The New&Joumal 1-^"' ,.■-•1 *.• /- E'W*r ■^'SKSis i'Aj- ■tm: ■fs,- ■ /'.- vl«SI / ■ ■■’ .:' iIAl. RABrtMliifc: if> c. .■■*;■: .gt: FBHIA.Y> j ...- /' This being our last issue of T!ie News-Jour^ -ich f« to our patrons and friends our deepest to ^^XSty^support given ns since we ^enconraganent thrt yon toe wnds to express. As we have stated once we believe that a county newspaper is, m a measur^ ^ p^ ttiat it serves a^ we h^e done ^hat wp rouW to rendS^ldnd of service tm we think you are ^tiM to. we have made mistakes and hope that we will^be m^ng them a taiZd ^ from now, but pur aim is to'm^ « few as Ue. Our patrons have been most generous tow^ u^ however, .«iid we awweeiateit. so muA, in f^, t^t it detennination to strive all the time to give you an ever improvr '****^ 1^^*h!0inng that 1930 will bring to you those tjdngs that tout strive for and that a year hence the relations bftwe^ ^ and us will be as cordial and frii^y as we feel that they • now are. chiach, and ihti yatoMten nil^ thdr towns (dnto'to jMn days tte chnich dontoatad'oi^i Holy ItoiocwK3 l)ay, Iioce^ *8. In sonw paits ofiSeirmaiiy the BiEhsi oeiemony aetitet^d tmtSi 1799. •.ttt to'Stagland Henry. VTII fM- •’htd 154i. OWfwn Mary ^ored to to 1662 aad Elisabeth abol- rhed to .hnally a few" years later. The fimvtoies Wbiiih bad been a art of BL Nkholaa Xtoy then began, to be tnaisferred Christraasi thonghi, th^ was a tioae when Chriibntos^ celehraitiong were fi^d- den in England. -Thalb was to 1644, when iCSioiiiw6U*8 'Puritan Parliament passi^ an act forbidding any mcrriT* Santa Claus is American tnfito yp adtotomg ueifieea afc.Ch^hfc* Sito S^Stotod tlurt to Chitotolto seniated among jha tan tottien of Now Engtond doyn to 'tba'^'”ntollieeoilr' oentnry. . A-vr/. ■ of gifts tor IfTown- s Day « a very iSlndeed. WUOW. il^W wto^ , theto : come from; they 5S, to the; goed “San tliear’’fitoddngs secretly^ w mg^ Ycthajw the W^rld was hsPltor when C'rttohtoiB giving was less of an obitggtion and more of a jw r.u^ htite ones fitai bO*'-jd to to ''es and Santa Cia. a. A|ff5/ Carry ^ Re^tratian Carts J3HN JOSEPH GAINED M.P A BLESSING English Children Know Him Only as Father Christmas; German Kiddies as Kriss Kringle. French and Italian Youngsters Get.No Gifts. Hemoiy of Andeni Bishop of Myra Peipetnated in Custom of Puttmg Eiesents in StodsUigs at Christmas TiiDe.^i^ \ By CALEB JifflNSON All over the world on the 26th Pnendier Christians of all creem and sects celebrate the birth of the Messiah wil^ the festival of Chx^- mas—the Mara of Christ. But ovdy is countries whose traditions and cul- tore derive from Teutwiic tourcra do folk celdirate the dagf. by yaasentB. lost - a small, glittering, edged fragment of- cold steeL Twr© is tbe hint of creeptoees at its rnem mmition; it is such a stem little t>»i«g after all; its Inisiimss » to malcA wounds--mp8t feared of all, wonnids upon the bodies of our dmr ones; wostods upoiv and within the bodies of the onw we ;SyJ®Phtto» with moah—the ones atricken, with death just around the bend ahead . . The one that mother is praying over to the Uttte room where nobody can hear but God . • ' Ah, this litels sharp fragment of steel called mer ciless to the unthtoking—what a blessing! Yes—it's the surgeon’s knife that il am tralking lahoto. And so few speak of it as a Messing: some orate from tbS hbi^-tops that it is a villian—^a murderer! They try to iTiflkTnA us against this little bene factor, too often for their own per sonal foiancial ends. No incantation, mesmerical hocus- pocus, or sleight-of-hand juggling on the surface ever removed; a deadly lartrf alone there were at one time a thousand church of St Nicholas, and he was established as the p^ron Bftint- of ..Russia away back in the Middle Agea Pictures of ^ Nikolas usually show him standing ■in‘“'a tub with three boys. The legend back of this giving is that he miraculously restored to life three youths who had been ^dllad tumor from the suffering woman-- never did—^never can. Thousands of tovMids put their trust in these sub* terlhges until it is too late, beeanse they dread “the knife.” do not the poor, timid creatures— they are not to be blamed. Urey are to be pitied in their mental tor ture—thrir snff^dng unrest land in- rtppiiann; they do not- know. 