lie News-Journal HOKE COUNTY'S BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM hoki county's ONLY NEWSPAPER The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 28 RAEFORD, N. C THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1945 $2.00 PER YEAR (By D. Scott Poole) Tech. Sgt. Buist Bethune of lhe hftAI T'P iiTIXl Tf rmy, spent part of a ten-day Ml II II K V Mr 1 1 1 Pf lough in Raeford this week. IVULL J TL1LLI Lt. (.jg) George Bethune of Wash ington, D. C, it with his family here. Cpl. John Lee Stephens arrived in Raeford last Sunday, tie nas Deen w. ,, . . . . . , . on duty in the Philippine Islands and the past 15 of 20 years The ,ast big was aiscnargea irum ""'one we had was in March, 1927, week, which was two feet deep. There , . . .'were seven snows between the 1st SK.T 1-C Tommy leai arriveu i of February and tne jst of in Camp s,nenon v., 'm2. We had something like that irom Cruam ana expevui w uu... number n, -now in ioo for Christmas. i-t. (jg) Walter Barrington, Jr., Is Ten years ago we had below zero weather, but not much snow. Snow and cold weather kill Insects and ,.v rm h west -uia weam IZZZ.A Christmas here withlhelt 'allow the soil, therefore bet- his family. Lt. Sam Morris has arrived in crops follow cold, snowy winters. Just after the Civil War, when CHRISTMAS! . School News (By K. A. Mac Donald) FT A Meetinr Postponed The P. T. A. meeting will not be held on Thursday evening, as it was earlier announced, because of the Narrow Escape For Three In Wreck Last Thursday California from the Pacific and is lawlessness prevauea, some juage expected home tomorrow. His wife said, 'The Judiciary is Exhausted." came yesterday from Louisburg to I do hope we have not reached an meet him here. other such era, but organized la- ' Ifoor is not acting to my notion. Lt. and Mrs. Larry Haywood, whol 1 kave been in Mrs. Paul Dickson's1 There is always one doctor in each downstairs apartment all fall, left for generation of Dicksons of this town, tteir home in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sun-Dr. A. P. Dickson, Dr. James Dick day, as Lt. Haywood was separated son and now Dr. Alvis Dickson, from the service last Sunday. There was one captain and two Lt. Col. and Mrs. Bergman, of the second lieutenants from this town in Regular Army, who have been oc-, World War I. Just the number and euovine the William Lamont, Jr.,' rank of commissioned officers In house are moving to quarters at Fort World War II has not yet been re Bragg this week. jvealed, but we have an idea no other ia,wu population has furnished a1 'THERE arc & thousand aod one ways of extending the season's greetings to you, but cm words we can put into writing, no words we can frame with our lips, ring with more sincerity than the old'fashioned greeting MERRY CHRISTMAS TO toad weather and sickness. and opportunity. After tional, a resume of the prt study done in the workshops various schools this fall was Miss Lillian Johnson, of the Lt. Col. Bob Conk returned from larger percent of its population in f J-. TV, iveturuer mca the CBI theatre last week and has the armed forces, nor were a larger been assigned to the First Army at per cent of their men in service com fort Bragg, so the Conks will con- missioned officers. That is a guess, tinue to live in Raeford. They will leave December 26 to visit their home1 It was said that 100,000 men In in Florida. I their 40's died of errfluenza in the Light Docket In the case in which Roosevelt winter following World War I .Trou- McNeill, colored, was charged with Mrs. Raymond Maness and little bles never come singly. assault with a deadly weapon with daughter, Carol, of Georgetown, S.j . i intent to kill, Judge McDiarmid sent r fn Rapfnrd and Fort Brace I made a paragraph of the Direc- the case for preliminary hearing to w ,.tt to rawt Maior Maness. tory of the Town of Raeford in the W. R. Barrington, Justice of the who had returned on the same boat last paragraph of last week's med- Peace. He did this because (McNeill h Pacific area as Col. Conk. ley. Did you see it? i was accused of using a knife on John I use to eat a lot of snow. If it McNeill, white, a nephew