GASTON I A G PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 83. QA8TOMA, N. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 24, 1916. 91.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCB- THE AZETTE SOUTH FORK RAPTIS15 ANNUAL SESSIONJERE THIS WEEK Mora Than 150 Ministerial and La) Delegates from Three Counties Will be Here This Week at Annual Session of South Fork Baptist As sociation -Openiiut Sermon Wed nesday Night by Rev. J. I. Harte Several lYonilnem Men to be Here. Between 150 and 175 Baptist ministers and laymen representing churches of that denomination in Gaston, Lincoln and Catawba coun ties, will gather here tomorrow Tor tbe annual meeting of the South Fork Baptist Association. The open ing sermon will be preached tomor row night at 7:30 o'clock by Rev. J. D. Harte. pastor of the First Baptist church at Hickory. 'All the sessions will be held in the East Baptist church, of which Rev. J. W. Whitley Is pastor. Thursday's and Friday's sessions will be devoted to the transaction of business and a general discussion of topics vital to the interests of the association. There will be three ses sions each day. namely at 9:30 a. m. to 12 m.. from 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. and from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Of the 150 to 175 delegates wno will be in attendance, 30 will be pas tors and the remainder lay delegates. One of the principal subjects for discussion at one of the business ses sions will have reference to the fi nancial status of South Fork Insti tute, the associations school at Maiden. There is a debt hanging over this school and an effort is to be made to arouse the people of the district to a realization of the needs of this school and to inaugurate a movement that will result in wiping out the indebtedness and put it on a solid financial foundation. This school has done a great work but is handicapped. I'nder the direction or tbe new president. Rev. Mr. Garrett, it is now doing splendid work. Among the prominent Baptists who will be in attendance on the ses sions of the association will be Rev. W. R. Bradshaw. of Hickory, assist ant to the secretary of State mis sions, who will present the cause he represents in the field; Dr. W. L. Poteat, president of Wake Forest College; 'Rev. R. T. Vann, of Ral eigh, field representative for minis terial education: Dr. Charles E. Brewer, president of Meredith Col lege, Raleigh; Rev. Dr. M. L. Kesler, general manager of the Tbomasville Orphanage; Dr. C. J. Thompson, cir culation manager of The Biblical Recorder, of Raleigh. All the sessions will be open to the public. . School hats, new and nobby younx meii'p style, $i.."0. Swan-Slater Company. Prof. F. P. Hall, of Belmont, county superintendent of education and president of the Greater Gaston County Association, left yesterday for Raleigh to attend the meeting or the Federal Iand Bank committee. Sweater. Jerseys and knit Vests to keep you warm. Stvan-Sluter Co. Trade With Gazette Advertisers. HKAIM)FF THAT ALIj-WIXTEK COUGH. At the first, sign of sore throat, tight chest or stuffed-up head take a dose of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. and glycerine quickly relieve the congestion, loosen the phlegm and break up your cold. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has all the benefits of the healing aroma from a pine for est, it is pleasant to take and anti septic. The formula on the bottle tells why it relieves colds and toughs. At your Druggist. 2 c. Adv. 2 RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 28 Mala Street Next to Gastonia Furniture Company. DONATIONS OF FURNITURE, BED CLOTHING, CIOTHING FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS ANYTHING THAT CAN BE USED IN REST ROOM OR BE SOLD. . PROCEEDS OF BALE WILL GO TO FURNISH ROOM. Sale Held By Civic Comniitlee of Yomans Betterment Ascodation Phoae 130 aad Chamber of Commerce jjill aead for yowr domatkmo T LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Otto C. Duncan was a Char lotte visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riddle, of Bethel, were In town Saturday. Engineer John C. Rhyne, of Charlotte, was in Gastonia yesterday. Mrs. H. M. Eddleman was a vis itor to Charlotte yesterday. Messrs. H. H. Groves, H. S Mackie and