ews. Journal. HOKE COUNTY'S BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER The Hoke County Newt The Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 21 .Mnr.li v t. . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1945 t!AH) PKK VEAB N 11 lie NEWS OP OUR M EN w WOMEN IN UNIFORM Colonel Lewis Awarded Legion Of Merit Colonel Robert B. Lewis, CAC, com-1 manding officer of the Post of Fort Read, Trinidad, British West Indies, was awaiueu 6... . ....... October 10 by Lieutenant Ueneral Monday, October 29, announced Hoke it"iaiirna una ui rr. w.ri w sum m huluuji a-- Doaro UI uireciors ui meoicai Brett Caribbean Defense comman- County's quota yesterday. saulting Percy Cha vis with a deadly management has obtained the .-9V -Organization Discusses Plans, der i'n ceremonies at San Juan Puer- Overall quota for the county will weapon in recorder s court last Tues- vices of Gene Maynard, well know iblems. pic0 be $150,000 and the county's quota 1 day. Jacobs entered a plea of guilty auctioneer from the Aberdeen mar- , 'Vv. The medal was awarded "for excep-' for "E" bonds will be $110,000. and sentence of thirty days was sus- ket. Mr. Maynard will sell some vVoRIUM, Oct. 21. Meet tionally meritorious conduct in the Women's chairmen for the county pended on payment of the court tobacco, cotton, a pony saddle and ing tfc s as tne guests of Dr and performance of outstanding services are Mrs. William L. Poole and Miss costs. bridle donated by the Carl Morris Mrs p p McCain, members of the from 4 February 1942 to 20 Septem- Josephine Hall. Mrs. Poole and Miss ! Juuius McKoy , colored, paid costs stable, cakes, and possibly other items board o djrectors of the auxiliary ber 1945 Hall wiu bc in charge of the drives 'or being drunk and disorderly. The auction sale will follow the eve- I of tne Nortn Carolina Medical society Colonel Lewis was cashier of the among the women in Raeford and; James M. Currie, colored man of ning meal. I heard reports of officers, discussed Bank of Raeford prior to entering the women of the county outside of , Moore county, was fined $50 and the Members of the Methodist church legislation, planning, juvenile delin the army in September 1940 with Raeford, respectively. costs for driving under the influence who are contnbuting to the ingather- quency, a physical fitness program the North Carolina Guard. He has They plan to get under way with a of liquor and had a sentence of ing have been asked to bring their and the sponsoring of essays in the been stationed in Trinidad since the luncheon at Mrs. Poole's home in! thirty days suspended on payment donations of produce, cotton, cakes, scnoois on pertient health questions, early part of May, 1942. Raeford Saturday. October 27, at of the costs for driving without etc., to the armory not later than Fortytwo members were present .. T.t .Tnhn W. S. Pratt, son of Mr. and Mrs James Robert Pratt of Follv Beach S. C, has recently been separated from the Army Air uorps and is. spending his tergal leave with his parents at ruuy ccnui. : rdciHont nf Rap lainer i a iui"e - ford. i Sgt. James McDiarmid was dis- chaFged from the Army at Fort nDa iat wppk una is wiui ir. t& . .. familv here over five years and served two tours of duty overseas, one in tne wesi . , i- v,n IT'I'r. Ho a.-. . Indies ana u.ie m i ----- rived m this country from turope last week. Pharmacists' Mate 1-c Loch Cam- erOn, WHO WaS reCCllH from the navy, was a rtaeiora visi- tor this week. He participated in several campaigns in the Pacific and ... , 1 Kn.nitjl was stationed at me .1... at Newport News when discharged. J iX (jg) A. W. Gillis and Mrs. Gil lis are now at San Diego, California, wher,e U. Gillis returned to the states in July after serving for two years on a destroyer in the Pacific areas and was married to Miss Lura Mar celle Korth of Fredericksburg, Va. T-Sgt. Charles M. Allison arrived been separated from service may at Fort Bragg last week after thirty , apply for commissions in the organi ... . Pacific, ed reserves, according to Lt. Colonel tnree ... . . He and his wife, the former Miss this Haskin flummer, w... .cave week to visit his mother in Springs, North Carolina. Hot S-gt. Raymond McBryde received a time of their separation from ser discharge from the army Friday at vice, and who were separated from Laredo Texas and arrived numc. Say. HeturnVto the States ?n JUne after serving eleve, .months In Italy with the 15th Air Force Corporal Homer Quick, who has been in the army for over five years and who has seen service in ik. w.t Indies and the Philippines, was recently discnargea ana is Tiome. Captain David Scott Currie has been