THURSDAY. APRIL 29. 1943 THE NEWS - JOURNAL. RAEFORD. N. C PAGE THREE Social ce::o:xoiN:x:x' Gatlin-Senter. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Gatlin an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Helen, to Sgt. Neil L. Senter oS Kipling. The wedding will take place this summer. CTRRIE-WALTER Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Blue, of Southern Pines announce the en gagement of their daughter, Leone Currie to Cpl. Lawrence Earl Walter of Slatersville, R. I. The wedding will take place in the early summer. Miss Currie hes been a member of the Raeford Graded school faculty for three years. Mrs. Leslie Bennett and Mrs. J. E. Blalock of Red Springs visited Mrs. J. C. Thomas last week end staying from Saturday through Tuesday. Miss Barbara Nix and Miss Sarah Katherine Patteison of Duke Uni versity spent Easter with Dr. and Mrs. Marci:s R. Smith. Miss Mildred Newton of Louis burg college spent the Easter holi days with her parents. Mrs. David Kocnce who has been quite sick at High-smith- hospital is expected home in a few days. Ruth Gillis formerly of Raeford but now near Cameron. N. C, is a member of the Vass-Lakeview high school graduating class this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peele were visitors here during the past week end. Mrs. L. B. Poole, formerly Sallie Alexander, who has been living in Boston is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Al exander. Her husband is being transferred to Norfolk, Va. She had as her guest several days last week Mrs. Bob Turner from Boston. Mr. and Mrs. George McFadyen, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with the H. C. Roberts'. Tom and Hugh McLauchlin, of Da vidson College, spent Easter at home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Heins of San ford spent Monday in town visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard Maultsby are now living in Camden, N. J. Mrs. Ruth Bridges, Mrs. B. L. Cox and Mrs. D. S. Tolar spent Sunday in Hamlet. They went especially to see Mrs. J. B. Caulk who is ill. Mrs. York Pharr who teaches at Tar Heel stopped in Raeford a short while Sunday at Agnes Mae John son's. She was on her way back af ter visiting her husband in Norfolk Mrs. Daniel Jones ef Salisbury is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barrington. L. A. Niven of Memphis, Tenn., T. R. Niven, of Petersburg, Fla., Percy V. and W. D. Niven, of Dun edin, Fla., spent Easter with their mother. Mrs. Edward Langston spent the week end in Charleston as the guest of Mrs. J. A. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon spent Sunday at tha Snead home. it's Time For Comfort Time For Coolness Time For PRETTY AND STYLISH DRESSES Suit-Dresses-Cottons For Women and Misses Children's Dresses-Shots for the Entire Family HATS HATS HATS For Men and Women New Goods Coming in Every Day ISRAEL MANN "Where Price and Quality Meet" Items - P :ems - rersonais PHONE 3521 Mrs. Mary McDiarmid spent the week end in Raleigh with her daugh ter Mary Shaw. Mary Shaw return ed to Raeford -with her Sunday and spent Monday in town. Mrs. John Daniel and son of Fort Bragg visited Miss Lizzie Niven and Mrs. Jennie Weaver Sunday. Miss Eliza McKeithan who has been in Highsmith hospital for the past week has returned home very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Culbreth of Hamlet spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Culbreth. Billie Mclntyre a student at Wake Forest College spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mclntyre. Mrs. J. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirk of Aberdeen spent Easter in Charleston with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilscn and Mr. and Mrs. Toor.ey Wilson. John Wilson is working on a construction job and Tooney is a Navy pharmacist 2nd class. Baibara Stevens of Meredith- col lege has been spending the spring holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lowe of Char lotte. Miss Maude Poole of Belmont and Peggy Bethune of Wilmington spent the week end with the D. S. Poole's. C. H. Giles, Jr., of Wake Forest College and some classmates spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. C. H. Giles. Mis. Bill Davis of High Point and Mr. and Mrs. "Chops" McLeod of Columbia, S. C, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McLeod. Ellen Currie who is attending bu siness school in Richmond spent the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Currie. Mary Ellen Thomas of Duke Uni versity, Durham, and Bob Foreman of Elizabeth City, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas enroute to Mr. Foreman's home. He is in the Naval Air Corps. Mrs. A. R. Fitzsimmons left Wed nesday for Atlanta, Ga., to visit rel atives enroute to San Diego, Calif., to Join her husband Ensign Fitzsim mons. Boz Bethune of Wilmington spent the week end at home. Mrs. Allen McGhee and children, Allen, Jr., and Lawrence of Winston Salem spent the week end in town with friends and relatives. Mrs. Douglas Tolar of Fort Jack son, S. C, is spending a while with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith and fam ily spent Sunday at John's Station with Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. Gib son. Mrs. Harold C. Long of Raleigh visited her mother, Mrs. W. B. Gul ledge this week end. Mrs. Edward Byrd and Sonny Parks of Baltimore, Md., are visiting Mrs. Byrd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Currie. .X:XXX-.X':X-:X'XX' M With the Army People . Miss Loretta Maloney of Bayonne, N. J., is the guest of Lt. and Mis. Michael Flannery. Mrs. Perry Sloan gave up her apartment at Mrs. Paul Dickson's Wednesday and returned to her home at Durham, N. C. Lily Duke has been one of the most popular young women among the army group and will leave behind many friends who greatly regret her departure from Raeford. Mrs. Justice, better known to her many friends as ' Lee' is vacating her apartment at Mrs. J. S. John son's today and is motoring to her home in Michigan. Lee will also be greatly missed by her Raeford friends. Lt. and Mrs. Dan E. Lewis have a room at the home of Mrs. J. W. Cur rie's. Lt. and Mrs. George M. Purdey, of Buffalo, N. Y., who were recently A K Stevens W M Hair R, ,ririv married are stavins with Lt Pur- C' . r, ' ' Buddy T:ZeL:Z.V'n,7:L Zt0P'P: T' "ardJso"' John dey's mother, Mrs. Winifred Purdey at the Methodist parsonage. Mrs. r-uraey, or. nas uttn living m ncv. Crawford's home for the past two months. Lt. Purdey is stationed at Fort Bragg. Lt. and Mrs. Clifford and Lt. and Mrs. Douglas, all from Pennsylvania have taken rooms temporarily at Chandler Roberts. Both officers are stationed at Camp Mackall. Mrs. Jenny Williamson and son Richard, Mrs. Wayne Jones' mother and brother, who have been visiting the Jones for the past two weeks, left Tuesday morning ftr their home in Detroit, Mich. Captain and Mrs. Howe have ta- j ken a room at the Alexander's. Capt i Howe is stationed at Camp Mackall. I Lt. and Mrs. Samuel Eason Black, i who were recently married in the home cf Mrs. Black's parents, Mrs. and Mrs. R. A. Bock, Jr., in Rich mond, Va., have moved into the Bill Lament home with the Bloughs. The Blacks arrived in Raeford Sun day. Lt. Black is at Fort Bragg with the 592nd Ord. Bn. The next Officer's Wives' bridge luncheon meeting will be held in the B. R. Gatlin home next Thursday, May 