Mrs. Whitley Dies Tuesday; Funeral Today Funeral service it to be conducted Thursday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at Raeford Presbyterian Church for Mrs. Beulah Funderburk Whitley, ,73, who died Tuesday afternoon at a Fayetteville nursing home. The service is to be conducted by the Rev. Cortez A. Cooper, pastor, and burial will be in Raeford cemetery. Mrs. Whitley was the widow of H. W. B. Whitley, attorney of Raeford, and had been in declining health for about year. She had been recently transferred from a Pinehurst hospital to the nursing home. Surviving are two sons, Robert of Philadelphia, Pa., and Edwin of Raeford; two daughters. Miss Mary Hazel Whitley of Raeford and Mrs. Paul Whetstone of Shelby; seven grandchildren; two sisters. Mrs. B. K. Laney of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Lee Medlin of Monroe. MEN IN SERVICE U.S. Air Force Major William F.H. Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Page of Aberdeen, recently took part in a successful strike mission IS miles northeast of Tay Ninh City, Vietnam. Major Page and three fellow F-4 Phantom pilots were credited with destroying eight enemy bunkers and SO meters of trench. The major flies with the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing based at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base. A graduate of Statesville High School, he was commissioned upon graduation from the L'.S. Military Academy where he earned his B.S. degree. Major Page holds an M.S. degree from North Carolina State University. His wife is the former Judith A. Bintliff. U. S. Air Force Sergeant Steve E. Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stevens of 1 304 McArthur St., Lumberton. is on duty with ",ihe 4258th Strategic Wing at - U-Tapao Airfield, Tliailand. Sergeant Stevens. I Strategic Air Command air armament mechanic, supports B-52 Stratofortress bombers which daily attack Viet Cong targets and KC-135 Stratotankers which provide refueling to fighter, bomber and reconnaissance aircraft conducting the air war over Vietnam. He was assigned at Columbus AFB, Miss., before arriving in Thailand. The sergeant, a giaduate of Littlefield High School, attended Worth Business College. His wife. Judy, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Floyd cf 85 Jerome St.. Lumberton. Local Business Retail advertising of department stores in larger cities has had a startling effect on the sale of shoes in the United States. Over 27 per cent of the money paid for shoes in the United States last year was for foreign imports- mostly from England and Italy. The shoes cost the stores more than the American product. They are nude by individual crafismen instead of being mass produced. The retail advertising emplusizes quality and styling to such an extent that even lower income groups buy the higher priced loreign products. Although there is no evidence that I lie foreign shoes are any sturdier or more comfortable than mast produced counterparts, the hand-craflcd shoes do look different. It is tins difference which advertising is selling at a higher per unit profit for llie retailer. Any retailer, regaidless of size may learn something from the competition for the shoe maiket. If a difference can tell shoot, it can sell a location, special services, exclusive pioducts. and the personality of anv retail store or businot. I very retailer exil because his business is in sonic respect different fiom his competition. It should be llie objective of Ins advertising to sell unique advantages. Hm one thine seems ceilaiu: a unique advantage t likely to go unnoticed until it is publicized through advertising. . COURT Continued Other cases in Court included: Flora Ann Harris, Raeford, assault with i deadly weapon, not guilty. Alan Joseph Thornberg, Raeford, speeding, $10 and costs. William Leon Senter, Raeford, speeding, prayer for judgment continued upon payment of costs. James M. Jackson, Patterson, N. J., speeding, defendant failed to appear, court ordered bail bond forfeited. Robert West, Raeford, worthless check, five days in county jail. Robert West, Raeford, worthless check, 30 days suspended sentence upon payment of restitution and costs. Yvonne McCoy Ingram, Hamlet, speeding, costs. John W. Verbal Jr., Aberdeen, worthless check, costs. Howard Earl Harris, Raeford, worthless check, sentence to five days in county jail. Alvin C. McLean, Fort Bragg, assault with a deadly weapon, not guilty. Johnnie Lee Watson, Raeford, assault, consolidated with following case. Johnnie