IT WITH ITS run ?' Newly Arrived Outfit Can Boast of Some Excellent Entertainer#?Fast Wrestling Bouts. The recently arrived Fonrth engineers displayed to the boys at I 102 that they can boast of some of the best /material In camp as entertainers In /their stunt night programs. With the / Y. hut packed to the doors and even the rafters serving as a place of observation they put on an entertainment that was full of laughter and at the same time displaying talent of the first order. Much credit Is due Chaplain Blake ey of the engineers for his help In making the program a success. Bushell and Hall started the show | by rendering a duet on their guitars i which soon got the crowd in good Vpirlts. We next had the long and short, otherwise known at Mutt and Jeff, in the persons of Henderson of the Engineers and "Spider" Kelly of the Forty-seventh machine gnn battalion. Henderson, who stands well over six feet is probably the tallest man in the camp. Taylor and Morton, of the engineers, cave an exhibition wrestling match m which both displayed that they were master of the game. Under the able leadership of Sergeant French several members of the company , put en & pantomine called, "Saw-Bones and Pull-em," staged in * three scenes, and which as a fun producer takes second place to none. v The final offering of the engineers , wan a three round boxing match between Corporal Galbraith of Company ' C and Private Hansen of Company C. No decision waFrendered. ;Congratulations are given to all of the boys of the engineers who took park and It is hoped that this will not be the last entertainment that they will stage while they are in camp. - After the entertainment given by s the engineers several boxing and I wrestling matches were held. 1-. -Lieutenant Flitner of the engineers ' handled the bouts in a manner worthy Of. a professional referee and kept " the bouts lively throughout. All of the bouts were three round bouts and were of a fast nature. In the first bout Norcross of the Seventh machine gun battalion got a decision oyer Garbled .of the Tenth machine gun battalion.' The bout was onesided throughout. "Kid Kay" ol Company K, Forty-seventh infantry . regiment challenged anyone In the , house und^r 135 pounds to a three .round bout. Young Digiralamo oi -.the- Ninth machine gun battalion ac, cepted the challenge. The bout was > fast and both men fought hard for d vflecision. Digiralamo was given the ~ r decision. The next bout was an exhibition be.tween Digrolamo and "Spider" KeljEfif. No decision was rendered. Kelly "challenges any man in the camp at ; either boxing or wrestling. i ' The closing feature of the program lwas a wrestling match between Angelo and Tripp, both of the Seventh machine gun battalion. They were i lo wrestle 15 minutes for falls. Angelo got the first fall in seven minutes. Tripp made the second In six BjSbfoutes. Tbe third fall was not Blade. A very pleasing feature of the eve-,'nlng was the presence of the large "number of officers In the audience and *?Jt Is hoped that they will see fit to at^!lond the "Stunt Nights" In the future TjUld give encouragement to the boys bK their activities. ^CHECKER TOURNEY FOR SOLDIERS IS PLANNED & , The checker tournament should start before long, as the men have ,trbeen putting long hours in preparation and study over the board. This , new sport is bound to bring out a I great many athletes formerly un}$imown to the public. I am sure thai ijttbe danger of^loss of limbs can be ( overcome oy me puanmK *= ?' ?