?_ f* ,.???.- . ?? i lr Mn. AAJUdnnu -'?y,r.V i Happy New Year! '? A kin crowd attended Tabernacle Church last Sunday, when the church choir presented a Christmas program including special music by the choir, which was reported very good. The Christmas program at Pittman Grove Church was well attended and successfully carried out last Sunday night. . Parker and Sandy Grove Churches presented a Joint Christmas program at Sandy Grove Church last Sunday night. It was very good and there was a large crowd to hear it. Mr. and Mrs. John Haywood of Troy and Mrs. Ann Hammond of Richmond, Va. were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Barnes and children over the weekend. Christmas Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds had her father T.G. Wood and family at their home for a Christmas dinner last Sunday. Those present wan; Mr. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mdnnis of Raeford, Mr. and Mrs. John Aid ridge of Wilton. Mr and Mrs. Danny Mclnnia of Engelhard, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith and daughter Debbie and Joe Shook ot Red Springs, Mr. and Mrs. James Wood, Peggy and Jimmy of Raeford and Miss Beth lvey, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Strother, Robert and Jeffrey, Mr. and Mis. Ed Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shannon, Beth, Hugh and Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Newton and daughter Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parks. This was a Christmas celebration and also the home coming of their father and grandfather T.G. Wood who came home Saturday, after being a patient at Highsmith Hospital all last week. So It was a very happy time for all. Mrs. NJ. Ritter spent the past weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr*. LD. Long of Gallup Acre*. On Wednesday of bat weak. Retired Rear Admiral Akx Patterson of R4eigh was in this community seeking information about his family history. Among those he viated were Mr*. Bele Ritter, Francis Priest and County Commissioner T.C. Jones. This weak on Monday Miss Mary Priest and har brother Francis attended funeral services for Mrs. Maude Priest at Lake View, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Roberts of Raeford were guests of Mrs. Floyd Monroe Sunday P-m. Christmas Dinner All of the children, pandchildren, and great grandchildren of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roacoe Bundy last Sunday to celebrate Christmas and have a famly reunion. The only members of the family not present were Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and children of Birmingham, Ala. Those present were Mrs. Wright's sister, Mrs. Mary Savage, and Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Brown of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yeargan, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sorreil and children, Michelle, Tony and Cleave of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Brock Jr. and sons Howard and Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. James Culp and son Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brock and daughter. Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bundy, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bundy and children Carl and Dayne, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bundy and son Gerald. The dinner was all that could be desired with all taking part in preparation for it. As the custom is for famOy dinners, it was a happy time for all and they are now off on a good start for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mrs. Johnny Allen and daughters Sandra, Shirley and Teresa of Charleston, S.C., came last week to visit her mother Mrs. R.H. Gibson and other relatives here during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. W.A. Fowler spent the past weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Ray of Laurinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oberton and Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Johnson and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guy and sons Tony and Mike went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Overton Monday night for a Christmas celebration and exchange of gifts. Last Tuesday, Mike and Joy Overton, children of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Overton, stayed with Miss Mary Priest and her brothers Walter and Francis while their parents went Christmas shopping. Mrs. Isarel Mann and daughter Joyce, Mrs. Harry Green and daughter Frances Ward of Raeford came by and took Mrs. Floyd Monroe to dine with them at Seven Mountains, Fayetteville last Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Monroe were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Monroe of McCain Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood of Raeford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Monroe Sunday pjn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guy have selected a site for their new house, near to the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Overton. The building is to start soon. Christmas Day The children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Overton were their dinner guests on Tuesday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Johnson and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guy and sons Tony and Mike, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Overton and children Mark and Sherry Lynn. This was a happy time for all of them and may they have many more Christmas days together. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reich and children are spending Christmas with his parents and grandparents of Winston-Salem. After Christmas they will come back and be with her parents Mr. and Mrs. P.O. English. Mrs. Vemon Overton's mother of St. Pauls visited Mr. and Mrs. Overton and children last Saturday. Rockftsh F. C. H. From the Rockflsh Famly Care Home, Mrs. Jesse Lee was just overjoyed and thankful for all the things people have done to make them happy at Christmas. Some of the organizations which presented them with baskets, boxes and bags of fruit, nuts, candy and gifts were Tabernacle Church, Galatia, Hope Mills Freewill Baptist.Whispering Pines Freewill Baptist, and Ephesus Churches, and the Rockflsh Homemakers Club gave Christmas stockiitgs filled with fruit, nuts, candy, etc. and a small gift for each of them. They all wish to express their thanks to miyaw who hod ? port In this, ond Mn. Lm nvt it hot made her eo happy the cant find worth to express her thanks. Mfce Dolly Smith's sister, Mrs. Pit Hanke of CHo, S.C., also sent gifts to the residents of Rockflsh FCH. Thanks to everybody. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Long, Mrs. Nelia Brock, Mrs. June Rogers and his mother, Mrs. Alma Bryant, visited Mrs. David Koonce and Mis. Dan Bradshaw of FayetteviUe last Sunday pm. Mrs. Koonce was about the same, not very well County Commissioner and Mrs. T. C. Jones had a quiet Christmas dinner at the i(. home with Mrs. Sarah Patterson their only guest last Sunday. Mia Pamela Heath of Charleston, S. C., came home Satuiday and wfll be here until next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heath had their daughter Pamela, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Heath of Charlotte, and Mark of Boone, with them for dinner on Christmas day. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds Monday night were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reynolds, Mr. and Mis. Jack Woolley and son Donny, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parks. All the residents of Rockfish Family Care Home were away on Christmas day except Mrs. Janie Shaw and Mis. Bla Baxleyyso Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee had her family as their Christmas dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams of Wade visited Miss Mary Priest and her brothers, Walter and Francis Priest, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. N.J. Ritter spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Epps and famSy of Rt. 3, Fayettevflle. Mrs. Ethel D. Gibson visited her sister, Mrs. W. H. ScheQ of Lumber Bridge. Sunday pm. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gibson of Stedman spent most of the day Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Gibson and children, Joy and Ricky. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Salter and Mrs. A. A. Mclnnis and son Thomas, were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mclnnis of Fayetteville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclnnis of Raeford, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldridge of Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mclnnis of Engelhard were guests of Mrs. Ace Mclnnis and son, Thomas, Sunday p.m. Mrs. S. N. McColl, Mr. and Mrs. Butch Posey and daughter Cristi, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McColl and children, Tom Jr., Kim, Diane, and Kevin on Christmas Day. Mrs. A. W. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Monroe were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. Wilton Wood and children of Raeford Tuesday. Mrs. Wilton Wood's mother, Mrs. R. V. Page of Wilmington, was also present in the afternoon. Mrs. Wood served cake and coffee as the Christmas gifts were opened and exchanged. Mrs. Ethel Gibson had all her family at Thanksgiving and lived through it and is still going strong. She had all her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and three of her sisters and their families, 43 in all, as hrr Christmas dinner guests on Tuesday and she was sure rejoicing over having them on Wednesday. Good for you, Mrs. Gibson! Mrs. Charles Johnston of Winston-Salem, who came Monday was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koonce on Christmas day, when they had all their children and grandchildren and also Mrs. George Monroe as their guests. Miss Nellie McFadyen visited her brother Harold McFaidyen at Moore Memorial Hospital Sunday afternoon. He was taken there last week after being severely burned at his home near Dundarrach. Thomas Mclnnis and his mother were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Mclnnis and Mrs. Jim Maxwell on Christmas day. Other guests were Mrs. Pauline Grier, Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Posey and sons, Mark and Andy. Miss Annie Ray, Mrs. Clara Everett and Mrs. Carl Holt had a quiet Christmas at home this year. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peeler of Maxton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ray and son Thomas Wednesday a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clipson of Annapolis, Md., and Mrs. Patricia Pallard of Greenville, came Monday and are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Thomas. They will rstum home Saturday. Among the members of the Long family who visited in the home of Mrs. LouiM W?Uon on Christmu day 'and during tha holidays wata Mr. and Mn. Gcorgi Decs, Mr. and Mn. Grady Eoftth. Mr. and Mn. U D. Long. Mr. and Mn. Dement Long. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Long, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Watson and sons BOly and Philip, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Long. A special guest of Mrs. Watson on Christmas day eras Mis. Charles Johnston ,of Winston-Salem, who is visiting hsr relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simpson and sons Lester W knd Douglas of Jacksonville, came Satwday and Dr. and Mrs. Vamik Bombatepe and sons, Halls and John of Wilson, came Sunday and all were srith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lovctte, for Christmas dinner on Tuesday. Mr. end Mrs. C. F. Bunion and children. Shannon and Charles of Charlotte spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fair of Greenville came Monday night and spent Christmas day with them. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and family were also their Christ mis dinner guests. Legais NOTICE OF SALE BY SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE NORTH CAROLINA, HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Harry A. Hazelwood and wife, Connie Hazelwood to John Luther McLean, Trustee, dated 16 August 1973, and recorded in Book 176 at page 79, in the office of the. Register of Deeds of Hoke County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as Substituted Trustee by an instrument of writing dated 6 December 1973, and to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of selling the lands therein described, to satisfy said indebtedness, the undersigned Substituted Trustee will offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the main door of the Hoke County Courthouse in Raeford, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, IS January 1974, the lands conveyed in said deed of trust, the sime being more particularly described as follows: to ? wit: Lying and being about one (1) mile North of the Town of Antioch, and on the East side of N.C. Highway No. 211. Bounded on the Northwest by Alton Locklear; the Southwest by Hodgin lands; on the Southeast by Best & Wright, Incorporated, and being more particularly described as follows, to - wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the center of a small road, this iron pipe being located North 29 ? 04 W 246.7 feet from an original corner of the tract of which this is a part; and runs thence as the original line N 29 ? 04 W 47.7 feet to the Southeast corner of a 2 acre tract conveyed to Alton Locklear; thence as his line N 60 - 47 E 350 feet to his Northeast corner in the Southwest Right - of - Way (30 feet from center) of a 60 foot road; thence with the road S 27 - 20 E 98.