C. C, McLean were Char lotte visitors Sunday. Esquire J. M. Mcintosh, of Lu cia. was a business visitor in Gasto- nk; yesterday. MIbb Lena Wilson, of the Union section, went to Charlotte yesterday to see Maude Adams at the Academy Esquire I. F. Mabry, of Mc Adenville. was a Gastonia visitor Saturday. Mr. W. B. Smith, of DaliaB, route two, was in fhe city on busi ness Saturday. Mr. Hamp Johnson, of Atlanta, Ga., spent yesterday in the city with homefolks. Rev. X. C. Williams, pastor of the Stanley Methodist church, was a Gastonia visitor Saturday. Attorney F. G. Whitney, of Bes semer City, was in Gastonia on busi ness Saturday. Messrs. D. M. Jones & Company bought 12 bales of cotton this morn ing paying 1 9 .cents a pound for mid dling. Mrs. George Daily, of Charlotte, was the guest last week of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. White, at their home on Columbia street. - Miss Mary Huey. of the city public schools faculty, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. M. E. Huey, at Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. W. M. Xolen. Jr.. of Spar tanburg. S. C. spent the week-end in the city as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Xolen. Messrs. Bert and Sam Aberne thy. of Mount Holly, spent Saturday here with their brother. Rev. (!. P. Abernethy. Mr. D. P. Dellinger, attorney of Cherryville. is attending the October term of Superior court here this week. We are requested to announce that the pastor. Rev. H. M. Wellman, will preach at Tate's Chapel Metho dist church next Sunday morning, October 29th, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Raymond H. Ratchford, student in Davidson College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Ratchford. of route two. Miss Pearl Moretz. of Charlotte, arrived in the city last Friday to be the guest for some time of her aunt, Mrs. E. K. Whitener. at her home on Columbia street. Mr. Jas. L. Hanna spent yester day at Filbert, S. C, where he closed a deal for the purchase of a twenty acre tract of choice real estate near the railway station. Mrs. R. Iee Clemmer and Miss Mary Hanks attended the Rock Hill fair last week and were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Sealy and Miss Lucile Stultz. Mrs. J. B. Morris, of Charlotte, spent the week-end in the city as the guest of her sister. Mrs. E. D. Jor dan, at the latter's home on South Broad street. Saturday of this week is the last day on which voters can regis ter for the general election of Novem ber 7th. Be sure your name is on the book. Mrs. Bismarck Capps and little daughter. Rebecca, of Lynchburg, Va., are the guests of Mrs. Capps' sister. Mrs. W. H. Poole, at her home on West Airline avenue. The Quhilns That Dost Not Affect TN MM Becanne of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE ia betterthan ordinary Quinine and doei not cause nervousness not rinciug in head. Remember the full name and too (or the signature of K. W. GROVE. 2.. SHO HELD FIRST MEETING DIRECTORS OF 6. 6. C. 1 FORM PUNS Work of Greater Gaston County As sociation Divided Into Three ie partnients C. W. Itolferts, Secre tary Chaiutter of Commerce, Chos- O . fl 1 I.I. . i paixn to lie t'ontlnued With l.OOO as iioai ror nrsi lear. (.Reported for The Gazette. I The directors of the Greater Gas ton County Association held the.r !irst meeting at the court house Fri day night with a full attendance. President Hall presided at the meet ing and told the directors of some important work which he wishes the association to take ip immediate;)'. The matter of selecting a perma nent secretary was the first to come up and C. W. Roberts, secretary of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce, was selected and a committee or three consisting of S. P. Stowe, X. B. Kendrick and R. C. Kennedy was ap pointed to meet the directors of the Gastonia Chamber and see if they will permit Mr. Roberts to devote part of his time to' the county associ ation, the association offering to pay for such time and offering to employ an additional assistant to the secre tary. Three departments were created, namely: Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial. The personnel or these departments will be announc ed later. Plans were formulated whereby Gaston county can obtain the servi ces of an