THE BARRACKS WHEEZE" ~ By PRIVATE CHKT SHAKER (310th Sanitary Train, Gamp Coster, j ?! Battle Creek, Mich.) ti( Surastika pin W ^ /i /o/ r>/ Once upon a time It never ^ j| Unbounded Sl_5 I 'nlitmli'd *S~ r\ Friendship That Is held for the Caduceus. The present si'licnic of ornamenUtion is certainly well worke J out. flip J KRi.RTHA ' W?'- 3 AVD Of ( '/.' <0 f't" C.f/'TURED BY Mil.I.' I i.iliilT OF fJ METAL. Kfc The class in Ptn ciojjy ?m recit/<M9f in?# Ml "What is l he ir:wt useful thing in the army'.**' / "A periuaw.i p.iks?.** / "Ami the useless?** v / *'A pnlr < f p;?nt . guards." ^i/vL IN A SOUTHSRN CAMP THE . ROOKIES SUGGESTION FOR A A /Jf GOOD V. w; H'NG SONG WAS: J4 I IV tf(| "THBY'KK WEARING THBM HIGHER IN U/ '.VAII." IT'S ALMOST Tl.\n: TO IJNR THE "GUARD" JOh VS I P ALPHABJCTIri:JH ICAL1.Y. I NO E.N HIKM AND INFTERN THKM K)R THE PERIOD OF Jp(?nlll THE WAR. /'n /A?* army SB l5i \yvcr"J -SV ,4^0^ 7*Ar hand-pointed JM Cards on the ' nacn oj me ?A one-arm lunch. Read all of them What the waiter And as you get the dish It is not included The following bulletin is issued for the information and guidance of all concerned: "("lass 5 of the draft is for all soldiers (men in the service) and A MILDLY-INTERESTED PERSOS WANTS TO KNOW WHATS BECOME OE THE FELLOW WHO fern 7V1 VAU/M AMD SAY "WELL. /r.9 ABOUT TIME I WAS ^ J _ CO/.V(; HOME. I'VE COT TO GET | - ( IT 7 O'CLOCK IN WE MORN Over There quite a few of the dudes are hubbers when the quoit score is 9 apiece and two to go. Sj flPuj J In the infantry Ansel said his piece uas indifferently attractive. [ But sooner or later it would make it A ' HlN'WnKCKEK?m r "BK A BAND OF BROTHERS" II vKw ^^T^IHST, last and always be a r band ?* brothers. No matter ****** or nation Jyou come from, no matter what ' i^y race or religion, be as a band of l?JR ff brothers to aetena your country ^ n<ainst her enemies. / e//Mfr ft "Keep a clean spirit within a J\ clean body. There is more pleas( ure' Kat*iJ^act^on and joy in re'j Ift^l sisting passions than in gratifying , cbK\// them. If you gratify them your ! ^ shortened and you will ttllh WTui tnce Ptto^hment hereafter. Keep nfcvi rJXm * c,ei111 body and spirit and you j KSvTv* 'TCKM enjoy a good conscience and Rgfiuj F Lw3M God will bless you. HjAft A QrJy^aL "Like David before Ills battle ' rjjr^ \ fflL with the giant Goliath invoked the Ts ^ power of God, so you are here V consecrating yourselves to the bat | tie ahead. The duty of a soldier ' 1 is discipline and obedience. Nelson said, 'England ex- 1 - ports every man to do his duty,' so I repeat, 'America expects every W man to do his duty.' " ?Cardinal Gibbons. ' , Cr " -_v? Over T Perplexed Yank?"Tljis is whi .hat French phrase book three moo low to order 'ham and.'" I ^ 1/ Drawn for Trench and Camp by EI< Two Weeks F Trench and Camp will announce 11 offered for the best title to the picture < Company 18, J)epot Brigade, Camp Uj dier, with a giddy smile on his face, 1 caught in their dug-out with their hand Hundreds of titles have been sul every one of the camps and cantonment KoMlers submitted a number or uutn, a the terms of the competition. The contest has closed and the jo days going over the replies submitted. The $10 bill offered for the "most humorous title," will be mailed to thf he may have designated in his letter. In The Mi Trench and Camp offers anot best cartoon which will fit this tit! What's Coming In the contest which has jusl with no title. In the contest which starts ti picture. Get out the old Bristol board, cartoon to the National Headqus . Room 504, Pulitzer Building, Nei toon convey your idea of WHAT'S and you needn't be too serious unl Tkrt zi.?nfAof $r\v iViia 410 will X lie tuui/toi/ 1U1 biitu y*v . loons intended for this competit diers in the various camps and ca 504, Pulitzer Building, New Yori HOME IT. WHO Kh Bugler Spahmer, Ninth Engineer eq rrain. Cavalry Division, Conrchesne co Bridge, New Mexico, writes to the ed- m tor of Trench and Camp, "In tho us aope that some of your readers may vi; ae able to answer the following quea- su lions": fe? 1. To increase the efficiency of ihis Train it is desired to harness 4 ea jugheads in 15 minutes. Wo would ea like to get in communication with da jome party who holds the patent wl rights on this device. In 2. We want a vacuum cleaner whereby dirt and sweat couiA be re- is moved from the hard-tails' backs and bi legs without manual labor. We have "r the air pressure and pipo lines. to 3. We want an air-enshion to wi here ? it I call hard Hues. I studied ths and now I cant remember in - ? Ul p< rv Vsi si in Pi th 1 j I m I he 7( J Ion Kelly, Fort Riley, Kan nan . Hi i fit f fo rom loday ab; ie winner of the "ten case note*' th drawn by Private Ben Well wood, in pton, showing an American sol- in ooking at half a dozen Germans st; Is in the air. h? jmitted by soldiers in each and s through on t the country. Many di is they were entitled to do under hs m dges will be kept busy for some ni suitable, the shortest or the most ea ! winning soldier, or to whoever h< dc lantime li her "ten case note" for the {J To The Kaiser ? gi t closed there was a picture ai d( xlav there is a title, but no 01 ai India ink, etc., and send in a in irters of Trench and Camp, rc v York City. Let your carCOMING TO THE KAISER, ? ess you feel that way. ra