f ij the HOKE d)UNTY NEWS Hok« j Couniy’s Only Newspaper '^he hoke county journal VOLUME XXV. NUMBER 87. RAEFOBD.. N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18,f 1929. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IIPER YEAR IN ADVANCE, Much Thieving Before Recorder Mr. W. B. McMillan Dies Early Momday To. Give Play At Antioch Thursday Jahr. Barley Com ewde^V ed his inactivity in Reco^fs oou^ last week for first thing had two defendants in TOUrt diarg^ with operating antomobiles wMe - nnder the mflnen^ of whi^y. These weire John Ridley and Win- ford Wdls, both color^ who sub mitted to the charges , and. w«re fenced to four nionths each on the roads, judgment to be suspended upon paymedt of fifty doHars each end the costs in the cases. They were ordered not to drive a car on the public roads of the state for 3 months. .Ndl Archde Btue and John Stepbus young colored men, were charged with breakinir into the fish stand cJ Mr. iW, H. Hobson on Thanks giving night and taking fish to the value -of about four dollaTs. Young Sephus plead guilty and turned Statei’s evidence, tielng young Buie, in with him. Tliey were given four months on the rosuds each, judgment to he suspended unon pavihent of the .costs and their good behavior for two years. • John and Willie Blackman, colored, were charged with the larceny of about two hundred pounds of seed «dttok from Mr. Hugh Parks. The state took a no! utob as to Willie BlaSdiran and John tendered a plea of guilty. He went to' the stand howiever, and related a oitiful tade of want in his hous^bld and stated that he stole the cottcn to get sometHine for his safe and child to eat. However, cross-examination re- vealad the fact that he was able to » buy gasoline to come from Qumber- land county and take the cotton. He was sentenced to twelve months on the Toads, he having a record for Stealinir and havinp- served three terms for similar offenses. Another case against him ohaiving larcenv was continued for a ■week cn a.^'^’orint of the illness of one of the State’s ■witnesses. John Bethea, colored, was indicted by his wife for non-suppoft hut she f«iled ta mako out a case against him and tho_ case wa.ci dp^r-rra ifcT.c«-n. Colored., was •'■on- victed of ri«a1iVgabout two htm- :,d»«d ...^’jnde nf-'a«8di./*otten fmm tenced to six' .months on Qie roiMis. Blue Mr. W. B. McMillan of Springs township, one' of if 8 most •prominent ^ Ai^ of \i\o Hrymfi al)OUt 1 The faculty of the Antioch Mgh sdibol wiU present “Esm^da,^a f«nwdy dmma in four acts. Kiwanis Club i Buy Ouif tmas Sea's Elects Officers'And Curb Tuberculosis Scouts With Building citizens, died at his o’clock Monday morning, Dec. am, after suffering several days witn pneumonia. He had a severe attack of the same disease a few ye^s ago and never fuUy regain^ ^ health, bat was able to look a^r his farm and other business until he ^ striven a few days ago- Mxr Mc Millan was a high-toned cainst^ gentldnoan, well kno'wn and well lil^ by all of his acquaintances, and lus {going is a distinct loss, not only to 'his family, church and cOTnnwuuty, but to the entire county. He was a loyal niember of the Wagram HaP" tl^- chur^, and was always interest- ea in the church, the whim's uuu all the public affairs of his state anv county. He took an active Part m poUtical matters, and wm a lea^r who was ^ways safe to follow. He never sought office, but remain at home with hu devoted family and enjoy the »mf(^s of o beautiful home life TOth them and Hb friends. Ha was about 76 years of age, having been bom and re^ed on the same f^rr. on ■which he lived his long life, lb.;- remains were Hodgson Burnett and Wl- Mci^emi UTance^ IcSette, Thursday night, TT~.i,«r..>, i9tii, in tiie acbool auditorium at e«ht o’clock. _ ^hds play is a story of a NorA Carolina fan|ily w^ hve^ farm under the shadw nf the_ OW Bald Mountains” in Western North Carolina, but were torn from tms farm by ti»e mother who hated it and sold it for a small sum “i order to go to France to be surrqjtoded by wealth and luxury ■wicked old ■ mother course,' there . is a fair but we: will not that but instead wU] of characters and that only th. fte". . 