TAC2 TWO "THE GA8T05IA GAZETTE. ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 20, 101. The Gastonia Gazette FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 20, 1916. ' J 1 F1NAIXS H ATI05AL DEMOCRATIC . ( TICKET. ,4" For President: ' . WcouVow Wilson, New Jersey. -; For Vice-President: . Tbos. R. Marshall, Indiana. : Democratic Electors at Large: Cameron Morrison, Mecklenburg. J. O. Carr, New HanoTer county. Democratic District Electors: First District, J. C. Carter, Jr. Second District, O. V. Cow per. , Third District, D. E. Henderson. Fourth District. T. T. Thome. " Fifth District, Tbos. J. Gold. " Statu District. J. B. Clark. Seventh District, B. C. Ashcraft. Eighth District. Mark Squires. Ninth District. W. M. Wilson. . Tenth District. Felix E. Alley. Democratic Congressional Nom inees: First District, John H. Small. Second District, Claude Kltcnln. Third District, George Hood. Fourth District, Edward W. Pou. Firth District, Chas. M. S ted man. Sixth District, H. L. Godwin. Seventh District. L. D. Robinson. Eighth District, R. L. Dough ton. Ninth District, E. Y. Webb. Tenth District, Zebulon Wearer. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Governor: TH03. WALTER BICKETT For Lieutenant-Governor : O. MAX GARDNER For Secretary of State: J. BRYAN GRIMES For State Auditor: W. P. WOOD . For State Treasurer: n B. R. LACY For Superintendent of Public . Instruction: J. Y. JOYNER For Attorney-General: . JAMES S. MANNING For Commissioner of Labor and Printing: MITCHELL LEE SHIPMAN ; For Commissioner of Agriculture: W. A. GRAHAM For Member Of Corporation Commission: ' ' WILLIAM T. LEE For Insurance Commissioner: i JAMES R. YOUNG 4 For Judge Sperior Court Third Destrict: ,- ' JOHN H. KERR For Judge Superior Court Klhth District: W. P, 8TACY ARKANSAS ON WHEELS. Palatial Special Exposition Train Will Arrive Here at 4 O'clock this Afternoon and Spend One Hour- Admission Free. .' Gastonia Is to be visited this af ternoon by the celebrated Free Expo sition Train Arkansas on Wheels, -'a big train of 11 coaches, which is said to be a veritable traveling expo sition. Four of the cars are tilled with displays of the products and re - sources of Arkansas. The big red apples, the corn, the pumpkins, the peaches, alfalfa, the aluminum, gold cine, diamonds, pearls, together witn a magnificent piano made from Ar : sansas native oak, a big brass band ' of twenty pieces, sweet singers, etc. ' be some of the attractions aboard this Arkansas train and they have asked us to say that there will be ab solutely no charge and no way to spend a cent aboard the train Ev erything Is FREE, even to a nice sack of the celebrated Arkansas un- polished rice, which will be given to i every housekeeper who visits tne train. The train arrives here at i o'clock this afternoon and will re main one hour. On board the train are 1 Zo repre sentative citizens, both ladies ana . gentlemen, there are farmers, law yers, doctors, bankers, merchants, State, county and municipal officers, ' and they have asked that they may ' have the privilege of meeting tne people of this city and county while ttere. Be sure to go and see the Ar Kansas Travelers aboard their ce'e orated train. Gastonians should avail them selves of the opportunity to visit this train and learn something about Ar kansas and its products. BRINGING INQUIRIES. Results of Gaston Advertising Cain' paign Already Beginning to be FWt. The Chamber of Commerce has received some inquiries from Michi gan farmers wanting information re garding farming opportunities in this section, prices, etc. They were at tracted to Gastonia by an editorial . In a Northern paper regarding Tne Gaston Magazine and the Greater ', Gaston County Association. In this connection the Greater Gaston Asso ciation and the Gastonia Chamber or Commerce expects to list at