separated from the army and is rat home. Douglas McBryde and David Gib- son of Dundarrach, who have been in th F.nrnrjean theatre of opera - toins, have recently been discharged which they can definitely qualify, from' the Army and are at home. iThey will have opportunities to ac- Icept tours of active duty with full Cpl. Willie Jones, of Dundarrach, pay and allowances, who has been in the Pacific theatre, in the event of future active duty was discharged from the army re- or of another emergency, they'll in cently and is at home. He was in sure their continuity of commission the 27th Infantry Division on Oki- ed service for longevity pay, as well nawa. j as for any authorized retirement benefits. S 2c Riley Jordan, V-t5 sta-. 1 Reserve officers are able to main tioned at Miami, Fla., is spending a tain and enjoy the comradeship of 10-day leave with his parents, Mr. their fellow officers of this war. and Mrs. J. F. Jordan near Timber-'They may exert an active influence jand . on the future military policy of th . United States through membership M-Sgt, Clyde Gillis has been dis- in the Reserve Officers Association -hareed ' from the army after ser- of the United States. This voluntary vice in Trinidad ano r-uruue ouu . now at home. McAdoo Boseman of Rockfish, ar rived in the States last week. Sister Of H. W. B. Whitley Dies In Hospital At Monroe Mrs. Dollie Whit ey Helms, of the Beulah community seven miles south of Monroe, died at the Monroe hos pital last Thursday after an illness of several months. She was 64 years of age and had been a patient at the hospital since last June. Funeral services were conducted Friday at the Beulah Presbyterian church and internment followed in the cemetery there. Mrs. Helm is survived by her husband, Kemp Helms, and' three tons, all of the home; and four brothers, H. W. B. Whitley of Rae ford, Grier of th hom, Dr. L. L. of Atherns, Gs., and Dr. Ayer of Mat thews, N. C. Quota Set For 8th War Loan Drive Starting Monday Eighth "Victory" Drive To Begin 29th. Neill A. McDonald, county chair-i man for the Eighth "Victory" War . Loan Bond Drive which gets under ., , 12:15, to which the women Who are chairmen of the bond committees in each community will be invited. De- tailed plans for the drive to begin j wionaay wiu De aiscussea at mis - uncheon anc 1th. women's organi- wuun wm luiujicicu Th Wnttnnal Virtnrv T The National Victory Loan Drive ---- beginning October 29 will have its goal on.wm.uuu.uuu. ui mis amoum $4,oon.oon.oo is to come from sales to nidlviduals and $7,000,000,000 from otner nonoarut nivirsiuis. ui tne m - ....... . nin nnn nin v I come from the sae of Series E" Donas. Tha Hrifa tnf i n rl i 171 rlnn 1 c will fly . -v ... tenet irom uctoDer z inrougn ue- cember 8. As used here, the term "individuals" includes personal trust accounts and partnerships, except for aiuicianipB c'5n6" " wMjwitos j securities aeaiers ar a uroners. , ft I MM II FfiYmOV I lttlPHC 1 viuivi vraaivv-AO Are Urged To Join Reserve Charlotte, Oct. 23. Foil tier of ficers of the U. S. Army who have Ralph E. Keyes, Commanding Of- ficer q the y g Amy RecruiUng Station in Charlotte. All male officers who were phy sically qualified for either general 1 or limited military service at the ""W ,ajd. , J active duty under nonorarjie circum The Army's announcement of the nrmnrtnnitv fnr former nfficprs fnl-'1' lows: 'Men accepting appointments in the Officer;' Reserve will have a military I status and a definite place in the post war Army of the U. S. They'll receive an initial five-year appoint ment in the Corps in the highest grade held at the time of relief from active duty. They will have a full opportunity, with their con sent to acquire additional practical experience through temporary ac- j tive service to receive promotions, . by successive steps, to any ranks for association of Reserve Officers has been in existence since 1922, and was largely responsible for the availability of more than 100,000 Reserve Officers at the beginning of World War II. Most important: They have the satisfaction of continuous service to their country-in peace as well as in war. Any former officer who is in terested in obtaining further informa tion about the Organized Reserves may do so by contacting the U. S. Army Recruiting Station, located in the Post Office Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Brown accom panied Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morrison to Portsmouth, Va, Sunday where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Hu bert Wooten. The Browna returned home Tuesday and Mrs. wooten and son returned with them for visit here. " - - CLOTHES