I: THE GASTOXIA CAZTITX The Gastonia Gazette Issued every Monday, Wednesday 1 above. - '' ' "- Mrs. W. M. Ungerteldt. Bessemer City, N. C: Best plate any other variety, not leu than six. Homemade . ad Friday by. The Gaxette Publish ta Company, V. E. Long. Gastonia. X. C.:. Best plate Kleffer pears, not less than six. Mrs. V. E. Lone, Gastonia, N. C. Fancy apron. Mrs. D. R. LaTar, Gastonia, N. C. Towel, embroidered, handkerchief, tatting. Dan Senn LaFar. Gastonia. N. C. Admitted Into the malls at the I Best 3 stalks with peanuts attached root omce at Gastonia, N. c, at me i tingle variety, best plate of Mang 9owd rate of Postage. April 28, I nam Bonum apples, not less than 6 J. W. ATKINS. BdltOfiBdMffi 1112. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Om year $1.00 ttx months 100 Three months 60 One month 20 - .an nbrliitfnna navahle In ad- vmaea and discontinued promptly I City, N. ., R-l: Best gallon onion Mrs. W. L. Liseberger, Gastonia, N. C, R-3: Grape juice, best qt. bunch bean seed, canned peaches blackberry Jam, blackberry jelly pound cake, grape Jelly. Mary 'Lineberger, Gastonia, N. C. R-3: Sweet pickled peaches, canned blackberries. Mr. W. M. Lingerfedt, Bessemer expiration. 1 ESTABLISHED 1880. NO. ZS9 West Mala Ave.ee. PHONE NO. SO. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1917. V AK!IOk N RE D CROSS 5 This year a substantial portion of the proceeds of Red Cross Seals is to be devoted to the cure of oar tuberculous soldiers. This simple ""V."' xars. it. k:. MOLan, uastonia, . sets. A. B. Lewis, Belmont. N. C: Best watermelon. Mr. S. H. Lutz, Dallas, N. C. R-2 Best 10 ears (unnnbbed) any other white corn, best peck and sheaf fall sown red rust proof oats, sheaf to measure 15 In around. ' W. T. McLean, Belmont, N. C. R-l: Best boar 1 yr. and under yrs., best boar under 1 yr., best sow pig over 1 yr., best sow pig under I yr., best herd, 1 boar and 2 or mori sows, best registered sow any age, any breed, best sow with 5 or more pigs, beat general agricultural dis play Ola Mauney, Bessemer, N. .: Best specimen darning hose. Mary Lee Mason, Gastonia, N. C Lady s shawl, sacque or sweater, knitted. Miss Maud McKnight, Belmont, N. C: Best school or house dress, cost not oyer $2.00, best specimen darning hose, beet button holes, six Ruby Moose, Cherryville, N. C: Best specimen tatting, best corset coyer. Florence Mauney, Cherryville, N, C: Best specimen of lace. John V. McCready, Gastonia, N, C, R-l: Best mare or horse colt foaled or raised in Gaston county, oyer 1 yr. under 2 yrs. D. P. McLurd. Cherryville. X. C. statement should reach the heart of very patriot and every lover of his feUownuua.' .1 know our people will yield to the promptings of their bet ter angels aad with Joyous generosity throw themselves into the campaign of the Bed Cross) Seal against the White Plague. T. AV. BICKETT, Governor. COUNTY FAIR, ' - .(Continued from page 1.) display. : Orler Jenkins, Gastonia, N. C, B4 : : Best mule colt, under 2 yrs. and over 1 yr. $5 In gold for the i best colt under 2 yrs. raised from Jack Owned by W. N. Davis. Henry -R. Jenkins, Gastonia, N. C, It-4: Best mare or horse colt, foal- d. ';.'. 1 1 una Jenkins, Gastonia, N. C, ,31-4 1 Pear Marmalade. Janette Jenkins, Gastonia, N. C, . 