close on August 3. All car- w ion, which is limited to solntonments, must be in Room |j| c City, by noon August 3. y( hi w lows? S fi ualize tho shock when a "wag" y< mes in contact with one of the M ules' "four-cylinders." We are al ing pcison gas at present to alle- ai ate the victims' 3uff^rmg, but feel ol re that a better method can be per- tt rted. hi 4. A radium light is required for y< cfc mule's right leg, so a "wag" can w ally pick out his own mules in the gi irk. At present we use matches, to oi bich the mules greatly object. P. S. gersoll factory take notice. di 5. Some sort of a Maxim silencer ti greatly needed. The advent of a ai trro ii: our corral is the signal for ai auslc" on the mules' part. Device ri be acceptable must not Interfere m ith mule's digestive orgnna. A TOMB PKO^TOKDmCAMPS Something new In the line of tralng camp activities ha* been started :3J . three of the largest camps In the llted State*. Host*** Ho usee, under >e direction of the Toong Women's iristian Association, are being erectI at these camps to house actresses id actors who are playing at the Iberty Theatres, and who, because ot ie distance, are unable to journey and trom the nearest city. Actual work on actors' Hostess oases has been started at Camps Ix, Devens and Upton, according to statement issued by the War Detriment's Commission on Training amp Activities. These camps are so tuated that It would be practically J 1 possible for actors and actresses aylng at the Liberty Theatres for ie amusement of the soldiers to avel back and forth dally to the ties nearest the camps. The Hostess Houses will be under ^ rlct military discipline. Unmarried tresses and married actresses and eir actor husbands will be accomodated. Major-General J. Franklin ell, Commander of Camp Upton, Is king a personal interest In the erec- i on of the actors' Hostess House m is camp. Every day he visits the - -vlj te and makes suggestions to the car- / inters who are erecting the house. ? Thomas Page Smith Appointed Thomas Page Smith, of Boston, has oB sen appointed District Director for /' le War Department's Commission on ! raining Camp Activities, In charge ' the north-central district. Mr. . nlth will make his headquarters in ilcago. Mr. Smith's territory will comprise llitary camps in all States north of entueky, and from the District of ilumbla to Utah. He will have ipervlsion over all training camp tlvities. Including club life, the ostess House of the Y. W. C. A., nights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare jard and the camp libraries of the " ,3j merlcan Library Association, as well i the work of the War Camp Cornunity Service in towns adjacent to :e training camps. Mr. Smith will ire jurisdiction over approximately I camps in his district. \ SOLDIER'S PHILOSOPHY j By PRIVATE A. I. OOVKLL wltary Corps, Camp Jackson, 8. C. > , . Soldier boy, as you go about perrming your strenuous dally tasks, coding over yonr lot, losing weight id losing strength, worrying about la thtnir and that Inst trv a little '"{ trospection. You will find a sooth- ' g tonic in the summary of your 'Vm atus as compared with what fate is decreed to others like you. You have taken an oath to do and e, if need be, for your country. You . tve thus willed over to the governent that which is dearest to you? 'e itself. Bearing this in mind, all else is sy. "Where there is life there is >pe." You still have your life, so - JwSB >n't lose hope. Do you think you -vjjS e being worked to death? What it if you are prepared for death? Ta ou say you hate to be the goat when !?? comoa to "K. P." duty. It is easier . [J2| lan shoveling coal in Hades. Are >u getting gray worrying about the rhyou left behind? Thank God that 74jB e has given her to you. He is larding over her in your absence -CTj id you are still hers. Thousands of '*? """'lira Kara hn? Ola mom. - y of their brave soldier boys who e no longer theirs. Do you think you are not receive g-a squafre deal from those who sur- ; >und you? If your life be spared Jjji >u, time will heal this wound and ;3g| 1 others. And if you are destined -ffiafl follow the thousands of your com- "m?| ides into a hero's grave, then why ->ajP orry about insignificant thingsT* Are you going over the top? Then j your damndest. Anything worth )ing at all is worth doing well. If 'v: >u walk through this fire of Hell unirmed and unscathed, then nothing . ill give you more satisfaction in ;ars to come than the thought of ivlng put in your all for the cause : Democracy. If you have lost an arm, be thankil that you still have another. If Jft >u've lost your sight, remember that ilton produced his greatest works ter ne nau lost nis vision, xryouTZ3?i e doomed to die in the performance ' your duty, then remember that lousands of others as good as yon ive made the same sacrifice and that >ur name will be inscribed together ['jflgj ith the others as brave as you on the : J 'eatest monument that any nation any people ever carved. -;'M And should God in His infinite wis- . " V >m see fit to spare your life and re- "ffigl irn yon to the beloved ones at home, id yon embrace yonr old sweetheart , id join her in a happy onion of mat- 2381 mony, then start life anew and/reember that "Sweet arer the usee of drersity." _

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