0^ love af-,p •tt^pit to telf give the cast hat you come tiful The Xiwanis club at its last meet ing elected the following Oncers for the coming yea^r; Prerident, Laune. McBachemi. ■vice pterideht, Tom Upchurch, Jr.; District trustee, Dr. R L, Murray; treasurer, T- B. Le^ ter; directors, W. T.- Coving*^, R- B. Lewis, Jr„ Paul Dfekson, Dr. W. M. Fairley, Dr; R. A. Matheson, L. B. Brandon and Clyde Upchurdi. Thu club voted to assist tho Boy Sooiits in bringing the old Glen Echo school house given them by the Board of Education, to Rarford, and also assist them in reb^uilding it on the lot leas^ the boys by Mr. T. B. Updmrch. and see how beautifully things Worked out. r, \ Mr. Elbert Rogers, a North Caro lina farmer—jMr. R. A. Sno^. -Mrs. Lydia Rogers, his ^e—-Miss Elizabeth Stutts. * ^ ^ Miss Esmeralda Rogers, his daugh ter—Miss - Claire Crenshaw. Dave Hardy, a young North Caro linian—-Hinton McPhaul. Mr. Estabrook, a man of leisure— Dahid G Biggs. Jack Desmond ,an artist— Wants Place To Sleep And Chooses City Jail gontly laid away in the family bury-, McRacken. ing ground Tut scay morning at 1 Miss Nora Desmond ,his sister ((Mficeiris Gdt Two Stills Near RDbeson Line -On Monday Deputies Barrington Dudley swoopi^ down like - the .. one on tiimt .certain jercel or ■tract of land dtuate i and being in '.tk lower end of H'Oke County, State of North CardSnsa, :and more porti- crdlarly described as being between Bethune’s Bridge and '.the Mobeson ^County line on Bait Swamp.^ They were partly rewarded for thmr pains by finding two Mty gallon whiskey stills about two hundred yards apart and evidently operated by tho same parties, tiieir opimim being Ibat the same cap and ,wonn was used on 10:30 l-eneath a profusion qf beauti ful I’oweEs, siurouiided by liis fiiinly and a large concourse of •^rleuds, that iri. a small ■" ay testified esteem ja which he was helu. The l’ur.i,r.>’ was c-'>'ducted by Rev. Clias. A. McGtirt of Richmond, Vu., £ nephe^w of the ■widow of tha de cease, assisted by Rev. L. A. Mc- Laurin. of Rowland. The choir bang beautitidly “Jesus Lover of My Soul” and “What a Pliend We Have in Jesus.” He is survived by his widow, who was, a Miss McGirt before inarriage, one son, .'iMk. Monroe Mdiillan, of Wagram, four daughters. Misses Lettie, Mary Lee, Janie and Annie, who axe all li^ving ■with their moth- ey, and one brother, Mx. Daniel G. McMillan, who also lives near by. A boss mumber of colored people attended the furoral. which spoke vrell fo^Jthe rela'tii^ beti!»®en the i thbmijui The active pallbeai^J. A. McGoogan. L B. lhand»i, Hector McN^ jDaniel J. Love, Archie Thannes and Lawrence Parririi. Old Almanac Pound ForTear 1850 llr J. D. Graham has an almanac called “The Presbyterian Alma^ for the siear 186fi. HThe backs have been tom off, but from the adver tisements it contains, it must have been printed in Richmond, y®-> ,of course it is 80 yeiars old- It is 'full of interesting jeading, some ex cellent poems sudi as “A. Hundrm Years Ago,” and many others. 11 gives the names nf the United States government officials »the ^preme Court witii salary ,.of each. Zachary Miss Annie MicLeaQ. Miss Kate Deanond, his sister— Mrs. R, A. Smoak. ‘fMarquis” De Montessin, a Prench- man—James McBryde, Local officers have plenty of ex perience lockuig folks up but it' us- iifllly is done against the wishes oi th®, party being confined. Tuesday evfflring however, chiefs of police, A. D Watters, had the fun of incar- csxating a party at the request of said party. A boy about fourteen pam? up to Mr. Walters and asked for a cot in the city jail over night. He said he waS from Portland, C^e- gon, and was seeing the country. Mr. Walters inquired if he was hunyiY but the youngster patted his waist line and said that he had a good meal about four o’clock. He was accommodated to a berth in the city jail over night.. Mrs. H. L. Gatlin, Christmas seal chairman," and bar committee, in ask ing dtizems to purchase their quota of the familihr j^nny seals, are bas- ing their campaign upon actual re sults 'as measiurad in years of life and dollars saved In lie past 10 years m North Carolina the death rate from tuber culosis has been