of the re- Lt. Col. and Mrs. Scarborough, did me any harm I never did know corder. Mr. Barrington found in his -..,. nf the Tom Cam- it. Snow with cream and sutrar on hearing that there was probable eron apartments, are leaving this it is better than ice cream. I never cause for indictment and sent the week for Portsmouth, Va., for the enjoyed snowballing, nor any other case to the next term of Superior holidays. kind of fighting. .court, setting Dona at . Dan Leach, colored man of Little Major and -Mrs. BUI Welch are We use to set deadfalls for snow-;River township, paid the costs for leaving Saturday for Knoxville, Tenn., birds in the barn, and then broil driving with no license plates, no for the holidays. Bill Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. N, A. Smith of Shannon, has been dis- them on the coals in the fireplace, driver's license and no brakes. They were a sweet mouthful. I Ruth H. Monroe, colored of Ab- erdeen, paid the costs for speeding. The liquor folks say prohibit. For Dan Bryant, colored man of South eharged from the army and is at that reason they want legal sales Carolina, pleaded guilty of driving home He was in the ETC for over, to raise revenue.. The tax raised a car while under the influence of bv the sale of liauor does not atone liquor. He paid a fine of $50 and for the wrong chargalble to the liq-the court costs. Frank Little and Sgt Berder Niven landed last week, uor traffic. I Ethel Grady, who were with him, in Fort Lewis. Wash., from the Burma I each paid the costs for toeing drunk oft. havinff hopn out of the When the Eiehteenth Amendment and disorderly. U S for twenty-one months. He was passed there were hundreds of James W. Jenkins, white transient, -Jt. k. hnm for Christ- Keelv Institutes for the treatment of charged with careless and reckless " " " .. .. . ... . 7 . .. . 1..JJ ,,!H 4V,o tne uquor nacit, out wnen tne a-,"'"""bi f'"u s"", mendment was repealed there was damages with a man whose car he not one Keely Institute open. Now."". ana P310- 'na costs- uranK warey, wnite tourisr, ior feited a bond of $20 by failing to Set. Woody Hendrix arrived here Monday night from the Pacific. He. they have all reopened. Make your has been discharged from the army, own deductions. lhe eighteenth Amendment was appear for trial Sam McRae, colored, paid the costs t lTranV WourKHpr landed this rerjealed and onlv three fourths of a week in Norfolk from the ETO. He, full vote was cast. If there had for violating the prohibition laws by is the husband of the former Miss been a fuU vote, it is probable it .having store liquor open off his pre Clara Potter. would not have been repealed. Presi-1 mises. Ident Roosevelt wanted Prohibition! Grady, Viola and Lehta Torrance, Cpl Graham Monroe arrived home I repealed so that the government l all colored, were tound guilty oi pos r.,. k sndinff thirtv could derive needed revenue. Heiaessing a quantity of non-tax-paid Months in New Guinea and the Phil-1 did not thirk of the harm liquor ippines. Mrs. Allie Holt Dies At Sanford does. liquor. Grady paid the costs. Viola paid $50 and the costs, and Letha paid $25 and the costs, Durintf Prohibition davs there was a Fourth of July celebration in Fay- Dr. D. H. Reed ettevule. The crowd stayed lor the . fireworks display until 10 o'clock iies At WagTam that night and if there was an er- In an automobile accident last Thursday afternoon on the Dundar- County-Wide Teachers Meeting rach road about two miles south Monday evening at the Hoke county east of Raeford, three white men o high school building a county-wide: Arabia narrowly escaped death whe teachers meeting was held. Rev. H.lthe auto driven by James McKenzi K. Holland held the devotional and skidded and overturned several talked to the teachers on th- ?uty,times- , rne wrecK happened at approxi ,j mutely six in the afternoon. Sleet was falling and there was a sheet of r ice on the road which greatly faci- tated skidding at the time. They ford graded schools faculty, ouv . J, Te Bomg in the direction or Dun- ed the' study made by the prima VVach and were just approaching teachers: R. A. Smoak. DrincLnal . V- "ve in the vicinity of the Scott Via ichm...! Av.nni. .k. -a X olace when the par Ibeffan t " .Jiinnuni Dvnuuia, guvr LI ItT , " - " grammar grade outline, and C. H.,- A 4 left 016 road- LTi.ri.i.nn. -j i- 'i & nor with MpKenrie were viiLfti.i, uit.iii vi i iwre Jllgli C rt that of the high school. I Ju' V -d Franklin Bristow, also ot T,. v. . j ,, the Arabia section of the county. The bases for study were "The m 4t x, !1VUf!freC0U"e i Wnr aed forced' "" .Z c. A . 