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence S 69 - 08 W 350.7 feet to the beginning, containing 0.58 Acre, and being part of a tract of land as shown on a map of the 91 acre Flora McLauchlin Farm, shown in Map Book 6, page 35, Hoke County Registry. A deposit of ten per cent of the purchase price will be required of the successful bidder, pending confirmation -r^: legals .feM of said sale. ? Thia the 14th day of December, WrmR. Tlmberieke, SuMtitvted TwLe^ Box 1363 ?' ;?* Box 1363 Lumberton, N.C. 28358 33-36C qr NOTICE Notice it hereby given in with GS. 143-129, (supple: C.S. 143-132 thit the County will contract for an e . accounting computer, built to withstand continuous service encountered in county uae. the equipment shall be of a proven design. Detailed specifications for laid electronic accounting computer may be obtained in the office of the County Manager, Courthouse, Raeford,. N.C., any time from 9:00 A.M. to }2:00 Noon and from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 PM., Monday through Friday, up to and Including January 4th, 1974, excluding legal holidays. Bids shall be directed in a sealed envelope to T.B. Lester, Jr., County Manager, Courthouse, Raeford, N.C., and shall have a notation on the outaide of the envelope "Electronic Accounting Computer, Bid opening January 7th, 1(174 1 1 .no A U" 1974,11:00 A.M." Bids for said equipment shall opened by the Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting to be held in the office of the Board of Education at 11 00 A.M. on January 7.1974. Anyone interested in bidding should contact T.B. Lester, Jr., County Manager, Courthouse, Raeford, North Carolina. All bids on the equipment shall be accompanied by five per cent (5%) bid bond or certified check for five percent (5%) of the amount bid. The County reserves the right to reject any or all such proposals. Only one (1) bid was received as a result of prior notice, thus this re-advertisement pursuant to GJS. 143-132. Done, this the 21st day of December, 1974. T.B. Lester, Jr. County Manager Hostetler & McNeill Hoke County Attorneys 34C For Sale to cover storage, parts and labor 1969 Volkswagen serial No. 119007714 . 9:00 o'clock January 3, 1974 at Irion Union 76 Service Station. 31-34C HOKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the authority contained in the General Status of, North Carolina, the undersigned will, toi satisfy leins for storage and wrecker as herein - after set out, expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at Public auction at Hoke Auto Company, Raeford, N.C. at twelve o'clock noon on the 14th day of January 1974, the following described automobiles: 1964 - Dodge ? 4 Dr. Ser. No. 7142646881. Stored by Patrolman E.W. Coen. Wrecker & Storage 379.00. Owner Sandra Lavanta Phillips, Rt. 3, Box 191, Lillington, N.C. 1968 - Volkswagen - 2 Dr. Ser. No. 118340935. Stored by Patrolman E.W. Coen. Wrecker & Storage 246.00. Owner Joyce Ann Ferguson Saweikis, 230 S. Bennett Street, Southern Pines, N.C. 1962 - Chevrolet ? 4 Dr. Ser. No. 21669B181436. Stored by Patrolman E.W. Coen. Wrecker & Storage 270.50. Owner Lemar Black, Rt. 1, Box 313, Shannon, N.C. 1970 ? Dodge - 2 Dr. Ser. No. JH23HOB184861. Stored by Patrolman Bennett. Wrecker & Storage 434.00. Owner James R. Williams, 80th Co., 8th Stu Bn., Fort Benning, Ga. Hoke Auto Company 217 North Main Street Raeford, N.C. 28376 33-34C UNUSUAL SIGHT - Tree and fence at old Edenborough Medical College Cemetery present a puzzle. Is the tree around the fence or is the fence running through tree? (N-J Photo) Ken's Carpet and Interiors f -id ? One Stop Decorating Service * 4 TaintSI Complete Cine of High Quality Porter Paints la" 1 . Fine Wall Covering, Oraperies, Carpets, and 1 Other Decorating Needs Midtown Shopping Center-Southern Pines-Aberdeen?Ph. 692 7427 2508 Raeford Rd.?Fayetteville-Phone 484-7861 [?wir tmui J.H. AUSTIN INSURANCE SINCE 1950 / AUTO - FIRE - LIFE CASUALTY 215 N. MAIN STREET PHONE 875 3667 ??-.j NOTICE The annual stockholder meeting of the Raeford Savings and Loan Association will be held Tuesday, January 8, 1974 at the association's office at 10:00 A.M. The purpose of the meeting is for the election of directors. Proxy forms are available at the association office. They may be obtained by request, by mail or in person. to BBS V VW/M/ . EHenbor-ugh Shopping Center iPEN iVERY SUNDAY HEED A NEW FURNACE? Save Now On Control Hooting System Or Replacement Furnace GAS ? OR. ? ELECTRIC v FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL US TOOAV FrMOtw 4S4-S4M Harry Daw, Jr. ?? FAYETTEVILLE, NX. i ? you're ready to add on now, you can count on yourPCA tor homo improvement credit AMI YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT USv For Operating Credit And Capital hweatment Crenn DP 700 HA^.? AVIWIW PCAQlflC*""r ^A^ORD, H. ft ,>a e u ' ? rr ... ,*U. W ?1 ? V '?? ? ??' -V -V ?- *Li '."Ik-:t\