FOUR-iWW* The many friends of W. J. Wells, the large,husky boy from Company Mine, will be glad to know that he is recovering from an attack of the "flu" and is now at the convalescent ward 11 the base hospital. He has been assisting the editor of Trench and Camp In lathering .the for camp four, and had just gotten started when he was taken sick. Many of the companies of this camp have been consolidated and rearT1.'^ ~ ranged. Company nineteen says that they have a challenge up-n to any comLv5Jftv3 luny in iiie camp for a game of baseball and that they can bent any team /i/k wWt ln '"-Id. base hospital 92 inciud? f \ W Ml Richard I* nkelniier. the manager 29 I \ M If of th- 19 confany .vnd in your chalil/Allfl"i 8f.\\ ldj Trenoli and Camp vvaniv every comMbTIffl 1'i.ny. not only In the camp, bat in ill II recruit camp four, represented every vfl f? week. The sergeant should appoint a 1 JQ l| company oil.tor and see that the news Jra i* left at some "Y" building not later i (In IH than Saturday atUrnoon of each1 Ujjan week. Don't let Company six, nine, nuDU t'Inetcen. eleven, three and others get I WW lfH* Pul>licity. Adopt the slogan, j t shall be done." Nothing will be j Bl la Pf'uted that is discourteous or un-j "WkJR It iS interesting to walk through ] rajf the Main street of the fourth recruit eamp and note the interest some of |Sn9| the men are taking in making their I lxw plnces attract ve. In front of nearly | U#y w every mess shack facing the street j jSKj : I will be found monograms made from) R n small pieces of stone into different de- i 11 Ki 111 jl signs that arc really artistic. Some of ! fl i l | 1 1111II these are made into,slogans in con- , P M nection such as "Forward" by the 15th Co.: the 18th Co. has "To the last man:" Co. 19 says. "It shall be done;" Co. -0, "Force without measure or Jt VjvJ limit;" Co. 21 has "I'll lick any two I ' 1 na Huns;" Co. 22, "In God we trust.'/ Charles Ichazabel of Company 9. I ym fourth recruit, a Spaniard who hailed *v /jM from New Orleans eamp life as "It is k\ {// Jusl sleeping under an unmbrella j 3rd Company! Thrills! I>o you want any ice? No. thank you. the baker left a cake this morn ng! JIj N John Husler. our big brute, has i * ( STlUdHl joined the physical instructors' class! [Kj n.ind bids fair to becomo the word's BlilUS Wm. H. Wakefield boasts of having. B>. w&Stm l^e 'arKost number of fair corre- ! KymTj spondents. he says he gets mail from j M H at uU count 'em 19! He believes .he will . 81 Jrfl not blow the bugle for a spell as he K had 12 teeth extracted on Thursday! the 17th of October. D'lly and gums' linU Mi are do:ng n cely th:?hk you! ' I ffil Lieut. Doherty has consolidated the j .j, H H W IN 3rd and 4th companies and they are 1JB now known as the Traveling Th rd. they expect soon to take an all-day . a"M rfl hike, as the men like to walk "quite > Ivi il We looked all o-er for George von j 11 jB M W Suskil the other day and finally found j ft lij UrTP him between the ankles of Private | Poole who. we claim, seems to be a 1 (rifle tall, so there we had the tallest j man and the shortest and thickest ones all together. Oh: for a camera! j : We claim Billy Moles was the best mail clerk we ever had. he always I mRJI had a letter for ye Ed! Another claim we have is that Little ; V W Evans, of Tent No. 7. has the hardest [V, job in the army. a?K 111m: I \ IIchuIj Contest! I^^yv We c.'ilim Sergeant Ellis Is the '? ?ndson?cst non-com In the outfit! | I'.rin*: on your beauties! Sr? long! Minnie, we will miss you. ' but look at the Job he pulled down ; \vWMn KVKHY SOI.PIRIt should have one of the! ARMY ANl> NAVY" Vest Pocket Sanitary' 7 Aluminum drlnkinc cups; durable. | l\ n clean. Kits kit. vest pocket or card case. Ufe j ^ ! Jl^ of cup is unlimited. Send 10c and Sc stamp, J ? Uf^ to cover poatrte ~nd cup will be immediate-^ A B ly mailed to you NATIONAL SAI.KS CO.. 5J hamhers St . New York. N. Y. Box of 190 , HK| ti> any ?-.< hangc for |4.09. delivered post[t WHEN YOU SUFFER gj FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you 1 ?u.? ci >? i uiai kjiwwui a lmiiuuv?