'Hiey Wiiil e^iise any measure that prom ises t^ef-^y measure accept that little idiarp, glittering figment of st^ A deep^ated foous of deadly poi son involving a vital unit within the human structUT^ii can’t be dianned out. rubbed out, rnedicined out, diet ed 6ub-it will kill—kill! The Uttfe silvery-looktog inece of cold s^l— quick! There may be d®eth. to de lay*. • Y^, the surgeon’s knife is a bless ing, one of toe very greaitest, used in tinte, by competent hands.' I do not mean the butcher’s knifo—nor, no* I refer to toe one that has given my dear ones back to me, tound and well! Catch the community spirit. Every dollar spent at home means something^tojyou directly m tlw In Italy. France, Spain, the nations by an innkeeper and ^toeir disn.em si Soutii America and other coun- bered bodies ^ tries where the Latin culture pre- But toe story of St. Ifetoola^wluto w«n«, fniriatmaff is cefebrated aa a asso^tea his name W^. secret gifts ai^ dmrdi festoart'but nobody is that he learned of a poor mai? of invingjjyMily a present with three daugltftys, wto i^erc an-* Day able to get Me-.they • 0{f4 tiine. j had no dowries. Ibcir father . urns *. « n.1-in all tliA coun- planning to kill the daughters and bSf when St. Nicholas slipped ^0 toe Teirta^ dmot py night and filled .tobdeh indndes Norw^, Swedcii an£ . stockiiigs o.^ the daughtera with Beamark. Austria, Switierland, Hoi- ^ uaugnwr-, wjm* Bdgium, England and the Brit- KoM* , .v • r* cu* toDoSntons and toe United States, I Sr.. Nicholas Day is Decern^ 6th, r^Tiatmiui has become toe great gift- and for a thoas.ind years tiie fcve ^irnip flAgaow of the year, espe- of St, Nicholas, Itecetober 6to, _wa3 eallv toe tone for giring presents the date for filling the stwkmgs. tTcnildren. ‘ iChrdstmaa was not fixed on Decem- Santa Ctaus himsrll, however, is her 26 until the Christian church an Amm^»»"i nearly 600 years old. In some The diildren of England have nev-'p^s toe church it was edebrat- «r heard rf Santa \Jaus, unless tbey'ed on^’ Oth, els|wh‘i?*i on read Aineriean stories. The joBy old Match ^th^ ^ ^ chap vtoSi white whiskers who AUk record of the date of toe birth o. toe secretly on Christmaa the Savior. But toe Angles, the Eve IS known to toe Uttle en.-s of ancient German people whose blood toe British Empirt as “Father Chri-t- and traditions still rule tto English- , I as the anmversary of the greatest Orman childte.i call the btocki»\g-' spealdiig world as well as toe Gm- illcr "Kriss Kringle,” and by vhat roan ,nauBt be is known in some p'lrts of cember 25, JdWran^t or kfeto- toe United Stales i and ei«itwheT«. ers’ Nigh^ when their New "Kiisa Kringle”' is a corruptio.i b^an, and in the course of ceirtUTies the German “ChristiindVcin,’’ the th^ festival came to be celebrated Christ Child. The poaMut folk of event to tte life of. to© greatest Germany have come to believe that Mother of all tune, Mary, the Moth- toe j^vvag of Christmas prese-:» is er of Jesus. sypkoljc of toe bnniring of lo ' Christmas was still, however, dis- toe manger at Bdthlehem by the tinctly a religious festival. St. Wise Men of the East. But that is Nioholaa remained the day ■at toe Booroe from which Christ- when the dmdren luad theit innings. AMtp giving originated. ' until toe rixteento century. On St. Seetet gifts to children are a tri- Nicholas Day it was the custom to Irate to the memory of St. Nicholas, elect a Boy Bishop, who appointed just as the name ‘j^ta Claus” . is other boys to the offices of the on Americanizat&oji' of the Dutch Ion?