lowered to the ex tent which means in this state alone p. saving of 15,000 lives ,and if mon ey saving to tha community of mil lions of dollars. In the past three years in the North Carolina schools where health habits have bem taught through the Modem Health Crosade, a health educational system, promy^M by the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association, regular examinations ( f school children has been reduce.', m proportions v.axy.'ng from to m per cent. In the state this figures p, sa^ving of SI,1.00,000 time los^ measured in the annual cost oi school upkeep ilnd mstructio^.. Tie Tuberculosb Christmas seals finance the school hoaltn program for undernourished and' well nourished children. The Christmas seal stands for edu cation and prevention. Have you bought your seals today. You are helping yourself, your state and your country, when you buy Tuberculosis Christmas seals to help to conquer tuberculosis, On Tuesday a group of volmrteeea from the Kiwanis cldb and otheia went out to oild Glen Echo sctiooi house and in four hours time had this budWng torn down and ready to move. In six hours time they it hauled to a lot in Raefor-i which was offered to the Boy Seonta R will be built back there as a head quarters for the boys. Severiti car penters have volunteered to give a u.:y’a time in starting the nw stiucture and it is hoped that the framing is up it will be pcssiWe to complete the new boiltling. ibe boys themtelvi.3 will assist in blading and they are in hi^ gM over the urospfct of havm;; tneir own quarters. This hnilding waa cently given tliem by the Bo'-^r’l of Education. George Drew, an American Clllh Hhs lator—Tbomas McL^gblin. ^ rXlUCO ^lUD mS maid—Miss Margaret Meeting At Bluemont Summer Weather After Icy Breezes After the vicious attack of weathir experienced week bqfore last, the elem^ts palM another trick of the opposite vane^ ana Saturday night a regular oW- fashioned summer thunderstorm v^ ited the section. Rain, thnnder, ana lightning were plentiful and not familiar with the calendar imght easily have thought it summer time. Sec, Stimson Names poor that he cannot help o and every little helps, when This i-' tfi® season, so The Tuberculosis seal cost to the ^ individual is a mere trifle, Ov^atlizttlS Ommtttee For Road Congress Gopihie, a Kirkpatrick. . . . There will be a small admission charge. Personal News Mr. Hai Ewing ®m^- ?!fddightful”’^rmeY was enjo^^^ ^Tuesday night the Hoke County ^iuco Club held its regular monthly sting at the Bluemont Hotel when both:stills. The sti'Us were mad-i of gasoline drums bnt' the other yihtmalia was of thi- best of copper Some cue.’‘Oiors vrere just beg’i'Hing to run one of the ^i’Js when the ol- ficers entered tha swamp but ran away and made gsfid their escape. 1 hey ftere Ming wttl .inni^r no smoke was made by the fit**- Kcur laircls of I i-er were found at •*acii still. This plant was witWn abort • three miles of the metropolis of Red Springs and its destruction con tribute to the ariidneas of Chnstmas in. that enterprising town. Taylor was president ahd he received Tobacco Growers To Meet In Ralei^ A mass meeting of the tob^co growers of North Carol^ has ^n i^led to meet at State College, Ral eigh, Tuesday, Decei-Tiber 17, at 11 o’clock a. m. The purpose .of meeting is to discuss the advisaMtty of organizing an asswiation of grow ers for marketing tobacco. Mr. J^. C. Stone, 'Vice-Chairman of the h ed- eral Farm Board, and thu- member, who particulariy represents will be present to diswss'tobateo marketing and what the Federal Farm Board edn do to aid along that line. , ,, iu A large attendance from all toe toWcq growing counties of the State is expected and it is hoped that Hoke County will be well re- prestnled. This will be worth your time whether you ■wish to join m association or not. Plan to attend. L B. Brandon, County Agent. WILL ALLEN ESCAPES » , FROM HARNETT ROADS a Mlaiy of $26,0® ; Millard Fillmore ■was vice president and received only ^,00e. A catalogue of books and tracts o fthe Presbyterian Board Publicatiom at that time which is interestiiig. It gives the naanes_ of the fadutty of Union Theological Seminary^ and all fthe institutions and officers . of the Presbyterian church in the United States of Amer ica and a geaimatl view Jf the Presbyteidan church in the United States of America in May, 1849. It also gives a list of recipes on do mestic ecoimmy, telling how to makt! ginger beer, etc. All in all it is a very interesting piece of latera- ture. ' Gives Advice On Mailing Packages Mr. G. W Cox, the local postmas ter ,[wishes. to caution all those who intend to send packages through tha mail to address them on one side only. Mail agents have to ing with his aUnt, _ Googan, is woriotog for si- ■ftew weeks in Aanerdesn. Friends of Mifis Bessie Currie will regret to know that riie is in the Charlotte Sanatorium- She under went a very sdrious operation last Tliursday and we are glad to _ hear t.hnt. it was very successful and that she is getting along vei:g :iucely kilri jfimliWils^flpent a iew rj^centl'y .pt Msi. htune- in Rocking- ham. Miss Edna Liles who vto Graham Company. Red Springs, spent the past weeik^ srith her js^otber, Mrs. Carrie Liles,' Miss Flora -Belle CaAte of Red Springs spent last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk McLeod. Miss Hazel -Biggs who is a student nurse, in the Baker .Sanatorium at Lumberton spent last Sunday aftex- noo Tmt home visiting her pwrents Mr. and Mrs. G. C, Biggs. Miss WiJlla MoLaachlin who is visiting her uncle, Rev. Muldrow Me lauchljn, at Chester, S. C., has been quitq sick for several days.. She ■was caixiad pver to Charl^te Sana torium for treatment and her many friends are glad to know •that she is lots better and able to return to Mr. McLaucfelin’s. Friends of Mr. A, D .McPhaul deeply sympathize with him in |hi aM. On this occasion the club was p^Sased to have. as its guest the , Hoke County Commissioners, of {loi . is so little, all join in. do your bit, „ Let us forget the fancy Chn.=tmas seals that are offered us to oixament our Christmas oatkages, and remem ber the call of the n^y and di^ tressed this yecr by plamg letter we mail and on al lour Lnnsx- ! occasion me ciuu wao . tli^ “Health Greeting have . as its guest the ma=. images m- w^m Mr. Sam Cameron and Mr. JoRa McGougan were presf^t. During the); evening present conditions and .-ijipiri: and future plans were dis- tus'^ freely with the commiasipn- ersjte ... fw Educq Club is „ endeavonng Washington, D. C., lumber lO.- Secretary of State Stj^ to^J announced tho apomtoent of Boy D Chapin, Detroit, chairman oi the Highways Committee of tlie National Amomobile Chamto of as president of. the Amenran 0^ ownizing Commfflsioo m .®***^^ “ Se^Sth International Ro^. I™® oauM i., Vfli/i m Washmgton, Albert Dow To Move To New. Quarters ,^ loss of his home and practiially'^all of the furniture by fire a few nights ago. TTie fire was making suci headway when the family fwakec about four o'clock that they barely had time to escape, saving a very little of the contents. The origin, of the fire isn’t known. It is thoaghr possibly rats land matches are re sponsible. Miss Alice /Watson of ;Raeford vis ited relatives at Antioch Monday af ternoon and also spent a short time ill Red Springs. Miss Elizab^ Watson is visiting' her listeri Mrs. John Allen Warren, St Fayetteville. Mm. Waxren came over Sunday BDd spent ihe night with her father, Mr. N. A. Watson and Miss Eliza beth returned to Fayetteville with hej Monday. ,Mr. Bill McIntosh is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Agnes MgGoogan. Mr. McIntosh lives in Sanford. Mrs P. McN. Gibson, Misses thh scfceols" 4oirether into a cl^r felkemhip and by having ^ ite guests different groups connect ed with the schools it hopes to bring about a better;understanding and co operation-^'the "part of all ■whb Imve to do with the Hoke County "ch®®’ system. R. B. Lewis Promoted j To Lieut. Colonel News was received here Saturday that Mr. R. B. Lewis, cashier of the Bank of Raeford, had been piomoted from Major to Lieut. Colonel in the 252nd Coast Artillery of which the local outfit is a member. Mr Lewis is a veteran of the Wo'rid War. w.as Captain oP Battery F_ before being made a Major. His friends are very proud of this distinction which comes to a