I Page 8 ra srnf |fff SICK BITE III CAMPS f Increase In Meningitis in All National Army Camps Shown by Department's Report. Washington. Jan. 29.?Slight ini ereasf in the sick rate for both naSthe week ending January 25 over tig-1 fltnu'n by the health report published' The non-effective rate for the na- | tional guard was 50.4 per thousand ! compared to 49.1 the preceding week, j effective rate of the national army was J 53.9 compared to 51, and the hospital! There were St deaths in the national guard camps compared with 66 the preceding week. Of that nuinber 1 ins a en Inst B Jim Canip Wheeler. Georgia. showed SsH l||H the highest non-effective and admission rates of all national guard camps, U (III nlrS although both rates were below those (HLKII luW k of the preceding week for that camp. I Among the national army camps ? the highest admission and non-effecl? W :is' w'loro nsuntps prevails exlensive*"* Til I fill lV- Measles generally showed a deil 11 ' eiense at the cantonments. There was an increase in pneumonia at Camp Ia-e. Virginia, and Camp Travis. There was an increase in meningitis Sv/x in all national army camps. ) HEADQUARTERS COMPANY FIFV. TV-EIGHTH INFANTRY. kAl VJ Members of this company regretted VX^l t? know that we were about to lose one of our best cooks,' for at the ex- I aminatioii on vocation today Cook I gJlu 1> . I'atton. after telling all the boys that ' Hsfaatf he was a graduate cook from Wash lM ington. and that he did cooking in)all j I H the best hotels in the United Stales, r H as well as chef work, told the examin S steel worker. This is good news to1 our two other cooks, Dayton and Cum- j blidge, who have been bothered by' the smoke that comes from the kitch- i en stove. Don't worry boys Patton is a riviter and the stove will soon be | fixed. It was also learned that when | he left the cooking school at Washen police, but he has the chevrons now, men. hotel clerks. 1 W. W.s, and Sergeant John Phillips had the nerve to H NJjKVfl say that he was a bartender. I wonH Drill II der if he ever expects to get such a 1% M H j"1' whi"' h?'?,n th<- arm>- a?od fir mi ?w-m luck. Jack old boy. but don't forget your friends in the Headquarters comin t,u* ^ ''li,Ke of Thrift. Now Porter has the best looking girl. It looks as if Knapp's was the best as he spent l %BB all day^ Snturday^and Sunday at her \ 'S ettled the argument by saying neither Corporal Klbert Boyle has been returned to duty from the camp hospital vAfath'"? after .1 spell of diptheria. Our sympawwls?' ",y w:,s with him in spite of the fact XrwQ that h<- caused the office force to be I l> W\ sent t?> 'he detention camp. ' | MnS l'rivate Adelina Lupton, of Hart fold. Itid.. .and of the office force, was |o Wl made a real, regular corporal this "3 (JR: week. The boys, as well as himself. * Ik "U are wondering how he ven got it so (piick. I'rhaps he is a personal friend of Mr Baker, or as he don't eat much. ') Mr. Hoover may have his eye on Del. I|? first Class l'rivate Roy Lightfoot returned from the has^titepilal this I ^ at the same time his tent mates were ,,f ><in< :it the deten Young. A Vernon,' Fred Bartell. O ORDERED FOUR MORE K. OF C. SECRETARIES HERE W. M. Egan, of Detroit. Mich., has reported to Secretary Galvln. of the Iiii ill in I Ki.ights of Columbus building. Camp II U HI I Greene. for duty as assistant secre|| E II | At least three other Knights of || | ill ?"i-iu'i. bos building seci ">tarie.s are exU I l| | peeled to arrive here soon, and from this number and those attached to the H| H| present K. of C. building will be or| D l| ganized a staff for the second K. of C. m n H building. This building, built in sections and of the portable type. Is now ||| H H en route to Camp Greene. The time i"1 mm iiii ? of its arrival is not known. Within a 5*3^2^3 week after arrival, the building shotild be ready for use of the soldiers, S^retary Galvln expects. ~ . , . TRENCH * V 'I ' L- " 11 BARRED WRESTLING HOLDS DEMONSTRATED TO TlROOPS In an effort to teach the soldiers Interested in wrestling the five holds which are barred under modified rules promulgated at the request of the war department, Sergeant Harris, of Company B, Seventh infantry, and Private Bajowicz. of Company A? Seventh infantry, gave an exhibition of wrestling at Y. M. C. A. 103 under direction of Secretary Ayslworth. Private Rosso, of headquarters j company. Seventh infantry, and Serjeant Harris engaged in a fifteenminute exhibition. The struggle was continuing without either showing any marked superiority when the time for stopping arrived. Private Bajowicz and Private Haridul, of Company B. Seventh infantry-, wrestler in three five-minute bouts, with Bajowicz the victor. During the wrestling. Private Schilling, of headquarters company, and Private Shell, Company K, both of the Seventh infantry, played a goodly number of selections on the piano. * COMPANY -K" FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. 