01 the three McKenzie waa th. in ?' Stat.e.?Tri" learf injured. June Bristow aufferei S I ?h Some?tthebnd " a fractured vertebrae in the neck ings on which these various groups r, n.:. ..... j . I. That there war oi pnonics" ana nit! , ..hiii. a drfinite need ent patients at the veteran's hos of phonics and r,;,i r :n m - on, Zrtl? , ,er- ?3d "f"; 1940 Chevrolet coach, wa. almost ous neglect of this integral part of completely demolished. the teaching of reading and spelling.! 2. That while children learned m g- m "Script" writing with more ease in I niTI I JUTIPlTtn IC the first grade, and that it helped 1 UIU UiCI UU 15 them in their reading, the transition JiT J D J . to "cursive" should be made begin- N aillCCl rreSlOeilt ning at the middle of the second " . -.vviil, 7T That the .uMect in which the'Feed Manuf acturers Miss Agnes Mae Johnson, chair- Pupils of Hoke County are farthest T?an of the 1945 Christmas Seal Sale behind in is spelling. That an ef- Tom Cameron, secretary-treasurer in xioKe County, reported yesterday, rort should be made to bring them and manoger of the Upchurch Mill- Christmas Seal Sale Goes Over Mark that the gaal of $700 to be sold in this county had been reached, but that all up to standard. ling and Storage company here, waa . i nat reading was the next in I elected president of the North Caro- additional contributions to this an-1 line after spelling for intensive re- lina Feed Manufacturers association medial measures.. It was recom-' at the concluding session of a two- mended that all the teachers spend day convention of that organization aT,ple time and serious thought in in Raleigh last Thursday. He suc outlining the reading program of ceeds C. W. Tilson of Durham. , whole state issued this week by thej their individual students, and that an Other officers named were Oscar North Carolina tuberculosis associa-i honest effort be made to furnish Chandler of Burlington, vice-persi- tion is a quite different story how-.suita'Die and interesting reading ma-!acn'. and Koy McLaurin of Laurin- nual drive to raise funds for the fight aganst tuberculosis would be appreciated. The report from the drive in the Early reports o nthe Christmas Seal Sale indicate a lag in returns, in spite of th efact that during the terials for each student on his own b"rgi who was reelected secretary level. I and treasurer. Cameron, Tilson, Mc- 5. That each teacher be familiar, Laurin, Chandler, J. W. Maxwell of not only with the achievement re- Charlotte, John Earle of Asheville immediate postwar years the Ameri- quirements for her grade, but for and W. G. Crawford were elected can public should be strengthening those of the grades immediately a-1 directors of the association, its guard against tuberculosis. De-'bove and below the one she happens! A critical livestock feed situation termined efforts will be continued to 'to be teaching in. Also that each maT result in a government order reach the state's Christmas Seal Sale have a good general knowledge of curtailing the use of protein meala goal of $285,000, it was announced; the general outline for the twelve and limiting the manufacture of all by Frank W. Webster, executive grade program. I poultry feeds, the organization waa secretary of the state association. 