all-time health officer and efforts to put these plans into effect will be made at the earliest possible date. The need of an all-time healtn officer was strongly brought out by various directors and it is the wish of every section of the county that this officer be provided. It was decided to continue the campaign for memberships. The di rectors placed their aim at l.Ooo members for the first year. Presi dent Hall says they can be had and should be had. He says the farmers and business men and the county as a whole and its towns need this or ganization and that the more mem bers it has the more efficient it will be. General Treasurer E. G. McLurd reported that collections were being made promptly by all towns and that all members were paying promptly. General Secretary C. W. Roberts reported that already a number or farmers and business men in the county had called on the association for assistance and they were being rendered every service possible. The inquiries received from the first is sue of The Gaston Magazine weie numerous and of most every charac ter. The general office of the Greater (iaston County Association will ue made in Gastonia and at the Cham ber of Commerce. In his talk to the directors Presi dent Hall said he supposed all mem bers had joined the association to work and that he expected them to get busy, saying for himself that since he was put in office he was go ing to do his very best and expected all members to be active workers and co-operate with him and tne general secretary, stating that witn out the co-operation of all members and each (own the association can do little. As a result of the organization or the Greater Gaston County Associa tion, the following towns have active chambers of commerce: Belmont, Dallas, Bessemer City. Stanley, Mt. Holly. The officers of the association are: President, F. P. Hall. Belmont; vice presidents. J. R. Nixon, Cherryville. and Dr. S. A. Wilkins, Dallas; gener al treasurer, E. G. McLurd. Gastonia; general secretary. C. W. Roberts, Gastonia. The directors of the asso ciation are as follows: X. B. Ken drick. J. H. Trott, Cherryville; R. R. Ray. McAdenville: S. P. Stowe. Bel mont; R. C. Kennedy. Bessemer City; Rev. A. T. Lindsay. Llnwood College: R. K. Davenport, Mt. Holly: C. F. Cunningham and W. S. Robin son. Dallas; T. L. Craig and J. H. Kennedy. Gastonia. The most complete line of Men's and Hoys' clothing, hats and furnish ing goods In Gaston county at Swan Slater Company's MEETING OP LOR AY BETTERMENT. The regular meeting of the Loray Betterment Association will be held at the school building at 3 o'clocK Thursday afternoon. Each member is requested to bring crochet needle and thread. Miss Susan Markham, directress of domestic science, will be present to give instruction in the work. Metro Picture Cozy Today. Const I patios Dulls Tour Bra la. That dull, listless, oppressed feel ing is due to impurities in your sys tem,, sluggish Hrer, clogged Intes tines. Dr. Klng'suNew Life Pills give prompt relief. A mild. easy, non-griping bowel movement will tone up your system and help to clear your muddy, pimply complex ion. ' Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills today at your Druggist, 25c. A dose tonight will make you cheerful at breakfast. (AdY.) 2 tr BULW1LEJESIGHS e. R. m IS NAMED FOR STATE SENATE Attorney General' (Mice Ruled That (apt. Itulw inkle Was Ineligible- Tendered Resignation Rather Than Ieave'llis Company on the Hoi-tier Mr. ir. It. Hay Chosen in His Place Mr. John K. l'uett Chosen o Succeed His Father in Race .'or House Democratic Executive Committee Meets. At a called meeting of the Demo cratic executive committee held in the commissioners' room at the court house yesterday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock, Capt. A. L. Bulwinkle's res ignation as the Democratic nominee for the State Senate from Gaston was presented by his law partner, Mr. R. G. Cherry, and was accepted. Mr. R. R. Ray, of McAdenville, was unanimously chosen to succeed him. Mr. John F. Puett, of Dallas, was chosen as the Democratic nominee for the House of Representatives in the place of his father, the late Mr. John C. Puett, who died suddenly last Thursday night while campaign ing in the northern party of the coun ty. His selection was also unani