'Pussy Foot" Bendell Billie seems rather "peeved" because he has to fall in with the other fellows these days for drill. "Tis right hard wo guess to be regimental supply sergeant and then have to come along. Private Brown has been figuring on putting side boards pn his mess kit. And it might not be a bad Me$ at that because that boy sure does manage to hide the "grub." It is reported that he ate 32 pancakes for breakfast the other morning. Of course that sounds "fishy," but nevertheless it's so, because Sergeant Green made the reuort. First Class Private McCool l>as returned to the company as a "regular" after u short tour as a canteen barSergeant Freudenberger is some boy with the "dames." Three a day tells the tale from that girl of his up in "Philly." Better look out ol' boy, she'll get you yet. Sergeant Olson lost a nickel in a "penny ante" the other night, and we hope he don't lose another because he hasn't slept since. i Corporal Casey has been all "peeved" because he canot go down town to see his little Southern Dame. Bet- | j ter look out, David, some other man will get her while you are away. First Class Private Waller has proven a grand success as a "spud" peeler. 1 Stick to it Casey, you'll make good yet. Our mess sergeant, Jackson, isn't the worst man in the world at that, but when it comes to our borrowed cook. Clrcen, well, he's a corn bread | king to say the least. . | The company clerk. Fish, got a letter this week, the first in quite a while. They say it had numerous ef| fects. Our first sergeant. Sliff, is quite a I pool "slash." He shot at a ball the ! other night down at Liberty park and ! missed it by about two feet hitting I the "fifteen" ball on me other side of | the table and making it. "Hey" has I been figuring on playing young Willie 1 - *-- ~> oeH he'll give : the chap n tussel too. Sergeant Master. Stiff's partner, is some "shark" too. And what's more he can .sling the pick in the trenches. He's what some would call an engi1 neer. Hut ?. TF.NTll MACHINE Gl'N BATTALION. | Things have been rather blue in this outfit for the last few days owing to the fact that the star squad, from I company. Thirty-ninth, has I been quarantined on account of | mumps. Corporal "Blackey1* Hearn has the squad in great shape for boxing and i wrestling, and they especially star on | the wood pile. In this capacity would we make special mention of "Battler" I Hogan. "Red" O'Neill. "Bell" Stretar, 1 "Shorty" Thornton. "Frank" Machon, ! the ambitious barber, and "Ned" Gil! let. the L'tica "Frank Gotch." Every morning at 5:30 Gilbert is I up, makes a fire while the others in the squad "hay" until noon. Calisi thenics in order, we don't think. I Ilogan is there with that Charlie Chaplin mustache, and if he carries ' it with hint after we get into action, j good-bye Kaiser Bill. The boys now have to take a bath on every Tuesday and Friday. It sounds more like rubbing sandpaper together than it does taking a bath. | "Red" O'Neill is going around | down-hearted these days because he I has not received any mail from the i "queen" lately. I That chap Gillert is sure there ] when it comes to the wooci. He at | least breaks a piece every time he strikes to split it. I "Shorty." the ersetwhlle corporal, is ' still wondering when he i? to be made :8UCh. ! The cigarettes are getting a little i low. but there is still a little hay left i in the bayonet dummies, so the boys ! won't go smokeless at that, j Ilogan is still there with the blue ' overalls and when we look at him we ' ' are reminded that he was once : j spending part of his time glancing 1 out of a sfde door pullman. The "Mikado" sure has got "Bill* ^treetor's goat. k ND CAMP; CHECKER CARNIVAL' 'f "at camp Thursday Failure of Banfca, World Champion, to Arrive, Necessitates Two Day Advance in Date. The checker carnival at Camp I flrpene fnHrlpnt to the evnPCted ar | rival of N. W. Banks, world's cham\ pion checker player, will be held Thursday, owing to the failure of Mr. Banks to arrive for the games scheduled to be played yesterday, according I to Information obtained yesterday at the camp. The games will be played at the Y. M. C. A. building near Liberty park. Lieutenant Balentine. of the Sixth Massachusetts infantry, formerly champion of the &ew England states, is taking an active part in the work of lining up the soldiers Who will oppose Mr. Banks. A series of unusual contests will be played, in which Mr. Banks will oppose at various times from 12 to 100 soldier checker players. It is planned to have Mr. B/inks play in simultaneous games against 100 soldiers, and the world's champ contends he will win a majority of the games. He expects to also win a majority of the. games when he plays an even dozen soldiers while he