Ne WS" Jfourna HOKE COINTY'8 BEST ADVERTISING MEDIt'M me HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPEH The Hoke County New The Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 27 RAEFORD, N. C. THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 1945 $2.00 PER YFP NEWS Of OUR MENwWOMEN IN UNIFORM Colonel Lewis Returns Colonel and Mrs. Robert B. Lewis, accompanied by their daughters, Mary and Marion, arrived Monday from Trinidad, where Colonel Lewis has been stationed since May, 1942. His family joined him there last August. He was separated from the army and is now on terminal leave. The Lewises left Thinidad by plane last Friday morning and arrived in Miami that night. They proceeded by train from Miami. T-5 Julian B. McKeithan arrived in Raeford Tuesday night and ex pects his discharge the latter part of the week. T-5 McKeithan en tered the army in January. 1943, and served in the South Pacific two years. Corporal John Howard Clark re turned from the Pacific theatre of Operations last week and expects to be discharged at Fort Bragg this week. Lt. Colonel Robert Covington, who has been in England for over three and one-half years, returned to the United States this week. Pfc. William Gulledge landed in Tacoma, Washington, last week fron Okinawa and expects to be in Rae ford soon. He is at present in Kan sas City with his wife. Lewis McNeill, S 2-c, of Norfolk, Va', spent the past week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc Neill. Word has recently been received by Mr. and Mrs. Hector McNeill that their son, Sgt. Robert McNeill, is now stationed in Yokohoma with the 3459th Ord. company. School News (By K. A. MacDonald) Mildouson P. T .A. Meets The Mildouson P. T. A. held its regular monthly meeting last week at the 'school building with" Mrs. Jesse Gibsons president, presiding. Arrangements were made to open the lunchroom. Mrs. Balfour was appointed chairman of the lunch room committee with Mrs. R. H. Gib son and Mrs. Hines, parents, and Miss Irene Downer, teacher, to as sist her. Mrs. Lola Pope was ap pointed manager of the lunchroom. iMiss Alma Ferguson of the Rae ford Graded school faculty, was out sick Monday. Mrs. Jim Poole taught for her. The Rockfish school has had water installed in their lunchroom; also they have a splendid new refriger ator. Lunchroom Tickets On Sale H. C. McGregor, principal of the schools in Raeford, announces that lunchroom tickets can now be pur chased both for the Raeford Graded and Hoke high school lunchrooms. These tickets are good for twenty meals and should be a great con venience to both parents and stu dents. The tickets may be left on file with the lunchroom manager. J. W. Turlington Visits Here , J. W. Turlington, who has just been discharged from the army, was a visitor in tjwn Tuesday.. He also visited at Hoke High school while here. Mr. Turlington expects to en ter the University of North Caro lina in January where he will pur sue courses leading to the Master's degree. Mrs. C. H. McGregor of the Rae ford Graded school faculty, is in bed with influenza. Mrs. Elmer is teach ing for her. W. P. Phillips was in Wilmington Monday and Tuesday with his daugh ter, Linda, who is being treated at a children's hospital there. Basketball Practice Starts Practice by the boys anl girls bas ketball squads has been started un der the tutelage of Coach Jerry Rob ots, Jr. The splendid showing made ' the football team under Coach T Vi.Wa;ll ha, tfiuaii rioo in the , ,.iv.iciii it a a gui-i' - rumor that Hoke High will enter conference play beginning with' either basketball or baseball. Mrs. Campbell of the Health de partment, is working hard on the tonsil clinic for Friday. It is hoped that all parents will take advan tage of this opportunity and have their children's tonsils removed if they need it. Dr. Winston Speaks At Kiwanis Meeting Thursday Evening State Welfare Commissioner Guest Of Club. In a program handled by the Un derprivileged Child Committee of the Raeford Kiwanis club, Dr. Ellen Black Winston of Raleigh', North Ca rolina State Commissioner of public welfare, addressed the club and many guests who were present. Dr. Winston was introduced to the meeting by Mrs. P. P. McCain, of Sanatorium, chairman of the Hoke County Board of Welfare. Mrs. Mc Cain told the club briefly of Mrs. Winston's achievements in the fields of sociology and public welfare. Dr. Winston, earned her degree of doctor of philosophy at the University of Chicago and later was a teach er of sociology at Meredith college in Raleigh. Her husband is also a teacher of sociology at the Raleigh branch of the University of North Carolina. In her address Dr. Winston rela ted the history of public welfare sei vice from its beginning to the pres ent day. She discussed the machi nery of public welfare in North Carolina as compared to that in other slates and told of plans for further development given to the aged, needy, and infirm by this de part rent. She described the plan of the wel fare setup as it is intended under the provisions of legislation now in ConJ.