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There will be an^ other small tree for the immediate 4puly in the West Hall of the second mor of the White House. Its decorat ions wil be from those salvaged from trees used in other years. The family gathering will con sist of the President mid Mrs. Roose. vdt, Mrs. Itiphklin D. Rioosevelt Jr. and two d^Udren, Franklin D. 3d and Christopher; Mrs. J. R. Roose velt, sister-in-law of the President; Harry Hooker, former law partner of the President, and Mr. and Mrs. Har ry L. Hopkins and Mr. Hopkins dau- {^ter, Diana. The day before Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt will receive the White House office, and later the memgers of their household staff, with their families and minor children, in the East Room. After fhe familyl dinner on Christ mas Bvri the President will follow custom of reading Dickens’s (Carol aloud to the family, gtitk will be distributed las aitemoon. Ihe President 'aind Mrs. Roosevelt and members of the family will attend religious ser vices on Christmas Day under the auspices of The Washington Federa tion of Churches, and the family din ner will be held in the'evening."'Urcr iPresident will carve th turkey. During the Christmas season the Wihte House decorations will include 'two wreaths between the columns in the main lobby, a spray of mistle toe hun from the big light in the Ibbby, a wreath over the front door and one m ^ch of the winders on either side qfthe front door, and a a poinsettias to supple existing s and dracaenas in the main lobby. Education Club Meets At J. C. Thomas Home On Thursday evening of the last week Mrs. J. C. Thomas, Mrs. Craw ford Thomas, hfrs. S. A. Snead, Mrs. Colon Scarborough were hostesses to the Educational Department of the W»nen’s Club at the Thomas home. This was the the annual Christmas Bting and the home was most bea- ly d^oratdd for the occasion. ■ ■ study was Mexico, erica, South America, ft Indies and their Capi- A' Jeill McFadyen and Mrs. R. A. Iraon Jr. had charge of the pro- which wiis an,able one. Mrs. In of Savannah, Ga. who interest- about these places she had vis ited. After adjournment the guests were invited into the dining room where de licious refreshments were served from a beautifully appointed table. Roeford Nremen Hove Annuot Election Of Officers The Raeford Fire Gixnpany which has ^ members had their annual meeting fm* election of officeis last week. Harry Green, who has made such a capable chief foe the past year was reelected. C. E., Upchurch was elected assistant chief, N. McNair Smith, sec retary and treasurer, E. E. Smith, treasurer of the relief fui^ and M. V. Dark, L. S. McMillian, and C. E. Up- chinch are trustees. It was decided to invest the relief fund and majority of active fire department fimds in War Bonds. They also voted to furnish materials for electrical safe ty to be taught in the schools. Mr. White agreed for the High School to carry cm the course. At this meet ing appreciation was expressed for the way the town people were cooper ating in giving the right-of-way dur ing fire and blackouts. Klwonlons Heor Meochom H. L. Meacham, formeo: Raeford Kiwanians and now in charge of Bonds Sales in North Carolina was the guest speaker at tiie dub meeting on Thursday evening. He spoke on War Bonds; the necessity of their sale and the wonderful advantages it offers to the purchaser. His talk was unusually good and the club enjoyed haAring him with them. Several matters of a business and civic natiure werediscussed; the most important matter discussed was con- ''erning the opening of- a rental and information bureau in town. This has became a necessity since so many strangers and neiw comers are in the town whose friends must have some central place to go for information concerning th«n. Kiwankms felt that it was not a matter for them to handle ■- '■ ~ * It was also dedded to have Ladies’ Night and Installation of Officers on Januai^r 7 instead of Dec 31 as first planned.' \' Stomp No. 10 Good To Jonuory 31st 'Shgm- stonp No. lObe came valid pn Wednesday, and wil be good until Jws. 31, for threit pounds of sugar, the Office of Price Administration an^- lounced last Saturday week. ' "The No, 9 stamp likewise good for three pounds, expires at midni^t ; Tuesday. Industrial and Institutional users of sug^r may apply for their Jahuaty ^ ahd February allotments on Tuesday, OPA said. Caused by five Flue tvas called out _ to pht out tire Charlie Baja’s apartment In Hein’s Bldg., behipd the Bank eford. The fire got under hand jt order and little damage was It was caused by a defective Twelve Defendants Face Recorder Tuesdoy Twdve defendants'faced Recorder W. B. McQueen Tuesday. James