'/ ' ' ■ ‘V • - '• . ^ : -':?7 ■ ./ .-.f' '-.'X'? . . /"V-'-'.- A’ ” -Iv?! A, L,;;. *-• vt, ■ > ' .». •' ','. ' .. • ' s' . V- ■ ■v't''> ' .. ' . *: 1'- , j-tv -.‘ • V- . ■ .- ■ ■' Sr*' ^■•4' ^ X;| C ,1 jjt?'! ti-' »«■ • 'i,i 3 1. Ji.- :f >"N, -. s 'V . - (fri ■ iS ''iks,*!' - j: S'^ '^?r'. efrfriT' * fijs i\ ?7--* *'4 iij^EfakD;.N, iX • DGCiatBESt 27. 1921k COUNTY JOURNAL jiii. svmmmoa pmck^r^rEAu, ( / ^Q'T^V- -- . - •' - > ■ ' . . . . ■ V-J • ;■: K^. . ■*'.. ^r«-2-;*-jpJ Very gqinq^oB^ iOf'^'iiD^inbQtB. of im ttoc^ Saefordl olioiidies^aiMl^jine F&aod, rf Waflixiin gave rtfurum Owing to 1 aeitloA cafld Weather, a small ^Kr»ati^ Was preMut hot thM wlio attadiH4xe load in tbeir^piatae «f the pwi^agh Many requests have Ween made that! this jra(«an he, given again ^ ^Sui^ *vei^ out it is nut kiimWn as yet vmeumr" «t not thia -Tt^be done. PoUowihg • .prngndh:*-v Vnuna Bethwmi xbv ' WmiBregfftiflPif scijr^ , .The’ »'Dr. Fairley;-/prayer hy Dr. Jto- V ley; offering fur sg^ ininisters. The If aantata thaT hegip W^jf^^ulel^ , Jgrfog*ehoir-e^ii^ifcir4^,f^ - : tdrai^'Slim mQ>g.^iimp^ earela ^ terwoviBn intd thff rantatai ^Paose who sang in . the senior raoir vwwi h8,49tt«"*** SjpranpftsrMis. R S. Dehjs/'ltlfi H..W ^ i; ;j4i|(W^ltrs. H. R. lira'R. iX'. Murray, Mrs. Jean iLamqnt; [^Qk«i Qp^pe8^tr0$^ Imu^ Cfiristiiias '/X .-f - m X V^-.V ■r\^ Sl^ 4ean t>«m FhOla.^. Waae "w». 3?% a, wj»’ MefiWiWli- ^ solo puts , B Lewis, Mrs •HonS^ iGaa IssWel] Jean iM iMm IT. L. and Ito- BethWne; T* IffCOOe ^‘‘*>'*1 Mill../ -■ ■t y ViJt'.li . W»M*1 ■Wv. r^.3 ■A n s ♦ •■>• efl ■ > g* ' ^**“*4 •i^ vr--- [X i Ji A- ■> r^\ ■ .. - \ 7 DepalW! slWrtm W. R. Barrfnplypi land >J. u. Dudley hake been tfcially «*ive dhr^ Ijie •»«« I We^ hr«*hing ia*r hooch of a.npDUom: of' ii»x9iddihr - DtaaMir the two {front Deemher Btb tW 21st th^ 4Mr l^royed six estaMrthtwmta and rtm^'-tme aiHgad oiwator. Ion Raft, Swamp, -belaw. J Ibridge and near the Robeson 1 line ,they i^ntnred two stins labodt two hUndrEid yards of es» ihiher andievidfmdy. «fi9>ted by ^ Isame partWs. /'ptfey/caf^i a “* I plete outfit on James’ ereeh jn 1 Igaikns of B^. TOs sra! Whs ma» [of. wood •eriith a coppwRhoth*^ I cap wahri. No I'Oibr dbio ehptased«y«ln_ ' '^‘-heri in LittJe -^- in *the/^NeW8-Ji9anial' last l--^?hey eaptured a 60 gaUon Sted I drum still , near Roehfish statin ne^ lat-^thehotaM of-'Chtb-Mvmm ■ barrd of beer hraaad m .' Gi^ .wmt aneited . I Anuthor steel drum of risty gPon* fcuadty .was captured ;on ridapF lili‘ W^ deatrojrcd. No aiierta were ^ eir sirflt sl^ __ teWiWhip nmr sNn- Itefafeland ite Wi» |N6 beer was fgima *»» »» an» itwir • ■ ' * * ' cw^ ■J Rnssei ^onte P Ralrigh, Dec. 22.—Rassett L; Jone% hookKe^r hi the GommcnuM ^ tional Bwhi died at 6 o^clock this morning ■ following hh 7W*r nidi^ht in a CopiwjS tomobile driven by WaltM L.^ mpg* wdl, promindlit insorance man. The young banker received injnricB from vriiidi he Atter lecovered con^us- ”*Ctoroner L. Ml. Waring, wh^ to- YeBtiftAtod the acdd6>Dt todays sain ' tonight that he must await the ^le- tum of uritnesses tomorrcuf hefom he can reach a iattsfactory verdict in his own ndffo. Mr. i^DWifag sayb 7the tends tb ^ithqw.Aat lu. , walkliilir fibih the ffduth to the and Mr. Bagwell was driving down Hillsboro street. Mr. Jones seems? dodged one machine -,only to set; h^ the path of tiift other. 