PAGE TWO HE NEWS-JOURNAL. BAEFORD. N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1945 With The Army People The Officers Wives Club is ;veel jns with Mrs. T. B. Lester, Jr. and M:s. Younger Siuad at Mrs. Snea.i's. Capt. and Mrs. Reese have left for 1he:r new post in Arkansas. Lt. and Mrs. David Dernier have j.'.ven up their apartment at Mrs. Paul Dickson, Sr.'s. They left for a new post Wednesday morning. Flight Officer Stanton and Mrs. Stanton and Lt. Teiriy and Mrs. Teidy have Mrs. Alfred Cole's apartments. Lt. and Mrs. Sissen, stationed at the Laurinburg-Maxton Air Base, have an apartment with Mrs. J. R. Hampton. Sgt. and Mrs. T. J. Cordray, who have been at Mrs. J. R. Hampton's for thirteen months left this week. Mrs. Cordray, Sr., who came on a visit to her son and Mrs. T. J. Cordray, left Wednesday for their home in Bridgeville, Del. Sgt. Bob Cutter returned Monday night from New York where he went The News-Journal Published Thursday At Raeford, North Carolina Subscription Rates $2 per year For Servicemen ... $1.50 per year DOI GALD COXE, Editor-Manager Entered as second-class mail mat ter at the post office at Raeford, N C, under Act of March 3, 1870. MALARIA CHECKED IN 7 DAYS WITH LIQUID for MALARIAL SYMPTOMS Take only as directed 666 ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT FOR 35c Requires a PENETRATING mobile "..quid, such as full strength alcohol. Powders, salves and mild solutions do not penetrate sufficiently. Te-ol the only solution, we know of, made with 90 alcohol. Feel it PENE TRATE. REACHES MORE GERMS. Many druggists are now supplied, small shipment just received at Reaves Drug Store. TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE We have in stock all sizes of Tractor Tires and Tubes. We also Repair and Service anv size Tractor Tire. WALKER'S Safety Retreading Works 435 Russell St. Fayetteville PEACHES Extra Good Tree-Ripened Kiley Belle's Famous white-meated canning peach. Beginning Saturday, June 23 through next week. - Price Reasonable Come, bring your basket. F. W. RILEY Located Raeford-Aberdeen Hisjh 2 Miles East of Sanatorium to attend the funeral of M Sgt. Lau derdale, who was one of the seven men killed when their plane crashed in De'.eware the week before. WANT ADS WANTED Repair work to do. Any- J answer or de.nur to the complaint in thin in the way of welding. Gearjsai'.i action, or the plaintiff will apply cutting and general repairs. Bring to the court for the relief demanded your work to Smith Machine in said complaint. Shop, Monroe Street, Laurinburg, I This June 12, 1945. N. C. 39-tfo J. B. Cameron, Clerk of Superior BUTTONS and BELTS COVERED i any style. Delivery on any work ; within 24 hours after received. Mail orders filled and shipped , C. O. D. Mrs. A. H. Smith, Box j 1042, Laurinburg, N. C. 39-tfc. WANTED IMMEDIATELY 2 ear and truck mechanics and 2 auto body, metal and paint men. Hood Autos Company, Laurinburg. N. C. 49-tfc. WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE House In Raeford. Permanent residence. See W. C. Belks-Hensdale. Phillips at 51-tfc. FOR SALE South Carolina grown tv of Hoke gtate of Nortn Carolina mixed peas. See Clarence Lytch, e. Reaves, Jr. being the agent Raeford. 2""cjand in charge thereof, upon whom .., .. , . . ,. ., .j. process may be served), has oom- FOR SALE Complete Rock-Type, ' ,ir.m.. f Grist Mill in Excellent condition. Scales, feed grinder, gasoline mo tor. Easily moved. May be bought and moved or present building may be purchased too. Located at Lakeview. Write Mrs. Graham Cul breth. ll.imli t. X. C. APARTMENT FOR RT.XT 2 bed rooms and larse kitchen. Apart ment can accomodate either one or two couples. Phone 2131. Miss Ida MoLam hlin 3 P FOR SALE 1940 3-4 ton Chevrolet pick-up truck, over size rear tires and four speed transmission. Seal bids will be received in REA office Raeford until Saturday noon. June 23. Bids not to exceed OPA low ceiling. Truck can be seen at Rae ford REA office. The REA reserves the right to reject any and all bids unless near ceiling price. FOR SALE 3 female Airedale pups, six weeks old. $10 each. Billie Mclntyre Parnell. 