-eis. This legislation would raise the national status of the wel fare work to that of one of four branches of a department with a cabinet head. Mrs. Winston's ap pearance along with her masterful and effortless delivery were a plea sure to all present as weir as what she had to say. The program was presented by Rev. J. D. Whisnant, chairman of the underprivileged child committee of the Kiwanis club. Guests includ ed N. H. G. Balfour, chairman of the county board of commissioners, and Mrs. C. H. Giles, Hoke county superintendent of public welfare. Many other guests were also pres ent. Hoke Has High Rate Of Draft Rejections Hoke county ranked eighty-eighth of North Carolina's one hundred counties in percentage of men ex amined through Selective Service for military service. Hoke county had 54.40 men rejected for service of every one hundred examined. The average for the state was 44.68 rejected for every hundred examin ed. Forty-eight counties were be low this average and fifty-two above. Kiwanis Will Entertain Teachers Tonight The Raeford Kiwanis club will have as its guests at the regular weekly meeting tonight all the teach ers of the white schools of Hoke county. The meeting will begin at seven o'clock. Orthopaedic Clinic In Lumberton Tomorrow An orthopaedic clinic will be held tomorrow, December 7, in the base ment of the agricultural building in Lumberton. This clinic is free to all indigent children under 12 years of age. Dr. O. L. Miller of Charlotte will be surgeon in charge and patients must register between nine and ele ven A. M. United War Fund Drive Gets Closer To Quota John McGoogan announced yester day that Hoke County had to con tribute only $118.15 more to reach its quota of $4,020, as $3901.85 has been collected. Attend Appliance Preview Marion and H. L. Gatlin, Jr., of the Raeford Furniture company, at tended a preview showing of the new postwar electrical appliances to be made and marketed by Philco in Fayetteville Tuesday. Wreck At Antioch G. C. Lytle and a truck belonging to Amos Furniture company, were involved in a collision near Hod gin's store at Antioch last Monday afternoon. Lytle was driving i pickup which was considerably d'wn- POOLE'S MEDLEYiTeiephoeCompany,coMMISSIOIiERS (By D. Scott Poole) about treachery. You read a lot Are you always dependable? That is your duty. Be absolutely depen-, able, and let all the folks say so. A man throws away whatever he spends for beer or other drinks, when water is better, and costs less. I read where advocates of legal liquor said, in language unfit to be seen in a telephone in his ht ji ,i business ' McDiarmid in last Tuesday morn print, they were showing how dirty jn the past decade or . 3 . e repre-! 'ns's session of Hoke County re blockage liquor is, but never a word , sentative was Mr. Hav v 5 he com-! corder s collrt- about fifthy liquor. Both are alike : unfit for use. Raeford by Mr. Bailey. Mr. Haven and Mr. B ttend- I That may be the only way fellows Uj the weekly meeting Rae ,know of taking a vacation striking. , f0: d Kiwanis club last Thursday night They know the hunting season is now a reality. A fellow remarked to me that he believed he was sprouting wings justWar jn the way of increased business , assau!t with a deadly weapon. Sen-'and Balfour said that it was the in below his shoulder blades. I told;and lack of qualified labor and the j tence was $10 and the court costs for tention of that board to finish it. him it was more likely warts . . . .! impossibility of getting new or better eacn- James Thomas and Tom Mc-This, however, was interfered with There are not many indications of equip rent for the exchange and lines Nei11 were found not guilty on the by the war and now there is another Angelic wings these times. Nor do;jn Rae'ord and the other towns that &ame charge in connection withi the board of commissioners. I believe in that kind of jesting. have