(Qng game. v Chaplain Ballentine, .of the Sixth LMassachusetts infantry, ia a former expert and we1 have his word thai rtfcere la not much danger connected 'to this sport providing the men dc not get too rough. There will be an .'open tournament started as soon a> We find the prizes to offer. W?' R,CH ^ hTAGE SHOW. i.i The world-famed wonder and marvel of the army has promised to give the men around' building 103. neat "Liberty park, fi real treat next Weonesday evening, providing he 13 nol "potion ftuard. , , He is well known and liked by la!, his name being, First Class Private Frank Rich, in all probability the jmost widely advertised man in Camr "Greene today. r He has a great many new stunts that have not been shown before and r : he has the goods so all men wish in* to see him must come early to gel minis Everyone is welcome to come. [base hospital, y. m. c. a. i now s^ymc soumerfl I We wish to ammunce that the base I hospital T. M. Q'A. Is now open and ready to perform whatever service It can both to the patient* and to the members of the medical corps. The Y. M. C. A. building is situated between the barracks and the watertower and is open every day fijom 7:30 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. We expect to have the features and the schedule of a regular camp Y. M. C. A. It is our desire to serve the patients In averv way possible, for ex ample, by visiting them, writing letter* for them, furnishing reading and writing material to them and also, to render religious ministrations?both secretaries in charge being clergymen. JOHN L. FERGUSON, JR. JOHN W. DAT, Secretaries BASEBALL DAYS FOR CAMP DRAW NEAF Baseball is in the air?some men have been seen lately getting the stiffness out of their pitching arm. Several fellows have actually been practicing bunting. One good one dollai baseball was lost in the deep mud recently by one of these early spring sports and if t^e fever continues wt may hear of many more being lost. Seriously speaking, there is a feeling of longing en the part of "base under way. There will be company leagues, regimental leagues, and a star camp teair organized. The "Y" physical directors an stocking up with baseball goods anc teams should make early applicatlor for use of supplies. Soon the season will t>e on?ge your teams out for practice Just a: early as you can, Mr. Manager. "MAINE HEAVY" NEWo. Bill Doran, of Battery A, needs r big horse. Poor Bill. Private McCarthy's upper lip is get ting darker every day. Private Logan is still in C street. Battery B. Lieutenant Gray, Private Goodhui and Private Foley were at Y. 101 Thursday calling up their?well what'i the use telling on them. Some poeple do like to shake hands knn. nKnllt ii "Smith fllH thlt They say the 13th squad Is going t< be all corporals. Private Dnbe is lead ing the class, an dtelling Corpora i Foley the duties of a sergeant. Private Sullivan has not called ou 1 the guard for some time Never mind It "ain't him." "Hungry" Davis is still in C street ' Any parcel post, sergeant? ' We in the cook's shacK_are wonder ; Ing what Private Foley will do whei he can't get potatoes. Sergeant Hardy sure does like ti 1 have us walk in the mud. Private Dube, 13 th squad, "Wha for we learn to sing? Dat ain't wii the war." Battery C. Lieutenant Childs has a new dog We wonder where he got It. As we have no more time to writi we will stop. COMPANY D, FIFTY -EIGHTH IS PANTRY. Many hearty laughs were enjoye< by the Sergeants who were In cami ; a few nights ago at the expense o ; Cysle. Fadley and Private Jones, whi were going to take a dummy, sup posed to be Private Springer, who wa i on furlough, to the hospital. The: ! did not discover their mistake unti lifting their supposed to be comradi ; on the stretchers, at wiiich time th> i dummy fell apart. Sergeant Messina is coniplainini about the sad and lonesome feelini that overtakes him when he hears th> train whistle on the Southern railroad , We do not have to ask why, for. ther is some one living in York. Pa. We are all glad to know that thi I company quartet has returned fron | their much-enjoyed furloughs and ar . now spending their spare time re i hearsing. It is the intention of th boys to give some concerts in the "Y1 , .buildings throughout the camp. ! Sergeant Crace has his time wel i occupied