IV82 OFFICERS ?? The newly elected 1982 officers of the Rangerettes are shown with Woodmen of the World local representative Carson Davis. Front, L-R - Christine Hancock, escort; Chrystal Barefoot , secretary: Diana Hancock, sentry : and Christy Beasly. sentry. Rear. L-R. next to Davis -- Shery Corrado. musician; Lisa Usher, treasurer; Donna Hales, vice president; and Lisa Butler, president. RV Son&qf the Rangerettts. in their new uniforms. Wearing the crown is Miss Rangerette of 1982, Lisa Usher. Rangerettes To Hold Drawing April 3 V//.V5 RANGERETTE -- Lisa Usher is Miss Rangerette for 19H2. She is with Woodmen of the World local field representative Carson Davis. '*ffss Usher was selected in November for the honor. The Greek National Anthem has 158 verses. i Drive-Thru 401 Bypass Next To ABC Store Open Every Day 10 A.M. - Sundays At Noon Weekend 2 Footings Special S1 77 FRI.. SAT. SUN. Reg. 2.10 | 3 Pes. Holly Farms Chicken (No Wings) [Slaw, French Fries & Roll Mrfs wha r $ CHUCK WAGON SANDWICHES SMOKED SAUSAGE DOGS Dino Get Her A Toy ? Helium Balloons . Oh Joy, Punch The Clown's Hose, Up And Away It Goes. COID BEVERAGES Mere We So Netty* 875-8853 We Use Only Fmh N?hw yer A Al Beef Wieners Try Ike MWwwctl Saturday. April 3 at 6 p.m. The Rangerette Unit 1404 of Raeford will hold a drawing for a raffle of $200 worth of groceries. The tickets are SI each. To obtain a ticket for the raffle one may purchase one from any of the Rangerettes. Patti Lunsford, WOW field representative, or Clyde Register. Manager of the A&P. The girls are trying to raise money in order to purchase a bus for their transportation. They have already achieved a great many of their goals of a growing organization for the youths of the community. 'Tax Clinic' Starts Monday A "Tax Clinic" on state and federal taxations of individuals will be held every Monday through March 8. starting February 8, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Hoke County Public Library. The teacher will be Rav Graichen of Pinehurst, a retired CPA. Students not pre-registered may register at the library, for a fee of $9.54. People over 65 will be admitted without charge. The classes will cover: state and local economics February 8: pro perty taxes February 15; personal income tax February 22; gift tax March 1; and inheritance/estate tax March 8. March Of Dimes Telethon On February 6 and 7 WKFT TV 40 will telecast Fayetteville's first Telethon for the Cape Fear Chap ter, March of Dimes. It will begin at 11 p.m. Saturday and conclude at 6 p.m. Sunday. Wesley Eure of "Days of Our Lives" will host several segments. His co-hosts will include local personalities such as Bobby McLamb, Peggy Townsend and Randy Jenkins of WFNC. Out of town talent will include The Pilgrims from the Grand Old Opry Nashville. Tenn., and The Music Express. For more information, call the March of Dimes office at 483-3691 . Background Scripture? John 4: 7-26 Devotional Reading? Psalms 96: 1-9. Of course the Samaritan woman by Jacob's well at Sychar didn't realize to whom she was speaking. Nevertheless, we can hardly escape the feeling that she missed the opportunity of a lifetime. Con fronted by the man whom she was later to recognize as God's Mes siah, instead of asking a truly profound and troubling question, she contented herself with a ques tion that was trite and insignifi cant: "our father worshipped on this mountain (Mt. Gererim); and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship" (John 4: 20). It was not a unique issue: for centuries the Jews and the Samari tans had carried on this dispute. The right place to worship, said the Samaritans, is Mt. Gerezim. Cer tainly not, retorted the Jews. God's Holy City is Jerusalem and only Jerusalem. In a sense the dispute could be likened to two smaH children protesting, "My mountain is better than your mountain!" Recognizing that Jesus was possibly a prophet, the woman was curious to see how he would settle this ancient dispute. To us today the whole dispute sounds silly. Indeed! Whose moun tain is the "right" one? How ridiculous! Yet, at the same time, the question has a contemporary ring to it and, if we substitute the word "church" for "mountain," the question can be as embarrass ing to us as it should have been to the Samaritan woman. Oh, we may not state it so plainly as "Which church is the right church?" but we raise