> means relief. ^2 SESS ? ? ^ ~ . y_X ii^j For practically every man has used it who has suffered from rheumatic I IB [YMI aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather exposure. Women, too. by tjje hundreds of I I] thousands, use it for relieving neuritis. I I lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache. I I Clean, refreshing, soothing, economiI I cal. quickly effective. Say "Sloan's LinI I iment" to your druggist Get it toD I day. 30c. 60c, $1.20.?Adv. 101 cssa in New York!) [ Ask TJttie 'George to salute! ! ! 'Most of otfr "Flu Zyies" have re| turned from their vacation. ! Here's to your Health, Buddies! | His eyes are Irish blue : He's around five foot three I He can look you through and through | Wo LIKE Lieut. Doherty! k"!fct us sirw?/* If ^obacco Goes Up By Gum! 'Twas on a pleasant morning. I ! took a little stroll, far away from my ; company street, just over the knoll, | I never met a wagon, I never met i a car, oh it was a long walk, bej lieve me bo, quite far. I came to a i large budding, I walked then right I inside, gave my name, age and all, I then upstairs I hied, right into a j dental chair, opened up that "face ! "Never saw. any such before, in any I other place." : They shot me full ?- what-it-now I and let it soak a while, then once i agum i ui^iicu iikv: i\ tuw, ?uiu vi icu ' a feeble smile. Lieutenant Puney then he took his l trusty yankers in his aand. he put his foot upon my phest^ and pulled?to ' beat the band! He pulled out one, ! he pulled out two and then, he Just kept up the good work and came to number ten. then to make the job complete, two more came out (How'm I gona eat?)! My face was numb, my grums were sore. Thank Heaven's therfe were no more! I walked me back to my own street and oh! ho! How I tried to oat! It'll be six weeks till I'm put together. meanwhile my face feels like leather! How I'll live Good Lord knows, I'll have to- eat through a hose! But wait! as soon as I'm complete I warn ye now. I gona EAT! WILLIAM H. WAKEFIELD! " "Company three! the company for me!" Oh! How! I hate to get up In the morning! Here Is Company 6. Trench and Camp: Private Louis Brown (better known as Brownie) will be one of the headliners in the coming minstrel show to be held shortly. Brownie has been on the stage for the past seven years, playing in all the leading vaudeville houses throughout the country. Corporal Joe Martone who has defeated some of the leading boxes In the last, including K. O. Eggers, Eddie O. Keefe and Joe Mooney, challenges anyone in camp at 125 pounds. Private Joe Schneider certainly can put away the feed. S nee he has been ] back with his company he has gone up | ! for three portions at every meal. He I received three boxes of chocolates ! I this week from New York. You know j I ne s a Dig unrer. wonder wtio his I lady friends are? We would like to get acquainted. COMPANY EDITOR. ! Co. 10 Baseball (lame. Company No. 19 is the livest outfit ! in the camp and has won seven games : and lost none and claims the cham- I pionship of Campe Greene. Company 19 is supported by a very loyal Jtggrc- [ gation of rooters and Base hospital No. 92 will sure have to go at their best to beat this outfit as Company. 19 claims such stars as Lemkuhl.' Spungler, Captain Novak. Messner.! which certainly is a hard-vtprkiqg, quartet. The last victim of Company 19 last week was Company 15 by the score of' 5 to 3. 1 The feature of today's game was i the pitching and home run of Lem kuhl, the all around Dlaying of Captain Novak, the juggling one-handed s.ats.v. n* Snanirlor the beautiful back I stopping of that hard-working catch- j er. Mossner. Company II to Front. We have read in song and story I the wonderful accomplishments and traits of Companies C and 9, and especially Company 9, for It was part I of this company that formed the old : 10th company, one of our closest) neighbors, and knowing them as well as we do, we feel as though we can j walk all over them in athletics, music, i stunts, and?well in fact anything j they want to bring un. We have a Jazz band, a violinist unexcelled. a quartet that when it sings, in the words of long ago. really "hath : charms to soothe the savage beast." We also have a man who lets you break big rocks cn h*3 chest with a sledge-hammer, who