these days looking after hi . lady. You can hear the old boy com plaining every few days since th' , passes have been discontinued. COMPANY H, FIFTIETH IN PAN I TRY. 1 The hoys of Company H are ver; ' much unsettled these days, as the; ' are waiting for passes to go home Still it would seem that some of th fellows are at home every night fron the day they talk in their sleep. Ex-Rear Admiral Marius has beei ' restored to duty again after spendini I some time suffering from Judy in hi foot. ; While standing inspection last Sat 1 urday, one of the privates of our com pany was heard to remark: "Oh, II never stand this, because I have los ! my powder puff. Some people can' r let things alone, no matter what yo: ' do." Private Shaffer Is what we wouli * call a specialist when it comes to set i tling mistakes?he's never wrong. t The lighting squad will be lonesom t for the next few days, as Flying Irish man is home for *10 days on a fur lough. <V. ; . _ ^ I B?ggB I MUD AT CAMP GREENE [ : WKESaOjAfes SCRAPE Tift poet Erqerson .found some beauty in mud?not so the fellows in Camp Greene. 1 A large portion of the soldiers dally program Is Just one scrape after an other?scraping the mud off shoes. There are some things in life that "sticketh closer than a brother" and one of them sure Is this Camp : Greene mud. But wait until the sunshines?then the mud will dry up and the beautiful southern breezes will blow all the . mud away?away in your face as ; dust. NEWS FROM COMPANY "G," FORTY SEVENTH INFANTRY. "Steve" and "Leonard" missed the non-commissioned officers' school last Friday night, and as a result will spend a wek of evenings in the camp, t Private Curry Is the mystery of the company. It cannot be that he Is worrying over his transfer, or could I it be one of their "fair sex?" Some day we'll have that much delayed review. The refusal of many of the "jitney drivers" to take the boys of the Fortyseventh from town to this camp has : caused much comment It is the s unanimous opinion of this company that If they are willing to cater to the trade of the soldier, from whom they obtain their livelihood, they t should be forced to drive to all camps regardless of their location. Company . G wishes to enter a strong protest a'-ilnot (ha rilatlnrdnn thev arp m;ik - in*. ' I t Corporal Macken may be boss of the | j "Stetson squad," but he has yet to / , to learn how to play cribbage. Otherwise he Is quite a nice fellow. t Private Vail left for New York city | 5 for a seven-day visit with his people. | Private Newman also left for the sunny north last week. Sergeant Graves still hears from I Syracuse, but latest reports show t Rochester leading the Held by a slight margin. "Fickle gravy." Private William Shemin left Tuesday for a seven-day visit with his mother in Bayonne, N. J. When it comes to company agents, i Privates James and Weikel are in a J class by themselves. 9 These "coalless days" have no effect on the soldier, which only goes to , prove th^r there is a "silver lining to every cloud," but Corporal Addonisio, > who is in charge of the "special duty" - squad, seems to experience some dilll1 culty in getting wood. Go out and get it yourself, Louie, t As far as U is possible to ascertain i, there is no news this woek about Sergeant Oldfleld or Private Morrison. . but you never can tell what next week will bring forth. ; - * HARTFORD Y MAN HERE. a Wm. J. McCreery, of Hartford, t Conn., has assumed his duties as a physical director of Y No. 102 and is taking hold in great shape. Mr. McCreery wishes to meet every man In the Forty-seventh infanry. the Fourth engineers and the Maaj chine Gun battalions near Third division headquarters. . He is planning to organize a proI gram of athletic activities that will "[command the attention of every man in these regiments. 