3 c LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Katie A. Town send, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present then, duly verified according to law, to the undersigned at his home in Rockfish on or before the 14th day of June, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indtbted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of June, 1945. O. L. Townsend, Administrator of estate of Mrs. Katie A. Townsend.2-6p NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HOKE COUNTY. QUEEN ESTHER THAMES i VS. PAUL R. THAMES. Paul R. Thares, above-named de fendant, will take notice that an action styled as above has been started in the Hoke County Superior Court. saKJ State, by the plaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant upon ground of two years separation from said dt feudal". IN NORTH CAROLINA More people drink Atlantic Ale It must be.. i AfiS From where CharlU Jenkins got back from (Ysmy th other day, dis charged for wounds ... 4pd h im pretty well banged up. Katarallf, oar town felt might bad a boat We Wanted W aympatbUe with bjm and belp hint. But Doe Walters (et 2f atralght about that, He said that wjijt Chary i'Scted most waa to be acceUM one of the gang again . . . aj ft CJhlng had happened. So we iked him over to pitch horse thoee with his good band, and t enjoy a friendly glass of beer . iad chew the fat like old times. L 6 l"$45, UNHID STATES HfWf S FOUNDATION, Monti Carolina CommittM Edgar H. Sain, State Director, S0M07 tewrMca '- .. JV.iali. N. C. immmcdiately preceding the institu- t.on cf this suit; and that defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of ' the Clerk of the Superior Court of Huke County, N. C, in the court ! house in Raeford, within the 20 days 'after the 13ih day of July, 1945. and Court of Huke County, N. C. 2-5cadg PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE To All WTiom These Presents May Come Greeting Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for the vol untary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my office, that the REAVES DRUG STORE, INCOR- PORATED, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the Town of Raeford. Coun Chapter 55, General Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Disso lution: NOW THEREFORE. I, THAD El'KF. Secretary of State of North Carolina, .-'o hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 6'.h day 'f Jump 1945, file in my office a duly executed and atnsted consent in writing to the dissolution of said corpnr.vion. executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sen! and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 6th day of June. A. D. 1945. Thad Eure, Secretary of State. NOTICE North Carolina Hoke County. D. K. PARKER, ISAAC TAYLOR and WELDON TAYLOR vs. JAMES W. BAKER, et al. The defendant, James W. Baker, above-named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hoke County. North Carolina, for' a division of the lands between the petitioners and respondents by par tition proceedings; and the defendant will take further notice that he is required to appear at the office of '.he clerk of the Superior Court of Hoke County, N. C, .within time pre scribed by law or by the 16th day of July, 1945, and answer or demur to the petition in said action or the petitioners will apply to the court for relief demanded in said com plaint. This 4th day of June, 1945. J. B. Cameron, Clerk of Superior Court. 1-4-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Fair cloth, deceased, late of Hoke County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly verified according to law to the undersigned at his home near Raeford on or before the 17 day of May, 1346, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All and Beer than any other. I sit ... ly Joe Marsh A i ft rt tit rut i. How to Greet a Wounded Soldier And you should have seen him pick up! From being scared of meeting people, Charlie got his confidence back and soon be came his own self again. From where I alt. Doc Walter gTe aa the right Meer. The woanded mea coming home don't want oar sympathy or our OrereDthuxiaMic help. They Want to be treated like the rest Of as . with a chance to work and lead a normal life. And that's the least we can offer tht r.i. persons indebted to said estate w.ll please make immediate payment. This 17th day cf May, 1945. 