gets out of any German barbed wire entanglement, or any system of ropes you might weave or tie around his body, a boxer who challenges any one In recruit | Camp 4. and who has won his title} \ in this profession long ago. We have a landscape artist and | ; card writer. It was very evident we , had the best lan'icape artist in camp by the insignia in front of our mess | , hall before tty? rain washed it away. J i And this boy in., a wonder in doing, i fancy scribbling on. cards. Wc invito j you to call around, and get film to i . "show you." ! In speaking of athletics, wc are i unrivalled in ball teams. Only last J Thursday we beat the champions of' i Recruit camp 4. and are anxious to j j get up with "our class" and get a j j game with the Base hospital team. | In the- regimental band we have i four musicians; two of them make' I the biggest" noise in the band, be- j ing none other than the bass drum UH1 lf& - i\dja^*Mi~ i I}} r A ri Tj i t f \ < * \\ j A. E. Bergman, Y. M. C. A. Physical I Director of Camp Greene, who is J replacing the dope in the camp J with pep. lie it is who shows the boys how to box, play pushball,! volleyball and such games and is! also bringing tin? convalescents; back to themselves again in the i base hospital. He Is getting the J nam? of "Pep" applied to himself for his good work. mer. and the man wtyh the big bass horn. . i If there's to be anything "pulled" I on stunt night at the "Y" that's "Just a little different," generally you'll find j that the entertainers are members of j Company 11. As for efficiency and e'l | sports, we claim to be unrivaled, and. second to none. Bull and Knocks From Co. No. 0. Resolved. Companies Nos. J) and 10. combined, is the best drilled and handsomest bunch of recruits in Camp NO. 4. / . Private Basseler it; the smallest 'and most popular man in the company," he loves to hear from Reading, Pa., and if his meals are not on time look out. Mr. Cook. r , Private Challes is^ur busy man. he wins or loses our hall games. Keep on old boy. Why is Sergeant Boggs so interested in French? .He's preparing for a con ciuest among the pretty girls of gay I Paree. _ A barrel of fun is missed in this | company as Private Wells is in the . "flu" camp. The hash is getting better in this I comnany every day? We arc glad to see our supnly per- | geant once again. M$c beat the "flu" i all right. Why48 Private Daman hanging: around the cooks? He must he trying; to fatten up to be a real wind jammer ! instead of a boy scout? Who. in Company 9. is going to get an army bath? A good many of our c^mpnnv arci being taken from out* midst, but we' are all anxioup'y waiting our turn to I get into a regular outfit. Watch for our next week's | Who. in Company v 9 has n pair of "flu" leggins? Notes From ?'*?rmcny Rditor Trench and Camp: Dear Sir:-Ooinw urilonl M H D) IrOTU !lnH I h'ir. W* UVII^ I ough readers of Trench and Camp and noting In the current (ssu?\ the wonderful progress attained by the various conmanie". of recruit Camp No. 4. take the liberty in presenting a few qualifications relative to the 7th and 8th comnanies respectively, re(centlv consolidated and presently! known as Company 7. who previously [ has not been mentioned Jn your most worthy paper. | This company Is commanded bv the nepnery leader. Lieutenant Harry Davis, a former member of the U. S. marines. J Under his leadership, ably assisted I by First Sergeant D. M. Greenfield, I this organization has acquired many army tactics, drilling, etc.. due chiefly to their vigorous and snappy efforts, gained through their experiences gathered while serving - with the' I r men Qaaliflcd for 4 iiMtwi^jIftJ Hi the kervice. . Regarding the musical talent of tlurra] company we have many worth mea> ra tloning, In one, Sergt. William La Banico, we have a very good artist 'II? on the piano, also several other rag- ic time players of note. Recruit Frank Bauralster Is another ? clever one, his talent lies chieffly in performing on the banjo. However, iffiSM he can also use a mandolin wit'., equal /W expression and feeling. Much credit Is due recruit Charles Hayes, who acts as chief song leader ^ j a of the company,-for the progresl that has been established Jn this line. ???