the ear liest possible moment all available farm for sale and factory sites, showing in each case the location, size and giving a price that is good for one year, subject to prior sale nly. . ' How Catarrh is Contracted. Mothers are sometimes so thought less as to neglect the colds which their children contract. The Inflam mation of the mucus membrane, at first acute, becomes chronic and the child has chronic catarrh, a disease that is seldom cured and that may prove a life's burden. Many per sons who have this loathsome dis ease will remember haying had fre quent colds at the time it was con tracted. A little forethought, a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judiciously used, and all this trouble night have been avoided. Obtaina ble everywhere. Adv. c m . x Ptiono SIC TODAY MILLION FOR A BABY" Featuring Marguerite Clayton and Bryant Washbur MA BLAZE ON THE RAILS" Sensational Railroad Drama With Helen Gibson. MONDAY Marin Sais and True Border man in a "THE TREASURE OF CO ROLO," An EpiHode of -THE GIRL FROM FRISCXV A High-Class Western Series. TUESDAY A Wonderstar In a Wonderplay Mabel Taliaferro in "GOD'S HALF ACRE," A Metro Masterproduction in five acts of Romance and Su- J?erifc- C GASTON IN THEATRE Interesting Events in the County Thirty-Odd Years Ago as Recorded in the Gazette To Which is Added State and General News Notes and Some General Reading Mattel That Proved of Inerest a Third of a Centurp Ago. SEVENTIETH INSTALLMENT. Local I tots. (From The Gazette of Dec. 3, '81.i Mr. R. M. Martin has been appoint ed postmaster at Gastonia, vice F. S. Hanna resigned. Mr. W. W. Jenkins, the Charlotte postmaster weighs 191 pounds. The Gastonia postmaster weighs 103 pounds. Our postoffice ought to be placed on wheels in order to change it from one street to another monthly, ana with greater ease. Rev. G. W. Callahan has been transferred from the Dallas circuit to Mt. Airy in the Statesville circuit. From some cause unknown to us tne preachers don't stay long in this sec tion. Mal-AdminiNt ration. (From The Gazette of Dec. 3, '81.) The town council is fixing to get into trouble. It is collecting taxes from property, cotton weighing, fines and various other sources with out making any statement or keep ing proper account. It has elected one of Us body for a street overseer who is working principally in cer tain places, for the enhancement or certain private property. One-halt of the main thoroughfare is seldom worked. It is too bad. Who will en force the law? It requires two days, when the overseer works tne street on the level part, and 37 min utes to work the rough half of the town. $10,(MM In Cash Changes Hands. (From The Gazette of Dec. 3, 81.) We have always believed that the natural situation of Gastonia would cause it to become a city at no very distant day. We believe before tne ending of another decade our fond expectations will have been realized. Mr. J. Rankin Falls bought on Wde neaday the Kee Hotel for $4,500. Hon. D. A. Jenkins bought a square of unimproved property for $640. Mr. John H. Craig bought the Hanna place for $1,000. Mr. R. M. Martin bought the Adams office of Mr. Gro ner for $175. Of the Chalk estate, lots were bought in values as fol l&ws: J. H. Craig, $328.75; R. H. Adams, $238.54; J. P. Glenn, $202. 