II hkfaM Under A?pice. A, 111 111 " n Jfi NATIONAL KAII VTORK UOUNCH TJLCA. of Ik United Statu i VoL 1 a iiiSsirt BY TROOPS OVERSEAS * Y. M. C. A. Man From Denmark Discusses Internal Situ ition in Germany. I' The men around the T. building $' No. 103 were highly ravorea Dy uie K V fine address given them last week by E. G. Wilson, an international Y. M. C. A. worker, direct from Copenha> gen, Denmark. He has been in this country a little over a .week and is making addresses at different places among the American camps. Mr. Wilson told the men of many interesting occurrences and held the audience in awe through out. His "St i first words were about the prisoners Germany today, describing the con\ r ditlons and attitude of the German J .A. . . people toward them, the camps, the ; ... food,-the amusements and the generjfS;' ; .al-conditions being explained as he. 1. saw them. He remarked hje had no } desire to preach hats' among the men as the hatred in Europe today was |_ enough to satisfy him always. He v ^ , told of the ambitions and hopes of all ' . .." Germany showing that the war was : their making and their own plan- P' ; -..'. gVv ning, they are hard pressed for food : and raw materials but they are liv- ? L ing and fighting on the least they could. a ?Soldiers have been made from eV- JA! ' . ery walk of life and every occupation, T i ... men drawn from all walks of life un- w I til today the labor is being done en- at , ~ tirely by the women of the country, these women have given husbands, " sons and all, because the kaiser call- ?' , ' ed. Germany primarily is a soldier's ^ country, the officers are little gods p holding the community completely J11 .. in hand. lc, 7?*.. Prom' childhood the children are a: -*f;V taught war, the toys are cannon, guns, 1 -.awio,0 Rftva of seven are seen I F going to shoo] with their knapsahk on their .balk. They go on hikes in strict mnrching order under a commander. This Im why tnc war will bo long and hard. gl The German statesmen have made statcsments at different times such as "Permanent peace is- a beautiful . dream, but war is essential to God's I scheme of the universe," and "Seek ' to avoid war but keep every, state or' U: ganized, so if war should break out w n tomorrow they will be prepared." Is n - there any one who does not see the . reason? ^ a / Mr. Wilson tells us "Germany is not w a state but an army, and it is 65, ' 000,000 people strong." Germany has b JKT. ' a dream of world empire and is pre- ^ ; i_ pared to obtain it if she can. Ac- t< cording to Mr. Wilson Germany would . unite all central Europe into a great h w. . force, then crush dear France and h 5^. . England, then 8outh America until P ir the world would be German. This theory will cause the downfall of Germany for she has forced the world to fight or be subdued. To give in is to Germany we will suffer as has A Poland, Serbia and Belgium. Will me g be willing to submit to a rule such tl as they would give us? I believe not, so let us fight till the end. d Mr. Wilson told the men of the h greatest fight they will have to over- n come, the moral condition and its results upon the men of the armies in g Europe today. This will tost every I si man going to that land no matter1 h ? what his training at home may have I h been, he will find things vastly dif rerent. roe socmi wihmuvho "?? v.. lng like those we meet here In this ir land. Men and women are thrown together In ways that mould shork si the mind of the home people and only ci prayer and the holiness of God can g keep a man clean and pure. The d lonesomeness and want for some one tl -o."' to speak to, someone to spend the b *' time with may be the cause .but whatevei It Is, no one can change the re- d suits of that few momenta In which v the boy does his wrtfng. Mr. WUson ' gave warning for all men to get near li God, make, him * friend, let him guide b and direct your steps, so you can. re- \ m Printed Weekly for the T. ft 0bt (ffljarlflf Edition for CAMP GRE JANUARY AMERICA'S PROGRAM 0 The fourteen specific proposals of . war as set forth In President Wilson's a No private international understand reached In the open. Absolute freedom of the seas in pea closed by international action. Removal .of economic barriers amoi to maintain peace. Guarantees of the reduction of arrr slstent with domestic safety. Impartial adjustment of colonial c that the peoples concerned have equal Evacuation of all Russian territoi political development. Evacuation and restoration of Belgi Evacuation of French territory and wrong. " ? Readjustment of Italy's frontiers ai ality. Free, opportunity for autonomous Austria-Hungary. Evacuation of Rumania, Serbia anc all the Balkan states. Sovereignty for Turkey's portion < tonomy for other nationalities. An independent Poland with access General association of nations for m and territorial integrity to large and sn Every soldier in Camp Greene shou and memorize these proposals. Paste article you always carry with you and until you know them. Know why you ar top." irn to the girl at home, clean nnd'J jre of soul. The atmosphere is death, dead andj /log art all around. Seen on i.vcry, and sre suffering and disease, until man becomes calloused to it and1 a nally rejoices in the news of death. | ho greatest victory is the one in L:ch the greatest number or men I re Killed. The address was something out of j te ordinary and gives a new light, pening the eyes of many a man who | ore the uniform that evening. The i ? . - _.