCING OTHER SPORTS. ROUND TRIP RATES VIA SEABOARD FROM CHARLOTTE: CORRESPONDINGLY LOW RATES FROM OTHER POINTS. SEASON WRIGHTSVILLE AND RETURN IS.70 10 DAY WRIGHTSVILLE AND RETURN $7.50 ON SALE THURSDAY'S AND SATURDAY'S ONLY. WEEK END WILMINGTON AND RETURN $5.00 On SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND ALL TRAINS SATUR DAY, GOOD RETURN FOLLOWING TUESDAY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS H. S. LEARD, D. P. A., Raleigh, X. C. JAMES KER, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A COMB THAT WOULDN'T BREAK NO DOUBT YOU HAVE OFTEN WONDERED WHY SOME ONE DIDN'T INVENT SOME MATERIAL THAT WOULD STAND THE WEAR AND TEAR A COMB GETS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR SUCH A COMB. The NEV R. BRAK. EACH ONE IS GUARANTEED NOT TO BREAK AND TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION OR YOU GET A NEW COMB. THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM 25c TO $1.23 TORRENCE DRUG COMPANY On The Corner Good Roads What is more delicious or appetizing than the smeU of a good, sweet fried ham. You need solid food to build up your strength ; you need a keen appe tite to enjoy such food. The FLAVOR of the extra fine hams we have in our store would make a sick man hungry. Buy one and try one. COMPANY. NO. tOH W. MAIN AVE See Us Before Placing Your Order For Roofing, Guttering Or Anything la Tin Work. Jno. S.Jenkins & Son Davis Block Phone 301-L Gastonia, X. C. Trustees Held Meeting In Shelby Last Monday. To the many friends in Gastonia and Gaston county of the Westmin ster School the following from lhe Srelby Highlander of the 7th is of interest: Monday the trustees of Westmiti pUt School in Rutherford county liiti here at the home of Attorney Robert L. Ryburn, the following neinoers of the board being pre? ei t: Rev. W. R. Minter, 1). I)., and S W. McKee of Lincolnton: Kev. R. A. Miller, of Lowell; C. E. Neis ler. of Kings Mountain; C. B. Ann- strong, of Gastonia; C. F. Ham lilght. of Grover; Rev. F. B Ran km, of Rutherfordton. and Messrs. A. C. Miller, L. A. Gettys and R. L. Itvburn, of Shelby. Rev. T. E. P. Woods, president of the school for the past two years, was present and made his report of the progress and condition of the school to the trustees. His repor; was considered bv the trustees to have been the best report of th 6 hool since i's organization, eleven yeais ago. The school is now in a healthy and flourishing condition, and owes practically nothing. The trustees gave Mr. Woods a hear'y vote of thanks for his fine report and his splendid management or the school. All of the officers of the board of trustees were re-elected, as follows Hc. R. ('. Anderson, president: Rev. .'. A. Miller, vice-president; .1. K t-'lai k, treasurer, and Dr. W. R. Vln ter, secretary. Rev. T. E. P. Woons was unanimously and enthusiastical ly re-elected to the presidency or he school. The trustees voted to make a i umber of improvements in the fur niture and furnishings of the school buildings and to beautify further the i a iii pus during the summer. FOB ENTICING LABOR. Gastonia Man (ie(s Into Trouble in ( lover. From The YorUville Enquirer of last Friday we take the following fads: A man named Charley Haas, from Gastonia got caught trying to entice labor at Clover, Wednesday, and when Frank L. Wilson, superintend ent of the Holland Mill, came down to help Haas out. he also fell into the clutches of the authorities witn the result that the little ill' blent cost the enterprising mill people a total of $ 1 4.",. Secretary and Treasurer Smith accidentally overheard someone us ing the telephone to tell somebody In Gastonia to send $2." dollars to move one family and $1(1 to move another, and suspecting what It meant, advised Policeman Ranltn. The policeman promptly arrested the stranger who gave bis name as Charley Haas, and asked for per mission to communicate again with Gastonia for the purpose of arrang ing a ? I "ii bond for his appearance. After considering the testimony which made out a clear case of enilt. Mayor Hitch imposed a fine of $ 7 r which was paid by Supt. Wilson, and Haas was