~ ...... , Will now give a uiuo auouU*M ?- our baseball organization, managed by Sergt. John Spaeth and captained' by Recruit Raymond R. Hopkins. Having won the majority of games : - -%j played, showing exceptional* ability ! and superior" knowledge at all stages St of the game. . f-c^C Wilt gladly accept challenges from ft ^ the various companies desiring to op- . pose us, at any opportune time. Yours truly, LOUIS P. PAQUET, XjM Supply Sergeant, 7th Company. ^ '5^ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Secretaries Downle, (KTtoole and , >'^1 Stanziola have been kept fcretty busy at the Base Hospital since the in- -i'v; fluenza broke out In this camp, espe- '7jp clally Secretary Downle. who deserves : great credit for his untiring efforts for. the past week. Secretary 8tan- ;v>' ziola has been taking care of the boys by seeing that they are supplied with -.vjifi writing paper, etc., while our friend ':J%\ OToole has been doing a- great deal * of writing for the boys to their moth- J? ere. sisters and sweethearts. William M. Egan is "now Gen- 'jfea eral Secretary of the Knights of Columbus at this camp. . He replaced Mr. John Kehoe, who left for New,' -oaM York some days ago to be at the bed- . *1 ;ij| side of a sister who is very ill. Mr. K6hOe Will noi IXluiu vv ? r - '-'TYTB; Greene, but will continue on to Asheville, N. C., to take eharge of the i activities at the ne*r>; Reconstruction Hospital which Is locate^ there^ We < announce with regret that we will also lose our true- friend, Secretary Joe Down I e, who is -going aiong with Mr. Kehoe to assist in this *00d cause. r;J Secretary. Jli-i De Haven of ?uild- - .c^j ing No. 1 is also going to-leave us to. go to Ashevllle. ' ^ Announcement is made of the af""J rival of the fol'owing secretaries at Camp Greene. William Schroeder from Detroit, Michigan; John Stanalo-. la. well known pianist of Hazelton, Pa., and Louis Potto, of Pittsburgh.' Those Enormous Shoes. ' ;"a?| One of the interesting features abou?. the camp these days is the story that <? is going the rounds Itf-GP .5^"'.^ shoes. They"are really in existence and the editor of Trench and Camp has personally satisfied h's curiosity, tobon n.nhnto of the same beside a No.V /'*^a8 8 shoe and expects to get one o<7;#SW the wearer Just as soon as he gpts j&9 out of the hospital and through with the flu. They are in charge of Lieu-.$?g^H tenant Raab at the quartermaster'* v jtjn where three pairs of the o'.i "clod* -raH| hoppers" ere being held unt'l the owner, John S. McBrlds, colo-od, pany F, 810th Pioneer "try. go back to his-company. Ye', tlisy^Hj look to be s'zs 18-G an J are actually in existence. ^ Oli.nj the Camp S!r*o:s. . One of the best things yet\ (1 ne the camp is the oiling of the stveo'n. This will not enly keep the dust dtevn hut if worked into the bed of streets will keep them in splendid -.Jam condition through the win e\ Oihd' road* ate among the bast n the cou^vaM try where the experimen h t* beo i tried and whoever is re; \ ".ibid f the improvement certainly has seen | results elsewhere. Give them a good dose..of the oil. it will help keep ;S$^B down the flu as well as help ou( bad rainy and sloppy wea her. NSSeflonoSee^aW^ ;|j "A Footsore Army Is An ''J Army Half Defeated." || ' A tfon frAmmrArvrnmmnnltv/ -lTjL are drilling Tor Military 8er? TO vice. For all these men the /TSfl /r^^\ frequent. ure of ALtEffS yd / fcicsl FOOT-EASE, the antiseptic ?9 / Ciaft P?wdcrt tbaken Into tM ? f Shoes and sprinkled in thr '. ; LJ^tmJ foot-bath, increases their effl- '. J&9 yLVlTnciency and insures needoft r^SM nlvr physical comfort The Araer- is-S , \3fJ lean, British and i'rencii -J9 wKf troops ure A lien's Foot-Fare, fmS bccaurc it takes the Friction 3yH from the shoe and freshens ' "^19 The Plnltsburg Camp M*if l11*'*?*** ual advises men in traintaf 18 to shake Foot-Ease in their . i>9 shoes each morning. Why not order a dozen or more 25c. boxes to-day trOU '.. f; your Druggist or Dep't store to mail tot your friends in training camps and'tnf ' (the army and navy. f:I ^-r~f i.i'V*riV**"! '*? vA*P*tP- * isr1 w_ v?tH1

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