Page 6 Bm jmy soldiers attend ) // 14 y. m. c. h. glasses I | Educational Work at Building 104 Progressing in "Very Pleasing Way." < There has been quite a change in I the staff if .building 104 during the " in i past week. Mr. W. F. Burnett, our ft-VSKvB building secretary, left us last MonDw JlV^I dav '<>r new duties as ramp busiWl/nNl ness secretary. We tried as hard Hffj as we cauld to keep him but it was i iBtl B 1 nil ,l? use" 1,e wa" to? ^'S a man 'or j 11 J ill the position. Me was an asporation nAfyC to every man on the staff, simply oenTTv1y| cause he played the game. If any IJJ (IU&n man had to go second for mess it S^trWIU was always Mr. Burnett. This was MTh M fll lhe "P'r" of man. He had the P-W M HI ability to pro jet himself into the life i BjRfcMJl of every man that he came in conH yll IjPffl lact with. The building stuff wishes IH ill Ul in h'm '"'Ud-speed. On December 9th Mr. Carl E. Llbby, Wl (m building assistant, left for his home Ul llfl UUu in Springfield, Mass. He will make |Hj| jP| a short visit after which he will en Rn nffJzl ''St. ,Ie has been rn building 104 since August 21st and has made a m 8fl DP ul place for himself in the hearts of all ^xHrVi HI who knew bom. f ^iU| 11 was witl* Pleasure that the staff I \ *^pTB| of building 1U4 welcomed Benjamin lytfn I Libby on December 13th. He is WMI HI IB Carl Libby's brother which combined with his own worth makes him In xJT *nr. The educational work is progress- t ing in a very pleasing way. Each of ft the 14 c'asses are now getting down i BTVj to real business. The one great fea- a Er i ;! | ; I ture about the work is that the at- c tendance at these classes is compul- a W J|| III sory. Each man that is enrolled for I >Jj] 11) work has to be on hand three times 1 VU yj a week as a part of his military duty. This is no hardship for them, how- r ever, for almost without exception I rA. fO the men are highly interested in the 4fl| ID w?rk- s Following is a list of the classes t and the instructors: v French classes: Headquarters. Sup- a ply and Machine Gun companies. | Company K, Company L and Com-, 1 pany M meet in the Machine Gun : a company mess shack under the in-1 g struct ion of Private Chalne. Field I r Hospital 2S. I 1 Companies D and E meet in Colli-1 I>any C mess shack under the instruc- 11 tion of Private Kichardson, Co. L. j J Companies F. O and H meet in. c \ Company H mess shack under the in- j si rue io" of Lieutenant LaCouture.' S Mlli co:..E'.4,th- ,?.i; |l O M* M structs tin- class for commissioned of- ! ffl R tl ticers. Every officer in the regiment < 111 HO IH U attends this class. c 111 The total attendance of the French < B H |f I classes is 130. 1 ai There are ten English classes In > il jpi the regiment with a total attendance,! of about 160 men. The following men 1 DUlffact as instructors: h fffa 9j6L Private Russell. Ambulance ComUKmUBCVi I'any 33. < IPrivate Marlowe. Field Hospital 28. !j rsAjhmj _Private Taft. Medical Detachment 1' 1mjyfls' Private Millman, Company F. 47th.! I Wg Private Thompson. Medical De- 1 ym M J' tachment 47th. ( 10 fiA Private Cunningham. Company G, ' 47th. J Private Kjellstrom, Field Hospital j ^ Private Bcsse, Medical Detachment Private Waugh. Company B, 47th. COrPHral ^'*sinan' Company L, j drs. robb and seerley7^ ' impress the soldiers ' (j 7T This has been a week of good i \ \ tilings in the religious programs at 1 IV \ p* 104. On Sunday night we had Dr. < V ' $ HE Robb of Chicago, who made a X t ' fine address on Loyalty. The 500 1 m V- men who heard hint were deeply im- I pressed by the sincerity and force- J AflI fulness of Dr. Robb. There are six i loyalties, the speaker declared. Be 1 H| /I (1) Yourself; (2) Your comrades; ^ *t J (3) total abstinence; (4)a high moral I; (5) the Bible; (6) Jesns I At the close