21-4: Tear preserves, strawberry pre ' serves, canned huckleberries. Bryte Jenkins, Gastonia, N. 8., H-4; One dos. tea cakes. C, R-2: Sour cucumber pickle, to mato sweet pickle, canned cherries. canned squash, peach marmalade, corn muffins. A. N. McMillan, Gastonia, N. C Best bunch celery not less than 3 stalks (two), c B. W. C. Moore, Gastonia, N. C, R-3 : Best boar, 2 yrs. and over, best sow pig over 1 yr. old, best herd, 1 boar and 2 or more sows, special open to the world best registered boar any age and breed Mrs. E. E. MCOowell, Cherryville, N. C: Babys short dress. Miss Maggie Michael, High Shoals, N. .: Table Tunner, crocheted. Bressley Morrow, Bessemer City, N. C, iR-2: Best peck any other va riety, peas. Minnie Morrow, Bessemer City, N. C, R-2: Pear preserves, sour cu cumber pickle, canned peaches, can ned turnips, blackberry jam. George Morrow, Bessemer City, N. C, R-2: Best peck black walnuts. W. Pk Morrow, Bessemer City, N. C, R-2: Molasses, 1 gallon, best pk. black walnuts. , D. A. Morrow, Bessemer City, N. C, R-2: Best half bu. gallon sweet potatoes, best half bu. red sweet potatoes, best bu. Spanish peanuts, best peck of turnips, best pumpkin, not less than three. Mrs. W. P. Morrow, Bessemer Cherry preserves, M. B. Jenkins. Gastonia, N. C, R-4: Best 10 ears (unnubbed) any I City, N. C, R-2 other corn, best half bu. yellow I peach marmalade, (two). sweet potatoes, best peck of turnips. Robert Murray. Bessemer City, N. ' Mrs. Madison Kendrick, Gastonia, R2: Moft proline and best ex N. C, R-2: Sweet cucumber pickles, aIbIt any variety to consist of 10 N. C: N. canned peaches. - Leon' Kiser, Bessemer, Best ladies handkerchief. lorena Klser. Bessemer, Specimen tatting. ' Novella Kendrick, Cherryville, N. C: Best tidy. Lois Kendrick, Cherryville, N. C: Best gown. - Mrs. John Kendrick, Gastonia, N. C, B,-2: Canned grapes, canned corn on cob, canned green beans, canned ears accompanied by 1 stalk, with ears. attached, same variety as the ears exhibited. Willie Murray, Bessemer City, N. C, R-2: Corn. Dredy Murray, Bessemer City, N. C, 'R-2: Turnips. Mrs. B. T. Morris, Gastonia, N. C. Pear marmalade. Mrs. A .'A. McLean. Gastonia. X C: Best plate, any other variety, not less than six, embroidered luncheon set, peach pickle. Albert McArver, Gastonia, X. C, t4aalias ' - ' Mrs. C. C. Klser, Bessemer, N. C, ?5t?By; any age' any breed' 48 In k and under. v Ion greenpole beans, best plate peaches, not less than six (two) Miss Lottie Xicholas, Belmont, X C: Best cooking apron. 1A M nnKhi f rMu. ,,v- -uicriiiei:B any Biyie, Bpecimen oi Hfl nm twt atnirla oar nf nrnllfl I laHm' UWO. r h.t hnm.h r.hft. nn A- Oliver, Belmont, X. C: Odd than str, (two). ' 8h?;. T n ' 7 . t V "V " V. " ' w- -2: Sweet cucumber pickles. pickles, canned R-4 : Jar best pickles 1 Paul Klser, Bessemer, N. C, R-2: ', Most prolific, best exhibit any variety,-to. consist of 10 ears, accompan ied by one stalk with ears attached, of same variety as ears exhibited, best single ear of Boys corn Club. Maud Klser, Bessemer, N. C, R-2: 'Best peck of table beets. Mr. C C. Kiser, Bessemer City, N. ''C, "R-2; One bu. oat and vetch seed. John M. Kendrick, Gastonia, N. Ctr R-2: Best mule colt, under 2 yrs. and over 1, black eye pea, whlpper 4 will pea. Miss Mary Lineberger, Lowell, X. C. R-2: Baby's cap, crocheted or tatting, 1 Mrs. Eli P. Lineberger. Gastonia, 'J. C, R-3: Peach preserves, water beet cherries, canned plums Edith Ormand Bessemer City, X. c: west specimen darning, hose. Annie Ormand, Kings Mountain, C: Rolls, ginger cookies. Miss Lida Ormand, Kings Moun tain, X. C: Salt rising loaf, dried string beans, best qt., patchwork or crazy quilt, silk or worsted, Coverlet. Miss Maggie Oates, Bessemer City, .n. u., k-z: Tatting baby cap. R. P. Putman, Gastonia, X. C: Best stallion, 5 yrs. old and over. Mrs. M. E. Puett. Dallas. X. c .: Strawberry preserves, pumpkin pre serves, (Dest qt. dried peaches, lady's shawl, sacque or sweater, knitted, specimen button-holes on various inelon rind reserves, canned eraoes. .n "f1.""