Boy Scout Council To Meet The Cape Fear Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, will hold its Executive Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 p. m. in a supper meeting at the Holiday Motel near Wliitcville. At this time the annual election of officers for IW will be made and plans and the program lor !' discussed. The meeting will be presided over by Council Vice President, C. P. Wayne of Wliitcville. Other reports for the meeting will be the reports of units of the Council by Carlton Sligh of Burgaw, Council Commissioner. District Reports will be given by Silas Vaughn of Laurinburg of the Western District; George Hallard of Lumberlon of Central District; Lrnic Ford of Wliitcville of Waccamaw District: and Dr. I). R. Whitlemorc of Wilmington of Coastal District. Operating Committee reports will he given by W. K. Lathan of Clarkton for Advancement; Malcolm McLeod of Lumbcrton for Camping and Activities; lister Lowe of Soulhport for Organisation and Lxtcnsion; Bill Hair of Fliiabclhtown for Leadership Training; and Dr. Hugh McArn of Laurinburg for Health and Safely. Brooks Shuping, Council Finance Chairman, has asked that all communities complete their fall finance campaign ' Wreck Fatal To Ivey Hall Funeral services for Ivcy I. Hall Jr., 2S, were conducted Sunday from Ashley Heights Baptist Church by the Rev. A.I. Robertson Jr. Burial was in Ashley Heights Cemetery. Hall died Saturday of a broken neck (according to Moore County coroner) when his car went off the road and overturned on Bethesda Road. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jcanette Moss Hall; a daughter, Charline of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Hall of Southern Pines; a brother, Melvia Ray Hall of Southern Pines. 17 : .&-, :am& i 1 r an Sewer Work Bids Requested THK NWS JOURNAL RAI FORI), NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVFMHI R 14. I "(.8 PAGIi 3 BRONZE STAR AWARD - John E. Reedy accepts congratulations from his commanding officer when the local boy was presented the Bronze Star Medal in Vietnam recently. A member of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 25th Inf. Division Artillery, his present duly is Intelligence NCO. While serving in Vietnam, he worked as the assistant intelligence officer and the mm commissioned officer in charge of the Tactical Opus Center. His group was responsible for keeping abreast of the enemy situation and was required to return an effective fire upon enemy positions. He is the husband of Mrs. Ethel F. Reedy of Racford Rt. .1, and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Baker, Racford Rt. His parents arc John E. and Mis. Hazel Reedy of Pennsylvania. And 1 said, O my Ood, I am ashamed . . .; for our iniquities arc increased over our head, and our guiltiness is shown up unto the heavens. (Ezra ':h, ASV) Here we have one of the real prayers of confession of the Bible. Such a prayer is the doorw ay to the throne of God. Ezra views his nation in moral ruin, and he is aware that a nation can be no stronger than the moral character of its citizens. 1 he burden of his prayer is for transformed lives, cleansed hearts, empowered wills, and social righteousness. He would rebuild his nation by bringing the sins of his people before the face of God and confessing them unreservedly. He knows that only then can he count upon God as an ally. Ezra has a word for us. The world is in desperate crisis because all have sinned grievously. We come before God in the right spirit when we come in true repentance and confession of our sins, individual and social. PRAYER: Almighty God, enable us to acknowledge our dependence upon Thy purity that would cleanse our unclcanness. Lead us to confess before Thee our manifold sins and wickedness, and to desire above all that the lives of our people may be transformed First steps are being taken to eliminate unhealthy conditions at the Kaeford Sewage Disposal Plant as well as unpleasant odors being experienced by residents of the Old Raeford Road area where the facility is located. After more than a year's study by engineers, bids are this week being called for with plant expansion in mind. Funds have been made available through a $700,000 bond referendum last spring, augmented recently by an appropriation of government funds. A waste treatment plant of the contact stabilizer type, completed in l4, was Local Soldier Receives Bronze Star Medal A local man was presented the Bronze Star Medal for outstanding performance in Southeast Asia.