PAGE FOUR THE NEWS-JOURNAL. RAEFORD, N. C. SUNDAY AMERICAN Favorite Newsstand Reserve Your Copy At Your The News-Journal Al'lu Telephone 3.52-l Published Every Thursday by The Estate of Paul Dicksou RAEFORD, N. C. Subscription Rates: $2.00 per year (In Advanoe) In Memoriam PAUL DICKSON 189 1935 MRS. PAUL DICKSON Editor Entered as second-class mall matter at the Post Office at Raeford, N. C, under act of March S, 1870. THURSDAY. MARCH 18. 1943 With the Army People Major and Mrs. B. I. Nash and three year old daughter, of Utah and Idaho, unoved into the Jack Morris' home last week. Major Nash is with a Parachute F. A. Battalion. I Lt. and Mrs. Rodney H. Peck and Roddy, who have been occupying the Bill Lamont home for the past four months, left Thursday for Camp Wheeler. Captain and Mrs. N. J. Lamanda and Lt. and Mrs. D. Blough are mov ing into the Bill Lamont house this week. Both officers are with the 592nd Ord. Med. M. Bn. (Q) at Fort Bragg. The Lamandas are from New York, the Bloughs Missiissippi. Major George Dooley is taking the eight week's F. O. C. at Fort Sill, Ok-la. $hief Varrant Officer Robert Berlund and their two children, Greta and Robert, Jr. are returning to Rae ford this week-end and will occupy one of the Lentz apartments. C. W. O Bergland is now with the 511th Air borne Div. The Raeford Officer's Wives' Club will meet for luncheon and bridge next Thursday. War. 25th, at 12:30 o'clock in the B. R. Gatlin Home. Mrs. Arah Stuart will serve the luncheon, assisted by the hostesses, Mrs. James Harrell and Mrs. Roscoe Roy. Telephone luncheon reservat ions not later than Tuesday noon to Mrs. Harrell, phone 243-1, or Mrs. Roy, phone 530-6. Sgt .and Mrs. George Walronde who occupy the Shankle apartment AT FIRST 5K3MOF A USE 646 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS i ATTENTION! v v Mr. Farmer I We are now in a position to trade with you on your 1943 Fertilizer requirements. Due to the acute Labor, Gas, Tire and Truck shortages it is extremely doubtful if we will be able to deliver by truck to all of our customers their fertilizer require ments in time for use unless you make preparations im mediately to take in your fertilizers. Therefore, the great importance of your contacting us and our agents immediately making your trades and letting us start delivering your fertilizers. 1 The Above Is Very Important i We make only the best of fertilizers and in formulating H our fertilizers use only materials that are beneficial both g to your crops and land. See us or our agents promptly for your requirements v and advise us to deliver immediately. I Dixie Guano Co. ' Telphones No. 63, 65 and 66 LAURINBURG, N. C. We Manufacture to Suit Your Needs ;&;: - as- are now in Philadelphia on a ten day furlough. Mrs. Jessie Jordan who has the A. K. (a. ii.' ;.. i!;.nt hi... been ill with flu. M:ss Jessie Aber-ronibie ot Camp Davis ted Lt. and Mrs. Fanning this ru:.-: .wiu eua. lA. r.nd Mrs. iv; ur.v. i.u a1)ai;;ut'in i.: the ot Ot. vJ. W . -3rown. Fjl. ar.c! I.irs. .1 O. ICurman and baby are visiting relatives in Alanta, t Ga. Sgt. Norman also liave an apart ment in Dr. Brown s home. Lt. and Mrs. W. C. Fox of Aurora, 111. have taken one of the Giles apartment. Lt. Fox is with the 185th Glider Infantry at Camp McKall. Captain and Mrs. Donald Muller left March 6th for Fort Sill, Okla., where Capt. Muller will attend an Artillery school for about two mon ths. Captain and Mrs. Milton Roth who have been living in the R. B. Lewis home have moved into the Baucom apartment vacated by the Mullers. Lt. and Mrs. Tom Evans gave up their apartment in the McEachern home last week. Lt. Evans has been ordered to Fort Sill, Okla. and Mrs. Evans has gone to her home in Ak ron. Ohio temporarily. Lt. and Mrs. Rmke of Portland, Oregon have tak en the Evan's apartment. Lt. Leonard Carpenter has been transferred to another army Post and Mrs. Carpenter and their children of two .left last wk for their home in Germantnwn, N. Y. The Carpenters occupied the rear apartment in Mrs. W. B. McLauchlin's home Chaplain and Mrs. Edwin Simp son and their two children of Hard wick, Ga., who have been living in Mrs. McLauchlin's front apartment moved into the apartment vacated by the Carpenters. Chaplain Simp son is with the Special Troops of the 2nd Army. Capt. and Mrs. Hadley are now in the McLauchlin apartments, front. Sgt. and Mrs. McKinley of Illinois have taken the G. B. Rowland apartment. Private and Mrs. Iver Klingberg of Longview, Wash., are temporarily occupying Mrs. A. J. Fuller's apart ment. Private Klingberg is w ith the 82nd Airborne Division. Capt. and Mrs. R. L. Bogard left Friday for St. Louis. Missouri, and southeastern Iowa whore they will visit their parents for about ten days. Sgt. and Mrs. Don McMurchy are spending a ten-day furlough in St. Paul, Minn. They have a room with the Tommie Upchurch's. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Tucker of Durham spent Sunday with Lt. and Mrs. Perry Sloan. Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Sloan are sisters. The Army People here wish to ex tend a welcome to the many new soldiers coming in from Camp Mac kali at Hoffman, and from the Max ton Air Base. We hope they will find Raeford as good a place to live as we have. '. With Our Boys In Service Howard Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lucas of Ashley Heights has been transferred from the Caswell Section Base at Southport to Hous ton, Texas. He is taking an engi neers course at the University of Houston. He entered the Navy in December 1941 and now holds the rating of Motor Machinist Mate 2nd class. Robert Ward Whitley, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. B. Whitley, who has been working in the laboratory of the Barrett Company, Philadelphia recently reported for duty at the Nacal training unit at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana. Upon graduation from this training school he will receive a commission as an Ensign. Fulford McMillan arrived home Monday to spend a ten day furlough. Pfc. Clarence Brown has been transferred from Charleston, S. C, to Melvin Beach, Fla. Pvt. Charles Lee Cothran, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Cothran, of 'Red Springs is home on his first leave. He entered the army August 25, 1942 and is stationed at the Army Air Base, Laurel, Miss. Pfc. W. Otis Webb has returned to Courtland Air Base, Courtland, Ala., after spending ten days with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Webb of Raeford, Route 1. Lts. Spec and Sam Morris and Les tes Seals left today for Fort Crock ett, Texas, where they will be sta tioned. Mrs. Sam Morris remained in Raeford where she will continue her work in the school for this semester. Staff Sergeant Buist Bethune went by plane from Maxton to Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, Monday. War rant Officer George Bethune, U. S. N .left Tuesday for Norfolk. He went to Williamsburg today. Engagement Announced Mrs. Neill McKinnon of Red Springs has announced the engage ment of her daughter, Martha Mc Geachy. to David Bradley Harris of Troy. The wedding will take place the 27th of March in the Red Springs Presbyterian Church. Miss McKin non is a niece of Mrs. Julia McE. Williford of Raeford. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. S. A. Snead wish to express their deepest appreciation for the many kindnesses shown them by her beloved friends. The offer whih the News-.Iourn-al made to the Farm Bureau for giv ing subscriptions to new members expired this week. Many new mem beis took advantage of this offer to get Hoke County's Largest paper and BEST advertising medium. No more Peanuts will be accepted in Laurinburg at the Laurinburg Oil Mill until March 30th. That day and the next, the 30th and 31st will be the last days this year that they will buy peanuts. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT Two furnished roorns in the D. P. Andrews home on Don aldson Avenue. See MRS. JOHN manjnm at this home. 2tp FOR SALE Cotton Seed, C'oker 100 grown in 1941, yield 707 lint per acre on 60 acres. Price S1.25 bu. CLARENCE LYTCH. 40-4t- FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel Puppies of Registered Litter. JOHN Mc ' CAIN, Sanatorium, N. C. I BUY . SELL - REPAIR all makes Hydraulic Jacks. Write or bring your Jack to BILL BR ICE, Dees Cabins, Raute No. 3, Fay- etteville 4-t-pd WANTED Old Cotton Rairs... CItan Rars Good Prices. At The News Journal Office 23 WANTED To Buy Your Corn at top prices and sell yen a few peas at reasonable piicas, but don't ask for nuny. CLARENCE LYTCH. Professional Cards AHTHUR D. GORE Attorney and Counsellor at Law Bank of Raeford Building N. McN. SMITH Attorney-at-Law G. B. ROWLAND Phone 2271 - Raeford, N. C. Attorney-at-Law Office in Court House Please men4ioa The Nrws-Joamal when sl-oppinc In Raeford, Fayeitr ville. Red Sprint. Bay from or Advertisers Nothing Said Nothing Gained! Moral: Advertise in The News-Journal 3