FOR WAR RELIEF The Presbyterian church is collec- I ting clothes Tor the war relief. Bring all mens, womens, and chudrens clothes, including shoes ana bedding to the church basement on Tuesday, October 30th, between one and six o'clock. Be sure that all clothes are clean and in good condition. Recorder's Court Delma Jacobs, Indian, faced Judge ,ru :j ... drivers license. '""i ' ..uk.., v.u.u.u, each had a sentence of sixty days . suspended on payment of fines of , Y V of .ood beh.vjjr or o year. a thirty day sentence suspended on ,, , . , - payment 01 tr.e costs on a cnarge 01 nu c mim, costs for driving with improper brakes. ' .... Tlinille TdIYIOG TnHl3rl PntprPH H Plea Ot not guilty 01 Operating a I whisky still, but was lound gui ty ard sen'.nre of .x months was amon. . 05 anr) "h . v the costs. Clanord W. Martin, white traiv ;sient, paid the costs for speeding Randall Thompson, white, of Moore county, had a sentence of sixty days suspended on payment of $50 and uit cittu, iui v.u ....s ...c laws by killing a doe. his nunimg license season Masons Honor Past Masters At Meeting T11.ps.flav Eveninff - J c Past 'Masters of Raeford s Masonic Lodge were guests of honor at a dinner given by the lodge in the Kiwanis hall on Tuesday evening. The dinner meeting followed a regu - lar communication of the lodge in nm ot urhirh there was a' ' a ,tp3n.P Twelve past masters, Walter Ba- S A. Graham, Edgfr Hall, W.P. Hawfield, L 7 MrMiliui . Edward ' "' VT w " " " r, o'-.tv. w , ,& nmcant tn rprp vb Frank Tap? were Pent t receiive honors. One of the past masters who hasbeen sick for of weeks, T. B. Lester was sent a message wbsenbed to . b, ' f pre&e..., .u...a"e "- o of the group. Anotner past masiei, T. D. Potter, was prevented by ill ness in his family, from being pres- pnt T A WISDet, OI lllllli.gLui., ent. x. i.w.i v o who served the lodge as master wni p nvine nere suu.e jm.. .... . .Mp tn sent nis regrets ai ' '"e attend. JLaci. u. me v o.-...- was singled out for a tribute by Toastmaster Cecil Dew, who came mDanied b v MrTHaw- out with a funny story about each!"edwas accompanied by Mrs. Haw- one. All the past masters responded j appropriately with speeches of var- ying length. Out of town guests included two district deputy Grand Masters, R. A. Younee or. uauiiiiuu.K. a... ... Smith of Red Springs. Each talked hripflv. and praised the local group for its high Masonic achievement. Masters of the Aberdeen Launn- burg, ana wit. unve lougei, wc.c present, as were a numoer 01 pronu- nent Masons from rayettevii e ana other nearby points. The North Ca- rnlina Grand Officers were invited, I , , j .and Grand Master Hobbs and Grand i Secretary Newcomb each sent their regrets, having previous engage- . The freshman member of this com ments. Messages were read rom I mittee is R. D. Strother, farmer, who those of the local lodge, who were was just recently appointed to the prevented from attending. Many ol COr.mittee but has already shown a the visiting Masons paid high tribute deep interest in the welfare of the to the work being done by the local Ch00i. lodge, pointing out that the Quality. ,It js hoped that you wiu support of its work is not surpassed in North I your eommittee in their effort to have Carolina. The visitors were intro-, a good ,,,, for your cmidren. duced by Past Master Lacy Clark. The meeting was opened by the ORDNANCE COMPANY TO rnaldttmedlhntELEBRATE FRIDAY NIGHT ing over to the program chairman, The 4Mst Ordnance A. A. M. Corn Cecil Dew. Assisting Mr. Dew in pany. stationed at Fort Bragg, has the arrangements were Mr. McDon- rented Bill's Place near hare for the aid, Israel Mann, Ryan McBryde, evening of Friday, October 26, for and L. E. Reaves. The dinner was the purpose of holding their d under th direction of Mis Jose-1 activation party. The place will be phine Hall, home county agent, and closed to the public after eight o'clock Mrs. Lucy Smith, of th high school that evening and tha axijdlm will cafeteria. About ninety local Ma- take over to celebrate the going out sons and guesta wart present 1 of existence ot their organization. Raeford Methodists Ingathering Next Thursday Nov. 1st The Raeford Methodist church will hold its annual ingathering next Thursday, November 1st, at the Rae- ford Armory. A barbecue dinner will be served from 12:00 noon cntil one-thirty and supper of the same will be served from 12 'oon until seven P. M. Plates V priced at one dollar each. following the noon mea. .us ... Z " . . I., it ten o ciuck mursuay n orning. 