IH&i * It will interest all friends of the Jewish welfare board of Camp'Greene r to learn that a building has been offlclally sanctioned both by Washlng; ton and by our central office in New/ York. This building will berbf the] class A type and which hte been ' $& found most suitable for use in the largest camps and' cantonments in 'this country. Work willbe begun .on - this building, probably by the "tiipe this paper goes to press. The reason . there'has heen the .delay Jn erecting . this building is because the repre. sentatives at Camp Greene, Messrs. Seligman and Konowitz have been loathe to advocate a building while the permanency or the size of the camp was in doubt. / Meanwhile, although the representatives have been very busy consulting on plans, etc., they have not allowed their activities in camp.or town . to fall below the high standard that ? 'they have set in the past On Wed*T neaday nightj a most enjoyable dance was held .at the club'room in town, at 409 West Seventh street. The floor W, was crowded from the first one-step until the strains of "Home Sweet) Home" closed the evening's entertainment As is the custom, the ladfes of Hp; Charlotte provided a bounteous and ife.' most enjoyable repast. On Saturday | 'night, the usual smoker was held, and! " enjoyed by all the men. It has come I to our ears that many of the' men {these Saturday night smokers. On Sunday night, one of the most enjoy- I able affairs ever held at the club room J took place. Over 156 men were pres- j ent and practically the entire community was at the club room to wcl- I come them. Mr. Nabow. who de-! J serves great credit for the affairs, run off In town, made a welcoming speech, telling the new arrivals at camp j "What It was all about" Mr. Selig-' man said a few words outlining the policy of the Jewish ..welfare board i and then the big show started. PriKm MCTWI jmUB ' flSjC Ltrgt *a Pice Cyclopedia Catalogue mailed WL Me- atampe (, |nncolate. And clean, HI Ml Sweets Co. of America 3j||Bn 2 W. 45th St.. New York City BrBJttagS = I.!? tional Bank |H 3,500,000.00 BE JM| \V. It. McCllnlock, 'Idler R l:j i mak l WYN th Carolina o EE23 . if not more, "soldiers patronize ^ | B H 'i us to believtf that our efforts to [fill |||l| III] rtalnment is being duly appre- ||ffl |||D HI >rmances weekly, and it is your tons. OH |M'|| LCADEMY THEATRE % !RY, Manager. 53353 J