Lee Watson, Raeford, assault with a deadly weapon, not guilty; assault on a female, six months imprisonment in county jail to be issued anytime within next two years, costs. Neil McGeachy, Shannon, no valid operator's license, thirty days suspended sentence upon payment of $25 and costs. Ben Jr. Harris, Raeford, assault with a deadly weapon, not guilty. Wilbert Lee Jones, McCain, forcible trespass and assault, not guilty. Alton Hayes, Sliannon, obstructing an officer in the performance of duty, prayer for judgment continued for a period of two years, costs. Rowland Fletcher Baker, Jr., Fayetteville, failed to decrease speed, not guilty. Horace McAllister, Raeford, attempted burglary, bound over to Superior Court for action by Grand Jury, $1,500 bond. Mary Alice Tyler, Raeford. larceny, defendants motion for non-suit granted by court. Geraldine Thomas Cromartie, Raeford. excessive speed, non-suit granted by court. Freddie Levone Harris. Raeford, assault, thirty days suspended sentence upon payment of $10 and costs. Paul Purcell. Raeford. exceeding safe speed. $10 and costs. Earnest Flynn Jackson. Raeford, failed to yield right of way, $10 and costs. Donald C. Peterson, Fort Bragg, resisting and obstructing an officer, six months suspended sentence for one year to begin at expiration of following sentence. Must not violate any penal laws of State for one year. $100 and costs, appealed.' bond set at $200. Donald C. Peterson. Fort Bragg, driving while intoxicated, six mo n I lis suspended sentence for one year, must surrender drivers license, can not operate motor vehicle in state for one year, $100 and costs, appealed, bond set at $200. Walter Mac Culbreth. Wade, no operator's license, prayer for judgment continued upon pavnicnl of costs. Charlie McEachin. Red Springs, failed to stop at scene of accident, six months suspended sentence for two years, defendant pay $50 and costs. Stephen Pone. Raeford, cureless and reckless driving, thirty days suspended upon payment of $25 and costs. Guardsmen In Ft, Stewart For Encampment The local headquarters company of the 2nd Battalion of Ik' 252nd Armor Division kit early Sal ui day for their annual Iwo week encainpnvni. being Ik-Id this ycai at It. Stew ait. Georgia. Tltc kcal nun. headed by ('apt. Daniel Baker, is qvnling tlk- cmire two weeks in the field along Willi Company A of I aiiniibiiig. B of Saiifoid. C of Sou t Urn Pines, and tU' oilier headquarters units in Red Spunj! and Luniberion. The hallaliiHi. commanded by Colonel Ed New Ion. usually spends one week in the field and the oilier week carrying out administrative duties The 1969 training session i cliediiled bier in the summer tlian jsual. The battalion usually hat its summer camp in the first part of June. from page 1 Magistrate and other cases: Mary Startzell Wolfe, Southern Pines, speeding, $5 and costs. John William Pope, Spring Lake, speeding. $10 and costs. Earl Headen, Raeford, worthless check, restitution and costs. Ollie Edward Quick, Satsuma, Ala., speeding, $S and costs. James Samuel Hursk, Raeford, speeding, $5 and costs. Alvin Butler, Raeford, speeding, $4 and costs. John Charles McNeill, Raeford, speeding, $S and costs. Simid Peterkin, Raeford, speeding, $5 and costs. Bennie J. Edwards, Red Springs, worthless check, restitution and costs. Bennie J. Edwards, Red Springs, worthless check, restitution and costs. Michael James Scott, Greensboro, speeding, $11 and costs. George Morris Jr., Raeford, failed to drive on right half of road, costs. Earnest Sparks, Marston, drunk in public place, jail fee and costs. Henry Lewis Graham, Red Springs, without valid state inspection sticker, costs. Jewel Kay Thomas, Raeford, speeding, $S and costs. Frances M. Foster, Raeford, fish and take undersized black bass, $10 and costs. Larry Heath, Raeford, worthless check, restitution and costs. Patricia Ann Readdy, Raeford, stop sign violation, costs. Mrs. Estella Thomas, Shannon, worthless check, restitution and costs, two counts. Reba Faye Bynum, Gastonia, speeding, $5 and costs. David Locklear, Raeford, excessive speed, costs. Mary Shaw Ellerbee, Shannon, speeding, $5 and costs. Evelyn Young Ashburn, Raeford, speeding, $1 1 and costs. Joseph James Jacobs, Lin wood, speeding, $13 and costs. Louise Erris Scssoms, Raeford, speeding, $5 and costs. Charles William Murry, Burlington, speeding, $11 and costs. Larry Steven Deal, Cary, speeding, S9 and costs. Nadine Jones, Fayetteville, no operator's license, $25 and costs. Veterans Corner EDITOR'S NOTE: Below are authoritative