6. That special attention be given told by Walter C. Berger, of Wash Webster pointed out that post wars :to fading assignments, and to as-,lnBon cnief of the feed division of have been followed consistently bylsignments' speciai study in all Production and Marketing Ad increases in tuberculosis, although it ' subjects. That the library be made ministration. Berger described North is too early to predict in the United a lrore integral part of the school Carolina as a State in which feed States the effect of World War n Pr8ram. (deficit exists, and said the Stata in thsi respect. There has been a, 7- Tnat the ch!ld tfte center of would profit by the government re sharo increase in tuberculosis. how-ithR school. That he should be studied striction on the use of protein, Th ever, in Europe and Asia, where this as an. individual and work planned fact that some feed mills are jockey- long-term disease has had a num- lur "lm n a ois or his own po- " Ior advantageous positions in th ber of yeasr to make its destructice!tenuautles- That he should be Postwar trade has contributed to known. The state and community goals in the 1945 Christmas Seal Sale should snd must be met, Welbster said, in taught, tested and promoted on him- the shortage by hindering the prop self as an individual. er distribution of ingredients. 8. That oral expression should be D- s- Coltrane, assistant State Ag stressed. A pupil should be en- "culture commissioner, discussed the order that the voluntary tuberculosis cou"aged to express himself rather North Carolina feed regulations and organizations may continue and even;tnan e teacher doing too much!comPlimen,ted manufacturers on augment their programs of health talking. their general compliance with them, education and case-ifinding in bring-, Barnes Talks To Drivers ing in check the greatest killer of: Patrolman Barnes visited the; service was concluded with a short youth in our naton. The appeal for schools on Tuesday and talked with talk by Mary Raye Freeman on th funds to fight tuberculosis is made the bus drivers about their driving principles of the club, only once each year, Webster con- Problems and the hazards that they Class Presents Pareant tinued, but the importance of the nave confronting them. Mr. Barnes, The member of Miss Mayme Mc Seal Sale as a means of controlling the Principals, and all school au-Keithan's home room presented a tuberculosis through education can- thonties are doing their best to see Christmas pageant in the auditorium not be minimized. that safe and efficient transporta- on Tuesday, Decerrber 18. The o nun is iurnisnea. oo rar our bus Christmas stnrv was ivl Mrs. AUie Holt, sister ot Mrs. Hat-rest for drunk and diso'derly con- Dr. Doctrine H. Reed, respected tie Pendererass of Hoke county, pas- duct by the police that day. it was practicing physician of wagram, pas sed away last Saturday morning at not reported. Not a day passes now sed away in a Fayetteville hospital 4:20 o'clock at the home of her without arrests for drunkeness. and last Frday night at ten-thirty o'- sister. Mrs. Ellie Mann, at Route 5, disorderly conduct clock. He was seventy-five years Sanfnrd. She was seventy-three .. of age and had only been sick since years of age. There were ten barrooms in Rich- Tuesday of last week, prior to which Fnnpral was conducted at two P. mond county in the vears Drecedine time he had been in good health. M. Sunday at the Flat Springs Bap- the adoption of a law prohibiting the Dr. Reed had been practicing in tist church and interment followed sale of liquor, and ten gcvernment Wagram for about nine years, hav in thp churchvard cemetery. linuor stills in that countv: thev all ing core there from Maxton in 1936 Surviving are three sifters, Mrs. paid twenty dollars toward the ex- He was a native of Pasquotank niie Mann. Mrs. Lucy Kelley, and nenses of the schools. The liauor County near Elizabeth City and re Mrs. Hattie Pendergrass. folks said, "I would like to known ceived his degree in medicine at the Attendini the funerol from here how vou are eoinx to eet the money ueorge Washington college. . r t i TjMrwnna "V. . -. . i , , . , m m fir n tamioa ura. unnn i nTon a T . , , , ... . - . . were wirs. junn rtnut siu., ... m pjjr ior your sunuuis 11 yuu nae ow..-.. -..