6th, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Arah Stuart will serve the luncheon assisted by the hostesses, Mrs. Wayne Jones and Mrs. Jack Otto, j All officers' wives living in Raeford ; are cordially invited to attend. Re- scrvations are to be phoned into the j hostesses not later than Tuesday ; noon. Phone Mrs. Jones 522-7 or! Mrs. Otto 442-1. I There are a great many officers and non commissioned officers sta tioned at Camp Mackall at Hcffman now living in Raeford. These names will be listed just as soon as they are turned over to the News-Journal office. j Mrs. Hank Justice of Chicago, who has had an apartment at Mrs. Julian 1 Johnson's took her brother Richard Borchet, who came to Raeford to' see , her back to Norfolk Sunday. Mrs. K. A. MacDonald went with them and : I visited Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mac- Donald in Norfolk and her parents, U Mr., and Mrs. O. M. Stevenson at Mrs. Lou V. Hard snri. Mrs. Cape Charles. , Wright I'lirker, Mis. Joe L. L;vcf, i Ker-nie Monrre, J. R. McPherson, $i Mrs. Crawford Thomas spent sev Dan V:!i:es, O. H. S nil, Mrs. M:.ry i X i era! days the first of the week in r. Moll, Mr. Hii,.i Hair, M. S. Hair, X . Aberdeen. She stayed at the home Ethel McLlougald, May Bell Mc jjlof her mother while Mrs. Freeman Dougald, Claience MclJoiigal'i, Alex accompanied Mrs. Eli Wisliart and baby to Camp Stewart, Ga. Lt. Col. Wishart has just been transferred from Trinidad to Stewart and Mrs. Wishart will take residence there. Mary Helen Gatlin who teaches in Fuquay Springs spent the week end at home. Continued list of contributors of $1.00 or more for 1943 War Fund: D. K. Parker, Mr. John Starling, Mrs. D. D. Black, Mrs. D. A. Mc Dougald, Mrs. John Starling, Kate Wilson, W. B. Willis, R. W. Turner, A. A. Ray, A. H. Ray, Mrs. A. H. Ray, J. B. Ray, Gladys Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Monroe, Mrs. Ruth Willis, Lottie Mae Willis, Mrs. W. B. Willis, Donglas Monroe, F. A. Monroe, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Henry Terrell, Anna V. Ray, Lillie Mae Clark, Caesar Peterkin, Nick Eas- terling, Jasper McNeill, Mr. and Mrs Kobert Ho'oson, F. S. Scarboro Mrs F. s. Scarboro, Mrs.' Daisey A. Ben i nett, Stacy B. Hobson, E. C. Hicks E. C. Hicks. Jr.. S. W. Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ray, Mrs. Nealie Ray Cynthia McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Newton, Miss Mollie Kinlaw, Mrs. S. E. Kinlaw, Bill Scarboro, Kennedy Shipman, Mack Bowen, M. B. Holland, W. K. Barefoot, D. A. Roberts, Carl Thomas, Will Mor rison, Boyd Thomas, Alex Thomas Annie Thomas, Kate Morrison, Eva '"""""' r-"en - Morrison, Lilia kiTNJ mm SPECIAL LYDIA E. Vegetable Compound $1.50 SYRUP $1.20 Size SYRUP BLACK DRAUGHT Large 50c Bottle SUN GOGGLES Best Quality TENNIS 1'ennsylvr.nia Can KODAK FILM ALL SIZES IHIIM! B M PABLUM 43c 50c Package " ' l IconotftK-J. pitit Campbell, Geitie Campbell, W. C. Pendorprass. Mrs. W. C. Per.dcr- wi.ihcbo. . u. noii.aay, jenii -i.r. j ker, Gus Parker, Tom Newton, Mrs. , Al. u. onus. Mrs. Mack uill.s, mis. D. A. (J. His, Mrs. L. W. Fairish. M:s F. M. B;.in, Mrs. Bert Jaco, Mrs. J. A. Newtcn, Mrs. Wm. Gillis, Mr. D. N. Blue, Mrs. J. A. Gillis, Mrs. Rjbeit Derheimer, Wayside H. D. Club, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lunsford, Mr. R. L. Hales, Walter Barefoot, G. C. Hales, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Capps, A. M. Hoi land, W. A. Holland, Mr. Adams, J. L. Miller, H. L. Mtlnnis, Jack Autry Billie McQuage, Mrs. G. W. Parks, H. G. Autry, Mrs. J. L. McMinnis, Albert Maxwell, D. H. Yarborough, Mrs. D. H. Yarborough, J. F. Chis Uihm, J. R. Hendrix, Alex McMillan, Moses