discharged; but short ly afterward Rankin, who had been keeping his eye on the pair in the belief that they would bear watch ing, (aught them trying to negoti ate with one of the families thar had been thinking of leaving, and arrested them again. The check for the bond was de posited to the credit of the town of Clover with instructions that it be sent to Gastonia direct and collect ed at once. The Gastonia bank tel ephoned that payment of the check had been held up by Wilson and Haas: but when Cashier Pace of the Hank of Clover gave the bank or Gastonia to understand that the town of Clover was an innocen: third party to the transaction and the (heck would certainly be pro tested, Wilson (hanged his minrt and instrixted that the check be paid. NOTES FROM LINCOLN. Confederate Veterans Celebrate Personal Mention. Lincoln County News. 6th. Mr. Edgar Love and son. Frank, are spending a week or ten days ar Atlantic City. Mrs C. V. Fie and children are visiting relatives in Lowell. Miss Ida Mav Hinson spent sev eral days of this week in Gastonia visiting her sister. Mrs. E. O. Jen nings. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Bridges, oi Charlot'e. arrived in the city yes terday and are occupying their sum mer homo on Aspen street. Veterans Joe Houser, Pink Jar rett, Jacob Anthony and others from Catawba county, and Oliver Hall man. .Tame? White. Berry Lankfnrd. Wm. Mundy. Benjamin Black. Cap tain Har'zoe. J. L. Gates, Jacob Raker. Jtick Kiser, John Aderholdf. Joe Black and others of Gaston were here Tuerdry to join hands witn the Lincoln county .veterans in cer ebrating Jefferson Davis day. The old fellows had many pleasant chirp with their comrades and spent the day most pleasantly. About 100 veterans attended the reunion exercises here Tuesday. Vr. E. R. Preston, of Charlotte, made the principal address, choosing as his subject. "Robert E. I,ee." He got away from the beaten path or the usual memorial address and de lighted his hearers. He was intro duced by Judge W. A. Hoke. After the erereises were concluded, seven crosses of honor were presented to tb.e veterans, also a cross of honor to a Confederate soldier's widow, Mrs. Julia A. Mundy. of Iron Sta tion At the noon hour the veter ans were Invited to Memorial Hall, where they were served with a sumptuous dinner by the Daughters of tne Confederacy. Porter Charlton, the young Amer ican who murdered his wife at LaKe Como, in Italy in 1910, must go to Italy to stand trial, so the Supreme Court says. Charlton has been a prisoner in the New Jersey jails for three years. His father was once United States Judge to Porto Rico and a class-mate of Taft. II lill E I J LI --w !K At Snencer Mountain last Sat urday McAdenville defeated Spencer Mountain by a score of 10 to 4. STANDING OF TEAMS. W. I.. P. r GASTONIA 0 l.'tnn McAdenville 4 1 Mill Belmont - 3 0n Lowell - 4 ,:t:t.i Mtn. Island 1 4 .Lon Snencer Mtn 1 4 .200 BASEBALL SCHEDULE 101.1 GAS TON COUNTY LEAGUE. SATURDAY. JUNE 1 ITU. Mountain Island and Lowell at Lowell. Spencer Mountain and Gastonia at Gastonia. McAdenville and Belmont at Bel niuiit. SATURDAY, JUNE 21 ST. Gastonia and McAdenville at Mc Adenville. Mtn. Island and cpencer Mtn. at Spencer Mountain. Ixiwell and Belmont at Belmont SATURDAY, JUNE 28TII. Gastonia and Spencer Mountain at Spencer Mountain. Belmont and Mountain Island at Mountain Island. McAdenville and Lowell at Lowell. SATURDAY, JULY BT1I. Spencer Mountain and Mountain Island at Mountain Island. Belmont and McAdenville at Mc Adenville. Lowell and Gastonia at Gastonia. SATURDAY. JULY 12TII. Gastonia and Belmont at Belmont. Mountain Island and McAdenville at McAdenville. Spencer Mountain and Ixwell at Io well. SATURDAY, JULY 10TII. Belmont and Spencer Mountain at Spencer Mountain. McAdenville and Gastonia at Gas tonia. 1-owell and Mountain Island at Mountain Island. SATURDAY, JULY 2TII. Gastonia and Lowell at Lowell. Mtn. Island and Belmont at Bel mont. Spencer Mtn. and McAdenville at McAdenville. SATURDAY AUGUST 2ND. Belmont and Gastonia at Gastonia. McAdenville and Mtn. Island at Mountain Island. Lowell and Spencer Mtn. at Spen cer Mountain. SATURDAY. AUGUST OTH. Gastonia and McAdenville at Mc Adenville. Spencer Mtn. and Mtn. Island at Mountain Island. Belmont and I.owell at Ix)well. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10TII. Mtn. Island and Gastonia at Gas tonia. McAdenville and Spencer Moun tain at. Spencer Mtn. Lowell and Belmont at Belmont. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2.1RD. Spencer Mtn. and Gastonia at Gas tonia. Belmont and Mountain Island at Mtn. Island. Lowell and McAdenville at Mc Adenville. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30TH. Gastonia and Spencer Mountain at Spencer Mtn. Mtn. Island and Ijwell at Lowell. McAdenville and Belmont at Bel mont. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER flTH. Mtn. Island and Spencer Mtn. at Spencer Mtn. Belmont and McAdenville at Mc Adenville. Lowell and Gastonia at Gastonia. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER l.TTH. Gastonia and Mtn. Island at Mtn. Island. Siencer Mtn. and Belmont at Bel mont. McAdenville and Lowell at Lowell. DEAFNESX CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. I here is oniv one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness is caused by in inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect heading, and when it is entire ly closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation 'an he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condittlon of the mui ous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 7."c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Adv. Freckled Girls It is an absolute fact, that one 50 cent Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove your freckles or cause Ihem to fade and that two jars will even in the most severe cases completely cure them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair prow but will positively remove TAN. PIMPLES and FRECK LES Come in today and try it. The jars are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth jars $1.00. WILSON'S FAIB SKIN SOAP 25c For eale by J. JtL KENNEDY. A CO. 111 To the Men and Women Who Were Living in the Sixties. Will each man and woman who reads this and w ho was living during the civil war please write a short sketch of his or her life or of some Interesting occurrence, some act or bravery on the part of man, woman, child or old slave; some special act of self denial done by anyone, mother father, neighbor or children to pro mote the welfare of the Southern soldiers Date and sign the article and give or send it to Miss Lowry Shuford, Mrs. S. J. Durham or Mrs. 3. A. Robinson, Gastonia, N. C. tf. Etreniey aw Fare to Gettys burg, l'a., and Return Via South ern Railway Account Fiftieth An niversary Battle of Gettysburg and Reunion of the Blue and the ;ray. July l-l. lfi:i. Ti kfts for this occasion will be on sale June 2S, 2!i and 30 and July 1st, with final return limit July I'Mh, prior to midnight of which dale ret urn trip must be completed. Following round trip fares will apply from stations named: Charlotte $13.4.1 Coin (.t o 1 2.."n Salisbury 11.40 Lexington 10. ."n High Point 10. .".ii Creensfioro 10.o." North Wllkesboro 1 .1.1 .". .iount Airy 11.65 Winston-Salem 10. or. Statesvillo 12.70 Mooresvillo 1 2. SO Hickory 13.70 Morganton 14.15 Gastonia 1 :t . y 0 Fares from all other points on same basis. Special train will be operated from Charlotte Sunday, June 2!Hn, leaving about 9 p. m.. via Washing ton, arriving Gettysburg about noon June .loth. This train will consist of both day coaches and Pullman sleeping cars, and passengers from branch line points can use regular trains, connecting with special train at junction points. Reservations should be made In advance. Stop overs will be allowed at Washington and Baltimore and also at all points on Southern Railway when' there are Agents on either go ing or returning trip, or both, wltn In final limit of ticket. For further Information apply to any Agent Southern Railway, or R. II. DelU'TTS, D. P A., Charlotte, N. C. REMOVAL SALE OF THE STOCK OF W. H. DELLINGER 111 West Main Avenue Beginning Friday, June 6 