'Ihe.,inawram» nem, after striking the bookheep^i picked him Up pUd drove hipa. tp»th^ ^*^*^^ones haa been sevepal'^'SWffi ith the hank and. at r the August, nination for new layw(OT pused Supreme Court.—Raleigh ’Kmes. - ' ■■ ■ - ■ ■ • llMr. Jones was a dose relatiye - of (Mrs. Ti B, l^p^urch of this place and was a li^'oimg man of sterling worth "and brignt prospects. .., ■ RSttadius,-^ ’ €W^»1 „ , .. Ihe^n;', s|ai^rA8i6Uaied*-and truly in'-a large meaaore can be S vthi^consecutive, Wd ye*" (gf m ravages of the }b^ to onfrwho can renaeii^r anythjg^jiF : War, and lecMWbmctiwi ,^yf; We are- ii®t on the .edge eveoT ****^at* would you think if you h^ t. a cup of.col- Jjake 'child. Hds j^usii In Sciidoi Auditorium ^Th.e Music ClasS of Mrs. W. Bw McQueen gave a redtal ih'the sdiool duditorittm on Fridiy mght(,; Dec. 20. •fhe performfince refuted credit upon the pupils and the twWher,,. -/ lAf^' the recital Mrn. Harry Green the audi^hitff ^With a few sefe^ohs flV , . .x younW men^ drettoe. Thef played uurprisingly Vrehr«en8ideril!QE thp diort tlm they hate l^n on^lBM.; ' : ^71iey were ^meind With hWudy W^Yause. ; The ' • we JMS^ TyStellfe, Umont, James Matheadn, Ndl James .Muei Murdock McDUfne, Hudson Gn^m, Marion (Satlin. 'TING AT LAKERIM unique on w A upique demonstration is under* way. on w -.state fish hatoheiy prep* eity near Faydtpville wUoh 8h«ud prewe ' of great, valun to the land owners snd cidhens in this section ^'the.statn ■.:.*;. The'^^gtsite #pi«tm6ht itfr cgmBeyc^ tion and davdopment recent^- P9r* diased tlm Laherim-property ^m dw Raef6td>Fayettmfile rohdi' adjoining ;j^.,, ^ prop- \Qf Jira u6H not had a Wscoit, imr, - fee in several years, .nor sugar, no* salt even to go »“ B®”* This writer, then * members to haveseen the dirt ammiy house floor taken up and_*g>ottiQn iboiled e8f^ day„to get aUtWe water for seasons. matter'how wealthy.^^d - - . toy and not even a ddll or a bit ot candy, and to them Christmas was • diaoRpointment. Neither were there any" flre-crackera or other plosives. For extreme winter westft- or yenr daddy tanned a ;heef hide and'k shoe cobbler Would wme to ybtUr home, and in hoto‘ or, knocked up a pair ,of Shoes that woul^ St least; ^keep y^^et frost; snd your mother would imt your hood from yarn spun in her loom housOt where thread was spun from wool, from your ovm sheep, er cotton frorn'ym® ton patch. There were no cotton gins in those dffys^- Alter supptt everyone (as we sat by the fire 40. the Uving room) must pick the see| from his shoeftd of cotton for the spinner the following day. After freedom the spinning and weaving f^ 'Upon our m®^hers fpr there was liox money to hire it 4®"®» *® Yankee .goldiers ransacked and took away the best in qur homes. We took up ’ the. caipets for bed cover ing. Wie feather beda_in some places were tom open and the feathers to wind^. For bend .covering tlje hats‘ Ware msde Anti'' home «om shudm ih: wiw-and y®“ coiild find in4he se«Wi> bag^ a ribbon band, yon werq dressed up. This scriitB remenmegh what “tl^" she get by