Tlll'KSIMY, MARCH S!rt, 101:1 THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFORD, N. C. ran PAGE THREE 4BaoBaaKoe:x:h:s:i5'..:'X:.):::.'-: :: : :;. .: .:;. ,. .:.. Social Items - Personals PHONE - 3321 I MISS FERGUSON ENTERTAINS CLUB V and Mrs. J. W. McBryde, a few duys the past week. Mrs. Joe (iulledge spent last week in Raleigh with Mr. and Mis. Har old Long. Miss Mary Shaw McDiarmid, of Raleigh, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mary McDiarmid. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Graham visit ed Hilton Graham, of Raleigh, who is a patient at Rex hospital. Mrs. J. V. Grudzis and son Jay re turned to Thomasville Monday after visiting her mother, Mrs. B. L. Cox. sick at his home. He was stricken with pneumonia the first of Decem ber and has never recovered. Mrs. Mary Snead Halperin and Mrs. Harold Stone and baby, of daughter, Sandra, of Natick, Mass., Falls Church, Va., are spending this wil spend the summer at the Snead Miss Jesse B. Kertiuson entertain ed her bridge club Monday evening I at her home. Mrs. Harry Greene won the high , score prize and Mrs. Margie C. Townsend the floating prize. Guests of the club were Mrs. G Moon and Mrs. Townsend. A sweet course was served. SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY McPHAUL-WATSON M. week with Mrs. Stone's parents, and Mrs. A. B. Warren. Mr. Miss Lois McKenzie, of Burling ton, spent the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mis. A. B. McKenzie. Mrs. W. H. Thompson returned to Maxton Monday after having visit ed her sister, Mrs. J. M. Norton. Waller Freeman, of Aberdeen, was in town last week, swapping good jokes as usual. Mrs. Roger Riggan and Mrs. Bu- l ford Pcele, of Ghio, N. C, spent Mon day with Mrs. Riggan's sister, Wilmer McBryde. Mrs. Capt and Mrs. Younger Snead will leave for Weldon for several days home here, and will be here until September, when Mrs. Younger Snead and children return from Wel don to take up their residence here. Mrs. R. A. Matheson accompanied Mrs. Walter Barrington, Jr., to Hills boro Tuesday. Mrs. Barrington had nursed Mrs. Willis Horton during her illnes. Mrs. Horton, who was buried Sunday, was a cousin of Mrs. Matheson. Mrs. Wilma McDonald and Mrs. Clyde Upchurch spent Mnoday after- with Mrs. C. P. Vincent, the latter ! noon at Moore County hospital with part of the week. Miss Martha Brandon, of Wash ington. D. C, is spending this week tie daughter, with her p.ircnls. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Brandon. Mrs. V. J. McDiarmid has return ed home from Highsmith hospital, where she lias hern a patient for some time. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Stuart and lit- Mary Elizabeth, of Charlotte, visited Mrs. Stuart's fath er, Mr. Wallace McLean this weekend. Lt. and Mis. D. S. Tolar, of Fort Jackson, spent the week end with Mrs. Total's mother, Mrs. Faith Bridges. M:s. Joe Hancock and children, Martha Nell and Patricia Ann, of Jacksonville, are spi tiding sometime with Mr.?. Hancock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morris. Miss Beth McDonald and Mrs. R. B. Lewis, who were patients there. Mrs. Lewis returned to her home in Rae tord Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cole and family spent Sunday in Fayetteviile. Rev. C. A. Jones, of St. Pauls, will preach at the Raeford Methodist church Sunday. March 28, 11:00 A. M., and Rev. Henry Rouark. of Red Springs, will preach at 8:00 P. M. The pastor, E. C. Crawford, is away this week working with the State-wide Church Temperance Committee in setting up a Temper ance program for the