And Continuing While Goods Last The building I occupy must be va cated by August 1st. In order to save expenses of removal I nm offer ing my entire stock at a iRKAT SACRIFICE. Helow are nome of Hie bargains jou can get while they lust. Rig ut on Chilian are, (ilassware, Tinware, Unamel Ware, Toilet Soaps, Shoes, Groceries, etc. These goods must lie and will be sold regardless of cost. ('OMR dur ing this sale and get goods at al most your own price. Sale Begins Friday, June 6th, 1913. and continues while the goods last. W. H. DELLINGER 111 W. Main Ave.. (Jastonla. N. C. MOUNTAIN EXCURSION To Asheville, N. C. Wednesday, June 18th, 1913. Southern Railway will operate first .Mountain Excursion of the sea son to Asheville, leaving Charlotte Wednesday, June 18th, at 7:15 a. m., via Spartanburg and arrive at Asheville at 2 p. m. Round trip fares: Charlotte J4.50 Gastonia 3.85 Blacksburg 3.10 Gaffney 2.80 Fares for intermediate points on same basis. Tickets good for ten days and will allow 6top overs at all points Tryon to Biltmore inclusive within limit on either going or return trip, or both. Can return on any regular train within the ten-day limit. Rare opportunity to visit Tryon, Hendersonville, Asheville and sur rounding country at small cost with such liberal limit and stop over priv ileges. Resident on rural route should in return envelopes, tiet them fof any route In the county at so eenta per 100 at The Gsaette office. Get A World Almanac For 1913. MOST COMPLETE COM PENDIUM OF GENERAL IN FORMATION OBTAINABLE. A LIBRARY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE WITHIN IT SELF. NEARLY 1000 PA GES. PRICE 30 CENTS, BT MAIL 3 5. SOLD IN GASTO NIA ONLY BY GAZETTE PUB. CO GET ONE TO-DAY. EXKCl'TOB'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of J. W. Patrick, deceased, notice is hereby given to persons who have claims against the estate of said decedent to present them to me on or before The IMtli day of May, 1U14, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of same. All persons indebted to said de cedent are requested to make pay ment. This the 17th day of May, 1813. R. C. PATRICK. I xecutor, Gastonia, N. C, T-J24 c C w. Subscriptions that bare already been paid in at the office can not be counted toward clubs of ten unices the subscriber, at the time of mak ing payment, directed that bis sub scrlptlon be credited to a certain club-maker. This rule la adherred to strictly tf. PIEDMONT TRACTION COMPANY ' 1 Between Gastonia and Charlotte n. a Effective Sunday, June 1, 191S. i Station 204 u,t Main avenue. Leave Ieave ArrlTa Charlotte. Mt. Holly. Gastonia No. 1 7:00a 7:27 7:68 No. 3 8:15a 8:45 9:15 No. 5 9:15a 9:42 10:15 No. 7 10:50a 11:20 11:5ft No. 9 11:45a 12:12 12:45 No. 11 12:55p 1:23 1:65 No. 15. .. . l:55p 2:21 2:56 No. 17. . . 3:30p 4:00 4:30 No. 19 4:35 5:02 6:35 No. 21 ... . 6:00p 6:30 7:00 No. 2:!. . . . 7:00p 7:30 8:00 No. 25. . . . 8:00p 8:30 9:00 No. 27.... 9:30p 10:00 10:30 No. 2 9 10:55p 11:25 11:55 Leave Leave Arrive Gastonia. Mt. Holly. Charlotte No. 2 7:00a 7:27 7:65 No. 4 8:15a 8:45 9:15 No. 6 9:30a 9:55 10:25 No. 8 10:20a 10:48 11:20 No. 10 1 1:55 12:27 12:55 No. 12 12:50p 1:23 1:50 No. 16 2:00p 2:30 3:0 No. 18 3:00p 3:27 4:00 No. 20 5:00p 5:26 6:00 No. 22. . . . 6:00p 6:30 7:00 No. 24 7:00p 7:30 8:00 No. 20 . . . . 8:0np 8:30 9:00 No. 28. . . . 9:30p 10:00 10:30 No. 30.... 10:55p 11:25 11:55 Connection made at Mount Holly,. N. C. with Seaboard Air Line to the East and West, at Gastonia, N. C with Southern Railway and Carolina and North-Western Railway. The above schedule figures an connections published only as In for-- matlon and are not guaranteed. E. THOMASON, General Manager. ; C. V. PALMER. Gen. Pass. Agent DON'T FIGURE ON YOUR FINE STATION ERY SAVE THAT FOR YOUR CORRESPONDENCE. FOR MAKING CALCULA TIONS, MEMORANDA. ETC.. USE OUR Scrap Scratch Pads! PUT UP IN 5 POUND PACK AGES FOR 25 CENTS ON LY 5 CENTS PER POUND. STAPLED AND PERFORA TED. MADE FROM SCRAP PAPER OF ALL KINDS, SOME OF IT COST US 24 CENTS PER POUND. ONLY A LIMITED f SUPPLY ON HAND NOW. PHONE US YOUR ORDER NOW. GAZETTE PUB. CO. PHONE SO. 3 r