* run. r % ♦a.- ledndaig. N. Cv—Witji » viewjte aototmeoue Will be reqi^edAfter toe first of ^ to emnri^ with ^ l®w ing toem' to eamfy t^ir regiatmtion cB^vwito Ini to Cabtsil^Iee^P- rax^t, diioetor ^toe stete hi^way pate^ Twenty-foug cars were fewj^ Btotei to toe theft bi^ ot ^ revenue department one day r^ntiy, toe majority being within a tfi-mMe radius of Bali^h where here ms been dnto an increase in -the nuraiW of OOP stPfcm that office» an teisai^S^g is at work. Thefte usoraliv show'Aa incSsaSe, howevtf, between Thawlpigiying,. and tlm TOdx die of January Md Iceland S. Harris, head of Hie theft, brou, owners to • securely i lock ^ their leaving ‘whilRb • of all can ftovHI .bF .Ini^nray patrol for ^ rasMa .be: requited to show carii, and fauuze to do qe wui -rc suit in the caa's befeg stor^‘ uht toe card is psocoyed. sl^fiilair actio being taken 'now' when ahtemor Uc^ platea u Nbt Kily. >iWill dnvdrs be ii| to carry toeir relation cards toe first of toe ,year, 1^ be penidined if ;jhey do ^ reW licenae, January 1, ing taken friMdU the comn ^ ■’•evenue, the ..antherity to grant extension usuallf granted by exp ly prohibiting^ such an extension ■T see Goldbaum had a nigi^” . : “Vril, he’a a mce scryea .it" , . fire rir PATS TO Al Merry Xinas With another mile-post in right, a New Year bedsondng to us with its hopes and opportuni ties, we pau^ to reflect upon the pleasant business relations that we have enjoyed among our many custon.ers during the ycfir about to close, and we tak-j note of tbe good friends about us with a feeling of .gratitude. Thus doing, we wish you and ' yours a Merry Christmas and a New Vear fiUeid with happinesu and success. Baucoin’s Gash. Store Established 1908 Raefoi'd, N. C. N - t To All Our season'sgreet' ings and wish for yem a New Year \ mniiiiiiiiniainmuiHiiiimiiimmiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiimnaiiniiniiiiiiiiinniiMinriiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimi / of that good old father of the fhorob- “San Niklaas” as the early Dutch settlers of New York called the patron saint of children, schol ars, merchants and sailors, sounded like “Santa ClauiT to the ears of liipgliBh children, who learned of him from their Dutch playmates, , And Santo Glaus be has bden ever^ since to generations of American children, theugb up ,to fifty or sixty years ■go it,was not considered' dignifieil i.y the" grown-ups to refer to him except by bis full name, Sr. Sich- Mas. - "Hie figure of St. Nicholai as a iiUle tat man in a fur trimmed coat, ridiqg in a sleigh drawn by reoMeer, and slipping dow.i chiii- iieya with a pack on his bick, to fill -^“dangs which, hiing from the of the open fir^Iaoe, was riven its present fixed form by Gkooieitt C. Moore, whose poem be- gjniiing "’Twas the night before Gbristoias” was written nearly a hundred years ago. Mr., Moore did loot call him Santa Clau^ but tiitltied bit poem, “A Vfeit from St, Nich- W)o was the real fiamt Nicholas: "Why is he associated with the giving of presents to Nobody knows ^'•'•ly much 'ibout Nhw. like some of the other lead- erii of the eariy ChrlitiMne, a noisa of l^re^ and myth has grown up abd^ his name, but the records are ' raragely silent, l^toat is known definitely is that he'^ts tbe Bishop 4tf Myra, a t Minor, (bom. Ihiee hi to-v I/k!' .J O \ Happy New Year! a- -m Kesolvc tb turn over a new leaf by having us insi your car OFTEN. i This will be one resolution that will be easier tj keep as time goes on and yill make the hew year haj pier and more prosperous for you. . Have our expert mechanics inspect and l^t you] car REGULARLY. This will make it worth more. • t Let US jUSare for YOUR^ Car. s"-*!. iv' IK-