|.K mon was "keeD i ean;" "come home with a soul," able rl i see something "besides the trials, bi nd troubles undergone. p, ROM COMPANY C, ? EIGHTH M. G. BATTALION jt, Sergeant Chamberlain is our new J* ipply sergeant. " Fall in line for trial talcum powder. yt Thomas M. Holt has decided to w ansfer from the machine gun outfit " t the pill rollers. Private Cootantino, our well known ood-cutter, has transferred to the jjj lule skinners. Private Carnegie thinks he is now w soldier, for he began to shave last eek. w Corporal 'Morbsley has completed e| is course of Instruction on the gas fl task. He is now teaching his squad 0| > adjust the mask in four second?. c. Private G. L. Adams went on a 43- OI our pass and his watch stopped when p. e left camp and he stayed 17 days jj oor George! ?t 4 COMPANY I. FORTY-SEVENTH. s, Company I. Forty-seventh infantry, ir i getting her share of guarding. ai bout every three or four days they 0| o somewhere. Oh well?they are c] ie on'es who can do It. A Private Perry received a letter ad- a ressed to Sergeant Perry. We wish o! im success in his quick advance- it lent tl Private Coy was made bread ser- j, eant for a week. He filled his po- fc, ition very well. The boys all called im sergeant, which made him arch 31 is chest. Jc Corporal De Entremont and Me- a hanlc Hunt hnd a checker tourna- tj. ent at the Y. M. C. A. Hunt lost. ? Pay day. Private Hudleaon treated [x boys to a swell supper at the amp lunch room. They were hun w?,,? V.O- thnueht. when thev or ered the second course, and when *ey ordered the third he paid, the ill. Private Bloom has sigrned for a P ischarge. The boys in his tent ere r< ery sorry that he is going to leave, a The non-commissioned officers all v ke to go to the school at 7 o'clock i w ecause they miss the movies at iheln M. C. A. ' _ . - I. C. A. by Courtesy of h (Cbscrtot IENE Charlotte, N. C. 22, 1918 F PEACE AND WAR America's program of peace and iddress to Congress are: lings; covenants of peace must be ,ce or war except as they may be ig nations associating themselves laments to the lowest point conlaims, based upon the principle I rights with the governments, y and opportunity for Russia's um. I righting of the Alsace-Lorraine ong recognizable lines of nationdevelopment of the peoples of 1 Montenegro and guarantees for >f the Ottoman empire and auto the sea. utual guarantees of independence nail states alike. Id clip the above from the paper the clipping in the Testament or read the fourteen proposals daily e fighting before you go "over the ERGT. GRAHAM GIVEN TOKENS FROM COMPAN akery Company No. 7 Present Remembrances to Newl Wedded Inspector of Camp' Bread. Sergeant William J. Graham, c akery Company, No .7. who was mar ed to Miss Nellie Crawford, of Le tnon, Pa., on December 24, 1?'.7, wa resented with a carving set ami nautlful cluck, by the men of hi impany. "Corporal William A. Ernst, mad le presentation address which wa i follows: "Bill,-it was not lung ag tat you had a furlough. You wen > Lebanon. Pa. On your stay then ju wished yourself on some belove* oman and were united in rnatri lony. You have pleaded guilty, an now wish to state the sentenc hich this company has demanded b laced upon you. First, that you neve t it happen again, that from no\ a you shall be a happier n an. Bil e congratulate you, we wish yo nd yours all kinds of good luck, w ish you, the very best of healtt nough of wealth, and good tru -lends where ever you go. To shoi jr appreciation, approval, and estee T your marriage, I present to yo a behalf of the men of Bakery com my No. 7 these presents and earnest trust they will be of some servic ? you." After a loud continued applaust ergeant Crahani thanked the boyi i behalf of his wife and self. Serge at Graham has done twenty year f active service and all of his dis larges have been that of "excellent. record to be proud of indeed. Hi uties at present are that of Chie Section or Boss baker, whose dut is to see that all bread baked a lis camp, is wnai n snuuiu uc. n read baked must have his O. h efore it can be issued to the regi tents . This means he O. K.'s ove 5 000 pounds of bread a day, th >b on a whole is one that require man of ability and one who can ge tings done. He is and always has bee ie idol of his company. SOLDIERS USE LIBRARY. The soldiers are wearing a pat > the new camp library and are am ly rewarded in their quest for goo sading. At present 9.000 volume re in the library. Five thousan olumes?half a carload?arrived lai eek from Chicago and will soon b sady for circulation, said Camp L; rarian F. D. Goodrich. ilia ARMY NEWS 1 1 | ? FOR ARMY MEN THEIR HOME FOLKS No. 16 ||f| 'MB FOB sums 9(ti - ; SOON TO BE OPENED lIU jCharlotte People Rent Big R?s:- wMmIB j dence to Provide Greater Comfort for Troops. lilyl The plans of the Charlotte war jll II j camp community service, represent- BmJLKJA | Inc the people of the city, for a solj dices' club are rapidly assuming defj inite form. Doubtless the ciub will Do reauy jor use num., ,.,v __ A house unusually well adapted to til Iff llIM the needs of such a club has been W?Jl]j I (H rented. It is the house known as the WvvJ Scott residence on South Tryon street. lllYOonH !a short distance below the Y. M. C. HIUotxH i A. building and the postofllre. The PofifiVj .building Is well located for the pur- 1^1|||||M j pose, being easily accessible and at k81 Taylor of the Sfxty-flrst infant* y. an |jFgiTtmJ'jj it ex-Barnum and Bailey clown, r'urnh.h- fc.gf."." n od the chief amusement in in Private Edward Wilson, contortion- If rjlj ffl 1st, and Dav# Williams, machine gun Of IIII I I company of Fiftieth Infantry, helped U -JJlJ I I to give the boys a good time. II Jjlj IB On January 17 two French classes In (In II h were organized under the direction of fll |j|| j|| i- Secretary Manlon. About 26 men rog- VI III I d istered and the advanced class wnl be s instructed by Private Provencher of m I d the Thirty-eighth Infantry and Profes- Bl || IHI * 5t sor Boreaux of the First New Hoiup- Hj II Jfll ie shire. ** 1"'' >w I- The player piano has been fixed and is now rendering #good service. m i