mous. All the members of tbe com mittee were present, either in person or by proxy, (apt. P. billing pre sided. i ounty Chairman T. L. Craig call ed the meeting to order and asked Capt. Dilling to take the chair. The object of the meeting was .then stated by the chair and the commit tete got busy and was soon tbrougn with the work in hand. Resolutions were unanimously adopted in menr ory of the late John C. l'uett and commending Capt. Bulwinkle for the commendable and patriotic spirit manifested in his letter of resigna tion. Both of these resolutions ap pear below. Following is the letter to Chair man Craig from Assistant Attorney General Calvert giving the opiinon of his office relative to Capt. Bul winkle's eligibility: T. L. Craig. Gastonia, X. C. My dear sir: Capt. A. L. Bulwinkle has sent us your letter respecting his candidacy for the State Senate. In his letter Capt. Bulwinkle states that as an olticer in the organized militia of the fctate he responded to the call of the President, and on July :ird, 1 i 1 6, was mustered Into the Federal ser vice under the provisions of the law. Section of Article 14 of the Con stitution prohibiting double office holding provides, "that nothing here in contained shall extend to officers in the militia ", but in the case under consideration the officer has been mustered into active Federal ser vice. 1 have been able to find only three cases bearing on or near the ques tion unaer consideration. in Keed v. Schon, 2 Cal. App. .".", it was held that a retired army of ficer does not hold a lucrative "office" and is eligible to a civil State office. but there is nothing in the opinion to indicate what the Court thought of the position of an oflicer in active service. In otate v. DeGress .':; Tex. uSl. it was held that an officer of the Cnited States, even on the retired list, holds a "lucratice office" under the I nited States, and an office of "trust or profit" in contemplation of of the Constitution of the State, and that he could not at the same time hold the oflicer of mayor of an in 1 corporated town. In People v. Duane. 121 X. 367, it was held that a retired army ollicer could be appointed to a municipal office, but in the opinion the Court said: "That the defendant he.'O a Federal office, up to the time he was retired from the service within tne meaning of the disqualifying' words of the statue, is assumed by both parties to the controversy and can not be doubted." At the time of his retirement he was Chief of Engineers of the Cnited States Army with rank of Brigadier General. In view of the constitutional pro vision itself and the above authori ties, I beg to advise that Capt. Bulwinkle cannot legally become a member of the General Assembly so long as he Is an officer In the Army in the active service of the Cnited States. Very truly yours. T. H. CALVERT, Asst. Attorney General. Capt. Bulwinkle's resignation was contained in the following letter which was presented to the commit tee by Mr. Cherry: Headquarters Seventh Division Camp Stewart, El Paso. Texas To: Col. T. L. Craig. Chairman Democratic Executive Committee of Gaston County, and The Demo cratic Voters of Gaston County. Gentlemen: On June 3rd, 1916. I was regular ly nominated by you for the office of State Senator from Gaston county, State of North Carolina. On June Id, 1916, in obedience to the call of President Wood row Wilson, I to gether with my Company of North Carolina National Guard from Gas ton county was mustered Into active service, and hare since been sent to the Mexican border. My active mili tary service on the border has raised questions as to my legal Qualification to hold office of State Senator and Captain of Company BNoxtn Caroli na National Guard udjj- the - Hay (Contused om fax fomr.) GASTONIA GASTON LATE EVENTS IN TOWN AND COUNTY Horn To Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Bell, o route four, Thursday. October is. 1iltt a son, O. G., Jr. Manning to Speak. Ex-Judge James S. Manning. Dem ocratic candidate for the attorney generalship, will address the voters here on Friday. .November 3rd. Hallowe'en Party. We are asked to announce that there will be a Hallowe'en party at the I nion school house on Friday night of this week. October 27th. to which the public Is cordially invited. The proceeds