answers by the Veterans Administration to some of the many current questions from former servicemen and their families. Further information on veterans benefits may be obtained at any VA office. Q How long does one have to serve in Viet-Nam to be eligible for the G. I. Bill to return to college, and how much would a married veteran with no children receive each month? A Actual service in Viet-Nam itself is not a requirement for benefits (including educational assistance) under the G. I. Bill. The law requires that the veteran must have at least 181 days active duty, any part of which occurred after Jan. 31, 1955. (Active duty for training purposes cannot be counted towards the 181 days.) A veteran in full-time training (at least 14 semester hours) would receive training allowance of $155 mom hly if lie has one dependent. Sandhills College News Dr. James J. Altendorf, dean of instruction at Sandhills Community College, lias announced the appointment of three new instructors who will assume their duties with the beginning of the fall term. Ray E. Martin, Morgantown, W. Va., Miss Sallie Sheek. Winston Salem, and Larry C. Wilson, Hickory will join the faculty of the department of technical vocational education which is headed by Henry I. Rahn. Mr. Martin has been named instructor in civil engineering technology, a two-year educational program to be initiated at Sandhills this fall. Miss Sheek and Mr. Wilson will both teach courses in the two-year business education program at the college. According to Dr. Altendorf the 1969 fall quarter at Sandhills begins with the orientation of new students September 8-10, registration September 11-12, and the first classes scheduled for Monday September 15th. Sandhills Community College has received $21,796 from the Frederick J. Kennedy Memorial Foundation of Boston to supplement faculty salaries this year, and also an annual pledge of $13,032 for the next three years to support instructional programs in health and food service training. Announcement of the gift was made Friday by Dr. Francis Owens, Pinehurst, a Trustee of the Kennedy Foundation and also a member of Ihe Board of Trustees of Sandhills College. The grants to Sandliills are a continuation of the benefactions of the late Mrs. Audrey K. Kennedy of Southern Pines and Brockline, Mass. who gave generous sums in support of the college during her lifetime. The Frederick J. Kennedy Memorial Foundation, named in honor of her father, was established to support numerous charitable, religious and educational institutions which were her main interest for many years. 'vo.,0... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil Willi good. (Romans 12:21, RSV) A person cannot grow flowers simply by hating weeds. W hen a gardner sets out to grow flowers, that becomes his main purpose. Eliminating weeds becomes a secondary thing. Most of us are concerned about many thriving and victimizing evils: selfishness, exploitation of persons, prejudice, various kinds of enslavement. We sometimes reach the point not only of hating these things but also the persons doing the evil. Experience has shown, however, that hate by itself eliminates no evil. It often leads rather to bickering, rioting-even war. Jesus counseled us to love our enemies, to do good to those who despitefully use us. Paul said it in these words: "Overcome evil with good." Jesus and Paul are not giving us idealistic or impractical advice but pointing the way to deal realistically with the varieties of life and the nature of man. We do win our enemies more often with love than in any other way. PRAYER: O God. in a world abounding in evil, make us aware of that w hich is good. May this awareness not dull our sensibilities to the needs of those caught in the clutches of evil nor diminish our eagerness to help those enslaved. F'ANCHESTER WOOD VARO WILL BUY PULPWOOO Contact WELDON CORE PI . 875-3797 SURVEYING SERVICES Hugh M;Cormick N. C. Register Lane Surveyor 868-3601 PARKTON, N. C COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE BOBBY CARTER'S TIRE SERVICE (. MAIN ST. V""Tr.