of the service about ' GggpSSgj er. An opportunity for personal i conference with Or. Robb was given, I and accepted by some of the men. I KTWTgi^g Thursday night about 700 men I maELtmtti heard a unique address by Dr. Seer- 1 III' >*111 Illl ley, dean of Y. M. C. A. college. IBi illl (III Springfield. Mass.. on the subject of I H| Illl fjjj Manhood. He said his object was I Hi Illl R to t,ret>are men to live after they i 111 Hy ||| come back. One hundred and forty : HI fl Hi men joined his Manhood league. This HI || I fl league has a unit of four persons. I the soldier, a Y. M. C. A. secretary, < Dr Seerley, and God. Practically every man in the meeting strongly I | i fl assented to Dr. Seerley's seven propo- i \ 11 HI HUB sitlons, the last one of which was to i \ "Come Hack Clean." Twelve men \F-3b.^3r_ 3 sought conference with Dr. Seerley i after the meeting. \ \ " TRENCH A ig^ma bouts feature h ^/STUNT NIGHT OF "Y" 100 /arious Vaudeville Numbers on the Program Helped to Make Entertainment "A Howling tr Success." ? The "stunt" nighr bill. at 108 Tues- in :haracteristic of stunt" programs at WJ 108?in fact there are several 'Knights of the Padded Mitt," who * 111 vouch for the "punch" part of h? he entertainment, having had a num- ja ?er of the aforesaid "punches" gently >ut firmly Impressed upon sundry wtrts of their anatomy. Do not in- ur er front what has Just been said that jn he program was merely a boking ^ ihow?such was not the case, for here were various other numbers in the bill, which appealed to the Jc aates of all. su The "Jazz' orchestra of the Fifth g, klassacuselts was unable to appear in ts complete form?sort of "negligee." ht f we may put it so crudely, but nev- fa rtheless, they appeared, minus the m ikele and several of the other string- pj >d Instruments. They played a num- wj ler of selections which went big with he crowd. Corporal Casey has kindly w. :onsented to bring the entire "Jazz" ci, iver some time in the near future ca uid show just what the band can do pr t-hen they get together. th "Soud" Murohv. the old standby, a? >ut on a song and dance act ;whlch vas well received, even though Mur- m hy had to give up his song because AJ if a badcold. so The nekt act might be termed a 'howling" success, with Smith and dcGrath, of Battery B, Maine artilery? furnishing' the "howls." They a, lulled well with the crowd, and as m omeone in the crowd remarked, "the jg Lids" have talent. an Sergeant Smith of Battery D, 77th, text furnished some Scotch dialect q, ongs which were enthusiastically re- gj, :eived by the boys. They wouldn't he illow him to come off the stage until g0 le had sung all he knew, and Smith iad considerable assortment. The Jazz band concluded their {e: lumbers about then, and tho boxing -pi touts were then staged. gj. The first bout brought together tj, ihine and Warren, of the 77th, and af hey furnished a corking good go, at k-lth honors about even. They boxed X 140 pounds. si3 The second bout was between Devin and McGuigan, of Battery B, 77th, aij ind it was a real old fashioned slug- co ;ish match, with neither man doing nuch damage. They weighed in at er .45 pounds. nt The next bout brought together i>l Roberta and Noonan, of Co. L, 8th uass., and they went so fast that they vere both unable to continue after me round. | Larashell and Martini, of Co. C, Ith Mass., were staged next as the 'star" bout of the eevning, and there vas action from the word go. Both nen showed a desire to mix it thor ughly, much to the delight of the :rowd who were kept right on edge luring the entire bout. It would be lard to say which man had the ad- i antage. but In Justice to Larashell I t might be said that his opponent, lad about ten pounds advantage in veighL On next Tuesday there will be an>ther big stunt program, with