is blindfolded. Few approaching events have attracted more interest among the soldiers than the checker competition, for there is a large numbet of ex perts in uniform at the camp ana nundreds of others possessing more or less skill in this tinje-honored indoor pastime. Since outdoor athletics and other activities are prevented by the mud and other conditions, the soldiers are forced to turn their attention to indoor amusements and this perhaps accounts in part for the unusual interest in the expected coming of Mr. Banks. : NORTHROP JOINS CAMP CAMPAIGN FOR THRIFT [ The thrift campaign being con! ducted throughout Camp Greene by I the Y. M. C. A. authorities, in cooperation with the camp Insurance officer, Captain Pond, was reported | yesterday as one of the principal matI ters receiving attention at Y. M. C. A. building 106, near the Dowd house. Former Y. M. C. A. uamp Business Manager Northrop, now a member of the Eighth Massachusetts infantry, was the speaker last night at Y 106. He dealt with the economic aide of the matter of the enlisted man taking out insurance under the government plan, though In his talk he briefly touched upon the other important phases of the subject. Aside from the Insurance feature of the campaign, secondary attention is being given in this campaign to inducing the soldier to bo thrifty with reference to his health. ^mc a physTcalTdirector : goes to camp jackson Harry C. Newcome. physical director of "Y" building No. 102 has been transferred to Camp Jackson at Columbia. S. C.. where he will act in the same capacity as he did here. "Harry" had a host of friends among the 47th infantry and Fourth engineers regiments and we wish him great success in his new field of work. | Two doors above - . The Only E> in the < Regulation Army 1 From $3j 1 MAKE THE'HAT 1 " The resignation, of First Lieutenant . * Robert C. Thompson, 118th Infantry, North Carolina national guard, accepted January 18 by President Wilson, Is announced by the . war department Capt Edward J. Russell, quartermaster corps, is relieved from duty witji a labor company at Newport News and is ordered to repprt to Camp Greene remount station for duty as commanding officer of a wagon company. -45 The following named officers of the medical reserve corps are relieved from duty at the medical officers' i training school, Camp Greenleaf, Fort j Oglethorpe. Ga.. and will proceed to Camp Greene for duty with the Sixty nrst lniantry: rirai ubuibuuiiw *wwert P. Beckwith, William V. Kane. Robert J. Lovill and George D. Mason. The following for duty with the Fiftyeighth infantry: Captain Walter Verity, First Lieutenants Gustave G. Kalmutz, Herbert C. Kincaid, William Westrate, Douglas Wyatt SUPPLY COMPANY FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. ,, M It you happen to see High Private AJlwein walking around with his chest about twice the usual site and all the buttons on his coat flying ofT, it is because, he has a poll tidal pull and is holding down the rauci) honored position of orderly in the^ supply office. We see Samuel D. Butcher ^as not ^ forgotten about his lost fortune. He 8till keeps the boys awake at night, < i especially Miller, whom he is Always pleading with and asking himito re- ;ti turn his !nickel. Butch, we suggest that you ose a little diplomacy/ Maybe you can get some results. We are very sorry to hear that Prl- . i vate Kissel has not succeeded in holding down his position as clerk. You have our sympathy Kissel. Some one suggested that perhaps you could get /) a commission and show them all up. The boys all suggest that Sergeant Cavaness use a little more glue on his saddle when he takes Tommy horse f out. The boys suggest this for your v. .>1 own benefit Jesse. Very kind of them, hey. Jess! * The new office clerk, better known as "I can't eat beans" Walker is in need of a milk bottle very bad. All they boys ought to make up-4 col- J lection and see what they can'do for I his relief. The office force will con- 1 tribute to It freely and ViU, make no kick in doing some. Are you oi, fel- I lows, we would like to get this .in be- l fore the war is over. Wagoner Plunk is talking about transferring to the ordnance corps. Luck to- you old top. " .>*-3 Whittle came very near getting stuck with his .load of straw the other day, but Olazebrook came along and gave Him a lift with nis whip. Some whip?that. . GIVES INSTRUCTION ON AUTOMATIC RIFLE I Lieutenant Estes began yesterday a two-weeks school during which instruction in the use and"care vt the automatic rifle will be given the men of the Thirty-eighth infantry. .Sessions of this school will be held each afternoon In the Knights of Columbus biulding. mm St, Teleptione 2?36 the Selwyn Hotel. xlusive Hatter -. I . Carolinas Hats Made to Order j ; . :Jgj 30 to 85.00.

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