L '. , . " N j HOKE COUNTY'S BEST ADVERTISING MEDIt'M 1 JQ oiaraal The Hoke County Journal HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY , NEWSPAPER 6 W The Hoke County News VOLUME XL NO. 20 KALI-OKI). N. C. TllLRSTMY, OCTOBER 18, 1943 $2.00 PEK VEAH NEWS Of OUR MCNwWOMCN IN UNIFORM Neill A. Clark Passes Sunday Funeral Services Held At Bethel Tuesday Afternoon. GETS BRONZE STAR f nmmander Alex Patterson. USN, formerly of Raeford, was recentTyi .,..,,. . warded the Bronze Star Medal "for Nell A. Clark of Blue Springs Meritorious service in connection with ownsh.p Hoke county passed away .ho enemv from last Sunday evening in a Fayette- gi.uii '" - - ivill hnsnital offer linuorinff near November IS, 1IHJ w '""' -7,, k " V" o " Became ill about one month ago and was taken to the hospital several days later, after which time there was never much hope for his recov ery. The deceased was a respected' citi zen of his community and was an elder of the Bethel Presbyterian church. Funeral services were con ducted at Bethel at three o'clock last Tuesday afternoon by the pastor, the Rev. William B. Gaston, assisted by inev. n. n.. noiiana, pastor of the Raeford Presbyterian church, and Rev. W. H. Maness, pastor of the Raeford Methodist church. Burial during which time he participated In nine campaigns against the Japa nese." Commander Patterson is executive officer of the USS Oakland, a light cruiser which wound up the war in Tokyo By. T-Sgt. Milton Campbell, Jr., who has been in the European theatre for over two ani one-half years with o Ninth Air Force ordnance unit, was discharged from the army recently R and ;s at nome. WAR FUND DRIVE DOING POORLY The following letter from John A. McGoogan, chair man of the County War Fund Committee, is printed in the hope that by bringing it to notice, the public may there by be a little more inclined to help this worthy Cause and uphold the excellent record made by this county on ail financial drives during the war. Your attention Is also invited to the back page of this issue for more information on this subject. Ed. "The Sanatorium is the first community to announce that it has raised its quota and gone over for the United War Fund. According to reports turned in, the county has only raised about 30 percent of its quota. I notice a ten dency on the part of some to make their contributions too small, and if this tendency continues it will be necessary for us to call on some for a second contribution. Hoke County has made too good a record for us to fall down on this the last War Fund Drive." Airport Meeting ! Recorder Tries Tuesday Afternoon Many Liquor Cases Public Urged To Attend Open TuesdaV Momhlff Meeting At Courthouse. j 1 J. A. McGoogan, County auditor, Man Also Convicted For Mealing 'announced yesterday that the air-1 Sheriff's Pistol. ,port meeting orignially scheduled fori (next Tuesday night had been moved! The majority of the cases brought i up to two o'clock Tuesday afternoon. , "P before Judge Henry McDiarmid I He said that this had been done last Tuesday morning dealt with in orcer to have a representative soire violation of the prohibition of the Civil Aeronautics Authority laws. Notable among the exceptions l(CAA) on hand. This representative ' to this were the cases in which two i will be present at the meeting which 'culprits were convicted of stealing I will be in the courtroom and will be Sheriff Hodgin's pistol and buying ' red to answer any questions it knowing it to have been stolen, j may be asked on the subject respectively. The defendants were ' benefits of an airport to a ; not charged with stealing the weapon ,t. 'nd county the size of Rae-jfrom the person of the sheriff, ifc , d Hoke county and to state I Austin and Jimmie McFadyen, lo ljuf,V ictly what the Government ical colored men, entered, pleas of lis fi. . ed to do in the way of giv-SU"ty or violating tne prohibition 1 ing 5s" nmunity assistance in buil- Captain T. B. Lester, Jr., who en- terea r eae. ai o - . services followed in the churchyard National Guard Units in 1840 ana cemet who has had overseas service in the Pa,,be ' wpr( . . firaham European theatre, was separatee, irom Ga Ful- !7 TTl TTTl gra ?v SStS .Mfflhfi&SfcS Gov. Cherry Calls stjTns. ne and Mrs. Lester are ex were Wal)ace McLean Ryan Mc 1 f J . peeted to arrive in Raeforff soon. iBryde, Hector McNeill, Julian Wright, : yjl UgHlOCratlC i : Ralph Livingston, Ervin Wright, Hec-1 Ensign George BetMine