it nevertheless. Or, perhaps, we assume we know the answer: "My church is better (or "truer," "more Biblical," "more holy," etc.) than yours." Layman Beecher was a famous preacher in New England during the 18th century. It is told that he became very disturbed when a somewhat unorthodox (in his judgment, at least) church was begun in the same neighborhood as his. His judgment against the neighboring congregation was that it taught "false doctrine." Thus, when one day the church burned to the ground, on the following Sun day in his sermon, Beecher declar ed that the fire was God's judgment of the church's false doctrine. Before the week had ended, however, Beecher's church burned down too! We need to let Christ tell us again what he said to the Samari tan woman when she asked her silly "which mountain?" question: "The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the father in spirit and truth" (John 4: 23). The true worshipper is the one who doesn't worry about "which mountain?" or argue over "which doctrine:" but knows that "God is spirit" and thus worships him "in spirit and truth" alone. Complete 30 Y ears Harold Currie and Robert H. Gibson, Jr., recently completed 30 years of employment in the Weave r Department of Burlington In dustries Raeford Plant. They are warp changers and have worked in other positions in the same department during their em ployment. They were awarded certificates recently in recognition of their long service with the plant. LEGALS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of William Raymond Wilson of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said William Raymond Wilson to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 25th dav of January, 1982. Betty S. Wilson Route 4, Box 399B, Raeford. N.C. 28376 41-44C CREDITOR S NOTICE All persons, firms and corpor ations having claims against Charles Edward Helbling, de ceased, are hereby notified to exhibit them to Sandra K. Hel bling, P.O. Box 126, Raeford, North Carolina, as Executrix of the decendent's estate on or before the LEGALS 28th day of July. 1982. or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent are asked to make im mediate payment to the above named Executrix. This the 28th day of January. 1982. Sandra K. Helbling. Executrix Willcox & McFadyen Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 126 Raeford, N.C. 28376 40-43C IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Annie J. Wilson of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Annie J. Wilson to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 21 day of January, 1982. Woodrow Wilson Rt. I. Box 147, Aberdeen. N.C. 28315 40-43C NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by WILLIAM DANIEL MOR RISON, and MAE BELLE MOR RISON, to BOBBY BURNS McNEILL, TRUSTEE, dated the 16th day of January, 1978, and recorded in Book 203, at Page 043 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, North Carolina, and default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Raeford, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock Noon on the 4th day of March, 1982, property conveyed by said Deed of Trust, the same ly ing and being in the County of Hoke, State of North Carolina, Raeford Township, and more par ticularly described as follows: TRACT NO. 1: Being Lot No. 15 of Subdivision for Upchurch Milling & Storage Company, Inc., Lying and being in Raeford Township, Hoke County, North Carolina, as shown on a plat made under the supervision of W.R. McDuffie, a Registered Surveyor, survey by John T. Furmage, and recorded in Book 6, Page 65, Hoke County Public Registry. This being the same property conveyed to Joe D. Rackley by Deed from Up church Milling & Storage Com pany, and as recorded in Book 181, at Page 146 of the Hoke County Public Registry to which reference is hereby made. TRACT NO. II: Lying and being in Raeford Township, Hoke County, North Carolina, on the southeast side of and adjoining Secondary Road No. 1302 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monu ment in the southeast margin (30 feet from center) of Secondary Road No. 1302, said point being the beginning point of Tract III as described in Book 177, Page 499, Hoke County Public Registry, and also being South 18-02 West 116.89 feet from an original iron pipe, a common corner between Gatlin and Phillips, and runs thence as and