Purcell, W. A. McLean, E. A. Wright, Ryan McBryde, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBryde, M. L. Walters, Will Ellis, J. F. Odom, Mrs. Myrtle Seals, Jim Currie, Mrs. J. F. Odom, Palmer Oldham, Mrs. C. D. Smith, C. D. Smith, Mrs. Henry Gordon, Mrs. J. T. Leslie, Sr.. Miss Eliza Love, Miss Lettie McMillan, Miss Jennie McMillan, Miss Mary Lee Mc Millan, Mrs. Kenney Luck, Margar et Gainey Carlton Gainey, Franklin McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mc Neill, Marvin Gainey, Grover Clark, Carrie Norton (Miss), Miss Eliza Norton, Mrs. J. D. Love, Rudolph Love, Mrs. J. M. Tucker, Mr. and ' . ' ra CUrne' J' M. Tucker, Mrs. Bessie Parks, Pau- to. Clark and Mrs. Jim Currie. Mrs. N. A. Clark, Flora Currie, J EFFICIENT MANAGER RETIRES Miss Mary McLauchlin popular and efficient manager of the Laurin burg and Southern Railroad offices in Raeford is retiring May 1st. She has been with this railroad 22 years and has had charge of the Raeford Office 11 years. She succeeded B. J. Jones in Raeford and was at first assisted by Price Morris who was later transferred to Laurinburg. He 1 will take Misj Mary's place now in DRUG SALE PiNKHAMS $1.19 Size PEPSIN .98 .39 .39 TO $3.50 BALLS $1.4? We can give you very best quality prints at low prices Bring us your next roll of film. All work Guaranteed zz FaEcsir.r;, SAFE When you nave ur p.- -tcnptii'n f;!d a wsni t- I have the ci nSiicrve :h.".t it J will be hi! -4 conec ly. , 1..m Li...,, .. ... ... Drue Suve. We em::',y only capable, liecr.r -j rl .ii - vj macis;s. Ard pit '. double check fvs- S if: Raefoi d. M.ys Mary whose home is in Wat-rum, was well known here before t..l:iin! over pisition. But she has ma.le many friends for herself and the L. Sc S. by her courtesy, prompt attention to bu.ii.ess details and her friendly manner. Everybody hates to see her go. It is hoped, that she wiil U!2 this metropolis for her shopping city and will often mingle with- her old friends here. Ail the Gatlin's family of Raeford enjoyed a picnic dinner together Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Taylor and daughter and Mrs. W. B. Crump ton of Belmont spent Easter with Mrs. B. R. Gatlin. Miss Lois Waller was the guest f Miss Margaret McKenzie at the home of Mrs. Julian Johnson for Easter. Miss Waller has a host of friends who were delighted to see her. She was formerly a member of the High School faculty, but is now teaching at her home in Oxford. Born to Mr. and Mrs. June John son on Sunday, April 25th a son. The baby died at birth. Miss Lois McKenzie of Burlington spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McKenzie. Mis. Harriet McNeill and Miss St die McDuffie spent some time last week with their sister," Mrs. E. B. Thompson, near Vass. Mrs. Th.o-.Tip son has been quite sick. Lt. William Covington V. S. N. and Mrs. Covington Honored. Mrs. Tom Cameron entertained members of her family on Monday evening in Mrs. H. A. Cameron's Garden and out door living room. A delicious picnic supper was served and hot food was cooked on the out door furnace in the picturesque set ting. Coming from Bennettsville, S. C. to be with their cousins were Lt. and Mrs. Covington, in whose honor this delightful affair was giv en were: Miss Harriet Breeden and Mr and Mrs. Archie Breeden. Mrs Will Covington, Sr. and Mrs. H. A. Cameron were also guests. They Give Their Lives You Lend Your Money RET0NGA $1.19 $1.25 Bottle CARDUI 89c $1.00 Bottle n ,,:,.':::::i:;:.A:- t -mm-1 en p. hi" m til 1 I tr .y.rr. . nt tlnr if yours V !;(.!! v."i iit C.U.1 Nov.e ivt:i A'.'isoi-:-s; !...c. CAfl-V WOMf r'J?Bt'NG li. "Ci Ji.25 CAA NO"E fOUIT rowtta t'.CO CA MOVE tATH SO? 50 CAVA KOK( IATH Oil (ISO ESS- ' 7