- !oia P M.. -oa m0t. .. llow emDroiaerea, nomemade rug, specimen or tatting. Mrs. J. M. Parker, Gastonia, X. C: Centerpiece, embroidered. May Price, Gastonia, X. C: Bas kets, (two. Grace Pasour, Dallas, tX. C, R-l: Blackberry preserves. Evelyn Pasour, Dallas. X. C, R-l : Blackberry preserves, apple marma lade. Mrs. George E. C. Pasour, Dallas, . c, n-l: Best qt. English peas, best pt. cucumber seed, third award not given, best gallon green pole beans, chow chow, (two). Lee Pasour. Dallas,N. C, Rl: Best and largest display apples grown in Gaston county, (two). Miss Corinne Puett, Dallas, N. C: canned red tomatoes, canned baty beets, canned rhubarb, caned pump kin, best half dot. corn muffins. Ira Leonhardt, Bessemer City, X. C.r -Best gown, (two), best teddies. ' Jennie Land, - Gastonia, N. C. : . Best, specimen patching. Miss Alda Lutz, Dallas, X. C, B2: Pincushion, bag, Uttlng. - Edna LuU. Dallas, iX. C, R-2:, .Bureau scarf, collar, tatting. v ' W. A. Leeper, Belmont, X. C: .Best qt watermelon seed. (Lacy Leeper, Belmont. N. C: Specimen tatting. ' Mrs. y?. H.- Lewis, Gastqnia, N. C: Pound cake. " . . IE. P. Lewis, Gastonia, N. C, R-2 Sest 1 0 stalks of sorgum, best pou ril ; It ZXJZa ftXZ .t-nlT MI" Minerva Puett, Dallas, N. C : of upland long staple. . Table rnnner - . . :' . Elirabeth Wngerfeldt, ; Bessemer 9 unT ' , : i . :ity. N. R-l: Best Jkree stalks fyV Bowing Green, S. C. ' wi h peanuts attached, slngla Yarle- Be,t 500114 npland long tuple ty, r'tcifork crarr onllt," :llk ' .or lint 3; any article not, mentioned J; ;"Mls Bertie Petty,, fowling Green, S, C, R-l: Divinity fhdge, allppers. crocheted. - Miss Ethel -Pierce, Gastonia, N, .: Best pajamas. Mr. tR. A. Pearson, Gastonia, N. C, R-l: Best bu. crimson clover seed. . Plsgah Jersey Breeders Associa tion, Gastonia, N. .: Best bull any age. Miss Margaret Query, Clover, S. C: China painting. L. Loyd Qulnn, Gastonia. N .C R-2: Best display 5 stalks of mature plants, any single variety soy beans. T. L. Rhyne, Dallas, -N. C, R-2 Best peck any other variety peas. Mrs. J. H. Rutledge, Dallas, N. C. R-2: Dried corn best qt., best qt. dried okra. Mrs. John C. Robinson, Gastonia N. C, R-3: Cherry preserves, (two) jar cucumber sour pickle, (two) Jar cucumber sweet pickle, (two) jar sweet pickled cherries, jar mix ed pickles, (two). Jar mustard pickle, (two), jar onion pickle, (two) jar sweet pickled peaches pear pickle, tomato catsup, (two) bottle green cucumber (two) canned peaches. Mrs. John C. Robinson, Gastonia, N. C: Canned strawberries, canned cherries, canned peas, canned corn on cob, canned okra, canned red to matoes (two), canned beets, grape marmalade. Jar vinegar, 1 qt. dried appies, sort soap, hog lard, grape Juice (two), best qt. sage, dough nuts, devils food cake, Lady Balti more cake, napkins, one half dozen, (two). Mrs. John C. 