churches of the State. He will preach at Stokesdale Sunday morning, returning to Rae ford Monday. Pre-Easter revival services wil be conducted in the Raeford church, April 19-25. MRS. W. L. POOLE HOSTESS TO CLUB Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Watson, of Red Springs, announce the marriage of their daughter. Mary Dorothy. to Pvt. Thomas Douglas McPhaul. ol Shannon timl Canin Tliermol, Cul. The wedding took place Wednes day evening, February 24, in the Presbyterian manse in Dillon, S. C. with only a few close relatives pres ent. Rev. R. S. Hayes, pastor of the Dillon Presbyterian church, officia ted. Sl lt l( KS AT BAI'TIST CHI IM H BE PAID There will be services held at the llaptist Church Sunday morning. Rev. W. M. Gerald, of lllowing Koik. will preach. AT FIRST SIGN OF A EST TXW ft t rr 9 use 666 TADLET5. 5ALVI. !::SE DROPS The amount of Newt-print (pa per on which the paper ii print ed) that we can get it based on paid up tubscriptions. Many, many people who tubtcribed during the baby contest are ro" delinquent Professional Cards ARTHUR I. GORE Attorney and Counsellor at Law Bank of Raeford Building N. McN. SMITH Attorney-at-Law C. B. ROWLAND Phone 2271 - Raeford. N. C. Attorney-at-Law Office in Court House Phase mention The Newt-Journal whru tiliopninr in Raeford, Fayette- 1 vllle, Red Springs. Boy from eur Advertisers c Miss Isaliel week end with Itciliiinc Yiends at spent the Tar Heel. Mi?s Leone Clinic spent the wiek ! Mrs. W. L. Poole was hostess to i her bridge club Friday from 1 to 1 4:30 P. M. ' She served a delicious luncheon to 12, all 'v!n, club members, with i .Mrs. A. K, ( ni l i.'. a vueal. The ('lull was cMiul.'.i.d to have Mrs. Ed Be ' c f t with tliem on this POULTRY LOADING TUESDAY MARCH 30th c. end at her home at Southern Pines, .occasion. Sgt. and Mrs. J. H. Blythe, of Fort Bragg and Huntersville, spent the week end with Mrs. Blythe's father. Mr. Wallace McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Enoch. t" Dur ham. .. C, visited re latives around .Vienlein and K;.e!' rJ the pa.-t week end. sirs. Eno.-h was formerly Miss Lon ..e McErydc. Mrs. M. ?-IcKi it han h,.s lined to her home by iline. week. bei n con 's the past Upchurch won high ! B '" fc"J Cur True'.. w:!l b. in F.?evd. from 3 unlil 10:00 A. M. score prize. Miss Maiy Lewis, of Saicm Col- lege, was at home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George McFadven. of i she came especially to see her moth- Miss Billic Melntyre. a student at i Wake Forest, spent the week end at ' home. Jacksonville, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. A. B. McFad yen . Miss Frances Tapp, who is in train ing at Rex hospital in Raleigh, is re ported recuperating satisfactorily following an appendectomy. T. P. Hogan, of the Shannon com munity, former linotype operator of The News-Journal, continues quite er, who was a patient at Moore Coun ty hospital. Mrs. Lilly McMillan, of Saluda, S. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. P. Trawick, near Arabia. Mr. Trawick who has been quite feeble this win ter, is now much better. Miss Mabel McBryde, R. N., of St. Luke's hospital, Richmond, Va., vis ited 10 the home of her parents. Mr. Mrs. Henry Monroe, Sr.. spent last week with Capt and Mrs. Henry Monroe at Tampa, Fla. Charles Seate, of Fayetteviile, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. C. W. Scate. Miss Florence Hurst, of Sumter, spent several days last week with Mrs. Carl Freeman. Mrs. Graham Dickson and children left Wednesday morning to visit Mrs. A. P. Dickson in High Point. i-PURPQSc EiAo mm Misery rmu If you are suffering with discomfort!; of a head cold, enjoy the grand relief that comes when you use Vicks Va-tro-nol. 3-purpote Va-tro-nol is so effective because it does three important things. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) helps clear cold clogged nasal passages. And so brings wonderful relief I ... And remember. If used in time, Va-tro-nol 3SOk helps to prevent 7 SJ many colds devel- VICKS oping. Follow di- ... rections In folder. YA'TkO'KQL 3 Rod Springs from 11-00 1:00. St. Fdub::C0 2:C0. PAYING THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Colored Hens, per pound Leghorn Hens, per pound Roosters Eggs Sanford Poultry & Egg Co. Kimfortl, N. C, 25c K 20c jp' 30c I j Miss Grace Maxwell, who is in training at Thompson Memorial hos pital, is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver and son. of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. Weaver's mother. Misses Elaine Smith and Mildred Newton, students at Louisburg col lege, are spending their Spring holi days at their homes. Mrs. L. A. Gram spent several I days last week at her home near i Vass, on account of the illness of her father, Mr. D. M. Cameron. ! '" " J Thursday-Friday-Saturday Cash Sale Quaiitit ins Limited THERE'S Phone 2331 He Has Given ALL he HAS Have You Given ALL you CAN? Raeford Furniture Co. IWrFORP, NOP.TII CAROLINA Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lowe, of Char- j lotte and Miss Maude Poole, of Bel- j mont. spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Poole. , Mrs. Woody Hi ndrick. of Kanna I polis. spent last week at the home ;of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Monroe. She returned to her home : Sunday with Mr. HendricU. who came for the week end. MRS. H. C. McLAUCHLIN ENTERTAINS SCHUBERT CLUB The Schubert Junior Music Club ; met on Fridav. March 19th, at the ! home of Mrs. H. C. McLauchlin. The ' host and hostesses were John Mc iLauchlin, Doris Keith, Betty Holland land Mary Raye Freeman. When the business part of the meeting was finished the following program was given: Joyful serenade, by Gabriel Marie, Faye Baker. Cotton Pickers, by Martin, John McLauchlin. Son of My Soul, by M. :ik, Marion Levis. Hunting song, by Williams, Marion Lewis. The Rabbit Revels and Romps Away, by Williams. Betty Holland. A Twilight Idyl, by .'.hrecker, Eleanor Leach. The Wind, by Ralph, Lydia McKei than. At the Bonnie Brook Fair, by Scott, Joan Johnson Sonatina Opus 5!), by Kuhlau, Mary Raye Freeman. Valse Brilliante Opus 34 No. 1, by Chopin, Doris Keith. Sonatina Opus 55 No. 1 Allegro Vivace, by Kuhlau, Elsie Upchurch. Lit bcrstraum. by List, Leonora Cun ie. Car lina was sung at the close of the program. During the sixrial hour .1 H fa IN THIS MATCHED MAKE UP Set how Cjm Nome I:.kc Fovvkr, Roue, and Lipsriik tvc you instant new loveli ness! (J.oosc your own most fl.itrcrinp rints today! C KOMI FACE POWDERS !1 00 75 CAtA HOMt ROUCIS LAI hO,l (ICltfSUClT IT 1HE Cltlt III! SIOUC Accuracy and Experience Count in Filling Prescriptions. We Can Fill Any Prescription Just As Your Doctor Order sd. See Us For This Service. PEPT0NA Sl.09 S1.25 Bottle Full Pint SYRUP PEPSIN 98c 51.20 Bottle LYDIA E PINKHAMS S1.19 $1.35 Vegetable Comp. SAL-IIEPATICA BOc Bottle 49c ALKA-SELTZER 19c BOc Bottle CARDUI 89c $1.00 Bottle PABLUM Large iOc Size 43c MUM 19c 60c Size 75c Size 25c Size 50c Tube 30c Bottle 65c Bottle 19c 19c 39c 25c 59c EX-LAX AKACIN IPANA LYSOL PLXEX . , m PM . ii . mi ii ' no r : m i i i ii '-" J - ji m" 3 punch and cook us were served.

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