88; O. W. Davis, $57; A. S. Bradley, $34; J. Q. Holland. $1 37.50; M. L. Rhodes. $150; T. M. Fayssoux, $20; G. W. Chalk (for estate), $513.50: W. C. Huddleston, house and lots, $300, and M. C. Bradley, $74. The Oldest Grant. (From The Gazette of Dec. 3, '81.) While at Raleigh in attendance on the Supreme Court, Col. H. C. Jone went to the trouble to hunt up in the secretary of state's office, the rec ords of the oldest grants of land in this section of Western North Caro lina. He kindly furnishes the fol- DO YOU WANT PEACE WITH WILSON OR WAR WITH HUGHES? There Is only one chelcs as against peace, and that Is war. Seme f the supporters of that (the Republican) party, a very great body of the support of that party, outspokenly dsclars that thsy want wart so that the esrtsin prospect of the success of the Republican party is that we shall be drawn In one form or anothor into the smbroilmsnts ef the" European war, and that to the south of wo tho force of the United States will be used to produce in Mexico tho kind of law and order which some American Investors in Mexico consider most to their advantage Thsre Is a more serious aspect oven than that. There Is an imme diate result of this thing, my fellow-citisons. Prom this time until tho 7th of November it Is going to bo practically impossible for the pres ent Administration te handle any critical matter concerning our for eign relations, because all foreign statesmen are waiting to see whleh wsy tho election goes; snd in the meantime they know that settlements ' will be Inconclusive From President Wilton' I Address te the Young . Hen's- Democratic League at Shadow Lavm, Sept. SO. ii,T,iiniiiiii,i-i,iiii,i,i,ii-iiinii'iiii'niTiiniiijn-mitintimvimtiitj IDEAL ' TODAY , I DUST1N FARNUM IN the parson of paiumint" Paramount OPPORTUNITIES: Cotton Mill Bottling Plants Hotel Winter Homes Fruit Stores Millinery Shops Citrus Lands Timber Lands Grocery Stores Hardware Stores lh-ug Stores Lumber Plants Furniture plants Summer Homes Picture Shows Restaurants Small Farms Stock Lands Orange Lands Dry Goods Stores Jewelry Stores Candy Stores SPECIAL SERVICE: Our re ports on Carolina, Georgia ana Florida investments and business op portunities, will save you time, wor ry and money. If you wish to buy, sell or exchange this service will help you. COOK & CO., Gastonia, N. C Office Love Building. Read the advertisements in The Gazette. They are as Interesting a news and are frequently more prof itable reading than tne news. THE EIGHTIES lowing: Grant to Jno. M. McConnell ' on the south side of the Catawba, in 1750; grant to Andrew Allison, for land on Indian Camp creek on south side of the Catawba, in 1752; grant to Jas. Armstrong on South Fork of Catawba in 1756; grant to John Alexander In 1752, on North Fork of Thickety creek, in Rutherford and Cleveland counties; grant to John McConnell in 1750 on south side or Catawba; grant to Tyree Harris od South Fork of Catawba, March 31 1759; and another on Sept. 13th 1 759; grant to Wm. Morrison od East side of the Catawba in 175G grant to Robt. McDowell on Sugar Creek in 17o6. Charlotte Observer Married. (From The Gazette of Dec. 3, '81.) In York county. S. C. Nov. 30tn by Rev. J. R. Peterson, Mr. A. I Lineberger and Miss Ida Rebecca Da vis. On Thursday, 'Nov. 24th, by Rev J. J. Kennedy, Mr. Isaac Perkins and Miss Elizabeth Morton. November 27th by W. O. Harrel son, Esq., Miss Barbara Wright and Mrs. Isaac F. Putnam. Thursday, December 1st, by Rev Mr. Douglas in York county, Robert Love, of South Carolina, to Miss Abagail Bradley, sister of E. H Bradley, of Gastonia township. IiOcal Dote. (From The Gazette of Dec. 10, '81.) Cotton steady, middling 11 l-2c Flour from wagon $3.85. Corn in demand at $1.00. Fresh pork by the hog, 8 to 8 1-2 cents. Butter, 18 to 20 cents. Chickens. 15c and eggs 1 o cents. Mr. John C. Puett has sold out his mill property in Dallas to Clemmer Brothers, of Gaston county. Miss Sallie Shrum, of Catawba county, is visiting Mr. J. B. Beal on Main street. Miss Sallie Craig, daughter of Mr J. H. Craig, took the first honor at Salem School last week In a contest for the best sewing on a machine. The first steeole ever raised in Gastonia is now nearing completion on the Academy building which is also nearly finished. The building presents a very attractive appear anoe and will be ready for the " trristmas tree. Despondency. When you feel discouraged and de spondent do not give up but take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you are almost certain to feel all right within a day or two. Despond ency is very often due to indigestion and biliousness, for which these tab lets are especially valuable. Obtain able everywhere. Adv. We Will Sell You a Lot In flntc" and Build Your Home According to your plans. The terms are easy too. Come in and talk it oyer. Gastonia Insurance and Realty Company Real Estate Dept. Phone 89, Gastonia, N. C W. T. Rankin, Pres.