McIntyre, Uzzel Jones, and Tom Murray were found guilty of violating the prohibition laws and given thirty days on the roads, sentence to be suspended on payn^ent of the costs. Lonnie L. Lucas, forfeited a bond ot $15 for speeding. Bill Evans was foiuid guilty of affray and paid the costs, E. L. Cook and W. B. Cook paid the coats on charges of drunk and disorderly and violation of the prohibition laws. Adell Watson was found guilty of being drunk and dis orderly ^,pnd carrying a ccmcealed weapoa A O. C. Blackman was found guilty of simplb assault and paid the costs of the case. ihn A Copeland {dead not guilty a charge of abandimment, but was guilty by the court. Sentence four Inonths on the roads, to be suapendil^n payment of |3 per treek to ^ and the costs of the case. RATIONING NEWS 'i WE WOULD LIKE TO WISH THAT YOUR CHRISTMAS STOCKING HAVE MUCH MORE IN IT THAN EVER BE FORE, BUT, AS THIS MIGHT SEEM TO BE AN EXTRAV- AGANT HOPE, WE WISH THAT IT CONTAIN FAR MORE THAN YOU EXPECT. YOU HAVE STOOD BY US LOYAUY IN 1942, AND WE CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH WE APPRECIATE IT. THE NEWS.JOURNAL Hoke High News SCHOOL NEWS Boy Scout Banquet The Boy Scouts had a good time Friday night at their annual banquet held in Kiwanis HaU. About twenty scouts were present and fifteen of them had their dates. A turkey supper with all the trim mings was very much enjoyed. , Scout Master, Tom Cameron was Master of ceremonies. V. R. White and Rev. Mr. Holland are on the com mittee. Dr. Smith, Cfawford Tmomas, and Lewis Upchurch are on thC ccan- mittee for next year. Into^sting feature of the banquet was a demonstration of making a fire with flint and steeL Hamer Leach did this in one-half minute. Moving pictures of boy scouts in England during an air raid were shovim. For the second time the Rae ford troup won the pennant for this district at the Scout Rally in Laurin- burg. Another time and they will be fillowed to keep it Tom Cameron, an Eagle Scout himself, is making a fine Scout Master and the troop is growing and doing woik under his leadership. Sunday afternoon in the Hoke High School auditorium Mr. and Mrs. Las- iter presented the band pupils, girls, glee club, and public school music pupils in a Christmas concert. The program was creditably given and re flected the work that the music de partment is doing in both elemenUuy -and hi^ school;"~- - - - '■ The Wednesday morning chapel ex ercises were under the direction of Miss Kimborough, Bible teacher. Each home room was represented on the program. The cr^t for stage decora tion goes to Miss Peele’s and Mr. Dowd’s rooms. 'The presentation of white gifts for children at Sanator ium climaxed the program. Luke, the janitor, was eilso showered with In the recent Red Cross Christmas gifts from teachers and pupils. Seal Drive held at the high school, Miss Adcock’s home room won first place for selling the most seals, and Mrs. McLean’s ranked second. School work was suspended Wed nesday for Christmas holidays and will be resumed Tuesday, Dec. 29th. By K. A. McDonald. At a principals meeting Monday afternoon it was decided to open all schools 30 minutes later b^inning with the opening of schools after the holidays, on Tuesday, Dec. 29. This ■will mean that Antioch, Ashmont, MildOuson and Rockfish will open at '9:30 A. M. and Hoke High and Rae ford graded at 10:00 A. M. Each sch ool will then clbse 30 minutes later in the afternoon. This schedule will continue xmtU the days lengthen suf ficiently to change back to the pre sent schedule 'witiiopt causing the children to get out to meet the buses before sunuup. The Rat&mal Set up in Hdce Coun ty to date is as follows. General chairman O. P. A. for Hoke County, Ryan McBryde. Coimty Board, F, B, Sexton, J. B. Thomas, A. K. Stevens. This Board handles gasoline, tires, sugar, rubber, coffee, etc. Publicity, K. A. McDonald. Fuel Oil and Kerosene parrel, W. D. Brown, diair., T. N. MdLauchlin, M. D. Yates. O^ce Persminel, Chief, Miss Mar. ian MaxweQ, Receptionist and sugar clerk, Mrs. Christian Davis, Gas and ceiling price derk, Miss Mary Ann Currie, Fuel, oil clerk, Miss Lillian McBryde. Aceiling price panel of the Board will be appointedi' ri^t away. We hope to be able to announce the nsunes in the next issu. This 'Will be a new panel of the county War Price Administration. Its purposb is outlined by the office of Price Administration as foUo'ws. ’’Each local war price and rationing Board panel shall serve as the local representative of the Price Di'vlsion of O. P. A. in tips community. Its primary fimction shall be that of actively enlisting and stimulatiim local support of and vqlimtary com. plianca with, maximum price re. ulations