1 THURSDAY, APRIL 8th. 1943 THE NEWS-JOURNAL. RAEFORD, N. C. PACE THREE Social Legion Auxiliary Meets The Ruoford Chapter of American Legion Auxiliary met Wednesday morning with Mrs. Dave Ilodgin and Mrs. Julian Blue at the home of Mrs. Blue. Plans were made for Poppy Day which is May 29th. Other matters of business were dispensed with. Where Methodist Circles Will Meet The Circles of the Society of Christian Service will meet Monday. April 12th, as follows: Circle No. 1, Mrs. Marshall Thomas, chairman, at the church at 3:3(1. Circle o. 2, Mrs. B. B. Cole, chairman, with Mrs. Ina Lentz at 8 p. m. Circle No. 3, Mrs. Lewis Upchuich, chairman, with Mrs. Anginora Andrews at 3:30. Baptist Circles Will Meet The Ncaly Young Circle will meet with Mrs. A. J. Connell Monday after noon at four o'clock. The Business Woman's Circle will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock, with Mrs. Jesse Jordan. V. W. A. will moot with Katie Margaret Bouyer at 8 o'clock Mon day evening. Raeford Delegates To Red Springs The Woman's Auxiliary of Fayette ville Presbytery will meet in Red Springs Tuesday and Wednesday. April 13th and 14th. Delegates from Raeford Auxiliary are Mrs. K. A. MacDonald and Mrs. II. K. Holland. Mrs. A. K. Currie, district chairman for four years, will make her report. Many others are expecting to attend. Pe-ru-na $1.09 $1.25 Bottle WIUHIIRT J erg ens Lotion $1.00 Bottle; 50c Face Vitalis Large Size Bottle Ipana . . . 50c Tube Alophen Bottle 100 75c Size Bayer Aspirin Bottle 100 - 75c Size Anacin Zoltle 50 - 75c Size Syrup Pepsin Large $1.20 Bottle w " itsw fit i w ri t a-rr r. v m . r i i j i i b Items - Personals PHONE - 3521 Control Room Schedule For The Coming Week Friday, April 9th -Mrs. C. L. Thomas. Saturday, April 10th Mrs. Lewi Uichurch. Sunday, April 11th- Mrs. V. It. White. Monday, April 12th Mrs. Israel Mann. Tuesday, April 13th -Mrs. J. B. Thomas, Wednesday, April 14lh Mrs. J. A. McGoogan. Thursday. AprM 15th Mrs. D. 1L Ilorlejn. Sgl. Katie Leo Sulbreth from Nacudcn hen, Texas is visiting Mr. Mrs. F It. Sexton and other friends this week. .Miss Vera Cnx of Camden, N. J., U visiting her mother, Mrs. Iletuiie Cox. Mr. Hon Davis is in Hiclimoud on 'lislmss this week. Mrs. (i. W. Williamson and Jim spent the week end in Moultrie with the James .Mclliarniiils. Miss Ida McLaiichlin has been unite sick this week. Mr. and Mis. L. 1. Harvey of Siiiiford. Fla., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harvey. They have two sons in the service. Clyde Mclnnie was selected from a large number In the sheet metal department at Brans; to take a course in Air Craft Sheet Metal at Harrisburg. Pa. He left last week tor this 3 0-day course. Mrs. A. J. Fuller, who has been visiting her son George and family in Hickory, and Leo and family in Ml. Holly returned home Monday, but expects to go back to Mt. Holly. Mrs. Archie Byrnes is taking treatment at Moore County hospital. This is her second week there. Car did 89c $1.00 Bottle 89c Cream FREE ' 89c 39c 49c J 69c 59c 97c MliS. SAM MOIiltlS IIONOItl Mrs. Sum Mollis, a recent bride, who was formerly Miss Mary Alice Penicll, was honored lust Tuesday evening by her husband's motlier and sister. Mrs. Hnice Mollis and Mis. Joe Hancock enlerliiiiied at the home of Mrs. Morris with bridge and rook. There were eight tables nr i tinned 'or the guinea, in rooms made lovely with spring flowers. High score prize in bridge went to Miss Gill of the school faculty and in! rook to Mis. Jack Morris. There were attractive floating prizes Id both games. Miss Lillian Johnson was holding this In bridge and the honoree, Mrs. Morris in rook. The hostesses gave the bride beau tiful gifts of china In the attractive Dorthea pattern and silver in Sere nity, j A delicious salad course was: served. Mrs. (Irmly Leach is a patient at Memorial hospital, Charlotte. Miss lietb McDonald who has been in Moore County hospital for sometime Is now