StJPPLI 00. MIS INFANTRY. I B The company bank baa-now shut down. Sterner's wife has come to town. Here is one on First Class Private NelY of the 16th squad. He rolled out of bed at 1 a. m. trying to catch his overcoat and by mistake wakes up the swole squad. We take notice the last few days Wagoner Colbert's hand is pretty warm owing to Stable Sergeant Wil-1 n HI mil Iiams being on a furlough. Hot-hana- ; M H Ml oil Colbert Is trying to show him up. , yi ? 1 ^ H No Oriel to i am M A.ND nobody 1 UV effects of a clean His shaving w; hard, his skin win Oy. sunburn. Yet, on i ^ every Allied bat1 clear.-shaved?an( J f ? Ihe Gillette h everj shaving pr< III Y boys in khaki or n u O0ll-UT? 8ATXT1 tUK* O 73 ST. ALEXANOfc) titJ-rrTM Sxrrrr SUz^ 17 B|8j Bua LA Bor The stable pollc? h*V* no use for him. Occultaally be forgets Uaxtt ak< thinks be is boss and starts handing 1 out orders. We hope his' hand cools eff_6hortly. Private Glazebrook is commencing to get In had with his sawmill snore. He woke up this morning to try to; find out who threw the shoe. 1 Wagoner KLirkpa trick, alias stable sergeant, ts doing line since his return [ from the Casual camp. Colbert has nothing on him and we hope he soon has charge himself till Williams gets back. ? *s 1las More Lontend With tin mows better the bracing shave. iter may be cold, it may be d-chapped or tender from every Allied Front, and on .leship, he keeps himself 1 he usestheGilletteSafety las solved and simplified )blem put up to it by the avyblue. / ilLLETTE SAFETY BOSTON, MA Darin, oar Ciiiu, Lm i St., MomuL 3* sqci** * . n?. pa*ia, feabcb Tbdota To si Qui Via bkhato, lS, ) i 4 low In thesoaad tor be lMlt received & letter from hi* girl la ewer two weeks and yea ea* bear Mm >.inn in hi* sleep, bat It woaldat do to tell what he says. Tou should see Ed Kay get away with a share even after Mgbts are out He claims though that he is no barber and no one as yet has seen fit to dispute his claim. It looks as though the gloves will illet Sa Ra ? Have You Seen the Specially Designed j the Fighting Man? |h Gillette Organization who S the Co lor*, and know what tin JV Hundreds erf cficers and m WSsK U. S. Service Set in metal e JUf covered sets for Uncle Sam*i TTie Gillette is the one rasa w ing thine*?the one razor a reputation. When a man wants new B1 any Poet Exchange or Y. 1 America or Oreneaa. Our Paris OSes carries at plying tblnwriwii Expedx hfety Razors and Blades France, England, Italy and ti in His Shavin, in TheFightii It has done service ail o from the deserts of Palest spindrift of the North Sea? to the remotest island in the and has proved itself the service. Complete, compact for tl pocket?no strops or hones U kit. Blades always sharp, a and No Strnmjine?No Honi RAZOR COMPANY SS^U. S. A. ,, Cfixarr* furert a* 200 Gecit Potrum Wr? L A O. Mictn B3 Luxibi, Pram iuro * Tiau MlUl, biU _ - - ? tween q*Of* two,, Prtnto ?ror < * >1*^. |9 him to tor*. ' 1 Private Mom seems to fhtak the nigfct h tn,to riven to siifli ratter " -a Qui to deeping. Private Bandy Is est whet yoa might xell e heavy cater hot be ts Jgl always on" hui tor "moeta." te 1 fety 1 izor H New Gillette* i have seen service with s soldier is up against, en are buying them ths ue, and the new Khakii soldiers and aAcers. clutter up the Itfays ready? OKOON, W-, KKOiaKD ^