1[ Meet him. fellows, he will be glad 0 to shake your hand and have a chat f over athletic matters. iiWWL 3 TN camp, on the march, oi J_ detached duty, this comf 0 able, sanitary and healt mattress roll will always b source of satisfaction to you. combines a mattress and pi] y of genuine curled hair wi! clothes press, hood and co ? foot bag and it has a pocket toilet articles. Made of the fi 11 quality khaki, and rolls inl | compact bundle 12 inches in diam 8 weighing 15 pounds. Opens to 6% I?.< WIllnntK^flmfun. shapely or bunchy. Write II for our illuktratcd liter- f 4 t a tare and prices. L~J J r\ n P7< * r%i^O e 42od and Ashlund Ave. CHICAGO ' TRENCH AND CAMP STAFF. HPfM Camp Editor. H. M. Thurston. .Associate Editors.. F. M. Burnett. VWV D. M. Spence, J. H. Strawbridge, C. Wlfy H. Elllnwood, C. E. Wlnchell. Router of Y. M. C. A. Secretaries: Camp Staff: Camp Secretary?J. O. Grogan. 1)1 (1 I Camp Religious Secretary?Dr. T. R. (B y Thoburn. j If D Camp Physical Secretary?A. E. Bag- ffl n Camp Educational Secretary?H. M. I Ml Thurston. Camp Social Secretary?J. T. Man- || II Camp Business Secretary?R. V. C. Smith. Camp Secretary Material ? Joseph Camp Clerk?W. A. Rees. Camp Singer?-D. W. Milan. Camp Motion Picture Expert?H. M. yUl /jjVjg Camp Book-keeper?C. O. Padgett. II)J| JVfj]l Building Staffs: Vf] II I {ill Building No. 102. If ( B 1 Oil Building Secretary?F. M. Burnett. B 18^ H Religious Secretary?W. A. Crozier. Physical Secretary?II. R. Newccme. Q| I B jyj Educational Secretary?N. P. Knowl- HI nl IfJjjj Building Assistant?L. E. Martin. ag'MjU H Building Assistant?B. F. Libby. ILB B Building No. 103. BlBrB B Building Secretary?D. M. Spence. Religious Secretary?Rev'. E. O. M UfJ IlljJ Physical Secretary?George II. Ay Is- H M mra* Educational Secretary?J. W. Rupp. IM W1 JBMB| Building Assistant?Paul Hubhell. B IP Building Assistant?II. L. Greene. II BJiO IM Building No. 104. Building Secretary?C. E. Wlnchell. 1Ml lij] HI Religious Scrietary?Rev. J. H. Arm- /NHS*! B Physical Serretary?W. 8. Williams. I ; ^fl Education:'1 Secretary?C. K. Ed- \ j|W| 1 wards. ^IIRI Building Assistant?F. T. Smith. fTTflffl1 I Building No. 105. UHHi.l. I Building Secretary?J. II. Strawbridge. Religious Secretary?L. B. I'adgett. W^A?*' Physical Secretary?A. E. Bergman. pj i Educational Secretary?Orel J. Myers. Building Assistant?J. I\. Williams. Building Assistant?A. ('. Newniann. j Building No. 106. X J I Building Secretary?C. Howard Ellin- L | wood. VyVl I Religious Secretary?Rev. George H. Kt\ Allen. Jr. K//[ V Physical Secretary?George II Tay- fll I IIT lor. TmTTTTl J Educational Secretary?Charles M. P*|IHTi1 Oliver. Ifnnjr )| Building Assistants?Frank P. Ander- III HI son and Ralph P. Parsons and 11. H I L. Greene. (jIIUkM Rifle Rung*' Staff. HI UT1 ffltTTR Building Secretary?R. "E. Cooper. ]& ||n Building Assistant?C. E. Llbby. gJ-BlB Rose Hospital. Building Secretary?J. W. Day. la Building Assist ant J. L. Ferguson. IpULfflS' PUSH BALL FOR CAMP Kjfl LATEST GAME PROPOSED gBjUl .College men Will remember the lively scrimmages they indulged in A l||| with the pushball games while at M ]w In H The "Y" physical directors are plan- M M jW ning on securing one of the pushballs and will endeavor to line up teams in ?JB_3n-Ja) Athletic officers of the various reglments will co-operated by lining up the college men in their respective uVVnxfln units and pitting them against other college teams. Each team Is composed of seven men. \? gvw/ lnter-company and Inter-regiinenta! WJjRif contests will be planned. JTm Of ^? jgfa " ^ J&ezzaaiSS 91 r op A Full List of Our +Y T hM Army Goods Mi ? _ 1?Improved Army end Camp e a Mattre.a Roll. - ft 2?Comb iaal ioo Army .nd 1/ 11 Camp Mattreaa Roll with reliow movable Mattreaa. *SM h 3?Refutation OfScera* Roll. ~ I IT3 4?Same with Hair Mattreaa. ver 5-Separate Hair Mattreaa with _____ V;r' Pillow attached. fUrJEHHPPS for 6?Separate Kapok Pad. fflST MM n,.rf SCaffl dasarfa.. QC33 Jll

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