popular citizen of the town. Raeford and Hoke County are mfk- ing quite r. name ir. military cireles, having a battery that is heard from every time there is any mention of the N. C. N. G. and this added honor to the town and county is one of which tjveryone is justly proud. I Mr. Alb a. cqfe iff ©r fq|4^ ,fo); a yisare,-^ kitted tS^ore cently' oecupi^. b:' the Qiiq^Iity Gror- eery and -it is being completely modeled. He will soon move his cafe into this room, and will have mwh larger quarters than hereto- TOjembem ol the Oxganizing co • ~ } ’ " The Connntoaion acts for .w ijr.. manent International Association « Road Congress, with headquarters- s* j,. Paris, and functions un^r thority of the State Department, mwh larger quaixers imui u.oiiiy ^ of the fore TheQuality Grocery is gomg. Thoms H Pu^ out of business, l United States Bureau ot States Bureau . nd chairman of tirS riJg*? United I Roads ana Ciiairman oi aw! {way Education Board, was Secretary-Genera! of the Commu'®**'" : Contributors To 'toe „ Community i^und in an earlier apnouncement. — OtI**r members am; Wilbur the A list co-+’'‘b’rtor.'-. to Christmas Cheer Fund spons^ the Woman’s club and, the mwam club received up to Tuesday night is as follows. Mrs. Julia Williford to-® Mrs. H A Cameron SIO.W Pauline Freeman H. L. Gatlin, Jr. |1.0Q Israel Mann, merchandise $6.^ Israel Mann, cash |L® Mrs. Harvey Cole $1.00 Baucom’s cash store, mdse $15.00 J. A .Baucom, meU ^d ^ts $3.76 Huge Pair Overalls Being Exhibited Here ,T A Baucom, merchandise $6.25 Epst^’s Store, merchan^ $5.® Local Fmid Baptist Missionary “for’AL ISS These organizations invite evei^r-? one who will make a contribution to this cause in either cash, fuel. Leave worl ir. ?. hiurry during the holidays j Stutts, Crenshaw and McLemirof'the^ and if they should sae the side of : Antioch sch^l faculty;^ were ^hoppers the packagf! on ■which there was_ no postage, .they might not take time to look on the, other side, and thus conclude that the posta^ was not paid, and thff package might be lost. Then again, in using Christmas seals, be sure to put them on the back of your letter or package. Many letters and packages s‘o to foreign countries, and the mail agent in a foreign country would be unable _ to read a Christmas seal and not being able to understand its meaning and yUar letter might be sent to the dead l^ter office or returned to the writer, ,. * A pair of overalls large enough to accommodate Lewis McBxayer, L. B. Brandon and about afiO^r dozen of their size, all ot one time, is on display in front of Baucom’s cash store. ^hey are some steen feet long and have a ciroamference that would consume enough food to feed an army. The manufacturers have sent to the store information, in a sealed envelope, of the exact num ber of yards of thread used in sew ing the seams of this pair of owr- r:"'':jeven and fifteen. alls and the management of the store will , give a pair of overalls, size as desired, to the one guessing J. Cari, Assistant Secretary of Sta>i Thomas R. Tayior, Departnnmt of Co-nTinerce; Rob^ P. Hooper, Amer ican Automobile Association: Henry G. Sliirley, American Associat-ou of State Highway Officials; C^rlej; M. Upham, American Rotid Builders As sociation; A, J. Brosseau, Chaniiier cf Commeice of the United States; H. n. Rice, Highway Education Eoaid, and Roy D. Chapin, NaUvcuI Automobile Chamber of COraimme. Headquarters for the Coenmission toi; whe?3 preliminary arrangen.ents have been established in Wasliing- for the Conjfress will be mads by the staff. The Con^ss is expected to bring to the United tSates from 2,0® to 3,0® delegates, leading high way authorities of fhrir respective countries representing virtually every nation in the world. It is expectrf jj) I that sessions of the Congre^ will clothing or gr^nes. ^i^ve ^ the offices of the United f'flTl'fcri'Blltj OnS otner trllSIl r*r»mm^rro . contributions ^ Freeman Furniture Store.