'Robinson, Gastonia, N. C, R-3: Blackberry Jam, (two), grape fudge, (two), blackberry jelly. towel, crocheted, night gown, straw berry preserves, pole bean seed. Mrs. M. A. Rhyne, Gastonia. X C: Jar vinegar, best qt. dried apples, (two), best qt. dried peaches, best gallon sorgum seed, largest and best display of garden and Held seed grown by an Individual, best qt. mushmelon seed, best qt. of squash seed, besf peck of table beets, best pecK oi onions, Dest collection ngs, apple preserves, (two), Jar damson preserves, flg preserves, pear pre serves, jar hot pepper. Mrs. M. A. Rhyne, Gastonia, X C: Jar sweet pepper, mixed pickles, onion pickles, beet pickles, tomato sweet pickles, jar dixie relish, (two) tomato catsup, canned apples, can ned pears, canned muscadines, can nea piums, (two), canne corn on cob, canned baby beets, canned sweet potatoes, (two). Mra. M. A. Rhyne. Gastonia. X. C: Canned squash, mahmalade ap ple, grape marmalade, pear marma lade, peach marmalade, (two), plum marmalade (two), blackberry Jam. damson Jam, apple Jelly, blackberry jeny, crabapple Jelly, mucadine jel ly, dewberry Jelly. Fred S. Rhyne. Gastonia. X. C: Best mule colt, over 3 yrs.. best sow pig under 1 yr. old, best bow. with 5 or more pigs. M. A. Rhyne. Gastonia. X. C: Best calf, either sex, under 1 year, best bull. 1 to 2 yrs.. best cow. 2 yrs. and over. J. H. Rutledge. Dallas. X. C. R-2: Best peck any other variety, peas, best peck any other variety peas. best gallon onion sets, best peck of onions, best bunch radishes, not less than six. Mrs. P. R. Falls, Gastonia. X. C: Pillow case, embroidered, sheets. quilt, calico. Mrs. J. H. Rutledge. Dallas. X. C. R-2: Grape marmalade, pickled onion, corn on cob. Jar cucumber, sweet' pickles, Jar sweet pickled peaches, tomato sweet pickles, can ned corn, off cob, canned okra, can ned green beans, apple marmalade. crabapple Jelly, best doz. white eggs, Dest qt. pole bean seed, centerpiece. any style, specimen hemstitching, (two), towel, embroidered, (two). specimen darning, canned okra. Annie Rankin. Gastonia. X. C: Best specimen crocheting. iue Robinson. Gastonia. X. C: Best school or house dress, cost not over $2.00. Charlie Rankin. Mt. Hollv. X. C: Best specimen tatting. H. G. Rhyne: Best sauash .not less than three, (two), best water melon, (two). Miss Pearl Ramseur, Bessemer City, X. C, R-2: Canned turnips. Mrs. A. P. Rudisill. Dallas, X. C: Peach preserves, pumpkin preserves, canned squash. Mr. A. P. Rudisill. Dallas, N. C, R-l: Most proline and best exhibit. of any variety, to consist of 10 ears, accompanied by one stalk with ears attached of the same variety, best half bu. yellow sweet potatoes. Mrs. L. A. Ramsey, Bessemer City, N. C, R-l: Soft soap, best bu. Vir ginia peanuts, best stalk red pepper, best stalk green pepper, best okra, not less .than six specimens, (two), best egg plant, not less man 3, best parsnips, not less than 1 peck, best carrots, not less than 1 peck, (two), best general display representing woman's handiwork, (two). Stella Royster, Cherryville, X. C: Best tidy. (two). Mrs. T. P. Rankin. Lowell. X. C: Crabapple Jelly, best kU of surgical dressings, made by one person. Anida Randall, Cherryville, X. C: Best ladies handkerchief. Ava Rudisill, Cherryville, N. C: Best .tidy. Mrs. R. G. Rhyne, Blankets. C. H. Rhodes. Lincolnton, X. C: Best reg. bull, any age. best re. bull, beef type. Mrs. J. H. (Reauart. Belmont. X. C: Bed-spread, or countermine. handkerchief, lace edge, (two), fan cy apron, best specimen bead work. A. A. 