and ’The Emergency Price Control Act of 1942”. Some of its duties are,, to provide information pertaining to price reg ulations, to conduct surveys to det ermine local cooperation, to find out about, and report to state office in justices and hardships caused to local institution andbusir/ejsses by max. imium prices, and the. recommending of price adjustments that are needed, to accept local rports of noncompli ance and forward such to state of fice, tostimulate: an understanding and acceptance of the price control program. The rationing administration in Hoke County earnestly requests the cooperation of everybody in the pro. gram, especially in the conservation of gasoline (being shipped now from the Eastern Seaboard to Africa) fuel oil, rubber, coffee and sugar. The board in addition to asking co. operation in the conservation program requests, just as earnestly, that every one comply with all regulations to the best of his ability. The I. P. A. check ed 10,000 retail establishments in Nov. and sent warnings to 4,000 of them. We would hate to have any one in Hoke County found out of line. Widi The Army People Th schools have had a hard time fo rthe past several days on account of the •very cold weather causing the buses to give trouble and three buses tied up on account of it being impos sible to get the necessary repair parts. Every effort is being made to have all the buses ready to go again on the 29 or before if possible. Ma jOT and Mrs. Max Roedruck gave up their apartment at Mrs. J. S. Jfrfmson’s Wednesday and left for F^ Leavenworth, Kansas, where Major Roadruck will attend the Di- visiem School for one month. FYom Ft Leavenworth he will proceed to Fort Jacksmi, S. C. Lt and Mrs. Justice who have been living in the Bill Lanumt house have moved into the apartment va- " cated by the Roedrucks. Lt and Mrs. Edgar Walbome have returned to Raeford after an absence of about five months and are living in the W. W. Roberts’ hcmie. Mrs. W. E. Suddath returned from Jackson, Miss., last we^ after an extended visit with her family. Lt and Mrs. J. A. J(»dan and son, Albert, left Wednesday fOT McOx'- mick, S. C., to spend the hedidays with Mrs. Jordan’s family. Major and Mrs. Ralph E. Hewitt and Capt. and Mrs Cairoll Anderson are having open housefnxn 5 to 7o- ’dock Christmas Day f»’ the 194th F. A, ' Mrs. Donald Derouen, Donald Jr. and Mis. Derouen’s mother, Mrs. Hog- ge, left Sunday for their home in Pine Ville, La. Major and Mrs. Hewitt and Johnny have moved into the Giles’ apart ment vacated by the Derouens. Mrs. Paul Dickson Jr. and Paul 3rd are spending the holidays with Mrs. Dickson, Sr. Capt. and Mrs. Harold Matsen and baby son have returned to Raeford from Ft. Sill. They are very anxious to find living quarters in Raeford again. At present they are in the Ralph Patterson apartment, fcxmerly occupied by the Januarys. Lt. Col. Poole is here for the hdt- days. He will go h:;om Raeford to Key West, Flcaida.' Mrs. Will Lamont had the j^easure of a long distance conversatkm last week with Captain and Mrs. Graham Dickson’s childr^ who are in San Diego, California. Lt. and Mrs. Perry Sloan are spend ing their leave with their paroits in Durham, N. C. The Ration Office will be closec. all day Thursday, Friday and Sat urday for the Christmas Holida3rs. When the office re-opens for busi ness on Monday, 28, the following hours will be in effect. The office will be open for business from 1-5:30 P. M. each day except Saturday. Saturday the hours are 8:30 A. M. to 12:00. Mrs. J. W. McLouehln Gives Luncheon Agronomist Exploins Fertilixer Changes Farmers of North Carolina should not be Inconvenienced-in fact,, they should be benefitted-by the rortrict. ion in th number of fertilizer grades, says E. R. Collins, Extension agro nomy leader of N. C. Statt College. The War Production Board will allow only 18 fertilizer grades to be sold in the State ii^ 1943. The 18 approved grades were sel ected 'With the idea of excluding fU- ler from the fertilizer, Collins ex- p^ainM. This 'wUl save transportat- i(m-facillties and bags. ’’The farmer must realize,” said th)e Extention agronomist,’’that he will be buying, in most cases, a high er analysis fertilizer. If he applies it at thq same rate as in 1941--42, it will cost him more to fertilizehls crop But if he decreases the appicatipn he will get tbe same result at about the same cost. For instance, a man who used 400 poimds of 3-8-3 last year 'will get the same amoimt of nitro gen, phosphoric acid and potash by applying 300 poTinds of a 4-12-4 this year.” News-Journal Not Honclling Rentols Further All schools in the county ran a short day sdiedule on Wednesday and closed for the Christmas holidays. 