more food boxing bouts. Physical Director I raylor would like to have the co-' operation of the men in arranging ;he bouts. Men who are willing to jox a few rounds on Tuesday evcnngs kindly hand your names in to raylor or the secretary at the desk. ? HEADQUARTERS CO., 58TH INF. Wives wanted?For our two lonesome cooks, Cumberlege and Dayton. Never married before, but willing to ?e now. Ladies between the ages >f 18 and 50 may apply. Address this tompany. We did not know that Uncle Sam jave presents to enlisted men. Either that or the story has been busy, for Assistant Band Leader Nurnburger received a new baritone and every one is at a loss to know where it :ame from. The mounted orderlies and especlaly duty men welcomed new saddles the other day. From now on they :an sit down at mess. Ask Privates Knap p. Bartell or Cambell. They mow and can prove that riding bareback is noa comfortable. Orderly Sergeant H. O. oung is preparing to leave on a ten-day furlough tor his home in Elizabeth, N. J. He is waiting for his new O. D. cap to ?ome before he can gQ. Ben Stovall is learning to cook. He darts to work Saturday. Slum and | bash are easy to' make, so no doubt, be will make good, but when it comes, to a square meal. Cqoks Dayton and Patton are there. Private Vernon is on the Job and i is still nursing a sore shin, as he was 1 :>emnua nur&e witcu no ??.ncu. il?Be on the Job, but keep the Job 1 iway from bad horses. Privates Dobbi and Fisher, the dele-1 nation from Heading, Pa., are doing. [heir bit on stable police this week, rhe great argument is who gets up j first to build the Are. 8table Ser- j ?eant Phillips usually settles the ar-! piment by building the flre himself.' He usually waits until the sun comes up, that Is better than getting up for. breakfast. I ND CAMP EADQUARTERS COMPANY, FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY Regimental Sergeant Major Harris pects to take a well earned furugh over the holidays, visiting lends and relatives In the north. Battalion Sergeant Major Simpson enjoying a ten-day furlough vlsitg relatives in Hoboken, N. J. HoW 6 all envy "Chappie" being In a arm (?) climate! Battalion Sergeant Major Thomas is ceased to write letters to his fair fly friends in Pennsylvania, due, I ppose, to the excess postage. I laersutnu ne is seiiuuiK lavui uvuna i stead. You know what Sherman id war was. One should see Color Sergeant ihnson eat stuffed olives. That boy re is a bear on the home-made eats, ijecially fudge. Sergeant Myers Is pacing the floors ire at headquarters because his best iled to send him encouragement via ail. That boy could Bt&nd seeing illadelphia even if it were covered ith snow. Sergeant Willett and Corporal 80lsh declared war on the regimental erical staff a few days ago Just beuse they assisted them in being esent for revielle, by carrying both em and their bunks out of doors, mo people are very ungrateful. Corporal Carter said this snow re-1 inded him of the days be spent in aska. That bird' sure has traveled We often wonder who the fair lady mis SLaie is mat vurporai nactcri constantly writing to. He look* rful blue this mqrning since the all sergeant said nothing doing. He spoiled because of the daily letter id we do not think that he will be ile to perform his duties today, ere's hoping, though, that he gets lother of those welcome packages i receives frequently. They are sure od. If one desires to get day informa>n about the various points of inrest Just call on Corporal So wash, le young man has traveled extenfely. Ask him who the lad was at had his tooth extracted Monday ternoon and had to leave his duties the regimental headquarters. With the erection of several large :e stoves in the regimental headlarters the office Is quite comfort >ie even unaer me speii ui ictom Id