Thursday, june n, 1943 THE NEWS - JOURNAL, RAEI ORD S. C PAGE FIVE "is. M..r:e Maxwtll his been transfer, t:; !!': i:i W'i!ii:iM!.ton ti Ral ei(.'h as t '.e. hi t:e o;;eiiitoi- with tile Southern Id 11 1 cl ..')iu. lie Company M.s X. A, Maw ill pi-:-.; I. ft M n Social Items Personals PHONE 3521 Mrs. A. C. Gillis and Harold spent Saturday with Mrs. E. li. Thumps, r. in Washington. I). C. befo-e Coin to Annapolis. Marion Gatlin and G. V. William son went to Duke University last Wed nesday lor physical check irs. Mrs. Gatlin also went. They returned to Rael'ord Monday. Mrs. H. A. Cameron, and three younger children. Lam 'lice and Alien Mi-Ghee, Mrs. Tickle and son. Hay. c spending this week i.t 15 gi:-und. Mrs. Allen McGee is .staying vi;'i Moll e and Mr. Came. in while Mrs. Came: on is at Ilogue. June Johnson entered HMismith's hospital 1 st Thursday f- r t eat-r.ent He has tern quite si k. Josephin McLauchlin is attending su nnier school at Duvi: son College. Alvis B. Dickson, V. S. N. IVofkco la. Flu., is taking N. C. State Medical Board Exams in Raleigh this wed:. He spent Tuesday niyht in Rat-ford, with his mother and brother, the fivft time the family had been together at home since Ch: istnias, 1940. Capt in and Mir. Robert Gi tlin an ' daughter .vere in Rae ord for a h rt visit the first of th-'we-ek. Tiiey are now visit r.g Mrs. GatLn's pan-nts ir. Washington, X. C. CARROLL-QVK'K i In a w eu .I'li; ,1 : i .1,1. itv and : r.vrni Mi .s i I ; i -; i 1: l-'r : ;-..;-U ' ! .me! Mr. CVst.H ', j wer? nr,r it i i.t t'.c Pri-sb i. n:.i-M.-.'ise i n S.u'c'i y af't-nioon. .lu'ic ' 111. at S o'clock. Hev. Ila-ry K ' Holland, p :tor ,.l' l'..e oliic kitcd. u. ui", tre i:np:c-:ve i in? rcr ; oniony, 'i'c' were r.o ..:::. ,i:vU-. , m A - invvidiat.- ' i-ulies .in:!. S.'i-r:;l ;r cnJ.. were pi-seut. ! The mi vj v- :e s;'. ki-n l-i-i' ;,n vised hr.ckKriii'itd of i .r ii-.- and l;u-Kets oi whiti lilie '! he" .ntiaic w:o-- j laye.i by V ss A-jru Mai? Jnhrsun, of K:it-r :.rd n cluded the Int rinc. I o l "Cavell eri:i lUisticona" i.n i 'To' in" by P':b inih. The bride ivi'S nttr. d in a !;ch; p t k . less, with v.hit" :.ic - s rus. :.nd wore a tor. ".;e of p!;i!: . Iir.m'di.'t'-ly a'tor ! ceicri '-y 'he co' .le lTi lo: a b- b : wcdf'ii'.;.' .t o. Vrs. Car:- II is t'-e 'nl. . iit.r'-toi of Mr. and Mrs. Alf ed Q'.ick f Hc--ta:d. Sre lecem-.1 h ; d iir.'i-n ::t S r:r.: Hid H:-. h Sc.h ol and Finn Ma-.-dcnald C 1.' lie. :m has ln-n - sporsilily e:n; Ir.yeJ i:- tin John on Coaipi.n.' o'fir- in b'ae!.n-.'l f r he p st ,cv you s. Mr. CarrcM is t 1 s r. (.' Mr. and Mr::. LonriL' C.rv II el Snht !i;o's. ; :;. C and Hilton Vill .-e Vs. ie is intaj-ed in iv.r vo.k v, r'rwiort j News, V'a., whe c he and t'. r- :vl! plan to sti.l'li:-1-. t'.iei.- 1 ( n:r. O j day with li... d. .:.;!. I r i.i Hah-uii. F A T H E R' DAY :i2 , Ui.V !.j 'S.. 'S Miss Anne Elliott of Ro'kingham spent Tuesday night in Raef. rd. She attenr.ed the wedding of Miss Bottie McArthur in Fayetteville yesterdrv. Mrs. Arah Stuart is sick with ria. O AttrndiiiK Tount; People's ( onference The fcllowing boys and girl are attending the Presbyterian Young People's Conference at Flora Mac-Don aid College this week: Barbara Woodhouse, Mildred Sinclair, Margar et McMillan, Leono a Currie, Gladys Bauconi, Shirley Blue, Arthur L. Gore. Upchurch, William Pool?, and Luke McNeill. O NOTE OF THANKS J. P. Barbour and family of jloek fish wish to thank all those uhov-how fcd kindness and sympathy at the death of their mother, Mrs. Mary F. Barbour. Miss Gatlin H -.norc-' Fmiiiar ani rilriFh. Mary Helen Gatlin, bride-elect ol this month is visiting f Wends at Fu qiiay Springs and Rr.leif.h this we k. Si voral lovely s';ch! courtesies h.:ve Ijten shewn her. Parties were given in her honor tt bot'i pi ces. The ex act date for Mary Helen? redding viil bp set as so.n as her fiance learns the exact date of his leave. O Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hewitt and Miss