'The board of educaition’m setting the holiday dates acted at the request of national authorities for a speed up of aU school prograims, and also to help the farmers of the Coimty who are and will be more than ever, faced with a serious labor shortage at plant, ing time. Intoce of this shortage, the farmeirs are being asked to produce more crops than ever bfore. The pre- , sident has called meetings of aU farmers in the U. S. to be held early in January to make plans to greatly increase the food crops of the nation as we ■will not only have to feed our selves but our allies and the liberated nations as well. In face of this it seems as though every one should b willing to do their part. The State Supreme Court reversed the Superior Court verdict in the Deem Gilmore case. Until the opmion of the court is some-what imcertain. The Bonk of Raeford Will Be Closed Friday And Saturday Governor Broughton has signed a proclamation setting aside Saturday, December 26th, 1942, as a special banking holiday in North Ceirolina. Under the provisions of the statute authorizing such an order by , the Governor the holiday is mandatory and all banks must remain closed on the date named. The Bank of Rae ford will be closed Friday and Satur day, December 25th and 26th, 1942. AEF Food to Fotten British Yule Larder 'On Tuesday, Mrs. J. W. McLaudilin entertained the family cmnection living in Raefcnd at lunch in honor of her niece. Miss Lena Blue Mcfadyen. Covers were laid for twelve at the dining room table. The table was cov ered with an exquisite hindieon doth, i^ch the hostess had brou^t from China. It was centered with a Christ mas arrangement flanked by lightwj candles. A luncheon in three courses was served. Members of the family present were, Mrs. J. W. MoTjinrhitn^ Mrs. William McFadyen, Mi«e^ Tjw. Blue McFadyen, Miss Christiana Mc- Fadyen, Mrs. W. B. McTAiirhliw Misses Mattie and Ida Mrs. H. C. McLauchlin, Mrs. Chand ler Roberts, Mrs Will Lamont. Ifrs. K. A. McDonaldand Mrs. Neill Me- Fadyen. An interesting feature of en tertainment was each one presrated the bride-elect with snapshots of me mbers of their families, whidi with favorite recipes were bound into a bode. On account of a severe shortage of employees the News-Journal office !s feared to turn over its list of army officers living in town and list of apartments to the Town Qerk. let ters of infeannation regarding either can probably be had there until smne more definite plan is made.for hand ling this situation. A county 'wide meeting of the col ored teachers in the coimty was held at the Upchurdi school on last Friday afternoon. A good attendance was had. The president of the county 'wide colored P. T. A. made a talk and out. lined a plan for eadi school and local P. T. A. to purchase a War Saving Bonds for the school. This plan was unwimoudy adopted. New officers for the year were elected of the educational association. All sdiools are cooperating in tiie Christmas Seal Sale. The sale of the stamps has been very gratifying. The money received from tois sale is div ided, three fourths k^ in the county for health work, and me fourth going to th state and national titourcuL osis associations foi; their fight gainst this draad d( London.—^When American soldiers go out fOT Christmas dinner with. British families they’ll go well stock ed. So that the troops will not be a burden upon their hosts, the Army has arranged for each stddier to take along a food basket containing “more than any one man could eat.” It will contain such delicacies as bacixi, coffee, milk, fruit, tomato juice, but ter, lard, tea and rice. Miss Lena Blue McFodyen Being Honored Orthopedic Clinic To Be Held Free An Ortiu^pedic Clinic will be hdd in the basement of the agricultural building in Lumberton im Friday, January 1, beginning at 9 o’clock. This dinic is free'to all indigent perscHfts under twenty-one years at age. X Dr. Lenox D. Baker of Duke Hos pital wUl be the surgeon in charge. • I ft" Mise Lena Blue McFSdyen, pi^ular Raeford giii and bride elect of this week has been honored with two very lovely affairs since she arri'v^ home. On Monday evening Twihrite Bethune gave a buffet supper to udiich twenty guests were invited. The home was made festive with hediday greens and other seasonal decarations. FYom a well appointed table in fiw ' dining room a buffet supper waal served, whidi consisted of turtoiy.aBdtr. all the accompaniments. The guaalft ate at the small tables In tiM Itwbug room. When the tables were laid a^v side Miss Maude Poole invUMj MteT Blue into the dining room aad ' to a table laden with baaidilui aa# -4 useful gifts vdikh those pwauit given her. She was ' her appredatkw of this . f .'J