1 W. F. Beard, Administrator of .estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Faircloth. 50-3e. NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HOKE. WILLIE LUCKlfc VS. PERINA ADAMS LUCKIE The defendant above named will take notice that the deposition of Willie Luckie will be taken by Major S. V. Sanner, or any cither commis sioned officer at 32nd Battalion neaciquarters miarter.iiaster, Fort Devens, Mass., on the 22nd day of June, 1945, beginning at 10 A. M. and continued until the same is com pleted. This 5th day of June, 1945. Willie Luckie, by H. W. B. Whitley, Attorney for the plaintiff. l-3c NOTICE North Carolina, County of Hoke. In the Superior Court WILLIE LUCKIE VS PERN EAR ADAMS LUCKIE. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled It's a ...a friendly way to keep everyone happy Have a Coke is a friendly phrase right in the picnic spirit. There's friendliness in every sip of ice-cold Coca-Cola that brings out the sunny side in everybody. Coke always makes picnic time, or any time, refreshment time. lOmtD UNDEI AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-CCXA COMPANY IY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Aberdeen ,N. C. Canning Needs Mason Fruit Jars Pts Doz 67c.77c Jar Rubbers 5o Kerr Lids 10c Kerr Caps "Vj Durkee's Whole Allspice c 9c Pickling Spice c 9c Down Large Juicy CANTALOUPES lb. 10c Fancy Bunch 2 brhs. Carrots 17c Fancy Savoy lb Spinach 11c Sweet Juicy Vb Oranges 11c Watermelons Green Peas Tomatoes Pour Your Might Into the Mighty 7th Superior Court of Hoke County, N. C. for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years separa tion; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear and answer said complaint or deir.ur to the same within 20 days after completion of said summons by publication, or the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in the said complaint. This 26th day of May, 1945. J. B. Cameron, Clerk of Superior Court. 42-3-c NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Hoke. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HOMER THOMPSON, PLTFF. VS. MRS. SALLIE B. THOMPSON The above-named defendant, Mrs. Sallie B. Thompson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has besn commenced in the Superior Court of Hoke County, North Caro lina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defen dant upon the ground of two years separation by the defendant from the plaintiff next preceding the in picnic... Have a Pie Apples Apricots Diced Beets STTc ' Red Brand FL0UR Cut-Rite 'gjSKE Stuffed Olives Reft, Better Yet Peanut Batter 24c Mott's Assorted JeUy )i 14c White House Apple Butter 24c White House Coffee Premhsa Crackers Produce Lane Yellow Freestone PEACHES 10c lb Red , Ripe tb Long Island Fancy lb Firm Ripe Slicing lb Buy An EXTRA War Bond I Household Cleanser OLD DUTCH 2 cans 5c stitution of this action; and that the defentdant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Hoke County Superior Court in the court house in Raeford, N. C, within 20 days after the 28th day of June, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This 29th day of May, 194.1. J. B. Cameron, Clerk of Superior Court. 52-3-c 2MAKE ICE CREAM Al bm.-AT Hovor-Dtllciout-Smoolh -No ic o-yitolt No cootng-N whipping-No Kofch.d tipl In I5 pkO Pl.oi tnd lhi od lor ff. twll-ii kwn pi. o, or buy arocpr. LOHDOUDGBRU rand MomTtod lt Crcar STABILIZER UMMOIHH- (IS . UN rUMIIWMM Coke Coke .UK-Cota Yo Maturally hear Cora-Col called by iU frwndiy abtwrvialioa) Coke. Both ouMi Uw quality praaV net of Ttw Coca-Cola Coaapaajr. 22c 24c 11c CSc 17c 43c GoM Winner Uipeilid, Nt. lyi Cm l-tt Carton NABISCO l ib Pkg Doubf, e-Fresn GOLD LflBEL COFFEE in, 24c Bag FOR BANKS OK BATH CamaySoap3"k21c LARGE SIZE Ivory Soap -. 10c MKUII M M.K Ivory Soap 3 . -18c FOB. KALAUB OK VHYINC Wesson OH a. 29c VKirKTABLK SHOHltNINti Snowdrift ij24c

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