ot Wash- jor Currie, W. W. Roberts, J. B. VVrtiYiAn ington spent the week end at home. Cameron, D. H. Hocfgin, D. H. Yar- II UIIlCll borough, Jim Currie and Edgar Hall. S-Sgt. Jesse Gulledge arrived in He is survived by his wife, the' The democratic women of North the United States this week and former Miss Etta Currie; two brothers, Carolina will again Tiave the op Is exipected to be discharged and at Luther and McLaurin, both of Hoke portunity to demonstrate their party home shortly. I county; five sons, Graham, William loyalty on oVuir 2j, 1945, in keep- I and Tommy of the home, and Howard. ing witn tne annual program through SgtTom McBryde, who was dis- with the army in Egypt and Hilton many past years. The Woman' Di charged from the army last week with the army in Germany; two vision -of Natlonal Headquarters is and who has since visited his sister uauS , ei4, ueuy jean oi tne mrxe 1Un ,he dernocratic women J. A. McGOOGAN Chairman Hoke County United War Fund Committee din, f maintaining an airport. I T. 5 O -ting is to be an open mee v the county commissioners . ana in Chicago, got home Tuesday. land Mrs. Pauline Morgason of Fay- etteville. William H. Maness, son of Rev. H and. Mrs. W. L. Maness, of Raeford. rp T II I was recently promoted to the rank , nMM I 0 IV'clKe of lieutenant commanaer in tne u. o. naval air iorces. I Flight Officer P.iul Davis was re-; Training Appeal cently separated from the service at president Reportedlv Preparing Montgomery, Alabama, where he had n . on ettin transitory training in To Ask Congress For Com- puiMir.v j raining. 29s, and he is now working in Wa- .am of North Carolina to respond to the annual precinct roll call and con tribute $2.00 for every voting pre cinct in North Carolina. Of this a mount, $1.00 from each precinct will be sent to National Hea-.'quarters and $1.00 will be retained in the state to help with next year's cam paign, t Mrs. Gladys Tillett of Charlotte is the head of the Women's Division of National Headquarters and Mrs. B. B. Everett of Palmyra is vice-chairman and head of Women's Division i of the Executive Committee of North Washington, Oct. 16. President 9tanley Koonce, originally of Hoke , Truman today was reported drafting ,r,rolin. county and more recently of Clinton, i a plea to Congress to pass a law Jn his posjtwal. o( un has recently been discharged from , for peacetime universal military ! tabe conditions it occurs to me the Army after two and a half years .training. that the Democratic Women of North in the European theatre with the " Mr Truman sends this message , Carolina wi accept the chaUen?e eighth and ninth air forces. Together to Capitol Hill soon as he report-and demonstrate their party loyaIty with Mrs. Koonce he has moved to edly has told legislators he will do,ito the sta(e and, nation by quickly Raeford where he will be associated it probably will start one of theaisi thf Quota allotted ,0 North with his brother in tne notei nar-,'""' '""" Carolina. This is a definite oppor- ber shop. Mr. and Mr;. Koonce have .office, an-apartment in the home of Mrs. Agenora Andrews here. n Most leaders think Congress is not tunity to indicate unity of organi zation and render the democratic Masons To Honor Living Past Masters party a distinct service. I I want you to know that I per Uonally and officially commend this program to you with complete con fidence that you will do your full duty. O ready yet to say that volunteering i won't work and adopt conscription as its alternate. The advent of the atomic bomb has left a lot of legislators wonder ing whether it is worthwhile to , ' " " , maintain large armies and navies in JMLluiu ...uui.d ..... i. h lULUIt?. 1 - . . honor of all living past masters of, Their mail is devoted largely to : Nine Directors Are their lodge at a dinner on Tuesday please to get constituents out of . NnminatArl Fnr I nmkaa pupninif nf next week. The occasion :f. j f,it,lva ' 1'OniinalcQ r Or LUmDee will get unaer way as me ioage opens j conscription usually i adverse. All its regular communication in the 0f these arguments are said to have lodge room at 7 o'clock. Later, mem- been repeated to Mr. Truman by bers and their Masonic guests will of nis Capitol Hill friends, go to the Kiwanis hall where a tur-. ijD to Conrress key dinner will be served, and a pro- But the president reportedly re REA Cooperative Names of nine members of the mination for the organization's board corporation have