'Rhyne. Gastonia. N. C. R-2: Best bull, 2 yrs. and over. R. G. Rbyne. Mt Hollv. N. C. R-2: Beat pony, any breed and age. 48 in. and under. Mrs. J. P. Reid. Gastonia. X. C Quilt, calico. Thos. M. Royster. Bessemer Cltv. X. C, R-l; Best display 5 stalks, mature plants, any single variety sov beans. Mrs. E. S. Rhyne. Gastona. N. C R-4 : Best doz. tomatoes, best collec tion figs, -flg preserves, canned ap ples, canned peaches, (two), canned corn, tomatoes and okra, brown eggs. E. 8. Rhyne. Gastonia. X. C. H-4: Best gallon sorghum seed, best neck black peas. . . John C. Robinson.. Gastonia. H. v.. k-s: .Best plate Jueffer pears. not less than six. ; ; C.:" Apple 'preserves, ' strawberry preserves, watermelon rind! preser ves, peach preserves. Jar hot peppers, jar cucumber sour pickles, jar Chow chow, jar stuffed pepper, pear pick les,' watermelon rind pickles, can ned blackberries, canned peaches. canned pears,' canned cherries, can' : ned plums, canned corn, off cob, canned okra, ' canned beets, canned GLAD TO TESTIFY Says Wtioft Lady, "As To WTui Cardm Hat Done For Me, So At To Help Others." Watoga.W. Va Mrs. S. W. Gladwett, of this town, says: "When about 15 years of age, I suffered greatly . . . Sometimes would go a month or two, and I had terrible headache, backache, and bearing- down pains, and would Just drag and had no appetite. Then ... it would last . . . two weeks, and was so weakening, and my health was awfuL My mother bought me a bottle of Cardui, and I began to improve after taking the first bottle, so kept it up till I took three ... I gained, and was well and strong, and I owe it all to Cardui. 1 am married now and have 3 children . . . Have never had to have a doctor for female trouble, and just resort to Cardui if I need a tonic: I am glad to testify to what it has done for me, so as to help others." If you are nervous or weak, have head aches, backaches, or any of the other ailments so common to women, why not give Cardui a trial? Recommended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Begin taking Cardui today. It may n: ihe very medicine you need. NC-130 Home Lot Men buy lane for two purposes, --for profit or for homes. When they buy to make money any piece of lan 4 that will sell for more than the cost suits their purpose; but when they buy for homes more care must be taken. Conditions such as future development, accessibility, schools, churches, etc, must be considered. Land in itself has no value. When you buy land you pay for conditions that you . obtain in connection with the land. Buy your home lot in and take no chance in making a mistake. Every desirable improvement has already been made. GASTONIA INSURANCE & REALTY CO. Telephone 89 Office Realty Building IDEAL TODAY MONDAY "THE FATAL RIXG" and 'ROPIXG HE 11 ROMEO" Extra Fine Comedy TUESDAY "DEVIL DODGER" and - HER FICKLE FORTUNE' Triangle. WEDNESDAY "THE ANTICS OF ANN' with ANN PENNINGTON Paramount THURSDAY THE TEN OF DIAMONDS" with DOROTHY DALTON Triangle. Just received a new ship ment of coats and we want you to see them. Colors : Ha vannah brown, Pecan blue, green, taupe, grey, oxford, navies and blacks, and are especially priced for this week from $8. to $45. McNeely Co. FRIDAY GERALDINE FARRAH and WALLACE REID In THE WOMAN GOD FORGOT' 'Artcraft Special 10 aoc THE MOST PRECIOUS TIG MALL THE WORLD Colombia, S. O., Woman Has It, Loses It and Finds It Again After Twelve xears. After you have had perfect health and lose It you realize how precious A thine It Ik" wrlta Mtna RarnTi Dowie, 1826 Bonrille St., Columbia, I 8 wee potatoes, canned vegetable Cozy Theatre, Tuesday BENEFIT RED CROSS Mme. Petroya in "THE SILENCE SELLERS" A Metro gripping story exposing the methods of certain so-called society Journals. Also Billy Rhodes Comedy Wednesday, Harry Carey in "THE SECRET MAN" 5 Act Butterfly Feature. Also a good Comedy. The Red Cross Needs Money ! Are You Doing Your Bit? 1Z 8. C "For twelve years I suffered with a terrible stomach trouble which with general dellblllty kept me on the verge of utter collapse. 