convalesiiiK at iler home at Timberland. Mis. York I'liarr'. formerly Miss Ituth Thomas of Henderson, who Is leaching at Tar Heel spent the week end with Acnes Mae Johnson. Mis. Cy Thompson of Italelgh was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John McNeill last week. I, auric McKachern, accompanied Mrs. Arch McKachern and Mrs. T. K. Bowers of Charleston attended the wedding of a cousin. Miss Rachel McNeill in Savannah last week , Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Collins of Wilmington on April 6th a son. Mrs. Collins was formerly Miss Isabella Kay. Mrs. Clyde I'pchurch attended the meeting of the Federation of Music Clubs in Raleigh Thursday. Mrs. II. L. Callin, Jr., is quite sick. 3 Peptona $1.09 Pint $1.25 Bottle LORD BALTIMORE AIR-MAIL STATIONERY 30 SHEETS 35 ENVELOPES 50 c t ........ -i Revel in tilt luxurious relaxation and beauty treatment that is yours when you use Cara Nome Bath Accessor ies illustrated here. C At A NOMI UIB1INO ESSENCE IS CAIA NOME TOILET rOWDEI l 00 CARA NOME IATH SOAP S0 CARA NOME IATH Oil (1 SO ' r it Ltti'ti MIES. SAM MOIilSIS SHOW I Ki ll ItV I'l I'll.N .Mrs. Morris was again houoied on I'i Iduy ul'ternnou when the pu pils of her grade at school gave her u shower, .Mrs. Lassiler, Music director, arranged this pleasant surprise which was held in the auditorium. There was a short pro train or music, linht refreshments and then (lie shower of many beau tiful gifts from all of the mem bers of the class. Mrs. Morris was very enthusiastic in her appreciation of this courtesy. "itiixii-: rim u xmix with Mils. MAItSIIAI I, THOMAS The Senior liridge Club had a iMigbtrul time last Friday when it was entertained in the home of .Mrs. Marshall Thomas. Guests were in vited for lunch which was served at one o'clock, covers being laid at the dining room table for eight and for four at a small table. A Purple and yellow color motif was curried out In table appointments and tallies. A delicious luncheon win served. In the bridge game that billowed. Mrs Paul Dickson made high score for club members and Mrs. Donald Davis for visitors Mrs Davis and Mrs. Frank Tapp were sruests of the club. Mrs. Lawrence Pud,. jiod i.,., Col. l'col, ;, ciinrlcHtoii hist Sun. ib'.v. lie had come up from Key Vst on official business. She aNo -Mient n (l;,y j Siivannali with Mm, before returning l Haefcr,! Tuesday 'rs. J. . Miller and son, Wayne .Miller or I'.iscoe visited Rev and Mrs. Trawicl; Tuesday. Mrs. K. A. McKetlian of the Mt. (lilead school spent the wee!; end with her parents Rev. and Mrs V F. Trawlck. IRRY-CTRIUK Mrs. D. A. Currie announces the marriage of her daughter, Dorothy to Cpl. James Henry Irby of Fort llragg. The marriage took place at the llaeford Methodist Church, April 2nd at 8:30 p. m. Rev. K. C. Craw, ford, pastor of the bride officiated. Only the immediate' families at tended. The bride was attired in an aqua suit with brown and while accesso ries. Mrs. Irby is a graduate of Hoke High School, and for the past two years has held a position with the Carolina Telephone Co., at Fort Uragg. Cpl. Irby Is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Trhy of Charlotte. ATter o short visit to Charlotte the couple will be at home in Rae ford. Miss Thelma .Mcl'haul Is now at Columbus County Hospital, Inc., Whiteville. PATRONIZE THE 'FW S-JOI R NAL ADVERTISERS. Idea.4 Cnnnot Be Rariuiied NO ONE need fear the lack Im plied by rationing unless he can he convinced thai the wis dom and snhslance of his heavenly Father, divine Love, are running low. Can it he possible that God has not enough of good to go around? No, for us the father in Jesus' par able said lo the elder son remaining at home (Luke 15 it 1 1, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine," so our heavenly Father is reassuring us today: "Ail that 1 have is thine." The Psalmist expressed confidence In the fact that "the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof" (I'salms 