THURSDAY. SEPT. 16, 1943 PAGE SIX THE NEWS - JOURNAL, RAEFORD, N. C. N. Y. Times Prints Issue In Teheran OUR DEMOCRACY -by Mat SHIPS are SERVING FARM and FACTOR On gust 11,1807 the world's -first successful steamboat- : '-. Robert fulton's qlezmont Eooty Irs? Ccfecfor In the snow, in fie snrd. on the beaches, on the roads, in the woods, everywhere the soldiers hide "booby traps," to flow the move ment of oncoming fitting men ol, the United Nations. The detector does the some work on Irnd a the mine sweeper does at sea. A MADP IT"? TBIAL RUN OF ..-Srj A ISO MILES IN 5 MUUK5 UN a great american river.. she overtook many sloops AND SCHOONERS'HER inventor, SAID OF HER 'AND PASSED THEM 4V r 1 - imm i i . - BEAUTY AND TI1E OPPOSITE. It's lovely Georgia Carroll, who h a top role in Kay Kjaer forthcoming mutiral, Around the World. The dancing ilar U aeen with a pet just off the KKO Radio ataiie. RATION BOARD Churches are controlled by the same regulations as any other organization. To sell barbecued meats that are ra tioned, or any food service, they must register as Institutional Users and work on basis of points per person. There are not enough points given to permit the sale of barbecue or steak or any all-meat meal. It makes no difference if the pigs are given or not the problem is one of selling meals and all meals must be guided insofar as rationed food by rationing regulations. Plane Falls Into House, Killing 5 Greensboro, Sept. 14 Four mem bers of the family of Oliver Knight, a Greensboro mail carrier who lives near Guilford College, and the pilot of a Navy fighter plane were killed yesterday when the plane crashed in to the Knight home. The two-story frame house burst int; flames after the crash. The dead: Mrs. Knight, her oldest daughter. Miss Wilma Knight, about 18, and two younger children, Doro thy and Oliver Knight, Jr. Authorities withheld the name of the pilot. RaeforD THE A TRE PROGRAM FOR WEEK BEGIXING SEPTEMBER, 9th Thursday . . Abbott and Costello la Friday , sho;5sr" HIT THE ECE s"'" LOST CANYON srLvy PRISON MUTINY SUNDAY FRANCIS LANGFORD ONLY ZTrA, FOLLOW THE BAND MONDAY JEAN ARTHUR JOEL McREA and Show Starts The More The Merrier at 5:30 Wednesday S,L DESERT VICTORY at 5:30 APPOINTMENT Sept. 23-24 ... . Sh,r5r IN BERLIH Fulton's inventive genius and the American spirit of individual enterprise have made possible our great merchant fleet. . . . builoing at the rate of nearly 6 a oav, these ships carry millions of tons a month of the produce of american farms and factories for victory... when victory is won they will make possible AN EXPANDING WORLD TRADE FOR, OUR q FARMS AND FACTORIES. Preserve Bond Numbers Treasury Advice To All Washington, Sept. 9 The Treasu ry, reporting it is called upon to re place nearly 20.000 lost War Bonds a j month, issued this advice Sept. 7 to j the 50,000,000 Americans expected to buy additional bonds during the i Third War Loan opening Sept. 9. I "Write dewn the serial number of every bond you buy. The number is in the upper right hand corner. Keep the numbers recorded in a safe place. If you have the number of a bond that's lost it will be much easier to have it replaced. CLASSIFIED ADS PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Karl Kit. Complete equipment, includ ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Prais ed by thousands including Fay Mc Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded If not satisfied. Reaves Drug Store 9-18 pd FIRE ARMS, CLOCKS, Typewriters and Bicycles Repaired at my home near Dundarrach. All Work guar anteed. Austin Butler 13-15e Ireland Command To Capt. Thompson London, Sept. 9. The appointment of Capt. Harry L. Thompson, former Commander of the U. S. S. Nevada, as Acting Commandant of the London derry, Northern Ireland, Operating Base was announced today by Head quarters of the U. S. Naval Forces in this theatre. Captain Thompson, a member of the staff of Admiral Harold R. Stark, European Naval Forces Commander, succeeds Commodore James A. Lo gan, who was killed Sept. 4 in a plane crash. O In an Indiana college town a stu dent called at a boarding house to inquire about rooms. "And what do you charge for your rooms?" he asked. "Five dollars up," was the reply. "Yes, but I'm a student," he said, thinking the price a little righ. "That being the case, the price is five dollars down." COTTON PICKERS WANTED Mrs. Ina Lentz, Racford, N. C. 2t p : :: : : :: . .; .; , ANEW PALMIST Your Madam Frances GIFTED PALMIST Guarantees t" read your entire life, past, present and future, giving dates and act ' unl faets of business, love, health court ship, marriage, divorce end family af fairs. Roads your innermost thoughts and secrets, unravels your most intricate affairs, overcomes enemies or rivals and rr.akes up lovers