therpimolmsb of her first store .bat; with dts^^inkAmoss roses and budis.' $u)di,.:eiml|aiitment ^ a child Of riridi^^dNml^er experience-^ and the first chlhm dress st^; jbe stone timev We knew nothing before but homespun; fd^ecks and the first cake tmet soap another thriller. In those days the c^es were also made at hm^, Wrown Arom wamut bark or' hidb, yellbw from copperas, red from euniatv and blue from iitdi- go. A patch'of, ilfaia ,was grown at home. sSw wSW fiiidfr^ at home from lye that was '‘aWpkrfT’ from ybnr bak and hibkory For needles and. pins fhom-bush i^he the only aubstltote, I The boys and girti w«m a haray lot in those days and vkalked in numy -Wisfean^ l-.-..Qr .5. mUsiB -to chnlGh, ■ The Waggamaa Hotel at"' (W^Qcamaw was camidetdy destroyed W fire of undeteniflinad origm’^^h uxday night about-dfiven o'cloE^ Property belonged Mr./^J.^ % ifauhsbx of this plhce and bis is heavy, there beiii^ only elej'» thousand dollars in msormicq. , Maultsby had allOTfed lourttltoUtoind to espire a month, of imare ago.-The hotd was of frame. oBn^ttoC^mi .and had about forty lUoms; It yk$8 a summer resort hArf add ■ 4n&T- _-a caretaker was staying ing and he was away,-at, the. time of the fire. . ffime of tbe famiture and fixtnrels was saved. Education Qub Has . The Christmas meeting of the Bdu- ■yg^nnftt ,clat> was. held ^ the honle nf./Mrs Clyde Upbbnrrii Friday'af* gU^on with Mrs. T. Bi 'Upchurch, mi. H.. A. Cameron and Mr8.^yde ^UiH^nroh as hostesses The Chti^ mas spirit and season was much in evidence The house was bright with Christmas jffems and roaring 'ddk l^l^Sea. Mrsi vFaui McOain of Sanphe^. rium had charge of the prognim which wapi. a fine one. The dearw Ipyed Stories l^t are oid but aii^ys new were . the. literary-numbers; w thef nrograi&x The club sang—“flgfk thql Herald Angels” and “Hidy it7’ Bells of Sfc' piilsioiutt 3^^90011 'CO&w pf agrimltare rqjW^ tha m ■i'l _ , "McLean. PBri/toe'*kpcB^ig the’ hoi h Mr nnd Mrs. M M expo’s More Contribufiohff To Charity -' *■' -The foUowing contrih^hs been added to; the Catristmas Grady l*aeh, $2110; D. $1.00; Misa Irene DownOr, $$,(»; &- uvapia CMb. $28.06; B^St Voui^ Men's Ctoss, $3.01;«Dj. , tolev’s Bible class $9.60; Mfis. R. A. Matte- son, sack flour; J S. Jehne®®* teide meat; Miss Donnie Gainey, 3 bush els potatoes; Ryan McBryde, Wemn bushels com; Thomas Grocery Co., box oranges; Raeford Wholeawe, 30 ’Bennds candy; Mrs. Peede, merchan- Idise. . . . . ....,• Post Office Lobby To Be Qosed IMri G. W. .Cox, 'l«»l poet^master, wl^es to give notica|that the post- office department nffur. requires the lobby at the post oHlce to be clos^ at night And so the patrons of the locai^ica will tear 1® mi®dL^ on odA JaafKiy l®t, 198ft: the lobby wiir he ifibsed and kysked at , 9 o’clock^ hence ;if >ou wish to get your 'mail aft Yagfi, be sure to call for it before that temri * rs,”/stM fhy Mesdames MaiuhaU _jomaS, WHY Green and Rayngm^ McLean, wai^ beautiful and was thor oughly enjoyed. The readings “Why the Chimes Rang,” Mrs, Louis Md^yef: selection from "Hid First Christmas Carol,” by Mrs H. IM^. McDiai^d;: Dlck^’ Ghristhias 7ari)i, by (Sro,. Gieorge .. Fuller; itber. Whe Man,” by iirs. Paul