0- u School News fiy R New Teacher-Coach For High School Thg Hoke County Hign Schooi was fotunate in being able to secure this week th services of Jer a Rob. Jr Qf Fayettevillei as teacn. ', L'.,.:, j..,; ' j .u. ci ui puj'bii.d. cuuLduuiu ai.u 0.111c tic coach. Mr. Roberts will begin . : ..... ,, , when he and baK. ball teams as the seasons start. Mr. Roberts is a graduate of the Favetteville Srhool and Presbyterian f '. ,, , : 7' ' . ,,., ;: varsity ball for both institutions and he has also played for Army teams and coached his outfit's team at Fort R(,nninI.. G, - and Mrs. Roberts ..hiiHrpn and will move here at an early date. Good Enrollment In Bible Class Mrs. T. N. McLauchlin, Bible teach- er, reports that there are forty-one pupils enrolled in the Bible course at the High School and 382 at the Raeford Graded School. She also reports that a Bible club is being organized in the high school for 1 .1 ...J ...U . .....11 1 u.o ruui w..u not permit the inclusion of the Bible course. 1 Quite a lot of Bible materials have come that werfi bQught with tne money furnished by the Raeford Kiwanis clu,b Rockfki, PTA Meets ,day evening with Mrs M. s. Gib. Th Rriri,fish pxa met last Mnn- .j . . j I5 ' P"01' m lnf t,,alr- n KOU" Th Dresident called on Princioal LTe ms report , evfral commTndatofns, Tot 1 f. ' '''"' """i": . , j . a g f tte lunchr roorn and in - structed to employ an assistant. The counyt superintendent was asked to lf arrangement could be made to secure milk. Devofonals were 1 tui.uuL.cu uj x.cv. xmuivc.. The Board of Education held a called meeting Wednesday night to I transact business ni reference to the . .... . TT , . , , t npw hmlH.ncr at th TTnphnrph cph.nl 1 0 r , ... , c- naw.ier Hawfield, former county : supertntendent of schools, was a visitor Tuesday. All of his old friends were delighted to see him. v. . District Committee Chairman of the Ashemont district committee . w T TU.u...- ...u ; T'hornbure ?' " " " ""'"""S! a member of the committee for 2 " "' . ' -"a. o thg school and has fa mQst i va!uabIe mem.ber. Ngxt jn ,ine q seryice ,s F L . bans business manager of the Sana. toriunli Mr Eubanks is close to the school and aUowg himself to K ,M, , ,; ;J vi ot inj nine iui mu and iscxtremely usetul to the sch00l. SHERIFF STORY KILLED NEAR Auxiliary Lists Prizes Offered . r... i with Mrs. Erick Bell, head of the . auxiliary, presiding. The following nominating com mittee was elected to serve for the I year 1945-46; Mrs. K. B. Pace of ' Greenville, chairman; Mrs. A. C. iRulla. Raleieh! Mrs. Winffatp John- son, Winston-JIalem; MrsJ Georg Mitchell, Wilson and Mrs. John Mc "in, uunn. frizes 01 5o were ottered to tne county first in paying dues, bv Mrs. F.rirk Rpll. m me county maKing tr.e largest :f, , tha Pnnner hpH Ftorn N. C. Sanatorium in Wilson by Mrs. K. B. Pase of Greenville. m county maKing tne largest B'ft to the Student Loan Fund by Mrs. Frederick Taylor of High Point. uv. rtacnei uavis or rvinston 01- 'e" a- as an achievement prize to the district which shows greatest Progress and achievement along all lines, organizations, educatic lines, organizations, educational pro- jects, subscriptions to Hygeia and , tr'e Bulletin, etc. ine .strict win- j nnS achievement prize will also ; wln the Davis cup. " Potter Urges Grain Plantincr Frr (iraTincr With Hoke- county feed crops be- ing damaged recently by weather rnnHiHnn3. T n Pntt(ir .ha:rm,n Hoke County AAA committee, urges farmers to seed additional acreages l0..!31' ?ts'.riey' and rye for'Tay.or could n0r have seen slterif grazing next spring. "An increase in the seeding of small grains for pasture purposes will aid materially in supplementing feed ana ' and hay for the production of live- .stock and dairy products," he said. Mr. Potter stressed the importance of adequate fertilization to insure bet- ft' e pointed out that estab t TJ. from seedines these &ai' me th s fall, had been approved as one ul Uit; i wen .j iuui piduitues unoer ; the 1946 AgricuitUral Conservation ' program , " ..To qualify for the praetice ment of $150 ac the be grazed or turnedi but not harvested for grain or hay," he said. Revival To Begin At Bethel November 4 Rev. Arthur M. Field of Lewis- burg, West Virginia, will preach a series of evangelistic services at Betnel Presbyterian church from November 4 November 11. The y meeting will open with the Sunday I night service and win continue ev- 'ery night, Monday through Friday, with morning and evening services wail n:u.uiis ant ecu. .15 o... , on Sunday, November 11, closmg the ! - Mr. Fields is associate pastor of .the Old Stone church at Lewisburg. He is a graduate of Harnpden-Sidney ; College and of Union Theological I P : .. -( U;.n;niq iirhor. Via ur.S Inrpsiripnt nf the senior class of 1943. He was the Salem Fellow for 1944, pursuing his work in missions, com parative religion, and Bible, and he has been accepted as a candidate for the foreign mission field by the board of the Presbyterian church. 