been placed in no- .., . . j , . : . . " iminaiiun lor in euiKaoiaiion s uuaiu gram will be presented honoring the mams rietermmed to check the issue of rectors. Manager D. J. Dalton, f"' "Z..", , j . iup to congress as ne gave warning reI,orted today The Raeford Lodge now has over he would & m jn Ks Seplember 6 Nine will be elected at the co 100 members, end 15 past. maseers are message outlining his program. Iterative', fifth annual meetine to be held on November 7, at 3:00 o'clock exiDected to attend. Too, a number ! At that timf Mr Truman caiH it KffnBnn rnm naqpriv 4wna Will - . . ... " "V, was nls 'mention to -communicate in the Hoke county court house, Rae ?6 ,nm nftSTtta WUh lhC Cr5reSS frm Vm? t0 time ford. Mr. Dalton said that the list a?ZI WnTnvit and during the CU"ent session wlth "' of advance nominees is now corn Grand Lodge have been invited, and t to comprehensive anS con- but he exDects that other can it is expected that a number of them(tinuous program of national security fS" W1K m'miit in'rhar nf ar- includinS a universal training pro- ,floor during the meeting. The names I ' ! ; ' A Mc- gram unificaution of 0,6 armed ser" of those nominated so far .r? the rangements consults ot Neill A. Mc- vices and the u nd, control of . b d f directors namelv "VIC' x-- 1 ne ureea men tnat mp se wtive xr t-. i. t c?.-:u , . tun, rvdtriui u, ivii . lui y oinuii. .service act be continued to take Raeford; j. R Caddell, Maxton; J. ,care of this country s extensive mili- Mcv cillis. Favetteville: R. F. Mor- laws by having a quantity of home brew and paid the court costs. James Roper and Walter Harris, colored, entered pleas of guilty of rge the public to attend being drunk and disorderly and were ani , f.tinown their views on the. ordered to pay the court costs in jsubje .s' order that any action sub- , their respective cases, jsequently taken by the board toward Roberta Murphy, colored, was found getting an airport here should best guilty of violating the prohibition I represent the wish of the maioritv of laws by possessing a quantity of non tax-paid liquor ana was taxed witn the costs. James Bethea and Eddie Clayton, colored, were found guilty of the same offense and with being drunk and disorderly. They also paid the With victory in Europe and Ja- I i r,nnih Rnff, nnlnrPH. was fm.nd pan a reality, it is now possible to pniJguilt.v of driving a car while under oi tne ooi gallons lormeny imposea I the costs of the court oy me reaerai explosives Act nave now been eliminated. Abolish Licenses For Non-Military Explosives the county citizens. 0- New Schedule To Cut Force One-Third WASHINGTON. Oct. 16 The Na- ! " u"e 1 nomas ana r'aQ,e m'lr!"d". .... iA;i.. a .j..t; : r i-iTnrpiT. were found cuiltv of bein Effective imxeiately the De- poim scores Qr the grcater pan of drunk and disorderly and paid the its personnel, intended to release ' court costs, i nomas aiso was nnea partment of the Interior, through the Bureau of Mines, has granted a, hi d f war.strenglh by he $10 for using profane language ffaniii". I 1 1 oon Co t r Tho m a vara Hie. " " it i i i general license to the makers, dis tributors, and users of non-military first of January. Peter McNair, colored, was chargea With further cuts predicted in De-;Witn the costs lor violating tne roao ixplosives. This general license cember anrf' Januaryi Ae score for ; law but was found not guilty of driv- uuiisiitu in iiic & tuLi ai iicgiani ut ..riii w 1 mp without a license. c'- ? ?Pends the Issuing of 44 41 int effective Novem. Lonnie Sloan, colored, was found individual licenses such as has done ber ut not gunty of having improper brakes, in the past three and a half years Qn the same date ma,e officers Bobbie McLean, white man of Although relieving persons covered wi bfi cm fTom t(J 4g in(s, Sampson County, was found guilty by the Act from securing up-to-date iWAVE officers rom 39 t(j 32 gnd of violating the prohibition laws individual licenses, it oc.es not re- WAVE enlisted personnel from 29 ' and paid the costs, heve them from other duties and,tQ 2g Garfield Maynor and Jason Arm- responsibilities under the Act. Nq -cnange was mafle m tne tor. strong, both colored men of Que- In contrast to the first World Warmub b which in(s gre compute3. j whiffle township, were each found when explosives were used in the , schedule sten im the 'guilty of operating a Tiquor still perpetration of many costly acts of . rtomhili,, n1nn uv w and each