- The citation said: "Technical Sgt. Bobbie D. Lundy distinguished himself by meritorious service as a non commissioned officer in charge. Maintenance, Detachment IS, 1st Combat Evaluation Group, Republic of Vietnam, while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in ground operations against an opposing armed force from Sept. 12, l7 to March 12, lK. "During this period, Sgt. Lundy displayed outstanding technical knowledge and supervisory ability which contributed materially to the success of the unit mission of providing Ground Directed Bombing Radar capability in Southeast Asia. Die exemplary leadership, personal endeavor, and devotion to duty displayed by Sgt. Lundy in this responsible position reflect great credit upon himself and the United Stales Air Force." Lundy is ihc son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lundy of Racford. His wife, Ihc former Kathleen Jackson, and two sons, Lawrence and Allen, live in Racford, also. originally designed to serve a population of 14,470. lis capacity failed to be adequate in less than four years, not because the population jumped from 3,058 (census of l'60) to 15,000 (the town is not expected to reach even 6, (XX) until I'JKO) but because of the industrial growth of the community. Raeford industries, most ol which have experienced major expansion in recent years, include: Pacific Mills, Inc., weavers and dyers of worsted textile products. 2. Raeford Turkey Farms, Inc., processors of poultry. 3. Upchurch Milling Co., producers of poultry feed. 4. Hoke Concrete Works, producers of building products. 5. Uniroyal, Inc., producers of auto tire fabrics. Sewage flow from just two of these factories is almost three times that built up by the town's population. While promoting prosperity in the community, expansion of the plants resulled in overworked existing water and sanitation facilities. "The present waste treatment plant is overloaded, burdening the community with a public health nuisance as well as causing unneccssaiy pollution of the receiving streams," the town's engineer reported following extensive study. He recommended that the plant's hydraulic capacity be increased by renovation of the present facility. The existing outfall sewer that carries the town's sewage and industiial waste to the treatment facility is composed of 12-inch and I H-inch sewer pipelines. Il has been determined that the town needs to provide additional outfall capacity by construction of 18-iuch and 24-inch outfall paralleling the existing facility, thus sullicieut capacity would he provided to meet the town's projected requirement. Got too much insurance? Could be. Find out. Free. Then sleep better. Say "Confidential Analysis" to your man from Nationwide, and give you the facts straight. Vardell Hedgpeth John W. McPhaul 115 W. Elwood Ave. Phone 875-3751 he'll Night Phone 875-3173 ationwide Nationwide Insurinc. The nun from Nation W u on wur tide. 1JFT HEALTH HOME CAR l SINKSS NMiotmt MituJ IrouraacO I I t I I n I I II I I I K i 1 1 i I ) I ' i I H ( i I I I i n 'EG $The 4' new car loan plan means you pay $4 50 per $t 00 per year on the original loan Compare our 4'i plan with 5 and 6 loans and see now much you save at SNB. Credit Lite. Auto. Health and Accident Insurance Available Member F0IC SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Amount 18 months 24 months 30 months 36 months $1000.00 $ 59.70 T"4570 " i 37 31 $3171 1500.00 89 34 68.41 55.85 I "'4748 2000.00 119.00 9U2 74 40 1 63 25 2500.00 148 65 113.83 92 94 J9 01 3000.00 I mT30l 136 54 I 111 48 t 94 77 4 n 4w a W-1 'II- rrlL.T1 ft LAMPS WRAP IT UP NOW PS ICE BUCKETS Appliances And Small Gifts The Whole Family Will Enjoy SMART SANTAS SHOP HERE! BLENDERS s ll v-v -.m ZENITH PORTABLE TV PEWTER& CERAMIC MUGS CfTEREO Of CHRIS ZENITH LANE CEDAR CHESTS ZENITH THE GIFT ON EVERY LIST! YOU WILL FIND A LARGE SELECTION OF MALECK WOODCRAFTS IN OUR GIFT DEPT. $X FOOD MIXERS UP STEAM IRON TOOTH BRUSHES Ylgff T M MM III crs VW; UfMNv-A IVlAlvCKb y A STAINLESS " FiVJv. STEEL TOASTERS HAIRDRYERS TV STACK I. fcfii ) BICYCLES fCT- . TRAYS V. T(f SAMSONITE CARD TABLES & CHAIRS AND PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS ELECTRIC KNIVES ELECTRIC CAN OPENERS FIRE PLACE ENSEMBLES MIRRORS DON7 LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU WE GIFT WRAP FREE Your Home of Quality Furniturt Custom Mad Drape Wall to Wall Carpet Factory Trained Servicemen On Dutv At All Times NIVEN'S Appliance & Furniture Company Main Street Raeford