with the southeastern margin of Secondary Road No. 1302, North 65-31 East 468.85 feet a new iron stake in the southeastern margin (30 feet from center) of Secondary Road No. 1302; thence South 13-04 East 1,532.27 feet to a new iron stake; thence North 83-39 West 1,161.20 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 18-02 East 1,230.30 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 25 acres, more or less, and being a portion of Tract III as described in Book 177, Page 499, Hoke County Public Registry, ac cording to a plat entitled "Boun dary Survey for Gene P. Thacker' by Koonce, Noble & Associates, Inc., dated April 30, 1974, reference to which is hereby made. This being the same property con veyed to Joe D. Rackley, by Deed from Gene Paul Thacker et al, and as recorded in Book 179, at Page 387 of the Hoke County Public Registry to which reference is also made. For further reference. See Deed from Joe D. Rackley and wife, Anne C. Rackley to William Daniel Morrison and wife, Mae Belle Morrison as recorded in Book 1%, at Page 7 12 of the Hoke County Public Registry. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes, if any, and prior liens of record, if any. This sale will also be made sub LEGALS jcct to rights of the United States Government to redeem the proper ty according to the Federal Tax Lien laws. CASH DEPOSITS: Ten per cent (10%) on the first SI, 000.00 and . five per cent (5^?) on any addi- ' tional amount bid will be required at the date of the sale. Done, this the 26- day of January, 1982. BOBBY BURNS McNEILL, TRUSTEE 41-44C HOSTETLER & McNEILL < ATTORNEYS AT LAW RAEFORD, N.C. IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tix of the estate of Thelma Hall Byrne of HOKE County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Thelma Hall Byrne to present them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publication of this notice or same (] will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of December, 1981. Ann Byrne Wright Route 1, Red Springs, N.C. 28377 40-43C NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HOKE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed LO^UrVA^CUte.d by D?UGALD mr^. cAD and wife- "IDA w " nSnFFM Tf? BOBBY BURNS McNeill. Trustee, dated the 23 ?na>R?f??,?7ben '980. and recorded fl nf n ge 052 in the ?ffice of the Register of Deeds of Hoke Suit" k ^orth Carolina, and de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public ra^1011, t0uthe hi8hest bidder for o r a-! J?e courthouse door in nvf t m Carolina, at 12:00 m o clock Noon on the 9th day of ? M 2 ' conveyed by said Deed of Trust, the same Hn1g ai n u ?ate of North Carolina Quewhiffle Township, and more PaBEGlNNldNirCribed 35 foI,ows: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Highway No. 15-501. said fhenjohninR thC SPuthwest ^ner of on r?o n ,ot as described in ? Book 90 at Page 104 of the Hoke County Public Registry; and the North"'"8 P01"1 also ^'"8 ^e Northwest corner of the Thames rLv ioore trrfCt as described in Book 1 92. at Page 402 of the Hoke 82 "se zsn'f10 ,Registry: then? S 149 cL ?^? V thence S 10"57 w : thence N 82.15.3 W 250 feet to the center of U.S "'?h,way No. 15-501; thence N riNMixU feet t0 the BE GINNING, and being a part of that 1 8 52 acre tract described in Book 192. at Page 402 of the Hoke County Public Registry. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding taxes, if any. and prior liens of record, if any I1IW ?" U.^PO/ITS: P" CCTI (10%) on the first $1,000.00 and five per cent (5%) on any addi tional amount bid will be required at the date of the sale. )) i(Done. this the 19 day of J,?. bobby burns McNeill, HOSTETLER & McNEILL^7^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW RAEFORD. N.C. 40-41C EXECUTOR S NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE J SSTAPTP o?cRk,?1URT DIVISION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HOKE COUNTY Having qualified as Executrix of HoweSrtC ?f Homer Lee Terry of Hoke County. North Carolina thU is to notify all persons havins claims against the estate of sa?5 ?rr ^ Terry to present them 2 rfU! ?'fed wit"in 6 months O from date of the publication of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons i'mmrHCd/? M'd "ta,C Please immediate payment. ,982 is the 5th d?y of January, Margaret M. Terry Route 4, Box 502 Raeford, N.C. 283%^>: 38-4 1 C