'Later an awful blood disease developed and it did not seem as though there could be anything done to save me." "But today I am happy for hav- corn ing listened to the advice oi my mends and having taken that most wonderful mineral remedy SXJLFER RO-SOL. What It has done for me Is little short of miraculous." My skin is clear and has changed boud. Kraoe marmalade. Mrs. Albert Rankin, Gastonia, N. C: Apple marmalade, blackberry jelly, coverlet. O. L. Rhyne, Gastonia, N. C, K-4 : Best sow with 5 or more pigs, bu. wheat, bearded," best half bu. early Irish potatoes, best single ear of Mrs. A. M. Rhyne, Mt. Holly, N. C: Any cake not mentioned above, best reddish, table runner, crochet ed, bedspread or counterpane, bou doir cap, (two). Mrs. Fred Rhyne, Stanley, N. C: Underskirt. MrB. Brady Spencer, Gastonia, N. C, R-l: Baby's pillow, baby's short Mrs. S. A. 'Robinson. Gastonia. X. I dress. C: Handkerchief, lace edge, water Mrs. U u Self, Cherryville, N. C: color, charcoal or crayon, quilt, ' Best general display. Mrs. E. W. Scott, Bessemer City, worsted, pastel, china painting, bead work. E. S. iRhyne, Gastonia, N. C, R-4 from a bloodless yellow to a clear Be8t 19 ear UnnuDDeaj any otner healthy color and I am so Improved I wW8 com. generally that I hardly seem to be I Ethel Rhyne, Gastonia, N. C, R-4 : the same person." I Corn bread, apple pie, cherry pie. I feel that I have had a most I M. TJ. Ratchford. Lowell. N. C: wonderful restoration to health and I Any household or kitchen utensil, i give an me praise ior u 10 vu-l (two). FERiRO-SOU I have gained in weight from 114 to 125 pounds and never expected to be as well agalin as i am now Mrs. J. (Linwood Robinson, Lowell, N. .: Combination suit. J. F. Hatchford, Gastonia, N. C, Note:"There Is no other reme-1 : P of turnips. dy like SUUFERiRO-SOli and nonej C. R. Hhyne, Gastonia, N. C, R-4 : that will equal It In curative Dowers. I Stalks sunflowers, wagon made sun- Get the genuine and only , natural flowers. ' ' mineral remedy. Experimenting -will - Mrs. JL IfiRhyne, Mt. Holly, N. cost you money and prolong , your C: Jar sweet peppers, canned maa- dlsease. , ; roes, chill sance. svrnn : MiehM. Sulferro-fiol is sold and recom-1 (two), canned rranea. r two) . can- mended In Gastonia by The J. L. Ad-1 bed plums, canned cantaloupe, peach ams Drug Co. and all other Drug-1 marmalade, '-plum marmalade, dam- Clata ' Th John M Rrnf Cn 1 I" - - i w , vs jsu, WUKV Burwell A Dun . Co.. Charlotte, f dine lellv. rAum 1a11t twni. tnTmnT. Mrs. Albert Raukln, Gastonia, N, I wholesale distributors. (Adv.) inong Jelly, walnut cake, dark fruit N. C: Centerpiece, crocheted, yoke, tatting, gloves, knitted. Mrs. John B. Steele, Gastonia, N. C: Plum preserves, jar sweet pep pers, jar mixed pickles, jar tauCed peppers, (two). Jar beet pickles, to- (Continued on pao four.). " FRIDAY . Geraldine'F&rrar and Wallace Reid in The Wornan God rot" . - 7 ' i' V. A, d.

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