[District Court W elf are F raud . Larceny Cases Heard the following judgments were ed in Hoke County District irt Thursday. Judge Joseph E. >ree presided." Jertrude Richardson, Rt. 2, bford, allowing her livestock |ne) to run at Targe, found not pty. crtrude Hobson, Rt. 1, Rae welfare fraud, six months Ended for two years, probation itwo years, SI 21 restitution to Hoke County Department of al Services, and costs. illy Harold Thompson, Rt. 2, >e Mills, speeding 65 in a 55 found not guilty. Jobby Louis Green, Rt. 1, pford, assault on a child, found guilty; failure to appear in Irt, found not guilty. andy Dee White. Rt. 4, Rae larceny, six to 12 months ended for three years, pro Ion for three years, $125 resti jn to Alton White, and costs, inald Ray Guin, Rt. 4, Rae I, possession of stolen goods, six 1 2 months suspended for three , probation for three years, restitution to Alton White, costs. ^ckie Hammonds, Rt. 2, Rae I, possession of marijuana, ;ession of drug paraphernalia, ^ays, consisting of time served. riday's judgments follow, je Charles Lee Guy presided, filliam Norman Powell, Hope js, driving under the influence, intary dismissal; speeding 70 in zone, $15 and costs. Robert Elihu Cooley, Jr., Rt. 1, Wagram, parking a vehicle in a designated fire lane, costs. Lawrence Haley, Rt. 1. Raeford. misdemeanor larceny, 60 days sus pended for 12 months, $25 and costs, and not go on the premises of Macks Stores unless invited by the manager or owner. Thomas O'Neal Ham, Raeford, assault on a female, 60 days suspended, $25 and costs, and not assault or attempt to assault the prosecuting witness at any time in the future. Paul McCall, Jr., Rt. 1, Raeford, driving under the in fluence, 90 days suspended for 12 months, $175 and costs, surrender license and not drive for six months, and attend school pro vided for by law. Lee Marcus Davis, Raeford, driving under the influence, and exceeding 35 miles per hour in a 35 zone, pleaded not guilty; found guilty of exceeding 35 in a 35 zone, and of careless and reckless driving after drinking, 60 days suspended, $100 and costs; on finding of fact that defendant is leaving the state, the defendant is excused from at tending the Drug and Alcohol Abuse School. Dale Allen Scheading, Fay etteville, resisting arrest. 60 days suspended, $50 and costs. Randy Allen Heath, attempting to sell and deliver marijuana, the entry of judgment of guilty is withheld (the court does not ad judicate guilty), and the defendant is placed on probation for two years on condition she pay $50 and costs. Browsing in the files of The News-Journal 25 years ago Thursday, January 31, 1957 Two teachers of the Upchurch School here and a Laurinburg bricklayer were instantly killed at 4:00 o'clock Friday and another teacher died in a Fayetteville hospital at 12:26 a.m. Saturday of injuries sustained in a head-on collision on U.S. 401 (old 15-A) eight miles east of Raeford. * ? * Thomas B. Upchurch, Jr., Hoke County farms, civic, business and church leader, was named Hoke 'Things That Matter" by Lucien Coleman ?ATING, NOW AND THEN question about it, I was litely born too soon. All my life ve managed to stay a few years kd of the technology that could : made things easier. example, 1 took a tough in statistics just a year small electronic calculators the market. 1 spent endless rs working on problems with an fashioned slide rule, problems ?could have been done in less half the time with a calcu d why did I have to go through je before the day of miracle ics? Not being rich enough to my shirts done at the laundry in or now), I ironed them lelf. Nowadays, you just toss ir permanent-press stuff in the lomatic washer, then the auto tic dryer, and they come out iking smooth and sharp. 3ut what really convinced me it I had been born 30 years too in was a tour through an exhibit new-fangled kerosene heaters at local store. You know, the kind lat transform fuel into heat with credible efficiency . One model, ir example, could keep a good sd room warm for 18 to 25 hours it just 1.3 gallons of kerosene. Now. that might not mean much you. But it would if you had rown up with a kerosene-burning 'tove that was capable of consum ing 10 gallons of oil a day in really dd weather. How well 1 remember that kerosene-eating monster. Sort of a chocolate brown color, standing nearly five feet tall, it dominated ' ?r living room for 1 1 years. It had ,*?.1 louvers, something like vene Itian blinds, on three sides. These (could be opened and closed to tontrol the amount of heat radiat ing from the stove. ( But 1 most remember those two K-gallon oil cans on the back of the love, because it was my job to keep lem supplied with oil. This meant king the cans out to the two tgallon drums which