was fined $25 and the court sabotage, there has not been one single clear-cut instance in this war two months. costs in his case. The Navy announcement also said ! Marie Lopez, white transient, paid where explosives or their ingredients ,hat a furlner reduction in pointithe costs for speeding. nave oeen einpmyta to aestroy f prop-: scores for medical doctors probably I Jessie McKinnon. colored, was erty and disrupt rtora-le in the United wiU be made on January 1. Re-! found guilty of receiving a stolen duction of doctors' scores from 60 to pistol knowing it to have been stol- 53 points was announced recently. , en and sentence was three months States. This remarkable record is at least in part, the result of an ef- "l e'",7 idpu,u.e optiauon oi ,ne Tne expected further cuts will be to be suspended on payment of the Federal Explosives Act, and especial-'to 51 p,, costs. McKinnon also got three ly of the dilieence and the persever- i In olner dasres ,he further pre-months to be suspended on payment anceof the licensing agents. ;dicted cuU are: Fm. mae 0ffTcers!of a fine of $30 and the costs for The general license, as issued by other ,han doctorSj to 44 points on carrying a concealed weapon, the Bureau of Mines, reads in part DeCember 1 and to 43 points on Jan- I Bert Hankings, colored, was found as follows: I nary 1. guilty of stealing a pistol from the e n t s. A general license is here-; 0n January 1 General License No. 8 pertaining to , For enlisted male personnel, to 39 sheriff's automobile while it was explosives and ingred i-, points on December 1 and to 38 points 'parked in front of the courthouse and with carrying a concealed wea pon. Sentence for the theft was three months to be suspended on payment of $25 and the costs and for carrying the pistol was sentenced to three months to be suspended on payment of $50 and the costs. Walter Lee McKinnon, colored, had a sentence of thirty days sus pended on payment of the costs for being drunk and disorderly. and Cecil Dew. Beer Control Agency To Hold Meeting tary commitments, declaring: ris, Maxton; C. L. Ballance, St. Pauls; 1 am certain, as are we war and j. E. Morrison, Maxton- and Lam ,Navy Departments, that we cannot bent LeWiSi Pembroke. u . . 1 Cy , vomumary recruitment as. Mr. Dalton pointed out that the RALEIGH, Oct. 17. The fall meet- the sole method of procuring the cooperative now has an annual gross Ing of the Executive Board of the necessary replacements." income of approximately $54,000, is North Carolina Committee-United Congress seems inclined to let the ofle ot tne largest iocai business en States Brewers Foundation will be Selective Service Act run along for , terprises in this area During the held in Raleigh, Wednesday, Decern-, several months, but the opposition . pa9t year the cooperative distributed ber 5. I to enactment now of a peace-time 822,332 kilowatt hours of electricity Chairman William E. Gruffin. Dur-j compulsory training law is vocal and to its j495 members ham, will preside at the one-day apparently determined. - Tne cooperative furnishes elec- business session. Other members 1 Itricity at cost to the members, who of the executive board are: W. D-, Favetteville PresbyterV, control and will own its facilities. McPherson of Littleton, N. S. Fore--nr. t T" J IHowever, the actual management is m v iTict-i m. ucauay .delegated to a board of directors elec- by granted under the Federal Ex plosives Act of December 26, 1941 (55 Stat. 863), as amended, to any person as defined in the act and regulations, who is not otherwise pro hibited by law or by regulation or by proclamation of the War De- j partment, the Attorney General, or any other Federal Agency from do ine so. to manufacture, distribute. I possess, purchase, accept, receive, ac-if" rAVASl, quire, store, sell, issue, or other- VUlldCI V C iUICdld wise dispose of and use explosives and ingredients, as defined in the act and the regulations. For WAVE officers, to 30 points on December 1 and to 29 points on January 1. For enlisted WAVES, to 24 points on December 1 and 23 ponits on January 1. 