telephones of the Carolina Tele- lsan"c fracas. There was a delegation of citi- ! phone and Telegraph company in I Worth English and Bob Collins, zens of the county present at the In reading almost anything, we them. It was in the Kiwanis clublwhlte- were charged with violating meeting to urge the board to give learn of the extremely distressing several weeks ago that the subject tne Prohibition laws by having a the Rockfish road first priority. The poverty of the people on the war- of the lack of telephone service in 004116 of store-bought liquor open in following is quoted directly from the torn countries of the world. Ger- 'this community came up. i their vehicle on the public highways, minutes of the meeting and shows many and Japan are suffering as Haven said that his company had Their apprehension was due to their exactly what the board did about severely as any nations on earth. ! recently caused the Raeford exchange hav'ng been involved in an acci- the road situation. Jto be inspected by competent tech- dcnt- They entered pleas of guilty, Motion was made by F. A. Mon- We read in the newspapers that nieians to determine if it were still 'and picLtne costs- iroe that the road from Raeford to there ill be a great deal more cot- serviceable or not. These technic- V- B- Bennett, colored, was charg- Rockfish be given first priority for ton pr:duc:d next year. How do ians had informed the company, h3'ed Wlt tne larceny of two tires and surface treatment, but said motion Ihey know? Unlesh farm laborers said, that the Raeford exchange tw0 wheels from an auto he had bor- 1 failed to receive a second, work better than most of them have would give good service if it were "'! He returned the property! Motion was made by Knox Watson in rw.t months, there never will be t'm.oughly renovated. He said the;and sentence of six months wass follows: That if enough mileage a g-e-t deal of anything produced, j company had obtained the services ' suspended on payment of the costs allotted Hoke courtly to surface treat It appears that most of them are too 'of two factory men to begin thisiand on condition of good behavior! the road from Raeford to Rockfish intelligent to labor in the fields. job on Monday, December 9. j for two years. and the road leading from Duffie's Poor saps. A large part of the trouble in this Ams Shaw, colored, entered a station to the Robeson county line on ! section is due to the unserviceabilitv i plea of Bullty of larceny of a calf , the road to Red Springs; that I read a long time ago that ' of the lines in use. Haven said, but ! whlch he kiUed and a,e after it took , the Rockfish road shall have first "There is true dignity in labor and that due to the large situation at the ! up. at hls place a week or t0' He ! Priority, but if enough mileage is not no true dignity without It." People have come to have an aversion to WORK. That brings the sweat, andiceP' tnat lney win ao tne pest tney sweat brings an unpleasant odor, and that sickens. The Bible teaches that man must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. I do not be lieve there will be bread for any, unless someone sweats. I knew a man near my childhood home who sat in his home day and night and never paid any attention to any work on the place. It was said that one day while he was hoeing corn and peas between the corn hills, he cut up the peas. One of his children said to him, "Look, Papy, you're digging up the peas." A'fter he heard that several times, he threw down the hoe, went to the house, and! never fiid go to work again. Work is not hard, but dread ing it makes it drudgery. Work brings pleasure to one who does not dread it. Work and soldiering are alike. There is something unpleasant to men who go into battle, but they must go out of necessity. They as sume the attitude that live or die they will not fail to do all that could be required from a sense of duty, born of necessity. So why dread. Although Raeford is a young town, it has had several costly fires and al though most people carry insurance, that does not cover these. It is wise to carry a'l the insurance allow able. I sold some fire insurance for a few years. Among other property I wrote some insurance on several tobacco ban's, and one afternoon three of those barns burned within sight of each other. I believe this to the shortest cot ton crop g-own in Hoke, that is, since ti has been HOKE. This coun ty is 35 years old next April 3rd. Nothing arcused so much bad blood n