Mc- Cato. , ; A ' st^ggqi days with '-Lean. - ■ ' '■ Supt; 'W. P. B&wfidd and family ^Mm^g the Chi^mBs hohdays with relatives in Lexihgliai, N, C... jMtisa Sareh McFadyen. whe-ia at;* tetadhtg ^ . AssemhT:^'' Treining Srirool Bfqhnmd, Va., and w^; is a daughter of .Dr. A.; A.. Mcrtalyen, itecfical missionary' in. China, is spend- ''ing the holidays with relatives in town. . Mr. W. W- McKay of Btjmlb, MiSB., and Miss Anna McNeills of Savannah are spending the holidays with Mrs Ji F. MbEachin. A Mr. C. B Giles, and family, who are now making.: their home in Casa well county,, axa- spending a fewj^c daya with’friends in towp^ Mrs. Nannie Gaddgll- jsrhl i...son, iiMd^r. George* L., are_now '^tteir home wjtb'Mrs. Cadde tiler, Mrs. G. W. .Maxwell. ., Mri and Mip. .J M Downc? — ^com^ in % col(^ scwlme aVe Christmas was sefved. Miss McFayden (^s To Charlotte ^sd .even who&d,; fouri'horstr-'cai came along, bvery^hlng, nc den In twof or l stock JT- Gkwmgton ..... .Bridge Wife Gpvington was the gradoim.hdMaBB to the Bridgeji^ at itibrxuNfilMr meeting on Fnday. house vms made es- nedally attractive with fts cheery dulsimas decorations of holly, mm- tletoUK.gibd red berries. Fuller won high score prize^^ishibh yas a^ most aseful gift. Mrs. OwringtimAaristed by Mji|L Ron nie Blue, eerii^a very ^lldous salad; course fefiijirad by nfinta Those enjoying: this h^im^ were ,«tab membdniAa»d lfi»#^ell, Mrs. Dave Bbdg^ Mw. Blue and Mrs. Julian .-JKue. ^ - ■ »." " 'r, "* ddefhf «K green fridt thM hnetttei; able gpring and .cenMmimitly wMe ofto ycUinir - i nmning ,bal^_ jwyi9 prior * to Driecmher Li> . . ., ...... compmefr witii l bales fanned in 1928 prior to 981/000 nfites. Hie abahflMUMB* adbage stoibe Jgiy. ** ^ 3/8 P9P and the jaMr^d of luTuonm pet acre weejlBced at 165R ponnda / * The. was imdei| commit ^ F, CaHander/ head oT tito 5” botod in .6 .the Spending the jShristmas holidays in' utoal in mmjypmroiM In I IkAlf envnjh HCTirJM the deafito in\_- - ««Huato of 90,000 Mtimide issi^ on Nbveaidtor ^ T, law be blamed upon the wbather for the malw^ ^ w endd .the crop and for piclmg it. RainfaQ. he sriuL wah greater than Miss Eloise McFayden, whose home is in Raeford has given- up her Work as a member, .of-the Sanaitoriimi of fice staff to accept a position in Charlotte/ She left on December S, and spent a few days at home before taking up her new duties. Patients, employees and others have expressed regret at her depi^ure from the Sanatorium community, whfere she has lived for several months. At a special meeting of the Sunriiine club,, of which she. has been presi- dmt, she was presented with an at tractive gift as token of the- gmod wishes of the other members of the dub. Hoke County Had Light Snow Sunday «■ • ,id-i ’in ' .... .rV’fJf'/-. .-I*-' 'uil ' - .•(.