^ help now, you help twice.” you CHILDREN ESCAPE Chiei A. D. Walters received no tice from the Sanatorium authonties Tuesday night that three children from the children’s ward Imd run away. Their names were given as Garland Hall, Can’ W right and a Baker. Their ages were given as A young colored man. will Allen, who •was sentenced to the roads re cently for purloining a pig from Mr. L. McEachern, a • leading farmetj cotton ginner id Indies’ man, ot Raeford, Allendale and Bowmore, and was serving with the boyS in Har nett County, escaped from that gang this week. He '■fe charged with lous© breaking after his escape and 6 wanted by Harnett officers for wth offenses. , ■ ( ■ , j.. . . in Red. Springs Monday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Rowland McNeill and son, Charle Rowland, Jr., spent a few days recently in the home of Mrs. McNeall’s father, Mr P. McN. Gibson. Little Miss Virginia Livingston has been quite .sick with whooyin:,- cough for a few weeks. She came very near having pneumoni.-). ’■i'*. friends are glad to know she is much improved and able to bo up now nearest to the number of yards of thread used in them. The contest closes Saturday night. Work On Highway To Red Springs The State Highway Commission has been at work, on the Raeford- Red Springs road for about two weeks, having a large force here putting on anothaiv coat of oil and There are some twelve HENRY HALES, COLORED, DIES Henry Hales, a color^ man liv ing on the Buchan farm in the west ern part of the county, died ^nday morning after a protracted illness. He came to this, couaty from the State of Georgia several months ago: He was about ;40 years old and is survived by his 'wafe. Inter ment was made in the Campbell burying ground Monday morning. gravel. There are some Rev. Mr. Rogers of Red Springs i t-cks m th® ®,fffi^ preached at Centenary last Sunday]®^®’ oilers anq oxner qevjc..s. afternoon. Mr. Rogers comes to take Mr Hobbs’ place, Mr. Hobbs ha^'ing been transferred to New Bern. We Hunting Party Bags . Three Fine Bucks^ Lumber Bridge Boy Seriously Wounded In Cutting Scrape States Chamber of Conuuerce Previous Congresses have been held at Paris in 19®, in Brussels in 1910, and in London in 1913, m Seville in 1923 and in Milan in 1926. The Congress in Washington n^ October will mark the ‘ first meeting oi the Ini^inational Association io the Wiestem Hemisphere. At the suggestion of the Organ izing Commssion, Secretary of state Stimson has transmitted to P. Le Gavrian, Secreta^-General ol tha Permanent Association in Paris, an ! invitation to visit the United Stat^ as of the American Commis sion to confer as to plans for the Congress and arrangements for the care of the visiting del^ates. -tI' welcome Mr. Roge'rs and every one is delighted to have him with us. The Christmas season is fast ap Last Friday a hunting^ party com- proaching and Madame Rumor has , posed of Messrs Clyde Upchurch. W. it that there may be one or more ; C. Odom and some cousins from marriage:! ir- our coimmanity. * 'Robesop County,,Mr. J. A. McDiar- Friejjds of Mr. Jnq. A. McPhaul mid. Drs Fairley and Cromartie, and were delighted to see him in Red,others went to Little River town- Sprifigs Mmiday afternoon and to i ship for a deer hunt and had^an see him looldng and feeling lots bet- especially fine ^ day of it. They ter. bagged three nice bucks. Lumber Bridge, Decerater lOta.— John McGhee a white boy aboux 18 years old, step-son of Lee Qmciv, was seriously cut by a prowd of Jackson boys. The eJowd was near the nome of Mark McMillan, a col ored man, when the cutting owurred. The motive for the cutting has not been learned. Liquor seeans to have played an important part in tho ai- fray. The cutting was though to have been by a razor, several venous gashes were out and one lung partly severed. The boy ran and fell m the tloor of the colored man. H.-^ gave what assistance he could and soon liati a phvsician. VLcGhee. stayed in the home* of the colored man until Saturday evening when he was car ried home. He in a serious conch- lion. Officers v'Cire notified and soon arrived and air^ted Gso.-g-, Rufus ihu Vivian lackson, all oro- thers. They are being held await ing results of the wounds. IMGRE WtEKS J. F‘c'RN/»i'Ct OOt VI f I ONLY 68“] HERE THATi JOST WHAT rp SHoyt-tKee Yfay 3oo5e. TuesRcaosis SOOETVjAtJ f /1 mill, Christmas,^

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