-- WANT TO BUY: Farms and Woodland in Hoke County. To farm and grow timber. Not interested in development properly. WD. Reynolds, Box 952, Lumberton, N.C. 11-33C EXTRA INCOME OPPORTUNITY: Reliable man or woman. No selling. Refill and collect from new type coin-operated dispensers in your area. We secure locations. Must have car, references, S650 to $2850 cash investment for equipment and inventory. Ten hours weekly can net excellent income. For personal interview, write, including phone number, to Cal-Ton Supply Co., 509 E. Trade St.. Box 2507, Charlotte, N.C. 28202 UP FOR RENT: House on 106 Lamonl St. Call 875-3824 anytime after S p.m. 11-12P Holliday Plumbing Service. Repairs and Const. Call 875-3107, Slims TV Service . U-14P Position open in this area due to promotion. Are you ambitious but feel you're doing unrewarding, undemanding work? If so, look into a sales career with Metropolitan Life. Like a business of your own, it gives you freedom, stimulation, and unlimited income. For more information call Mr. John King in Rockingham, N.C. at 895-6381 between 9 & 5. tfc FOR SALE: Good used baby crib, mattress included for $15. Call 875-2293 after 5 o'clock. 1IC LOST: Tan leather billfold near Presbyterian Church. First National Bank card for Elizabeth G. Ford, Bluefield, W. Va. $10 Reward. Return office Presbyterian Church. UP FOR RENT: Two bedroom mobile home on shaded lot 65 x 100, also spaces. Pine Acres Mobile Home Park, 2 miles east of Red Springs. Call 843-5643. UC N. Main St. r- I. - , , i TS,,'F FOR SALE: Good used 1967 Beelinc travel trailer, all accommodations of home. Air conditioned. Sleeps six people. If interested call 875-2258, Raeford. UC FOR SALE: 2 Lots on E. Donaldson St. Contact Robert Wood, Rockfish. 10-1 iV FOR SALE: 3.5 acre lot, corner Cole Ave. and College Drive. 403 ft. frontage on Cole. Call 875-3379. tfc FOR SALE: 200' X 200' residential lot located on E. Donaldson Street. Priced to sell. See Harold L. Gillisor call 875-2431 or 875-2412. tfc FACED WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Call 875-2025. Weekly meetings open to the public. Wednesday 8:15 p.m. Cole Building Raeford. FOR SALE: 6 room house, 2 acres land. Contact Sam McRae. Phone 875-2605. tic FOR SALE: Jolin Deere Hi-Cycle 600 Boom Sprayer, 258 hours. A. McEachern Farm, Rt. 3, Red Springs. Telephone 843-4720 after 4 Friday. 10-UC FOR SALE OR RENT: Tluee bedroom house with central heat and one bath. Call 875-2653. U-12P 3 ROOM APARTMENTS FOR KENT Air Conditioned Raeford Hotel Building See Ernest Cartwright, Mgr. or Phone 875-3055 Day 875-3492 Night Fairlane has racked up the best track record in America 12 NASCAR wins! Get it now at the lowest price yet Every '69 Ford tagged for clearance. Raeford Dealer THE NEWS-JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1969 LAND CLEARING, Dirt Hauling, Street Work, Front End Loader, Backhoc & Bulldozer rentals. Experienced operators. Call us collect 425-4212 - W.R. King & Son, Inc. tfc $15 Exterminate for roaches, wateibugs, silverfish, rats, ants. SPECIAL free w i termite treatment. Phone 3bl)-2522. Wagram, N.C . WE CAN ARRANGE weekly payments on your automobile repairs, tites and accessories. Raeford Auto Company. tfc RENTAL CAR: Rental Cars Available Now. Call us, or come in when vou need lo RENT A CAR. RAEFORD AUTO. Main Street, Phone 875-2125, Dealer License No. 1303. tie PAPER HANGING: Call William H. Morse, Box 216, Pine Bluff, N.C. Phone 281-3158 or 281-3249 alter 6 p.m. tfc BARBER TRAINING, secure employment, high income, draft deferment, G.I. approved, write for brochure. Charlotte Barber School, 404 E. Trade Street. tfp FOR SALE: Cushman scooter with side car. Just overliauled Call 875-2554 alter 5 p.m. $150. 1 IP WHEEL AL1NEMENT NEW TIRES and RECAPPING McDonalds Tire Recap. Service Phone 875-2079 114 Racket Alley & Stewart Street Auto Co. Lie. 1303 RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA PAGE 1 1 AVON CALLING! WHY WORRY about Vacation money! A few hours spent in friendly conversation selling Avon will provide a good income. Write Mrs. Betty Edwards. P.O. Box 441, Cliadhourn, N.C. 8-1 2C YOL saved and slaved for wall caipet. Keep i' new with Blue Luaire. Rent electric shanipuoer SI. Raefoid lldwc. 8-I2C FOR RENT: Tiailers and nailer spaces. C&v Trailer Park. Edge Hoke-Cumberland line off I S 401 South. Call 875-2128. 91 2C A BETTER SUMMER STARTS WITH A BETTER C AR!! Insure a better summer for yourself and your family Willi a car from QUALITY MOTORS, Hanis Avenue, Raefoid. 8-1 2C WHEEL ALIGNMENT SERVICE .it BOBBY CARTER'S TIRE SERVICE S. MAIN ST. GREAT HOME BUYS 6 Homes excellent locations. All needed is good credit and a total of $195.00. Includes closing cost. Only $59.00 to $83.50 monthly payments includes taxes & insurance. Commercial land available. Acreage and farm in Hoke County. CALL CAPE FEAR REALTY, FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. 483-4580 AFTER 7:00 P.M. CALL HERMAN KOONCE, 875-2864. Prions 875 2125