> ■ ■ -^Runday mortodjE abowr.ton^o’dmsk snow .b^rtoL- to m^^Il Raef&i^’ imd withini an;.bodr itoejreuqd was .com pletely. covetodf 'TEe,.fiakM. v^re un- utodly'^ms® uhd Wfol^the tobrcfory heloW.'lretolilig it kidtpd as if atoi^ ■^sW^. ^ ;tte Iftwev^, the -hem'y lad^. hut: A ^prt time afid- Jlater in tte ^day it tiuqm ' 0 deet fur a short -time and >ut night Infiif .j| u^.raih which „_ .ze ah'it fell wyaiipbi- every- fjiiqg in a blanket of k^. The mer- cM^^/rese slightly on Mohdsy and the mefthag process nearly had it all away by ni^ CARi^ OR TBANKS We take thlsr toaeiod of thanking eur fiimda and neighbors for thqlf' manx ad® 9t kiddness and * ' Ja^ohv'ilie and .other points in ilorida. . > Mri L. B. il^dott and family are -visiting rekttives in Chester ami other points hji' jSouth Carolina dur^ ifig the .holidajjtt. ' . .. Mrs. H. MdK. McDiannid and children, are spending Chridmas-with rektivee in I^anrinburg,, . Mr. and G. B. Rowland left Tues- ^y fo^ Durnam and Wmdell where they vrill spend the holidays with relatives. ., ; . Mr. Robert Peele who teacn^ at bdt smd some seetibHa cvui had anow fall, nn unui^ thtoi Ntoemto. Dninage frun -boll weaviM ovur tho cotton gmdrally. he skid, Itob beca .kaa than, nsual bBtiWte dry .vrestlM impeded the matiiriiiff oF tiw weqvw except in the Caridinas and VUgin- im where, during the mbnth of Octo- Iher weevil dmnage had become ap- pamnt* ..Hie board’s esttomte of acnaffo harvested was ^®y: of harvest befoin Bi^tom- —„ — iww: 1. Abapdoniw^ of acreage to Conway, S. C., is spending Oiristmas [Texas, Callander said, was umwaally with his mother, Mrs. Roberta Peele. Mr. Dqu'gald McFadyen of Long heavy. jur. i/ougwu mcrauyeu oi uong i iTUdav'. nnort Oh COtton is tks htft Island, New York, arrived in town iMWTd will untU next Saturday to join Mrs. McFadyenwho be came several days ago, and both are ...v... t-w... lux. spending the holidays with relatives here; ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Fuller and Candidate For Gov* RoiicBon ONBty Junto Flattering Ofitop of avriiable the enommatiMi .of tim ne- itnal hades ginned as rvotoed bT the gihners. A Roenl lenr^m *.“**" “T’lhge yidda and umduetioos will be httle daughter of Liberty are guests ^ titm.. of relatives in town. , j Mr. John Howard of Raleigh is * r^i, *r^ spm^g the. holidays with relatives I» MffgB JOlmSOn M O Ov and friendp. in Raeford. * ~ — Messrs Af(^e and Charies Howard and Neill iMi^adyen came home on Wednes(toy from Davidson to spend the holidays. Miss'Bennie McFadyen who is at tending Kiipc^ Business CoUhgev at Clharlotte, i^ at home for the Christ mas holidays. ' Messrs Punren McFadyen and Lu ther Clark -v^t $o Moi^anton last' Thursday to Iking home tSeir little sons, vnm ®to to school there, to spend ClttistioruB. The^ foUinri]^ young ladies who have- toe® away at 8diod are at homb Ibf the holidays; from N. C. C. W,« -Greensboro, Misses Sarah (?ath- eitoe uid EUtibeth Cromartie, Mar- gwet Waltersw lionise pibspn, Alma .fki’imsoh, Isabel McFadyen, Vun Cox and Edith Seafohl; from Mere- d^ College, Raleigh, Mioses Ma^ PUele and Mary Lee Seato; Flora McDdonald, Red brings, Alma McBiyde. Gatlin. WQl Bare in IStt It Ptoff’ cat Inimtitoi HekM. Jndgb' Ttowsiaa IL Jolniaon wIR !» a carididato tor the Dtesretotte for Govemer of htoRii Oare- tine in 1932 if hie jtoi holds/ aeeoir&ilr to ^ Coattouing, The the folto^ to sey son retunifed home Ifrom an ing which to bee ’ lin ‘ - land Buueonlie, Forsyth. of Jebre ! M for Getojtook’to ’gy-fc icm I 4 I • I- ' .strong impriMa.^tolto.4totoe of Buncombe ^ - e bn we he hoe uik .M.' Mr-.-'