Lura Cameron of Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Cameron of Bryson City spent the week i nd with Mrs. J. A. Cameron. j Mrs. Ed Lee of Dunn spent the I week end with h':r nuther, Mrs. YV. ! M. Blue. Mrs. E. B. Campbell is spending two weeks with h"r sister Mrs. Dan Webster in Greenville. S. C. i Captain and Mrs. T. B. Les'er. Jr. of Ca.T.p Davis. N. C, spent th" p: st ! week end visiting hime folks. for Father EVERY DAY Because his wardrobe is kept spic-n-span-when the family sees that his clothes are DRY CLEANED o Have liis winter clothes put away in our MOTH-SEAL bugs. "We Still Feature Our CALL FOR AND DELIVER Service" O Just phone 2U71 and you'll do Father a favor! -O- RAETORD DRY CLEANERS Ces! Sil-cSicn of&sti Available 0 0L9 SPICE ssd KuER TCHICS and SKfi". :."!., PCKE CHIPS, KLl L"5 SPECIALS ForTHURS., FRI., SAT. KOTEX 89c Box 54s Mexican Heat Powder 30c Tanpax 31c 35 c Box .wvirWJ.'uuwju.iii.t, iJNiBi u m mi m mm itm mn n in fmj&. nt n 1 Military Sets r--- ,-ji5r' ' ' ' ' :.PI,.,S p'rfc- . , ! Syrette Gases , j ir w y Bracelets v-- WATCH r Aliro IS HE OVERSEAS OR SERVING uAHiiO THE HOME FRONT? and PUT HIS PORTRAIT IN A FRAME! CHAINS We Have Them in Different Styles and Sizes. I C P. KIN LAW RAEFORD'S JEWELER j ' r r i IZZI ENTtRTAINS CRADVATKS On the evening; ol June 7 Mr. and Mts. Stewart P. Al -Minder of Dur hiiT giive a dinner party in Annapolis ' Md.. in hon r of tV-eir iim. Sle.vart P. Alexander. Jr.. an: Arthur Watsnn Gillis. of Raetord. inviT.I;e s of the grat uating das. at the Xi'vyl Acade my. Mr. and Mrs. A. t". Cillis and snn, Harold were tmiung the quests. O Eds Bethiini-. (-1 WilniiiiR'on. spent the past wetk end in Raelord. ; Mrs. Dan Cranc'y ,f L'uhimbia. S. C. visited friends in Raelord this week. -O- 1issiinarips At Roekfish Rev. end Mrs. P V . Ilamlett ol Fayctteviile. N. C will be mi- st spea k'.rs at the Tabc.i: ele Baptist ehureh. Rncktish. N. C. Sunday. June 13th. at 11 A. M. These people a e returned mission iri s h:. have serveil in China lor several ye:irs. I: or;. i- in ited to liear them. () ARl) OF TIl.WKS We ifh t" t.'ke tins in a: u! e-pre-sing i nr anprei-iriliun lor the nitiiy aits ol l:inil::e-s rnd sympathy slnnn us du.-ir.i; ii.r :e(ent bi-reae ment. Mr. arid Mrs. Hi over Stubbs - () CARD OF THANKS We wish to tike this mean."; to thank our l any friends P r the many iets of kindness and sympathy shown us Lurinc our : event bereavement. . W. C".) and f amily j O ! An entire u oi hitnized division in i hm tion usls about 18,001) g;illms nf RETOHGA 98c ?l.?5 CCTTI.K lABLTlMIBICil A ... 59c mc SHAMPOO CARDUI 39c APTEH-SHAVT LOTIOIT 4 02.1.C3 kirn rc ifucntit touthrd ami coolrO bv Sbtjlton'i super luiiv After-Share LiMiun. The hand tome potft rt lontainrt it drcoruted with a rrprtlution of io old Amtricun d 'p ? , 1t sum kottli: more than the hourly gasoline rat- I V '- Z". . ' -1Z : : .IT ion demand of Washington. O. C. 1 1 mumli , i A ALKA-SKI.T.KK offer fiuit relief "for Hcattarh( fliaiplt Nraralvia. "Morn inw Atttt", LM PiatrvM, MaacaUr I'aina and Acid IndxeatMa. ik your Druvsint Dr. Norvin tor. 8wpwminrMi, N f r- fu Irrilabililv, Eicitabtlitr mn4 Karroiu Bead- ch. Read direc tions and un only as ain-ct-d. WhenYou Are 'ERVOVSj (X your liailjr quota of Vitamtna A and u and Tomplvs by Ukinv ONt A-DAY brand VitaaaW Taawta. Reonomt el. convniint. At DREIIE 53c (ilk- BOTTLE 2V YOUR BOGS (".sp Serfrrant'p Tankft ttii-h. It n-lirvrs iIk tnnJ -if w icit u:-f 1 it -fiipt ! an-! '. ii' in u'l I'na v.tvL'y un lot,E-b;tirtiJ lir (o prrvi-nt Oi truublc. 8vr-fanra fni)ili(tn Pill fi'nl Scrcranl'a Ararnir and Irrn IMIm ti-"l :i!irrn,ilc!j ln-Ip Inniti up yi'iir iIkr1!. n. i-'.nco to thiM anil other Aak lor 1 :.VZ . i., T i iii c Uwk vu liiu uu wl Uoga, EX-LAX 19c 25c BOX rWaWaWaaraWDaaTK IMB'L?aaa1 aTTi""' u( hoi. iiri-d Irci. 35' AfJACIII 39c BOX 30 s GIFTS THRT FlERSC OBI BABY FOOD 25c 3 CAS HEINZ POCKET WATCHES S1.59c PLUS TAX mi ltnk for Um hi 1 oat boa.