24:1). Jesus' thought and action expressed an unfailing sense of abundance in every situation. Obviously, he knew the source of supply was not mutter but Spirit. Today "the earth is the Lord's," and His fullness has not changed Fright ened mortals, entertaining a finite concept of supply as materia), may not comprehend the infinite abun dance of Spirit; nevertheless, good is forever unlimited. "Fear was the Qrst manifestation of the error of material sense," writes Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures" (p. 532). War is unques tionably an error of material sense, a belief in more than one Mind. Is It not fear, then, that misleads mor tals to expect a lack of necessities and proceeds to manifest this ac cepted sense of scarcity? True, some avenues of material supply are today so blocked as to cause a lack of cer tain commodities. Yet three ways out of the difficulty have already presented themselves: first, such ra tioning of these commodities as lo ensure impartiality of supply and to prevent selfish hoarding; secondly, discovery and manufacture of ac ceptable substitutes; and lastly, awakening to the fact that many things once deemed essential are not act in My ueeded. And what are these activities but evidences of wisdom, rcsotnvrefulness, anil a revised out look upon human need, unfolding lo relieve the I, 'man extiemily? Solv ing of the problem of insufliciency shows the equally practical solution Ml IML is .i;n TO KAMI. I T M N N"v York First Lieut, .lames it. ! aM.iuir. A ('.. of ll;i. N. '., for merly of the unil-jttfljfiiarino com. i, land, has In en airrrttVl.'d llm Air medal by Uric. Gen. We.ilside T. Larson. (imiiiiMidini; general of the Ainiy Air furies aniisiil'iiiariue com mand, "for extraordinary achieve 1'iciit while while participating ill more than -'nil hours of antisubma rine patrol." l.t. Harbour Is nephew of Mrs. toliind Covington. His mother is now in llaeford with her sister. MKI T. J. k. I.ill WINS TIIK HKf IX NOltTII Al lilt A Kingstive, 8. C, April 3. Lieut. James K. David has been awarded the distinguished flying cross for outstanding service in North Africa. Lieut. David recently received oak leaf clusters for sorties in the Afri can war theatre as pilot in the army air corps. He is the son of Mrs. Walter David and the late Mr. David of Salters. A graduate of the l'niveisity of South Carolina, he was a member of the ("l.eiaw scboul faculty before enter ing active service, ills wife is the former Miss Carolyn McLean o. U.tcionl, N c. They have a young daughter wlicmi Lieut. David has ViiS. ( AMLItOVS (iAltlli:. Vi.liY ItlAlTIFir, Mrs. H. A. Cameron's formal flower LM'ilen Is- very beautiful now. The cr epin phlox in three colors will, oik- very new variety is es pecially prettv. This garden will be at it? test now for the next month it nd the owner says she will be de-li(-lte,i in have people visit it on Sunday afternoons from 5 to ti. Mis. (Jeorce (iraliam Dickson and two sons left this week iFriday) to join Captain Dickson in San Diego, Calif. They had been in Raeford visiting for about a month. Several members of Hoke Coun ts 's War Trice and Ration Board attended a district meeting of Ra tion Board members in Clinton yesterday. A dim out of (very dollar wn tarn IS OUR QUOTA for VICTORY sh READING dc WRITING by Bdum Seavel and Rc4f'n ltm OOD news for our thc-Mnmh Club will more ilian ilounic the number of free nib scrip'.ium it is now giving to llic armed lorjes, it is .nvicirric'cd of a pt-r:j.m.it.'