0 Farmers Urged To General Rise In Tobacco Prices It is time for the farmers to begin t?..W..i! of their forest as a perma- I nent cash crop. Over half of the land I in Hoke County is in forest, says A IS. Knowles, county agent. Should Harvest Sweet Potatoes ter of North Wilkesboro, Charles F. -nithson of Favetteville, Harold G. ) right of Greensfcoro, and C. P. .anney of Gastonia, representing the distributors; and R. K. Kennedy of Greensboro, W. J. Huster of Cin cinnati, C. L. May of Newark, F. E. Ogrlen of TTewrak and Walter Bart lett of Norfolk, representing the brewen. State Director Edgar H. Bain, Goldsboro, will be among the spesk- 'ted at the annual meeting of "the The fall meeting of Fayetteville merrbers of the cooperative. This Presbytery will be held Tuesday in board meets once a month to establish the Dunn church. The meeting will 1 policies to carry on the cooperative'! begin at 10:00 o'clock in the morning business. A manager selected by the and will probably complete its doc-. board handles the day-to-day opera -ket by late in the afternoon. Mr. 'ting problems. D. Scott Poole, elder in the Raeford Mr. Dtlton said that the coopera church, has been appointed by the . tive has Just had a loan application local Session to attend the meetiog-.for $50,000 by North Carolina Rural He will accompany his pastor. Rev. Electrification Authority for mem H. K. Holland, to the meetine. ber service extensions. Now that frost has come, all sweet potatoes should be harvested at once M ach of if not already harvested. Large losses this forest is unproductive because it are caused every year due to frost has not been managed so that it . action, reports County Agent A. S. could yield a return. Knowles. When digging use a mid- Keeping fires out of the forest is .dlebuster if possible to avoid cutting RALEIGH Oct 15 strong up- tne n10st essential practice in con-jand breaking of potatoes. ward movement on the eastern flue- ' Irving timber and promoting its Grading should be done in the field, cured tobacco belt has brought the Srowth- Fire breaks serve a good Use heap row system by laying three season's best prices, while middle cause on large tracts of wooded areas. 1 rows together, avoiding piles. Separ belt marketing centers also reported into 20 to 30 acre blocks by a, ate culls, injured and diseased pota pnees were on the upgrade. factor disk, the Job can be done, toes. If potatoes are to be stored m The federal-state market news ser- ! economically and keep down fire ha- a house, they snould be placed in the vices reported over the week end zards to ler areas Where thick storage container while grading, that the quality of last week's of- stands of young timber exist, it is Farmers should avoia feeding W ferings on the eastern belt were a- Profitable to thin and in some cases bitten potatoes to hogs or other live bout the same as the previous week's Prunin Ws Most f the; stock as they may cause poisoning. good leaf. The middle belt reported 7oun8 tree thinned can be sold as I -o the best quality of the season. PulP wood- U is not recommended j f,re Last Friday Almost everv'grafle advanced SI nat farmers leave their iorest thin-j to $2 on ffle ea'slern belt. Nondescript ning for pulp wood to pulp wood deal- An mithoU5e mar the home of Mrs was up $2.50 to $4 per hundred 'ers' (or ,in m?st f.ases "f tnat kln I. H. Shankle on Donaldson Avenue pounds. Many more than $50. baskets sold for farmers do not realize the value. At present, prices are too low to justify was destroyed by fire last Friday ,,- - , , . 1. i fli.i. iiv,,.,. 1 lie um: was Mtfrim u.y The volume of sales was some- se'J.'nB PU'Pwooo. on tne slUmp. some coa,s havj been thrown what lighter, but most markets con- here are several thousand acr,esdry grass and fanned into flame by tinued blocked. The week's sales'01 cut over timber land and sub-,)he wmd Thf buildinK wa, ' of 34,743,357 pounds brought a $44.73, marginal land that snouirt oe Pian-ticaIy a total oss but ,he Fire . average, bringing the season's total ted to pine trees. A number of sue to 296,287.082 pounds for an aver- cessful plantings have been made in age of $43.29. ' the county in recent years. Farm- On the midd'le belt, the week's ers wishing to obtain 1 year pine average was $4t?.5, the season's seedlings, should make application partment kept the blaze from spread ing to a nearby garage. J. A. McGoogan is in Raleigh this week attending a meetin of nuznesi. Ail leal sola was at leasx tor tnem at once in order to De as- the State Association of County Ac $1.74 above the previous week. The sured of early deliveries next spring. Icountants. of which he is president season's total sale reached 76,679,328 Orders can be placed at the county The meeting started yesterday and at an average of $41.45. agent'i office. will end tomorrow.