will go Into the carpet fund. Quarterly Conference. At Franklin Avenue Methodist church next Sunday night, October 29th. the presiding elder. Rev. J. R. Scroggs. of Shelby, will preach, and Immediately after the preaching ser vice will hold the fourth quarterly conference for West End and Frank lin Avenue charge. Dr. Glenn to Philadelphia. Dr. L. X. Glenn left Saturday night for Philadelphia. Pa., to attend the annual meeting of the Surgeons Con gress of America which Is being held In that city this week. The meeting will devote considerable time to the discussion of the x-ray and its bearing on surgery. Catawba County Pair. The Catawba Count v Fair nnpnpd at Hickory today, this being opening dav. Tomorrow is Educational Da v. Thursday All Counties Day and Fri day automoDiie ana live stock aay. A number of Gaston county citizens will probably attend the fair for one or more days. Wero Omitted. In the Democratic county ticket as printed In Friday's Gazette the names of Mr. Vernon G. Grier. the nominee for coroner, and Mr. Chester A. Black, nominee for surveyor, were omitted by mistake. These gentle men were named at the county con vention and are regular party nom inees. Xamed on Executive Staff, i Mr. J. Holland Morrow, of ' this city, has just recently been honored by the Reliance Life Insurance Co.. of Pittsburgh. Pa., when he was se lected by the directors of the compa ny as a member of the executive staff. In the October bulletin 'Issued by the company, a ptioiograph of Mr Morrow is carried along with an ac count of his work in this territory. A Fine Record. The sixth company of the Xorth 'arolina Coast Artillery, located at lendersonville. now has a total of 11 on ul fled members, that is to say men who have passed all the re quirements for regular army service. Mr. J. S. Jones, of Gastonia, was formerh- a member of this company, having secured his discharge when he accepted a position as city letter carrier here. Synod at Salisbury. Rev. James H. Ilenderllte, pastor of the FirBt Presbyterian church, left this morning for Salisbury to at tend the annual meeting of the Pres byterian Synod of Xorth Carolina, which convened at eleven o'clock to day for a four days session. Mr. J. H. Kennedy, the elder from the first church, went to Salisbury yesterday afternoon to attend a meeting of one of the synodical committees ef which he Is a member last night. Death of Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Margaret Louise Hill, form erly a resident of this county, died Sunday In Hickory, where she was visiting her son. Mr. Joseph Hill. Mrs. Hill was 7 9 years of age and for the past 1 2 years had made her home with another son. Mr. Dick Hill, who lives near Newton. The remains were brought to Gastonia yesterday afternoon and taken to the home of a relative In the Union neighborhood. The burial took place at I'nion Presbyterian church at 10 o'clock this morning, the body being laid to rest in the family plot beside the bodies of Mrs. Hill's husband, the late Joseph Hill, and four chil dren. Funeral services were con ducted yesterday at Hickory by' Rev. J. G. Oarth. Deceased was an aunt of Mrs. W. L. C. Killlan and had been her guest Jor. some, time last spring. Mrs. Killlan and Messrs. James and Guy Killlan attended the burial service this morning. New fall shirts, neckwear, collars, hosiery, underwear, etc., at Swan Slater Company's. Metro Pictures Cozy Today. CUT THIS OUT IT 18 WORTH MONEY. DON'T MIS3 THIS. Cut out this slid, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co Chicago, HI., writing your name and address, clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial ' coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Fol ey Cathartic Tablets. Specially com forting to stoat persons. J H. Ken nedy k Co, (AdT.) AVE NAMED OFFICERS. Annual Meeting of Stockholder of Five Mills Held, Officers and Di rectors Elected Seminole IHreo ton Also Xamed. ; . The regular annual meeting of the ' stockholders of the following Oas tonia manufacturing enterprises -were held several days ago: Clara, Dunn, Monarch; Armstrong, Semi nole. At the meetings officers and directors were elected as follows: Clara Manufacturing Co. C. ' . B. -Armstrong, president and treasurer; S. T. Wilson, vice-president; A. KV Wlnget. secretary and