North Carolina politics as the fu - sion of the Populist and Republican parties. The democrats hated the I Republicans, and after the Populists and Republicans fused, the Demo !crats hated t!e-Populists with a dead ly hatred. It is a pity that such things occur. I voted for Jarvis in November, 1 1880. but I campaigned with a reck lessness in 1876 for Zeb Vance. That was one hot campaign, fist fights were numerous, but I do not recall a murder. We all laughed it off later. I am above dirty politics. I could have been elected clerk of the court in Robeson in 1884 if I had taken the Populist nomination, but I would ave been just an office seeker without principle. I Ia , Mrs. George Lester will leave Fri day to spend the week end with her ! sister in Columbia. luntpauuausc ;Work n Local Equipment To, Begin Monday. I A representative he Carolina I Telephone and T. h company f Tarboro brnucti ssage here h is most thi tnwn ia,t Thursday nigh we. come to everyo. arid communi'v who cU has had'cafcs came up before Judge Henry pany and he was ac lied to and prior to the beginning of the regular program, Haven talked brief- I ly to the club about the problems , the company has run into during the present Time me company wouia Promise nothing in that direction, ex- are able to and that they will stay i lne costs Ior oein drunK and dis-1 in the ratio of 2 miles to the Roek with it until the service is good here. 1 orderly. f jsn road to 1 mile to the Duffie-Red Square Dance At Wagram There will be a square dance in the .gymnasium at Wagram tomor - row night for the purpose of selling Victory Bonds. Music and floor show will be furnished by service men from Fort Bragg. o Personals Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Guin, has been sick with bronchitis this week. Mrs. Will Conoly has been in bed with influenza for several days. James Gordon Currie has accept ed a position as traveling represen tative in Eastern North Carolina for the Pennsylvania-Dixie Cement com pany. Miss Alma Ferguson spent the last week end in Lancaster, S. C. She went especially to attend the funeral of her cousin. N. A. Simrill. Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard Maults by have returned from Charlotte after visiting Mrs. Maultsby's sister. rnenas or jwiss A-iary r.uzao.m Harris will be sorry to hear that she still re-rains critically ill at IHighsmith's hospital . . ZT. . mis. u. l.. itr.n. jn,. aim imr. Clyde Teal. Mrs. Hassell Keaton and WnnHrnw Tpnl attpnHpft th fnnprnl of George Kelly in Greensboro Sat urday afternoon. Mr. Kelly was a brother of Mrs. J. L. Teal. 1 Truman and Jake Austin went by larmy plane from Pope field to Phil adelphia last Saturday and attend ed the Armv-Navy football game. They left after seven in the morning and were back in Raeford at about canning. Keignoornood leaders also ten P. M. j helped the people in their local com- imunities with the canning of meat. Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth A. McKeth- Several families were sent to the an spent several days last week in, Raeford community cannery for as Fayetteville visiting Lt. McKethan's j sistauce. parents and relatives. The home agent attended a meet- Mrs. Betty Cole, who is making21. The purpose of this meeting her home with her son, Harvey Cole and family, has been very sick for the past week. Mrs. Clarence Brown has accepted a position with the county depart Tent of welfare as case worker. Fred Johnson of Raleigh spent the week end in Raeford. Mrs. Burdette Miller nee Miss Mar tha Lytle, is a patient in Highsmith's hospital. rnnrArmr jurcrAunu Recorder's Court I About an average assortment of I 'Maggie Smith, colored, after a plea of not guilty of violating theCeive surface treatment as allot prohibition laws by having a still, ment is made by the state for this was found guilty as charged and was work. In 1940 the board of com sentenced to six months on the roads missioners, of which N. H. G. Bal to be suspended on payment of $25 four is the only member still ser and the court costs. ving. authorized the paving of the Robert Walker and Charlie Mai road from U. S. 15-A near Raeford McNeill entered pleas of guilty of tn Rockfish station Thi was hfiimn . j-- - - - . . ,. .V . . . Russell McKinnon, colored, paid j$10 and the costs for being drunk I and disorderly and for throwing a I bottle at the auto of Patrolman j Barnes. . vU,ultU was mrcu Roosevelt McNair, colored, enter- 1 ed a plea of abandoning his wife and