quarrels. She has read for many noted and promi- w- nent people in all walks of life. The best ! j-j trk c,ass of people consult her and bring JL 11 III A v their friends. Tells who you will marry and whenwhether husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false, what part of the country is luck iest for you and just what to do to be successful in life. She will warn you gravely, suggest wisely, and explain fully. Satisfaction guaranteed. READINGS DAILY AND SUN DAYS from 9 o'clock a. m. to 10 o'clock p. m. LOCATED in HOUSE TRAILER at 645 PERSON ST. U. S Highway 301, (North) beside Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Fay etteville, N. C. Look for Orange and Blue Hand Sign and Trailer. Licensed by State and County. Buy War Stamps SPECIAL READING and Bonds Readings for both CI am White and Colored V AUCTION 1 O 0 REGISTERED ABERDEEN - ANGUS CATTLE 1:00 P. M. Friday, September 24, South Richmond Stock Yards, Richmond, Va. Sale headquarters John Marshall Hotel. The Hollyfield consignment of 25 head represent our highest quality offering of the year. Rebred cows with calves at side. Bred and open heifers. Proven bulls all ready to make money for you. Accredited herd. For information write Dave Canning, Hollyfield Farm, Manquin, Va. BUYING Scuppernong Grapes, White or Black-5c a pound. Gar rett & Company, Inc., Aberdeen, N. C. A.W. Wood, Rockfuh Sta tion. 14-15 FOR SALE Three Duroe Brood SswsFsr Brredinc Purposes. G. C Birr. Rout one Red Spring. 14-pd. HOW OPEN C. & E. CAFE "Formerly Bill Wrights Place" ROUTE 15-A FOOD? GOOD! DRINKS? COLD! COFFEE? DELICIOUS! Hours Open? 5 P.M. to 12 P.M. . Closed Every Tuesday NOTICE NO CURB SERVICE PIROL STATION with GAS and OIL Station Hours: 9 A. M. to 12 P. M. Sunday 2 P.M. to 12 P.M. weekdays Closed Every Tuesday A friendly place for a pleasant Evening CHARLIE & ETHEL BAKER Tehran, .Iran, Sept. 9 The first overseas weekly edition of the New York Times was distributed yester day to U. S. Army p st exchanges. Plastic edition plates were flown from the United States and immedi ately bolted to an ancient flatbed press, the only available printing unit in this country. The paper was run off in 48 hours and was immedi ately distributed without charge throughout the command. O The boss looked up wearily as an other employee approached him on the day before the ball game. "All right I suppose your grand mother's being buried tomorrow, too?" ' The office boy grinned. "No, sir! She's making her first parachute jump." O Mrs. Nearby: "My ancestry dates back before the days of Charlemagne. How old is your family?" Mrs. Chubbwitt: "I really can't say. You see, all our family records were lost in the flood." O A friend called upon a guest at a hotel, knocked, and asked him to open the door. "Can't, door's locked." "Well, unlock it!" "Can't, lost the key." "What will you do if there's a Are." "I can't go!" Like buying War Bonds, the sol dier operating the detectors will never know just how much they have aided in the success of their campaign, but he knows his work is necessary and must be accom plished. If more Americans on the home front will come to realize this, the success of our War Bond cam paigns will be assured. V. S. Trmury Dovlnmt From where I sit ,6y Joe Marsh Sam Abernethy always said: "Curiosity may kill a cat -but I'm no cat" Which U Sam's way of saying that when he's curious about something ha goes out and gets the facts. Seems our government feels the same way. After hearing ru mors about our soldiers drink ing too much-governmenc peo ple went after the facts. They got the evidence on what our boys drink . . . and don't drink. The government found ont our Army's the best behaved in history. More'n half of 'en drink beer nothing stronger. And the government fonnd that selling SJt beer la Army camps la one reason why enr Army Is se tem perate, From where I sit, there isn't much cause to worry about our men in the Army. Looks like they can take care o" themselves and take care o' the Nazis and the Japs, too. 1943, RRIWINO INDUSTRY FOUNDATION. North Carolina Commit. Cdgw H. tain, Stat Director. 606407 Inwranc lldg., Raltigh, N. & BACK TftB ATTACK WUR BONDS The sooner this war is over, the sooner the men in uniform whom you know . . will he back home . . and the more chance there is of their surviving at all! The War Bonds you buy, tangibly Jielp win the war: but you don't give the money they cost to the government: it's just a loan: you get it nil hack . . with in terest . . and the privilege of living a life of freedom! Just a loan - - the 3rd War Loan is being asked of you now - and now's the time to buy an extra $100 in War HonuV The More Bonds and Sweat The Less Blood and Tears Sponsored By I. MAN II "Where Price and Quality Meet" In New Fall Clothes Lo.oo