assistant ' treasurer; directors, C. B. Arm-, strong, S. T. Wilson, R. A. Ratch ford. B. T. Morris, A. K. Wlnget. Dunn Manufacturing Co. C. B. Armstrong, president and treasurer; A. G. Myers, vice-president; A. K. Wlnget. secretary and assistant treasurer; directors, C. B. Arm- strong, A. G. Myers, 8. M. Morris, J. M. (Sloan, A. K. Wlnget. Monarch Cotton Mills Co. C. B. Armstrong, president and treasurer; v S. A. Wilkins, vice-president; A. K. Wlnget, secretary and assistant treasurer; directors, C. B. Arm strong, 8. A. Wilkins, D. M. Jones. C. C. Armstrong, A. G. Myers, A. K. ' Wlnget. Armstrong Cotton Mills Co. C. B. Armstrong, president and treasurer'; j R. B. Bablngton. first vice-president; D. M. Jones, second vice-president; A. K. Winget. secretary and assistant treasurer; directors, C. B. Arm strong, R. B. Babington, D. M. Jones, J. W. Carroll, C. C. Armstrong, A. O. Myers. A. K. Wlnket. Seminole Cotton Mills Co. C. B. Armstrong, president and treasurer; T. A. Ratchford. vice-president; : A. K. Winget, assistant treasurer; W. R. Armstrong, secretary; directors, C. B. Armstrong, T. A. Ratchford, A. , K. Wlnget. A. E. Moore, W. H. Adams. D. M. Jones, J. H. Dalnger field. Gastonia Cotton. Good middling He Cotton seed 89C The New York spot cotton mar ket closed at 19.10 yesterday after noon. ' , At noon tomorrow at the court house door Mr. R. G. jCherr, admin istrator of the estate of H. M. Ltne berger, will sell at auction a tract or farm land containing 100 acres and lying on Long Creek ; also thirteen town lots on Morris street and Ran kin avenue. Men's and Boys' Suits, new moo els and patterns arriving every day at Swan-Slater Company's. Mrs. B. T. Morris, district secre tary of the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church, went to Shelby Saturday and on Sunday organized a society at Fallston. She also visited tbe society at Belwood, three miles distant, and made an ad dress on the district work. Xotaseimt Hosiery, the old quail ty and prices, all ie and shades, Swan-Slate.' Company. While Mr. Ed Hawkins and members of his family, who live on route three south of town, were working In the field yesterday, some person broke Into the house and stole a quantity of clothing and shoos. There is no clue to the Iden tity of the thieves. USED IT ELEVEN YEARS. There is one remedy that for many years has given relief from coughs, colds, croup and whooping cougn. Mrs. ( has. Rletz, Allen Mills, Pa., writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar for.the past eleven years and I would not be without it." It promptly relieves hoarseness, tick ling throat and wheezy breathing. J. II. Kennedy Co. (Adv.l JAMES W. BAIN WEDS WEST VIRGINIA LADY. Friends of Mr. James W. Bain In Gastonia will be Interested in the an nouncement of his marriage on Sei tern ber ! In Winston-Salem, to Miss Lucile Cofer. of Bluefleld, W. Va. Announcement of the wedding was made by the young couple only a few days ago. The ceremony was performed while Miss Cofer was visiting friends in Winston-Salem, Bishop Rondthaler officiated. They will make their home in Winston Salem where Mr. Bain Is connected with the staff of The Dally Journal. Mr. Bain is a son of Rev. E. L. Bain, of Charlotte, and at one time lived in Gastonia. his father being pastor for four years of Main Street Metho dist church. He is a young man or excellent character and a valuable newspaper writer. Metro Picture Coxy Today. . ST lcl appUcatloma. as tkry cuut nMhj thm iarmaa portloa ( tn r. Tkar la Mir war t ear atarrkaJ daroea. aa that la ay a uMU(tlwl rataadr. Catarrhal Dtafaaaa la causa T aa te Saaw4 aaadltloa of Xhm macoo lining- th Baataehiaa Tat. Whaa this tab hs taflaaM jroa hav a rambUac aoaaa a Imaoriact a caring, and whaa U hi aatlnlr cloved. Dfthen la ta malt Vatoaa tao . teaammatloa caa b reduced an this tab -roatore to Ita normal coadltloa. heerlnf WU1 a trre tarrwtr. fclaay of doafacaa ar eaaard br catarrh, which h aa taaarar oondittoa of th aiweova our faoaa. Hall's Catarrh Cur acta thra th . blood a th slacoas aurfaew of th era- . w wtn air Oa Hundrod Dollar for ear caa of Catarrhal Doafneos that caeaod bo cured by Haira Catarrh, Car. Qraiafa tro. All Drunrlota. Toe. . . . r. j. ciiiKCT co. To, a ,

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