--. --.v.iauon is exienaea to memDers or rtP"ro srnoois of the county Honor Roll and Mrs. Charlie Pendergrass, Mrs. no liquor tax." From that date the two-thirty Sunday afternoon at the the other churches in town to attend Sickness and bad weather have To ho mired n tj,.hon Wnhh John Allen Webb. Mrs. srhnnU hnvn crrourn and th noonle Montpelier Presbyterian church, of th ri w;. .nH Mr and Mrs. J. T. fmH hi- navin ,nr .J. which the deceased, was a ruling el- r,;," ,J . .V "e av.era?e a.SIua.ent milst make a" average Candle LlVht Program dnv,er? vh3Ve do"e a wonderfully listic manner, with all members of vanuie i-igni -rogram Bood job. We hope they wiU keep (he c,ass part.ripating The tn At PrRrvtrian . i"7 eff0rt is being made meaning of Christmas was shown, At rresoyterian Church to help them. bo1h in the scencs portrayed and nn Friday, December 21, there accompanying music. There will be a candle light pro- w:H be a county-wide negro princi- Musical Program Presented gran of Christmas music, and pag- rials -reeting at Upchurch school. I A delightful proff-am of Christmas eant "On Earth Peace", presented Co'emnn Reelected music was prented for the high by the members of the choirs and Principal Garfield Coleman of the school by the Charinade music club the Woman s auxiliary of the Pres- Freedom School has been re-elected on Wednesday December 19 Many byterian chu ch on Sunday afternoon president of the Negro Teachers as- of the favorite carols were sung aa at 5:30 in the new church auditorium, sori-tion of Hoke county.. This is a well as other beautiful numbers Th At this time the annual Joy Gift of- well deserved honor. He has work- pron-am was greatly enjoyed bv th. fenng will be t.ken. A cordial in- ed hard for the betterment of the students Leslie, Business Houses To Observe Holidays cation of their children. der. Burial followed In the church yard cemetery at the Spring Hill Bap tist church. The Presbyterion church was a Surviving are his widow, three fraTed building 50 by 70 feet when daughters, Mrs. George Pate and Mrs. we first attended services there m Dan Pleasants of Rowland and Miss 1905. There were 150 members. Mildred Reed of Wagram: one ion. The merchants of Raeford will be Rev. I. A. McLaurin was pastor. Elwood Reed, of Bladen, tlosed for business on Wednesday, Several Sunday school class rooms the day following Christmas, as well were added a few years later, and Mrs. Cameron Fractures Dip as Christmas Day. The Bank of Rae- now there are 570 members. Rev. lord will be closed the same two days Harry K. Holland is pastor. A fire Mrs. Neill Cameron fell from the as Wednesday has been declared a from the electric wiring, it was rear doorway of the home of Mr. bank holiday by the governor. thought, damaged the building some- and Mrs. Worth Graham on Tuesday The courthouse will be closed all thing more than two years ago, but of last week and fractured her hip. ext week, reopening on Monday, the World War n prevented the re- It was not determined that she had December SI, pairing and remodeling of the church, fractured the bone until Wednesday Hoke Auto company will cloi at Now it has been reseated, recondi- when she was carried to Moore Coun moon on Saturday and will .reopen tioned and the congregation will as- ty hospital and x-rayed. The bone1 lor business on Wednesday morning, semfcle next Sabbath for worship in was set in a ;ast there and sht is December 26. (the main auditorium at 11 o'clock. doing fine at present daily attendance in all the schools. 91 and have a pood conduct record. Mrs. C. H. McGregor has returned The following students have mada home from the hospital and is re- the hono- roll for the second grad- ........,..s al p.csent. ing period: Eighth grade Myrna Al- Z!! 5": ? iacuity b Tad fl , Daisy DeorT S jbeth Suddreth, Jimmy Seals, Eleaao moss, and Frieda Moss; Ninth grada Cotton Report Information received from the chief sus bureau of the Department of this week. commerce this week disclosed the following information aa to cotton HOKE HIGTT NFWS tinned in this rnnnfvf ' mil nKna Milton Mann, Alice Sutton Matha son, and Patricia McNeill; Tent. grade tara Agnes Guin, Miraly The tabulation of reports shows Brta rinh rnt.ii. ui TolI:l'9!iTrtCOn0 '-tallatTon yrrvlcT for new JohnsonT Zeb Moss? Nancy LeoCola counting round as half bales, ginned members of the Beta club w.. t,M iw. m, , ",".Z h01 . jo,,. s, .a h. a. ss;nJi jmf, mif i?f r ssv 0o",i;,""i,?""

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