-Treas. R. G. Rankin, Andrew E. Moore, Vice-Preets. E. B. Brittian, Secretary All the Way from Buncombe. (From The Gazette of Dec. 10. '81.) Last Thursday a little covered wagon was seen on the streets of Gastonia loaded with chestnuts and apples. It was drawn by an animal similar to Balaam's "mule" and a male cow. On inquiry it was learn ed that it came all the way from Bun- combo county. Musical Concert. (From The Gazette of Dec. 10, SI.) The Gastonia Cornet Band will give a musical concert for the bene fit of the Gastonia Academy on Wed nesday night, the 28th. This is a laudable enterprise and now let all who appreciate good music and en couraging such institutions not fall to attend. Lowell, X. C. (From The Gazette of Dec. 10, '81.) This place is fast growing in im portance as a manufacturing town. They will soon have about $600,000 invested in manufacturing there. The factory of Col. McAden is prog ressing finely. The Lineberger Mills are running night and day. They are receiving orders from Manches ter, England, and Stockholm, Swe den. A nice sketch of manufactur ing on the South Fork will appear shortly in The Gazette. (To Be Continued.) IIAVIDSOX STATISTICS. Correspondence of The Gazette. DAVIDSON. Oct. 19. The follow ing statistics relative to the present student body have recently, been compiled : Registration by States Norm Carolina. 214; South Carolina, 65; Georgia, 34; Tennessee, 15; Missis sippi. 12: Virginia, 10; Florida, 9; Arkansas, 6; Texas, 4; Alabama, 2; Kentucky. 2; Missouri, 1; Wiscon sin. 1 ; Nebraska, ; foreign countries China. 8; Brazil. 1; Cuba. 1; Per sia. 1 ; Germany, 1 . Preferred life work: Ministry, 76; medicine, 59; law, 32; teaching. 10; engineering (chemical and civil) 16; farming, 9; business. 32; chem istry, 6; journalism, 3. Church affiliation: Presbyterian, 329; Methodist, 24; Baptist. 11; As sociate Reformed Presbyterian, 3; Episcopalian, 2; Christian, 1; Jew ish, 1 ; Lutheran, 1 . Enrollment by classes: Master or Arts, 6; Seniors. 51; Juniors, 71; Sophomores, 114; Freshmen, 14; total enrollment of men in college, 388. Since July 1st the State has issued license to 31,725 autos. By Janua ry 1st it is expected that the number will reach 40,000. Mrs. Esther Caroline Lutz, wife of Rev. W. A. Lutz, died at Tier home in Statesville, Tuesday. She was 75 years old and a daughter of the late MaJ. aleb Peeler, of Davidson coun ty. DON'T BE BALD Here's a ;xm1 Way to Ktop Loss of Hair and Htart .ew Hair Growth. If the hair root is absolutely dead. permanent baldness will be your lot, and you might as well cheer up as to bemoan your fate. If your hair is falling or thinning out, don't wait another day but go to J. H. Kennedy & Co. and get a bot tie of Parisian Sage, the truly effic ient hair grower. "Don t say, "It's the same old sto ry; I ve heard it before." but try a bottle at their risk. They guarantee Parisian toage to grow hair, stop falling hair, to cure dandruff and stop scalp Itch, or money back. Parisian Sage contains just the el ements needed to properly invigor ate and nourish the hair roots. It's a prime favorite with discriminating ladies because it makes the hair soft, bright, and appear twice as abund ant. It Is antiseptic, killing the odors that are bound to arise from excretions of