0 To Observe Community Day At Presbyterian Church World Community Day will be ob served on Friday, November 2, in a meeting at the Raeford Presbyterian church at threehirty in the after noon. The subject of the program will be "The Prince of Enduring Peace," and the women's organizations of the Baptist, Methodist, nd Presbyterian churches will participate. All women of Raeford and vicinity are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Hawfield of Monroe, spent Tuesday night in Rae ford as the guesta ot Mr. and Mrs. r, B. Sextos. OF GUILFORD HERE SATURDAY Is Hit In Head And Chest By Buckshot. John C. Story of Greensboro, was shot and fatally wounded at about ten o'clock last Si.turday morning while hunting deer about five miles north of here. He was forty-five years old and was sheriff of Guil ford county. An inquest was ordered following the shooting and a coroner's jury ordered Guy Taylor, thirty-five-year-old farmer of this county, who was hunting near Sheriff Story at the time, held under bond of $1000 pending further n(;stigation. Alt the conclusion of the investigation the jury decided that Story had died from accidental causes and that n one was responsible. Taylor, there fore, will not be ndcted n connecton fore, will not be indicted in connection Sheriff D. H. HodgTn saTTt lie re ceived a call at around ten o'clock and that he went to the scene of the hunt with a doctor. Sheriff Story was unconscious when they arrived and died at eleven-twenty, accord ing to Sheriff Hodgin, from three buckshot wounds, two in his head and one in his chest. Another shot was found imbedded in his ankle. Coroner William L. Poole ordered -n mmedinte inquest at the scene of the killing. Taylor at that time told tne jury mat he and Story were approaching a swairp on opposite side? of a small branch. He admit ted firinr? three times at a runriin? doer and three shells of the same guage as Taylor's were found about sixty-one yards from where Sheriff Story fell. Taylor insisted that he had not been within 200 yards of Sto-y when he shot at a deer. Sheriff Story's gun was raised to hoot at the time he was fattally hit. His gun was fired as he fell and the shots went into a small pine tree nearby. Taylor told the jury that as he approached the spot where the sheriff fell he heard groans, dis covered the wounded man and im mediately called for help. Sheriff Hodgin said that he be lieved the shooting was accidental and that both Taylor and Story were shooting at a deer at the time. He I said the woods were thick and that Story from the point where the three shots fell. Sheriff Story was elected sheriff of Guilford county in 1943. He was 1 rrember of the Corinthian lodge of Mason and of the Oasis temple of the Shrine, of the Elks, and of the American Legion. He is survived by his wife, one son, one daughter, and several brothers and sisters. 0 Airport Meeting Held Last Monday Not Well Attended Due to a variety of conflicting in formation and the fact that John McGougan was out of town last Wednesday, it was announced in last week's paper that the airport meet ing at the courthouse would be on last Tuesday instead of last Mon day afternoon. For this and other reasons unknown the meeting at the courthouse on Tuesday afternoon was quite small. The commissioners discussed ways and means of having an airport with those present and with a represen tative of the Civil Aeronautics Au thority who was present. The con clusion reached was that it is prob ably advisable and will be beneficial for this town and county to have an airport. The CAA representative in formed the gathering that bills were at present before congress autho rizing the government to pay as much as any community pays to ward building an airport for that community. He also gave some in teresting information on the size of the tract of land needed and other physical characteristics necessary for the most economical construction of a good field. A committee to further investi gate the advisability and practica bility of the scheme was appointed. This included Tom Cameron, J. H. Blue, Ben Currie, N. H. G. Balfour, Mrs. P. P. McCain, Mrs. W. L. Poole, and Neill A. McDonald. INGATHERING AT ROCKFISH Tabernacle Baptist church of Rock fish, will hold its annual ingather ing Thursday, Nov. 1st. The sale of farm produce will begin at 2:30 P. M. Barbecue and chicken salad supper will begin at S JO P. M. r

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