stood in our tk yard, filling them, then gagging them back into the house. m was bad enough to have to go out feto the cold. But the return trip as agony. This process had to be repeated ery two days, more or less. Being iclined to conserve as much energy possible (my energy, that is). I metimes convinced myself that le stove had enough oil to last one tore day. Sometimes I guessed rAng, and the oil ran out during le night. Dad was always under standing on these occasions. He lever punished me. He just got me >ut of bed at four o'clock in the norning and sent me out into the ice and snow with one of those " gallon cans. And that, friend, can give you a healthy appreciation for a new [fangled heater that can get by on a * of 1.3 gallons of kerosene a ?J Why I'maMADD Man A few days ago I joined an organization called Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD). And I'm not even a mother. But 1 am against drunk drivers. Does that seem narrow-minded.' Consider these facts, all well u men ted: W * For the past 35 years, at least, alcohol has been the largest single factor leading to fatal automobile crashes. In fact, more than half of all fatal crashes in the U.S. involve a drunken driver. * The National Highway Traffic Safety Commission has predicted that auto deaths will increase by 30 percent, from 27,000 to 35,000 per year, by 1990. If the current pat tern holds, half of this increase will be accounted for by drunken drivers. * Very high blood alcohol con centrations have been found in about 45 percent of drivers fatally injured in multiple-vehicle crashes in which no other driver was believed responsible. * From 48 percent to 57 percent of drivers fatally injured in single vehicle crashes have had very high concentrations of blood alcohol. This means that one to four per cent of drivers on the road are ac counting for about 50-55 percent of all single vehicle crashes in which drivers are fatally injured. * The drinking driver runs into others four times as often as he is run into by others. * Statistically, an intoxicated driver is behind the wheel of one out of every 50 cars coming at you on the highway. And the drunken driver is seven times more likely to run into you than the non-drinking driver. * About one out of three pedestrians who die as a result of automobile accidents are killed by drinking drivers. * Contrary to popular opinion, drivers arrested in connection with alcohol-related accidents are not typically "good old boys" who just had one too many. The vast majority arrested for drunken driving are already known to com munity service agencies because of repeated problems involving misuse of alcohol. No, I'm not a mother. But I have a wife, three children, two sons-in-law, and four grand children, not to mention a lot of good friends, who ride in automobiles virtually every day of the week. And 1 don't relish the thought of a beer-blinded crazy aiming a ton of steel and gasoline at them. And that's why I'm a card carrying member of MADD. County's Outstanding Citizen for 1956 by the Raeford Kiwanis Club at its annual ladies night meeting at the J.W. McLauchlin Elementary School Thursday night. * * * Commander Sam C. Morris of the Ellis Williamson American Legion Post, announced this week that the post had been awarded the Honor Ribbon by the national headquarters for having obtained more 1957 memberships by De cember 31 , 1956 than the total 1956 membership. ? * * Coach George Wood's Hoke County high school girls basketball team went to Rockingham Friday night and suffered their first loss in conference play since the South eastern AA conference was or ganized three years ago. ? * ? Chairman T.D. McPhaul of the Hoke County commissioners and County Accountant J.W. McPhaul attended a meeting of Moore County commissioners in Carthage Friday night to discuss the separa tion of Little River Township from Hoke County and its addition to Moore County. 15 years ago Thursday, February 2, 1967 A group of Raeford citizens will petition the town board Monday night to established a housing authority to provide low-rent dwell ing for impoverished families. * * * Col. W.L. Poole has been named "Man of the Year" by the Raeford Kiwanis Club for 1966. ? * * Raeford merchants have lodged a strong protest against Chamber CORRECTION The Line "5 lbs. or more" in T-Bone Steak" area in Jackson's FMA ad on page 14 is in error This Line Should Have Been Placed in the area for "Fatback" treafood tMl oz. WHY PAY 2.11? BONUS BUY 1 27 ALKA SELTZER 'J> ?r*o*t?t ? ?oar *cm(I ????? V -? ? but 121 ONE-A-DAY VITAMINS C500MG 60's WHY MY 5.44? BONUS Q07 BUY O ' com c mo ^ ? I ft FLINTSTONE'S VITAMINS Reg. 60 s BONUS Q 1 7 BUY A CONGESPIRIN Toblets 36's WHY PAY 1.51? BONUS BUY 94*