the scalp and, as every one knows, sage is excellent for the hair and scalp. , Parisian Sage is inexpensive and easily obtainable at drug and toilet counters everywhere. Adv. 20-27 " - Gaston Loan ana Trust Company Gastonia, N. C ciEiEicinnEinciruunrTEiEiEiEiEiEinriEuwinnrxEiEinnnEiEU SWEETLAND I S the place for you to buy your Candies and Fruits. It is also the place to go to get you a glass of good Soda or fine rich lee Cream. We specialize in the above mentioned and feel sure you will be pleased to patronize us if you care for something up-to-date. Come or phone us and we will be glad to serve you. PHONE 197. 113 W. MAIN AVE. SWEETLAND Rubber Goods 1 at Peace Prices 1 The European War has had a disastrous effect on the rubber industry and has caused prices to advance. However, we stocked heavily on Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes and can quote you some mighty low prices while the supply lasts. This is a real opportunity, as the goods are all sold under a strict guarantee and are up to the high standard of rubber goods which are sold by us regularly. Phone 25 ADAMS DRUG CO. CLINTON & MORROW, Props. Your Choice of Ninety - of "Kmrngmr" Bicycles, shown in full color in our bis new Catalojrne Jiixt off thepress. There re eighty-three (83) others, aim. shown at price ranging from 911m iB, $131 B, $1B.1B up. There la a mHAU Bicycle for mymry rider, at a price made possible only by our FACTOBY'DIBXCT IO'RWER sales plan. CClin Mil If nil C V but TODAV for this new Catalosrue of "Ranger Bicycles. 3 kill II U kill ilk I Tires and Sundriem at prict m Unc thfy will attonith you. Also, full particulars of oar great new offer to deliver to you all charprt prepaid your choice of any of the 94 kinds of "RANGER" Bicycles you may select, for OAK MONTH'S FREE TRIAL. Thi wonderful offer ia!wlutfli genuine. Ko one criticises your choice if it's a "Ranger" the most popular, largest selling Bicycle in the country. TIRES, UUPS, Built-Up-7heels rrr; .,nt- la Bicycle equipment and Sundries, as well as the Repair Parts and Combination Offers for refitting your old Bicycle aU shown fully illustrated, at HALF CSVAL PRICES. Our new Catalogue is the largest ever issued by any Bicycle concern. Even if you do not need a nrw Bicycle now, or Repair Parts, Tires, etc., for your old Bicycle, yon need this Catalogue to tell you the prices you should pay when youdo buy. Hind) inCllTC t'IHTCn We wants RMerAsrrntln evrrr neighborhood to ride lllULIi AUL.II Id IIAIIICII and exhibit the new "RANOER" You can select the particular style suited to yoor own needs. Boys snd young men in all parts of the country are riding "Rangers" and taking orders from their friends. They mnke a good commission on every ale and so ca yon. Our great output, perfected methods and machinery enable, us to sell Quality" Bicycles at prices below all competitors. MOTORCYCLE AND AUTOMOBILB SUPPUKS. Our big. new Catalogue also gives large apace to these lines at lowest prices. Thousands of our "Bicycle" customers of a generation ago are now baying their "Auto" Sundries of as, because they know "Mead" quality and prices are always right WfUTE US TO DA Y. Do not delay. A postal request at a cost of one cent will bring you the bij; catalogue. DO HOT BUY until you get it and our MXtniierfui new oBers and prices. J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS SEPARATE TOUR MONEY" Into two parts. One to contain tn cash for your needs, the other the amount you can spare. Bring the second . pile here and open a savings account. If you keep it by you It ts apt to be frittered away needlessly. In this bank it will go to work for you. It will not grow less. It wif grow more. Four (04) Styles Colore and Ism in the famous line XKW YORK OFFICE: 111-113 Hndsoa St. - ' .

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