!y $.1 to qo o:u un.ier the be "the i! iithle k. 1 I and "l ni.in Ancil. " i HARDY SCHERMAN request of the Club, subscribers the armed forces. It is expected this year. The wise foreigner does not ask Vanya Oakcs, author of wnite Man s i j.iy through China. Once s!ie maJe the mistake Chinese on a railroad platform lv-w old he was. "Me?" he said. "Yes, y-." "lioiw old?" "Yes, how old." "How old am I?" "Yes, how old are you?" At this Mace of the conversation, a l.ir-e crowd of bystanJivs had collected. A wave of chatter ai d laughter rose. The question was tossed from one to another, more people running up to join in the discussion. The old man provided each newcomer with a strict account of events up to that moment, all rather in :)'.e v '..n : iat the town had suddenly unaccountably been visited b a trj7v -..,n from tlve West with s peculiarity of wishing to know crazy th,nj;s such as how old one was. When Miss Oakes' ua:n finally arriM .' I he had got herself safely aboard it, the crowd at the station v. as stiil working on the problem. The contrast in the way the Japanese and the Am.-ricans treated their exchange prisoners is shown in this story, told by Max li'il in Yt TOO . - "Japanese mm ;i born in the United Slates. "Gee," the American boy exclaimed, "I'll be glad to get some canjy again. Ve didn't have anything on the Conte VerJe kids like." "Gush!" the Japanese boy replied. "We had movies and ice cream and chewing gum and canJy and swimming pools." He paused and shook bis bead,, and then added: "You lure got gypped!" With the Army People Captain and Mrs. Hnruld Matzen and son, Jimmy left Sttr.d. y to spend a 13 day Leave of Alr.e:ir.c at their home in Clinton Iowa. Major Milton Roth, who received his promotion to the grade of Major last week, returned to Ri.eford last week lrom a train trip nd left on Friday for Tuscaloosa, Ala, to get Mrs. Roth to go to Foil Sill. Flight Officer and Mis. Foster, Gerrish, Lockhart and Riley, all of whom occupied the Rotert Gatlin home were transferred to Fort Ben ning, Ga. last week. Captain and Mrs. J. E. McQueen and little daughter Joan, who vacat ed the Whitley apartment recently( ate back In Raeford Hotel.' Capt. McQueen's orders to Tenn. were can celed and he is still at Fort Bragg. LT. MARK CURTIS JAP PRISONER Mr and Mrs. J. A McCoogara just received a card from Mrs. W. M. Curtis, who formerly occupied their apartment stating that, she had re ceived cable through the Red. Cross that Lt. Curtis was alive and well. He is a Jap prisoner und thistis the first messace she has lead since he ai captured at the fall :f Corregi dor. Mrs. Curtis and young son are ceitini: along fine. Lt. and Mrs. I. W. HocNiic of Geor gia are row living in the home of Mrs B. I!. Gatlin. Mrs. Caldwell of IVr.sjroki. Fla.. arrived Wodncsdiy for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. G-ovcr Robinson. Lt. and Mrs. Walter Dargan will spend their leave next v.eek m At lanta. Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Fred Sway ngiver and daughter Nancy Fay are living at Mrs. J. A. Wik-on. ' Mr .and Mrs. Harry Brown ot Atlanta are the guests ot Lt: HpA Mrs. Dargan this week. nal mention it when shopping. 10 OF INCOME IS OUR QUOTA IN WAR BONOS boys !: ) like to reaj! Tiie EiAk-of- 1 Hiny Scik iiun, picvtl.nt of t. c CJ'-b. The- 19 12 don.ition ot 1,1 IS Mi'n'crip tions wnl he incrcasid tiiis year to Mr. Scli.niun spates. Tliis rr.Cdis '".'iOO iu'a' Lo..as in .iU, v.i:!i a t.:..l ic: I i:!i a t.:..l ic: 5,!tn. Ths rir n.'w an n x i .:ici t'.-r 1.'. by Uko i' J l Ljii.icattMn.u Ut.'.iy oy Imco'.'U ... -..is, et Tiv Pctp!.' K :iuw The B..cL-r.f-th.-.M3:-.:!i C'.ib - ' ). as!v its more than 5 5t),t)!)0 meniLVi's t!.:. mah out tlie country to nie boohs fcr ;!-.e V-;-tory Book Caninjign. In 194', ax. ;iie dr.n.ited more thin t miliion 1 ( l. tn tii.it an equal amoa.it w.ll n .J ptiso, .)ULStions of tile C'.'ruse, learned in hit tuur of a,-.kinj; an ar -'tit Lxchangc Ship : At the Port of Iaurenco Martyrs, in Africa, three exchange sreps vere liocked. One of thes was the (,rilhtlw. ririvmc - - i 7 -p. internes from Ame;!;a; t!:.- 'Hcr two were the Asama and Conte 'r:Ut, hear ing American and English interne" from Japan. Throush tlve dock barrier, two small boys exchanged comments an Ar-ier-ican bov, born in China, and a iri"i e bov r TntSc Tm