weather. The entire headquarters company tebds their hearty thanks to the ibltehed of The Trench and Camp, ley all enjoy It Things the S Well Selt Moderate OUR UNIFORM DEPARTMENT KINDS OF MILITARY GOOD Officers' O. D. Serge and Cloth U $37.50 and $39.50. Officers' O. D. Overcoats Privates' Khaki Uniforms Officers' O. D. Cloth Pants O. D. Khaki Pants Officers' Raincoats.? '.. , Rain Capes, reversible Ponchos Stetson Army Hats Regulation Hats .... Regulation Army Sweaters Flannel Shirts Gloves Army Lockers Bed Rolls, Special Regulation Sheep-lined Coats Leather Puttees Spiral Puttees Canvas Puttees ... Hat Mords Soldiers' Knives Safety Razors Inslgnias for all ranks Sterling Silver Inaignias COME IN AND WE WILL BE G1 IF YOU DON'T TRADE W STORES BELK COLONEL HEALY GIVES ELEVEN ROYAL BANQUET On ta* To?6*7 ,VeniM *t <? fl Selwyn Hotel. Colonel Haley, of-the New Hampshire regiment, tendered to .- ram the coach, players, sergeants, majors VJ and the physical director of T. M. -<m C. A. building No. 106, a royal ban- ,-m quet, in honor of the victory over the Massachusetts football eleven the preceding Saturday. Having promised ?<_ (un. o hfl nnllPt If thfiV would Win this game, he made good his promise and laid before his battle-scarred warriors a sumptuous meal. The fine feeling existing between the New Hampshire colonel and his $ men Is one of the most marked char- ^ uctertstlcs of this already famous regiment It Is doubtful If there is a colonel In the army who la more be- xiJ loved than Colonel Haley by the soldiers he.commands. Tills banquet came aa a moet appropriate conclusion of a very successful season. Aa excellent as was the food, yet this was the least enjoyable feature of' the evening's proKiam. The fine feeling, witty, stories and brotherly spirit existing made the occasion one long to be remembered by all present CO. G. 89TH INFANTRY. Michael J- Smith has been made mechanic to fill the vacancy left by Fabian to the machine gun gribade. The men of the company all enjoyed the trench digging last Monday and Tuesday, and they wish they would get It oftener. Yes they do? "Burnwater" Blckman, our famous cook, continues to hold his great repu- . g tatlon. He proved it last Tuesday , morning. All together boys: It was some breakfast "Little Willie"" Chambers has been *'$B transfered to the remount station. He always was forid of horses. Toung Duane's headlight Is get- ins ting dim. Whafs the matter? Is ? the price of gasoline, too high for you, Jim? Company O. Is proud of her two , j? scrappy little Irishmen, O'Connell and v Barry. They put up a rattling good fight last Saturday night at "Y" 106, that took the onlookers off their 2 seats. Keep it up Pat and Mike, for $ you will have to know a little about fighting when you get "over there," jft and you might as well learn now. When you fee] down In the mouth come over to Company O. and call on Daniels and Baker. These two lads concertainly draw "a giggle. ,V-3| Dewey McGIyn, of the "mule punch- . era,", has a dandy little queen down in town. He brought hbr up to t* visit the camp last Sunday and on ; Monday all of the boys had stiff necks. oldier Needs M ;cted and ly Priced ^ IS OVERFLOWING WITH ALL S AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. niforms, $25.00, $20.50. $35.00 .. . $25.00, $29.50 and up to $47.50 $7.50 "98M ... $6.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $12.50 $2.98 to $3.95 $5.00 to $19.50 .^V'anH $6.00 M-M vjn $5.00 $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 I $4.50 to $6.95 $2.00 to $4.95 $1.50 to $2.50 $6.95, $7.95 and up $13.95 $14.50 $3.50 to $12.50 to 9S.93 || 98c and (1.50 15c, 48c and <1.00 ~JI 50c to $2.50 18c jap LAD TO SHOW YOU OUR LINE. . ITH US, WE BOTH LOSE. H BROS. STORES I

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