children. Sentence was one year to 06 suspended on payment of the court costs and $4.00 weekly to his wife and children Narrative Report For November The following report was written and submitter'' for publication by Josephine Hall, home demonstration agent, and covers the activities of , fr Novem?er- Rockfish a clear first priority, as Food leaders gave the demonstra- had b,, done by by a prior tions at most of the club meetings which he was a member, Mr. Bal in November. The subject was "How four tendered his resignation as J86 IT"10", Vegetables." ; chairman and member of the board. The first three days of November This rcsignation was not accepted were spent in Raleigh attending the bv otner members of the Board, annual Extension conference. iWlu CIose Abattolr Here The annual Achievement Day pro- ntv,- ,,.) k gram was held on the afternoon of (November 7th. Sixty eight women met at the Raeford Grammar school and the decision to close the abbat where reports on the year's work toir in, Raeford. They directed that were heard. The Ashemont club the abattoir not operate after De received five dollars worth of de- cember 8. This is a result of a re fense stamps for having the largest -,m,.i k ,, j fr ,, . ..usance, rnimeaiaieiy atier the:it be moved out of tne city limits of reports were gi yen the club women Rapford, and wiu refult irT ,he loss moved to the Hoke County courthouse ' f , v.- nf ,u fn, ,h-rhrict. where they me i jointly with the REA ,.t r, Z """'"S- ... cjiiuiii, iit-vi s lumiiieniH to: ; and Gwyn Price, chairman N. C. REA I Were the RTlpakprs. ' The Mt. Pleasant club sponsored a square dance at the Little River community building on the evening of November 16. ! The Ashemont club had a quilting ; for Mrs. Crouch whose home was burned recently. I A number of people both white and colored were assisted with meat I ing in the AAA office on November was to discuss conservation practices for 1946. The home agent's annual statistical and narrative reports were prepared and sent to the state office during the last two weeks of the month. On, the evening of November 29 the agent assisted with the serving of a Kiwanis dinner. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Ellen Win ston, state commissioner of welfare. Several Hoke County club women from each community were present to hear Dr. Winston. DISAGREE ON TAIlim HA A lC luum i kuavj Balfour Offers Resignation In Protest Against Action Of Board. The Hoke County Board of Com missioners had a rather stormy ses sion in their regular monthly meet ing at the courthouse last Monday. The bone of contention was the plac ing of priorities by the board on roads in the county which will re- umm uoui roaas, oom I roads shall be considered first pnori- tv and the milea. shall K sNottH springs roaa, ana inai in max evem, me mueage allotted lo ir.e fiocKiisn road shall be built first. Motion seconded by E. R. Pickler. Voting in favor of said resolution Watson, Pickler and McNeill, with Monroe not voting. Motion was made by E. R. Pickler that third priority be given to the surface treatment of a road to con nect Highway 21'1 with Highway 15 at or near the Buchan Farm. This motion seconded by Watson was car ried by unanimous vote. Motion was made by Hector Mc Neill that fourth priority for sur face treatment be given the Wire Road from Antioch to Highway 15-A at the Alderman farm. This motion seconded by Watson was carried by unanimous vote. In protest against that action of the Board in not eivine the Raeford iu, )h in, f ,h illrv th AV) , . pm,rt mas ,re3t of tho;e who plan to do any slaughtering in the next few weeks. Wayside Community Will Give Supper At House Tuesday The wo-ren of the Wayside com munity will give an oyster and chic ken supper at the Wayside com munity house on Tuesday, December H at seven P. M. The supper is to be given by the community as a token of apprecia tion to those who have responded so well there to the United War Fund drive and the Red Cross roll call. After supper Christmas carols will be sung and games will be played. No License Examiner Hera Tomorrow State Highway Patrolman Jason Barnes stated yesterday that he had received information to the effect that there would be no one at the courthouse tomorrow to conduct ex aminations for driver's licenses. He said that G. D. Fry, the regular ex aminer, would be here on Friday, December 14. to examine all appli cants for licenses.

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